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adding initial draft of code to do turbulence risk and lightning risk plots...

adding initial draft of code to do turbulence risk and lightning risk plots for overshooting tops; turbulence risk is mostly finished while lightning risk has dummy code where it needs an algorithm to separate the percentages of risk based on brightness temperature; also added date/time information to all ot plots

git-svn-id: 8a9318a1-56ba-4d59-b755-99d26321be01
parent 6137d75c
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......@@ -93,6 +93,23 @@ color_data = {
light_trajectory_pressure_color_map = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('lightTrajPressCM', color_data, 256)
lightningColorMapData = { 'red': ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
(0.25, 1.00, 1.00),
(0.5, 1.00, 1.00),
(0.75, 1.00, 0.00),
(1.00, 0.00, 0.00)),
'green': ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
(0.25, 0.00, 0.00),
(0.5, 0.00, 1.00),
(0.75, 1.00, 0.55),
(1.00, 0.55, 0.55)),
'blue': ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
(0.25, 1.00, 0.00),
(0.5, 0.00, 0.00),
(0.75, 0.00, 0.00),
(1.00, 0.00, 0.00)) }
lightningColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('lightningColorMap', lightningColorMapData, 256)
def _check_requested_projection (projection, doWarn=True, fileDescription="") :
Check the requested projection, issuing a warning if it is not available and doWarn is true
......@@ -475,14 +492,16 @@ def _create_imapp_figure (initAODdata, initLongitudeData, initLatitu
return figure
def _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, centersMask, longitudeData, latitudeData, colormap=cm.jet) :
def _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, centersMask, longitudeData, latitudeData, colormap=cm.jet,
plotWarningCircles=False, warningDistance=25.0, useDarkBackground=False, title="Overshooting Tops/Thermal Couplets",
datetime=None) :
Plot the thermal couplet centers using a mask that identifies where they are
TODO, this is not finished at all
# build the basic map plot plot
axes, figure = _build_basic_figure_with_map (basemapObject, parallelWidth=5.0, meridianWidth=5.0, useDarkBackground=False,)
axes, figure = _build_basic_figure_with_map (basemapObject, parallelWidth=5.0, meridianWidth=5.0, useDarkBackground=useDarkBackground,)
# build extra info to go to the map plotting function
kwargs = { }
......@@ -495,19 +514,75 @@ def _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, centersMask, longitudeData, l
centersLon = longitudeData[centersMask]
centersLat = latitudeData[centersMask]
tempX, tempY = basemapObject(centersLon, centersLat)
p = basemapObject.plot(tempX, tempY, 'bs')
# if our colorbar has limits set those
#if colorbarLimits is not None :
# clim(vmin=colorbarLimits[0], vmax=colorbarLimits[-1])
# make a color bar
#cbar = colorbar(format='%.3g')
# add the units to the colorbar
#if str.lower(str(units)) != "none" :
# cbar.set_label(units)
# if we're just plotting the positions of the centers, do that
if not plotWarningCircles :
p = basemapObject.plot(tempX, tempY, 'bo', markersize=3.0)
else : # otherwise we must be plotting circles to warn where something could happen!
# TODO, this is not really the way this should work in the long run
degreesToUse = (warningDistance / 111.0) / 2.0 # TODO this is a very rough approximation of 1 degree latitude = 111 km, if needed do more complex math
for centerNum in range(len(centersLat)) :
p = basemapObject.tissot(centersLon[centerNum], centersLat[centerNum], degreesToUse, 100, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
# and some informational stuff
axes.set_title("Overshooting Tops/Thermal Couplets")
tempTitle = title
if datetime is not None :
tempTitle = title + ": " + datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M UTC")
return figure
def _create_lightning_risk_figure(basemapObject, riskAreasInfoList,
warningDistance=10.0, useDarkBackground=True, title="Lightning Risk",
colorbarLabel="Lightning Risk within 10 km of overshooting top (%)",
datetime=None) :
Plot areas of lightning risk colored based on the % chance of cloud-to-ground lightning
the riskAreasInfoList should be a list with entries in the form (lonArray, latArray, percentageChance, colorToPlotIn, alphaToPlotWith)
TODO, this is not finished at all
# build the basic map plot plot
axes, figure = _build_basic_figure_with_map (basemapObject, parallelWidth=5.0, meridianWidth=5.0, useDarkBackground=useDarkBackground,)
# build extra info to go to the map plotting function
kwargs = { }
# hang on to info about the percentages and their colors
riskPercentsColors = { }
# we're going to need to loop through all the sets to plot them
for (lonArray, latArray, percentageChance, colorToPlotIn, alphaToPlotWith) in riskAreasInfoList :
riskPercentsColors[percentageChance] = colorToPlotIn
# TODO, this is not really the way this should work in the long run
degreesToUse = (warningDistance / 111.0) # TODO this is a very rough approximation of 1 degree latitude = 111 km, if needed do more complex math
for centerNum in range(len(lonArray)) :
p = basemapObject.tissot(lonArray[centerNum], latArray[centerNum], degreesToUse, 100, facecolor=colorToPlotIn, alpha=alphaToPlotWith, lw=0)
# TODO, use riskPercentsColors to build a colorbar?
percentages = sorted(riskPercentsColors.keys())
tempMap = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=lightningColorMap)
tempMap.set_clim(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
tempMap.set_array([0.0, 1.0])
# this unfortunately leaves black tick marks on the bar itself, but it does let me separate it into four sections
colorBarToReturn = colorbar(tempMap, format='%.5g', orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, ticks=[(1./8.), (3./8.), (5./8.), (7./8.)])["70", "65", "50", "35"])
# TODO, for some reason python doesn't think that colorbar has an update_ticks?
#colorBarToReturn.locator = matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator([(1./8.), (3./8.), (5./8.), (7./8.)])
#colorBarToReturn.formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FixedFormatter(["70", "65", "50", "35"])
#for tempText in
# tempText.set_fontsize(5)
colorBarToReturn.set_label(colorbarLabel, fontsize=8)
# and some informational stuff
tempTitle = title
if datetime is not None :
tempTitle = title + ": " + datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M UTC")
return figure
......@@ -638,6 +713,7 @@ python -m glance.imapp_plot aodTraj
# create some masks to identify things about the data
centersMask = otQAFlag == 0
goodData = otPQIFlag == 1
goodCenters = centersMask & goodData
# get more display information TODO, this may not be used?
parallelWidth = options.parallelWidth
......@@ -646,21 +722,44 @@ python -m glance.imapp_plot aodTraj
# get the longitude and latitude information, then use that to figure out the viewing window
longitudeData = otFileObject.file_object["pixel_longitude"]
latitudeData = otFileObject.file_object["pixel_latitude"]
minLongitude = np.min(longitudeData)
maxLongitude = np.max(longitudeData)
minLatitude = np.min(latitudeData)
maxLatitude = np.max(latitudeData)
missingLonVal = otFileObject.file_object.missing_value("pixel_longitude")
missingLatVal = otFileObject.file_object.missing_value("pixel_latitude")
tempMaskLon = (longitudeData != missingLonVal) & goodCenters # for now only look at good data
tempMaskLat = (latitudeData != missingLatVal) & goodCenters # for now only look at good data
lonTemp = longitudeData[tempMaskLon]
latTemp = latitudeData [tempMaskLat]
minLongitude = np.min(lonTemp)
maxLongitude = np.max(lonTemp)
minLatitude = np.min(latTemp)
maxLatitude = np.max(latTemp)
# do some more lon / lat calculations
latRange = maxLatitude - minLatitude
lonRange = maxLongitude - minLongitude
centerLat = minLatitude + (latRange / 2.0)
centerLon = minLongitude + (lonRange / 2.0)
# TEMP expand the range by a bit to alow space around our good data points
minLatitude = minLatitude - (latRange / 4.0)
maxLatitude = maxLatitude + (latRange / 4.0)
minLongitude = minLongitude - (lonRange / 4.0)
maxLongitude = maxLongitude + (lonRange / 4.0)
# make sure the view window longitudes are in ranges that matplotlib will accept
minLongitude, maxLongitude, shouldModifyNegativeLons = _modify_view_window_longitudes(minLongitude, maxLongitude)
# TODO, haven't hooked up the boolean to control modification of negative longitudes yet
# get the base time information and translate it into a date time object
dateString = otFileObject.file_object.get_global_attribute("Image_Date")
timeString = otFileObject.file_object.get_global_attribute("Image_Time")
dateTimeStringTemp = str(dateString) + "." + str(timeString)
timeReferenceObject = None
try :
timeReferenceObject = datetime.strptime(dateTimeStringTemp, "1%y%j.%H%M%S")
except ValueError :
LOG.warn ("Unable to parse datetime from file. No datetime information will be displayed on images.")
timeReferenceObject = None
LOG.debug("image time information: " + str(timeReferenceObject))
# build a basemap"Building basemap object.")
projectionName = 'lcc' # use the Lambert Conformal projection; TODO at some point this will need to be checked with a global attribute
......@@ -672,7 +771,7 @@ python -m glance.imapp_plot aodTraj
# create a plot of the centers of the thermal couplets ("Creating plot of Overshooting Top center locations.")
tempFigure = _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, centersMask & goodData, longitudeData, latitudeData) # TODO, more will be needed here?
tempFigure = _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, goodCenters, longitudeData, latitudeData, datetime=timeReferenceObject) # TODO, more will be needed here?
# save the plot and then get rid of the local copy"Saving plot to disk.")
......@@ -680,6 +779,40 @@ python -m glance.imapp_plot aodTraj
tempFigure.savefig(figureNameAndPath, dpi=defaultValues['figureDPI'])
# create a plot of the turbulence around the centers ("Creating plot of Turbulence Risk.")
tempFigure = _create_thermal_couplets_figure(basemapObject, goodCenters, longitudeData, latitudeData,
plotWarningCircles=True, useDarkBackground=True, title="Turbulence Risk", datetime=timeReferenceObject) # TODO, more will be needed here?
# save the plot and then get rid of the local copy"Saving plot to disk.")
figureNameAndPath = os.path.join(options.outpath, "turbulenceRisk" + defaultValues['figureName']) # TODO, need a constant other than 'figureName'
tempFigure.savefig(figureNameAndPath, dpi=defaultValues['figureDPI'])
# create a plot of the lightning risks near the centers ("Creating plot of Lightning Risk.")
tempLon = longitudeData[goodCenters]
tempLat = latitudeData[goodCenters]
LOG.debug ("Number of OT centers: " + str(tempLat.size))
# the riskAreas should be a list with entries in the form (lonArray, latArray, percentageChance, colorToPlotIn, alphaToPlotWith)
# TODO this is temp test code to make dummy data and is very fragile
riskAreas = [ ]
if tempLat.size > 0 :
riskAreas = [(tempLon[ : 5], tempLat[ : 5], 65, 'red', 0.75),
(tempLon[ 5:10], tempLat[ 5:10], 50, 'yellow', 0.75),
(tempLon[10:20], tempLat[10:20], 70, 'magenta', 0.75),
(tempLon[20: ], tempLat[20: ], 35, 'green', 0.75)] # TODO, this is just some dummy data to test it
tempFigure = _create_lightning_risk_figure(basemapObject, riskAreas, datetime=timeReferenceObject)
# save the plot and then get rid of the local copy"Saving plot to disk.")
figureNameAndPath = os.path.join(options.outpath, "lightningRisk" + defaultValues['figureName']) # TODO, need a constant other than 'figureName'
tempFigure.savefig(figureNameAndPath, dpi=defaultValues['figureDPI'])
def aodTraj(*args):
"""plot AOD trajectory frames
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