Eva Schiffer authoredEva Schiffer authored
load.py 16.78 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
This module handles loading data for some of the top level comparison
Created by evas Dec 2012.
Copyright (c) 2012 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
import logging
#from pycdf import CDFError
import numpy
import glance.delta as delta
import glance.data as dataobj
import glance.io as io
import glance.graphics as maps
from glance.util import get_percentage_from_mask
from glance.lonlat_util import check_lon_lat_equality, compare_spatial_invalidity
from glance.constants import *
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_and_analyze_lon_lat (fileObject,
latitudeVariableName, longitudeVariableName,
latitudeDataFilterFn=None, longitudeDataFilterFn=None,
alternateFilePath=None, fileDescriptior="") :
get the longitude and latitude data from the given file, assuming they are in the given variable names
and analyze them to identify spacially invalid data (ie. data that would fall off the earth)
This may result in a ValueError if the variable cannot be loaded.
# for the a file, do we have an alternate?
fileToUse = fileObject
if alternateFilePath is not None :
LOG.info("Loading alternate file (" + alternateFilePath
+ ") for file " + fileDescriptior + " longitude/latitude.")
fileToUse = dataobj.FileInfo(alternateFilePath)
# get the longitude
LOG.info ('longitude name: ' + longitudeVariableName)
lonObject = load_data_object (fileToUse, longitudeVariableName,
# get the latitude
LOG.info ('latitude name: ' + latitudeVariableName)
latObject = load_data_object (fileToUse, latitudeVariableName,
# we are going to have issues with our comparision if they aren't the same shape
LOG.debug('latitude shape: ' + str(latObject.data.shape))
LOG.debug('longitude shape: ' + str(lonObject.data.shape))
assert (latObject.data.shape == lonObject.data.shape)
# build a mask of our spacially invalid data
spaciallyInvalidMask = latObject.masks.ignore_mask | lonObject.masks.ignore_mask
# analyze our spacially invalid data
percentageOfSpaciallyInvalidPts, numberOfSpaciallyInvalidPts = get_percentage_from_mask(spaciallyInvalidMask)
spatialStatInfo = {
TOTAL_NUM_INVALID_PTS_KEY: numberOfSpaciallyInvalidPts,
PERCENT_INVALID_PTS_KEY: percentageOfSpaciallyInvalidPts
return lonObject, latObject, spatialStatInfo
def handle_lon_lat_info (lon_lat_settings, a_file_object, b_file_object, output_path,
should_make_images=False, should_check_equality=True,
fullDPI=None, thumbDPI=None) :
Manage loading and comparing longitude and latitude information for two files
This may result in a ValueError if the longitude or latitude cannot be loaded.
This may result in a VariableComparisonError if the longitude or latitude cannot be compared due to size.
# a place to save some general stats about our lon/lat data
spatialInfo = { }
# if there is no lon/lat specified, stop now
if ( (LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY not in lon_lat_settings) or (LATITUDE_NAME_KEY not in lon_lat_settings)
or ((USE_NO_LON_OR_LAT_VARS_KEY in lon_lat_settings) and lon_lat_settings[USE_NO_LON_OR_LAT_VARS_KEY]) ) :
return { }, { }
# if we should not be comparing against the logitude and latitude, stop now
LOG.debug ('lon_lat_settings: ' + str(lon_lat_settings))
# figure out the names to be used for the longitude and latitude variables
a_longitude_name = lon_lat_settings[LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY]
a_latitude_name = lon_lat_settings[LATITUDE_NAME_KEY]
b_longitude_name = lon_lat_settings[LON_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY] if LON_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY in lon_lat_settings else a_longitude_name
b_latitude_name = lon_lat_settings[LAT_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY] if LAT_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY in lon_lat_settings else a_latitude_name
# if we need to load our lon/lat from different files, open those files
longitude_a_object, latitude_a_object, spatialInfo[A_FILE_TITLE_KEY] = \
_get_and_analyze_lon_lat (a_file_object,
a_latitude_name, a_longitude_name,
alternateFilePath=lon_lat_settings[LONLAT_ALT_FILE_A_KEY] if (LONLAT_ALT_FILE_A_KEY in lon_lat_settings) else None,
longitude_b_object, latitude_b_object, spatialInfo[B_FILE_TITLE_KEY] = \
_get_and_analyze_lon_lat (b_file_object,
b_latitude_name, b_longitude_name,
alternateFilePath=lon_lat_settings[LONLAT_ALT_FILE_B_KEY] if (LONLAT_ALT_FILE_B_KEY in lon_lat_settings) else None,
# make sure our lon and lat are cleaned up
maps.clean_lon_and_lat(longitude_a_object, latitude_a_object, )
maps.clean_lon_and_lat(longitude_b_object, latitude_b_object, )
# if we need to, test the level of equality of the "valid" values in our lon/lat
if should_check_equality :
moreSpatialInfo = check_lon_lat_equality(longitude_a_object, latitude_a_object,
longitude_b_object, latitude_b_object,
should_make_images, output_path,
fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
# update our existing spatial information
# compare our spatially invalid info to see if the two files have invalid longitudes and latitudes in the same places
spaciallyInvalidMask, spatialInfo, longitude_common, latitude_common = \
compare_spatial_invalidity(longitude_a_object, longitude_b_object,
latitude_a_object, latitude_b_object,
spatialInfo, should_make_images, output_path,
fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
spaciallyInvalidMask = None
longitude_common = None
latitude_common = None
# FUTURE, return the lon/lat objects instead?
return {
LON_KEY: longitude_a_object.data,
LAT_KEY: latitude_a_object.data,
INVALID_MASK_KEY: longitude_a_object.masks.ignore_mask,
LON_FILL_VALUE_KEY: longitude_a_object.fill_value,
LAT_FILL_VALUE_KEY: latitude_a_object.fill_value
LON_KEY: longitude_b_object.data,
LAT_KEY: latitude_b_object.data,
INVALID_MASK_KEY: longitude_b_object.masks.ignore_mask,
LON_FILL_VALUE_KEY: longitude_b_object.fill_value,
LAT_FILL_VALUE_KEY: latitude_b_object.fill_value
LON_KEY: longitude_common,
LAT_KEY: latitude_common,
INVALID_MASK_KEY: spaciallyInvalidMask
}, \
def handle_lon_lat_info_for_one_file (lon_lat_settings, file_object) :
Manage loading longitude and latitude information for a file
This may result in a ValueError if the longitude or latitude cannot be loaded.
# if there is no lon/lat specified, stop now
if ( (LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY not in lon_lat_settings) or (LATITUDE_NAME_KEY not in lon_lat_settings)
or ((USE_NO_LON_OR_LAT_VARS_KEY in lon_lat_settings) and lon_lat_settings[USE_NO_LON_OR_LAT_VARS_KEY]) ) :
return { }, { }
# print our settings for debugging purposes
LOG.debug ('lon_lat_settings: ' + str(lon_lat_settings))
# figure out the names to be used for the longitude and latitude variables
lon_name = lon_lat_settings[LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY]
lat_name = lon_lat_settings[LATITUDE_NAME_KEY ]
# load our lon/lat data
lon_object, lat_object, spatialInfo = \
_get_and_analyze_lon_lat (file_object,
lat_name, lon_name,
alternateFilePath=lon_lat_settings[LONLAT_ALT_FILE_A_KEY] if (LONLAT_ALT_FILE_A_KEY in lon_lat_settings) else None)
# make sure our lon and lat are cleaned up
maps.clean_lon_and_lat(lon_object, lat_object, )
# FUTURE, return the lon/lat objects instead?
return {
LON_KEY: lon_object.data,
LAT_KEY: lat_object.data,
INVALID_MASK_KEY: lon_object.masks.ignore_mask | lat_object.masks.ignore_mask,
LON_FILL_VALUE_KEY: lon_object.fill_value,
LAT_FILL_VALUE_KEY: lat_object.fill_value
}, \
def open_and_process_files (fileNames):
open files listed in the args and get information about the variables in them
# open all the files & get their variable names
files = {}
commonNames = None
for fileName in fileNames:
LOG.info("opening %s" % fileName)
files[fileName] = {}
tempFileObject = (io.open(fileName))
files[fileName][FILE_OBJECT_KEY] = tempFileObject
tempNames = set(tempFileObject())
LOG.debug ('variable names for ' + fileName + ': ' + str(tempNames))
files[fileName][FILE_VARIABLE_NAMES_KEY] = tempNames
commonNames = tempNames if commonNames is None else commonNames.intersection(tempNames)
files[COMMON_VAR_NAMES_KEY] = commonNames
return files
class ValueErrorStringToFloat(Exception):
def load_variable_data(fileObject, variableNameInFile,
correctForAWIPS=False) :
load data for a variable from a file
optionally filter the variable data based on a data filter or another variable
dataFilter must be in the form of (lambda data: some manipulation returning the new data)
variableBasedFilter must be in the form of (lambda data, filterData: some manipulation returning the new data))
variableData = None
exceptionToRaise = None
# get the data for the variable
LOG.debug("loading basic data for variable " + variableNameInFile + " from " + fileDescriptionForDisplay)
if fileObject is None :
exceptionToRaise = ValueError("File was not properly opened so variable '" + variableNameInFile + "' could not be loaded.")
else :
try :
variableData = numpy.array(fileObject[variableNameInFile]) if forceDType is None else numpy.array(fileObject[variableNameInFile], dtype=forceDType)
variableData = variableData.astype(numpy.uint8) if correctForAWIPS else variableData
except Exception as ex :
if type(ex) is ValueError and str(ex) == "could not convert string to float: ":
raise ValueErrorStringToFloat(str(ex))
import traceback
exceptionToRaise = ValueError('Unable to retrieve ' + variableNameInFile + ' data. The variable name' +
' may not exist in this file or an error may have occured while attempting to' +
' access the data. Details of file access error observed: ' + str(ex))
# if we ended up with an exception, raise that now
if exceptionToRaise is not None :
raise exceptionToRaise
# apply the basic filter if there is one
if dataFilter is not None :
LOG.debug ("applying filter function to data from " + fileDescriptionForDisplay + " for variable " + variableNameInFile)
variableData = dataFilter(variableData)
# if we've got another variable to filter on, do that
if (variableToFilterOn is not None) and (variableBasedFilter is not None) :
LOG.debug ("filtering data from " + fileDescriptionForDisplay + " for variable " + variableNameInFile
+ " based on additional data from variable " + variableToFilterOn)
fileToUseTemp = fileObject
if altVariableFileObject is not None :
fileToUseTemp = altVariableFileObject # TODO, is this the right kind of object?
dataToFilterOn = fileToUseTemp[variableToFilterOn]
variableData = variableBasedFilter(variableData, dataToFilterOn)
return variableData
def load_data_object (fileObject, variableNameInFile,
fileDescriptionForDisplay="file") :
load the data and put it into an appropriate DataObject
Note: the rangeMin and rangeMax are the minimum and maximum acceptable data
values used to calculate the invalid data mask
# get the data from the file
rawData = load_variable_data(fileObject.file_object,
# get the fill value
fillValue = fileObject.file_object.missing_value(variableNameInFile)
# build a mask of invalid data
invalidMask = ~numpy.isfinite(rawData)
if rangeMin is not None :
invalidMask |= rawData < rangeMin
if rangeMax is not None :
invalidMask |= rawData > rangeMax
if fillValue is not None :
invalidMask |= rawData == fillValue
return dataobj.DataObject(rawData, fillValue=fillValue, ignoreMask=invalidMask)
def get_UV_info_from_magnitude_direction_info(fileObject, magnitudeName, directionName, invalidMask=None) :
If there are magnitude and direction names, load that information and calculate the u and v that correspond to it
# if we don't have magnitude and direction, we can't calculate the U and V values
if (magnitudeName is None) or (directionName is None) :
return None, None
# load the magnitude and direction data sets
magnitude = load_variable_data(fileObject, magnitudeName)
direction = load_variable_data(fileObject, directionName)
# convert the magnitude and direction data into u and v vectors
uData, vData = delta.convert_mag_dir_to_U_V_vector(magnitude, direction, invalidMask=invalidMask)
return uData, vData
if __name__=='__main__':