from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import rrdtool
import numpy as np
from import (wind_vector_degrees, to_unix_timestamp,
def dewpoint(tempC, relhum):
Algorithm from Tom Whittaker tempC is the temperature in degrees Celsius,
relhum is the relative humidity as a percentage.
:param tempC: temperature in celsius
:param relhum: relative humidity as a percentage
gasconst = 461.5
latheat = 2500800.0
dp = (1.0 / (1.0 / (273.15 + tempC) - gasconst * np.log((0.0 + relhum) / 100) / (latheat - tempC * 2397.5)))
return np.minimum(dp - 273.15, tempC)
class ModelError(Exception):
"""Base class for model errors.
class WrapErrors(object):
"""Class wrapper to catch exceptions and properly re-raise them such that
the only exceptions to propagate are `ModelError`s. Essentially, this
prevents anyone from having to import rrdtool lib.
def __init__(self, *exceptions):
self.exceptions = exceptions
def __call__(self, cls):
def _wrap(fcn):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return fcn(*args, **kwargs)
except self.exceptions as err:
traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
raise ModelError, str(err), traceback
return wrapped
for name in dir(cls):
value = getattr(cls, name)
if not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(value, '__call__'):
setattr(cls, name, _wrap(value))
return cls
class RrdModel(object):
"""Model for storing the Level0 uncalibrated data for non-scientific
purposes, such as web-widgets.
def __init__(self, filepath):
self._filepath = filepath
def datasets(self):
"""Get dataset names available in the database.
if self._datasets is None:
datasets = set()
info =
for key in info.keys():
match = re.match('^ds\[(.*)\]', key)
if not match:
self._datasets = tuple(sorted(datasets))
return self._datasets
def averaging_intervals(self):
"""Lazy load averaging intervals from database.
if not self._averages:
info =
for key in info.keys():
if key.startswith('rra') and key.endswith('pdp_per_row'):
averages.add(int(info[key] * info['step']))
self._averages = tuple(sorted(averages))
"""Create a new empty RRD database.
assert not os.path.exists(self._filepath), "DB already exists"
start = start or (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days))
# normalize start to data interval
def _format_data(self, stamp, data):
"""Format data for insert into RRD.
values = ':'.join([str(data[k]) for k in self.datasets])
values = '{:d}@{}'.format(to_unix_timestamp(stamp), values)
return values
def _record_to_data(self, record):
"""Turn a tower record into database data.
expected_keys = set(self.datasets) - {'winddir_north', 'winddir_east'}
missing_keys = expected_keys - set(record.keys())
if missing_keys:
raise ModelError("Missing datasets %s" % missing_keys)
data = {}
wspd, wdir = (float(record.wind_speed), float(record.wind_dir))
winds = wind_vector_components(wspd, wdir)
data['winddir_east'] = winds[0]
data['winddir_north'] = winds[1]
data['wind_speed'] = winds[2]
if name in record:
data[name] = record[name]
return data
"""Add a single record to the database.
# Normalize to data interval
utime = to_unix_timestamp(record.get_stamp())
stamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utime - utime % self.DATA_INTERVAL)
data = self._record_to_data(record)
def get_slice(self, start, end, names=None, average=5):
:param start: Start time as datetime
:param end: Inclusive end time as datetime
:param names: Names to query for, defaults to all available, see ``datasets``
:param average: Averaging interval supported by the database, see ``averaging_intervals``.
if average not in self.averaging_intervals():
raise ValueError("Invalid average:%d", average)
names = names or self.datasets[:]
if isinstance(start, datetime):
start = to_unix_timestamp(start)
if isinstance(end, datetime):
end = to_unix_timestamp(end)
# normalize request times to averaging interval
start -= start % average
end -= end % average
# we always get all the data, no matter what was requested
range, columns, rawdata = rrdtool.fetch(self._filepath,
'-r {:d}'.format(average),
'-s {:d}'.format(start),
'-e {:d}'.format(end))
src_data = np.array(rawdata)
# NaN filled matrix of shape big enough for the request names
dst_data = np.zeros((src_data.shape[0], len(names))) * float('nan')
# get only the columns we're interested in
for dst_idx, name in enumerate(names):
if name in columns:
dst_data[:, dst_idx] = src_data[:, columns.index(name)]
# we compute dewpoint since it wasn't always available
if name == 'dewpoint':
temp = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('air_temp')].astype(np.float64)
rh = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('rh')].astype(np.float64)
dst_data[:, dst_idx] = dewpoint(temp, rh)
# get the wind direction in degrees from the vector components
elif name == 'wind_dir':
east = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('winddir_east')].astype(np.float64)
north = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('winddir_north')].astype(np.float64)
dst_data[:, dst_idx] = wind_vector_degrees(east, north)
# generate column of times for the req average interval
times = np.array([np.arange(start, end + average, average)])
return np.concatenate((times.T, dst_data), axis=1)