Eva Schiffer authoredEva Schiffer authored
setup.py 986 B
#!/usr/bin/env python
see http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools
note: if you want to develop this code and run from code on the command line,
please run the following line when you update to a new version of the code.
python setup.py develop
python setup.py develop
python setup.py sdist
python setup.py bdist_egg
(cd dist; rsync -Cuav * webaccess.ssec.wisc.edu:/webdata/web/larch/htdocs/eggs/repos/uwglance)
python setup.py install
easy_install -U -vi http://larch.ssec.wisc.edu/eggs/repos uwglance
# changed to support egg distribution
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
setup( name="uwglance",
zip_safe = False,
entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'glance = glance.compare:main' ] },
packages = ['glance'], #find_packages('.'),
install_requires=[ 'numpy', 'matplotlib', 'cartopy', 'scipy', 'mako', 'pillow', ],
package_data = {'': ['*.txt', '*.gif']}