@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Glance provides powerful analysis tools for data sets that can be mapped to the
Glance also handles automatic validation testing through configurable pass/fail criteria and summary reports that can be generated for compared files.
Documentation for Glance is currently being migrated to the Wiki associated with this GitLab repository. Documentation that has not yet been migrated is visible in the (SSEC Groups Page)[https://groups.ssec.wisc.edu/groups/goes-r/algorithm-working-group/resources-and-recipes/glance-large-dataset-comparison-tools-1].
Documentation for Glance is currently being migrated to the Wiki associated with this GitLab repository. Documentation that has not yet been migrated is visible in the [SSEC Groups Page](https://groups.ssec.wisc.edu/groups/goes-r/algorithm-working-group/resources-and-recipes/glance-large-dataset-comparison-tools-1).