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Commit c7094fc0 authored by Bruce Flynn's avatar Bruce Flynn
Browse files

Working to create RRD database.

parent 8b3ab15c
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\ No newline at end of file
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import rrdtool
import numpy as np
from .time import to_unix_timestamp
from .wind import mean_wind_vector_degrees
def dewpoint(tempC, relhum):
Algorithm from Tom Whittaker tempC is the temperature in degrees Celsius,
relhum is the relative humidity as a percentage.
:param tempC: temperature in celsius
:param relhum: relative humidity as a percentage
gasconst = 461.5
latheat = 2500800.0
dp = (1.0 / (1.0 / (273.15 + tempC)
- gasconst * np.log((0.0 + relhum) / 100) / (latheat - tempC * 2397.5)))
return np.minimum(dp - 273.15, tempC)
class RrdModel(object):
keys = ['air_temp', 'rh', 'dewpoint',
'wind_speed', 'winddir_north', 'winddir_east',
'pressure', 'precip', 'accum_precip', 'solar_flux',
def __init__(self, filepath):
self._filepath = filepath
def initialize(self, start=None):
start = start or - timedelta(days=365)
secs = to_unix_timestamp(start)
def _print(self, record):
stamp = record.get_stamp()
values = ':'.join([str(record[k]) for k in self.keys])
values = '{:d}:{}'.format(to_unix_timestamp(stamp), values)
print values
def get_slice(self, start, end, names=None, average=5):
names = names or self.keys[:]
if isinstance(start, datetime):
start = to_unix_timestamp(start)
if isinstance(end, datetime):
end = to_unix_timestamp(end)
# normalize request times to averaging interval
start -= start % average
end -= end % average
range, columns, rawdata = rrdtool.fetch(self._filepath,
'-r {:d}'.format(average),
'-s {:d}'.format(start),
'-e {:d}'.format(end))
src_data = np.array(rawdata)
dst_data = np.zeros((src_data.shape[0], len(names))) * float('nan')
# get only the columns we're interested in
for dst_idx, name in enumerate(names):
if name in columns:
dst_data[:,dst_idx] = src_data[:,columns.index(name)]
# we compute dewpoint since it wasn't always available
if name == 'dewpoint':
temp = src_data[:,self.keys.index('air_temp')].astype(np.float64)
rh = src_data[:,self.keys.index('rh')].astype(np.float64)
dst_data[:,dst_idx] = dewpoint(temp, rh)
# get the wind direction in degrees from the vector components
elif name == 'wind_dir':
east = src_data[:,self.keys.index('winddir_east')].astype(np.float64)
north = src_data[:,self.keys.index('winddir_north')].astype(np.float64)
dst_data[:,dst_idx] = mean_wind_vector_degrees(east, north)
times = np.array([np.arange(start, end + average, average)])
return np.concatenate((times.T, dst_data), axis=1)
# coding=utf-8
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy
from .time import hhmm_to_secs
symbols = {
'TIME': {'type': numpy.int32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': numpy.float32},
class LineParseError(BaseException):
"""Error parsing line of record data.
def raise_wrapped(cls, exception, msg=None):
import sys
traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
msg = msg or str(exception)
raise cls(msg), None, traceback
def parse_v0_record(line):
Key/Value (Before June 2 2012)
TIME: Seconds since Jan 1, 1970
ACCURAIN: Accumulated precipitation (mm)
TEMP107_4: Auxillary temperature*
LI200X: Solar Flux (w/m^2)
TEMP107_1: Box temperature*
RH41372: Relative humidity (%)
TEMP107_5: Auxillary temperature*
CS105: Box pressure*
PAROSCI: Pressure (hPa)
WSPD05305: Wind speed (m/s)
TEMP107_3: Axullary temperature*
CS10162: Box relative humidity*
RAIN380M: Precipitation (0.01in)
TEMP107_2: Outside box temperature*
TEMP41372: Air temperature (ºC)
WDIR05305: Wind direction (degrees)
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) != 32:
msg = "Expected 32 line parts, got {:d}".format(len(parts))
raise LineParseError(msg)
raw_data = {k:v for k, v in zip(parts[0::2], parts[1::2])}
time_str = raw_data['TIME']
unix_time = int(time_str)
except ValueError as err:
msg = "Could not parse unix time from {}".format(time_str)
LineParseError.raise_wrapped(err, msg)
stamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)
return stamp, raw_data
class RecordV1(dict):
CSV (June 2 2012 to ...)
Day of year
Box Presure*
ParoSci Air Temperature period*
ParoSci Pressure period*
ParoSci Air Temperature*
Pressure (hPa)
ParoSci Calc. Sig.*
Box relative humidity*
Box air temperature*
Auxillary Air Temp2*
Auxillary Air Temp3*
Auxillary Air Temp4*
Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction (degrees)
RH Shield Freq.*
Relative Humidity (%)
Air Temperature 6.3m (ºC)
Dewpoint (ºC)
RTD Shield Freq.*
Air temperature (ºC)
Solar Flux (w/m^s)
Precipitation (.01in)
Acumulated Precip (mm) *reset at 0z
Altimeter (inHg)
names = ['station_id', 'year', 'doy', 'hhmm', 'sec', 'box_pressure',
'paro_air_temp_period', 'paro_pressure_period', 'paro_air_temp',
'pressure', 'paro_cal_sig', 'box_rh', 'box_air_temp',
'air_temp_2', 'air_temp_3', 'air_temp_4', 'wind_speed', 'wind_dir',
'rh_shield_freq', 'rh', 'air_temp_6-3m', 'dewpoint',
'rtd_shield_freq', 'air_temp', 'solar_flux', 'precip',
'accum_precip', 'altimeter']
def __init__(self, line):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
parts = line.split(',')
if len(parts) != 29:
raise LineParseError("Expected 29 parts, got {:d}".format(len(parts)))
self.update({k: v for k, v in zip(self.names, parts)})
def __getattr__(self, name, default=None):
return self.get(name, default)
def get_stamp(self):
year = int(self['year'])
doy = int(self['doy'])
dt = datetime.strptime('{:d}.{:03d}'.format(int(year), int(doy)), '%Y.%j')
secs = hhmm_to_secs(self['hhmm'])
secs += float(self['sec'])
secs -= (secs % 5)
dt += timedelta(seconds=secs)
return dt
from numpy import *
schema_v0 = {
'TIME': {'type': int32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'name': 'accumulated_precipitation',
'description': 'Accumulated precipitation',
'units': 'mm'},
'TEMP107_4': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'name': 'box_temp',
'description': 'Auxiliary temperature',
'units': 'degC'},
'LI200X': {'type': float32,
'name': 'solar_flux',
'description': 'Solar flux',
'units': 'w*m^-2'},
'TEMP107_1': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'name': 'box_temp',
'description': 'Temp inside the data logger enclosure',
'units': 'degC'},
'RH41372': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'relative_humidity',
'name': 'rh',
'description': 'Relative humidity',
'units': '%'},
'TEMP107_5': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'description': 'Auxiliary temperature',
'name': 'air_temp5',
'units': 'degC'},
'CS105': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
'name': 'box_pressure',
'description': 'Air pressure inside the data logger enclosure',
'units': 'hPa'},
'PAROSCI': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
'name': 'pressure',
'description': 'Air pressure measured by ParoScientific sensor',
'units': 'hPa'},
'WSPD05305': {'type': float32,
'standard_name': 'wind_speed',
'name': 'wind_speed',
'description': 'Wind speed',
'units': 'm/s'},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32},
'ACCURAIN': {'type': float32},
\ No newline at end of file
from datetime import datetime
def test_to_unix_timestamp():
from aosstower.time import to_unix_timestamp
assert to_unix_timestamp(datetime(1970, 1, 1)) == 0
def test_hhmm_to_secs():
from aosstower.time import hhmm_to_secs
assert hhmm_to_secs('2400') == 86400, "Can't handle > 23:59"
assert hhmm_to_secs('2401') == 86460, "Can't handle > 23:59"
assert hhmm_to_secs('0') == 0, "Can't handle short times"
assert hhmm_to_secs('001') == 60, "Can't handle leading 0"
import unittest
class MeanVectorAverageTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _fut(self, input_windspd, input_winddir):
from aosstower.wind import mean_wind_vector
return mean_wind_vector(input_windspd, input_winddir)
def test_scalar_input(self):
for wdir, wspd in [(0, 20), (90, 20), (180, 20), (270, 20)]:
output_speed, output_dir = self._fut(wspd, wdir)
self.assertEqual(wdir, output_dir)
self.assertEqual(wspd, 20)
def test_array_input(self):
for wdir, wspd in [([0, 90, 180, 270],[10, 10, 10, 10])]:
output_speed, output_winddir = self._fut(wspd, wdir)
self.assertEqual(wdir, output_winddir.tolist())
self.assertEqual(wspd, output_speed.tolist())
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def to_unix_timestamp(dt):
return int(timegm(dt.utctimetuple()))
def hhmm_to_secs(hhmm):
val = int(hhmm)
hhmm = '{:04d}'.format(int(hhmm))
return timedelta(hours=int(hhmm[0:2]),
import numpy as np
def mean_wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir):
"""Decompose scalar or list/array wind direction and speed data into the
corresponding horizontal and vertical direction components and speed
dir_rad = np.deg2rad(winddir)
V_e = windspd * np.sin(dir_rad)
V_n = windspd * np.cos(dir_rad)
U_spd = (V_e**2 + V_n**2)**0.5
return V_e, V_n, U_spd
def mean_wind_vector_degrees(vector_east, vector_north):
"""Re-compose horizontal (east/west) and vertical (north/south) vector
components into wind direction in degrees.
rads = np.arctan2(vector_east, vector_north)
winddir = np.rad2deg(rads)
if isinstance(winddir, np.ndarray):
winddir[np.less(winddir, 0)] += 360
elif winddir < 0:
winddir += 360
return winddir
def mean_wind_vector(windspd, winddir):
"""Compute the mean wind vector.
See: Campbell Scientific CR1000 Manual Section
vector_east, vector_north, vector_speed = \
mean_wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir)
return vector_speed, mean_wind_vector_degrees(vector_east, vector_north)
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import glob
from datetime import datetime
from aosstower.record import RecordV1, LineParseError
from aosstower.model import RrdModel
from aosstower import wind
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
model = RrdModel(args.db)
model.initialize(datetime(2013, 1, 1))
for filepath in glob.glob(args.path):
print >> sys.stderr, filepath
for line in open(filepath).readlines():
if not line.strip():
record = RecordV1(line)
except LineParseError as err:
windspd = float(record['wind_speed'])
winddir = float(record['wind_dir'])
u_e, u_n, spd = wind.mean_wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir)
record['winddir_east'] = u_e
record['winddir_north'] = u_n
record['wind_speed'] = spd
except Exception as err:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rrdtool create aoss_tower.rrd \
--start=1356890400 \
--step=5 \
DS:air_temp:GAUGE:10:-40:50 \
DS:rh:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
DS:dewpoint:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
DS:wind_speed:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
DS:winddir_north:GAUGE:10:-100:100 \
DS:winddir_east:GAUGE:10:-100:100 \
DS:pressure:GAUGE:10:0:1100 \
DS:precip:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
DS:accum_precip:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
DS:solar_flux:GAUGE:10:0:1000 \
DS:altimeter:GAUGE:10:0:100 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:6307200 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:525600 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:105120 \
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from aosstower.model import RrdModel
averages = {
3: 60,
6: 60,
12: 300,
18: 300,
24: 300
def main(db, outfile, vars, hours):
model = RrdModel(db)
average = averages[hours]
start = datetime(2013, 4, 1)
end = start + timedelta(hours=hours)
data = model.get_slice(start,
fptr = open(outfile, 'wt')
fptr.write('Time,' + ','.join(vars) + '\n')
for row in data:
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(row[0])
fptr.write(dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
for val in row[1:]:
if val is None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('hours', type=int, default=3, choices=[3, 6, 12, 18, 24])
parser.add_argument('var', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()
print args.var
main(args.db, args.outfile, args.var, args.hours)
......@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@ except ImportError:
from ez_setup import use_setuptools
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import versiontools_support
description='UW AOSS Rooftop Instrument Group Met Tower',
......@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ setup(
'metobs.db >= 0.4dev-r1724',
0% Loading or .
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