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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
This module manages creating figures for the Glance GUI.

Created by evas Nov 2011.
Copyright (c) 2011 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.

# these first two lines must stay before the pylab import
import matplotlib
# Note: it's assumed that you've already set up this use previously
#matplotlib.use('Qt4Agg') # use the Qt Anti-Grain Geometry rendering engine

from pylab import *

import     as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors

import logging
import numpy as np

import      as dataobjects
import glance.figures   as figures
import glance.gui_model as model
# colormaps that are available in the GUI
# TODO, if this changes the list of colormap names in the constants module needs to be kept up
                       CM_GRAY:          cm.gray}
class GlanceGUIFigures (object) :
    This class handles creating figures for the glance gui.
    (in future it may manage them more actively)
    it includes:
    self.dataModel      - the GlanceGUIModel object that contains the main data
                          model for the GUI
    self.errorHandlers  - objects that want to be notified when there's a serious error
    def __init__ (self, dataModelToSave) :
        create a figure manager, hanging on to the data model, for use in creating figures
        self.dataModel     = dataModelToSave
        self.errorHandlers = [ ]
    def registerErrorHandler (self, objectToRegister) :
        add the given object to our list of error handlers
        if objectToRegister not in self.errorHandlers :
    def _getVariableInformation (self, filePrefix) :
        Pull the name, data, and units for the variable currently selected in the given file prefix
        selectedVariableName = self.dataModel.getVariableName(filePrefix)
        dataObject           = self.dataModel.getVariableData(filePrefix, selectedVariableName)
        unitsText            = self.dataModel.getUnitsText(filePrefix, selectedVariableName)
        if dataObject is not None :
        return selectedVariableName, dataObject, unitsText
    def _getVariableInfoSmart (self, filePrefix, imageType) :
        if appropriate for the image type, get information on the variable, otherwise return None's
        varName, dataObject, unitsText = None, None, None
        # only load the data if it will be needed for the plot
        if ((imageType == model.ORIGINAL_A) and (filePrefix == "A") or
            (imageType == model.ORIGINAL_B) and (filePrefix == "B") or
            (imageType in model.COMPARISON_IMAGES)) :
            varName, dataObject, unitsText = self._getVariableInformation(filePrefix)
        return varName, dataObject, unitsText
    def _buildDiffInfoObjectSmart (self, imageType, dataObjectA, dataObjectB, varNameA, varNameB,
                                   epsilon_value=None, epsilon_percent=None) :
        if appropriate for the image type, build the difference object, otherwise return None
        this method may rase an IncompatableDataObjects exception if the two data objects it's given can't be compared
        diffObject = None
        # only build the difference if we need to compare the data
        if imageType in model.COMPARISON_IMAGES :
            # check to see if our data is minimally compatable; this call may raise an IncompatableDataObjects exception
            dataobjects.DiffInfoObject.verifyDataCompatability (dataObjectA, dataObjectB, varNameA, varNameB)
            # compare our data
            diffObject = dataobjects.DiffInfoObject(dataObjectA, dataObjectB,
                                                    epsilonValue=epsilon_value, epsilonPercent=epsilon_percent)
        return diffObject
    def spawnPlot (self) :
        create a matplotlib plot using the current model information
        this method may raise an IncompatableDataObjects exception if the a and b data
        are completely incomparable
        this method may also raise a ValueError if the data could not be plotted
        for reasons not encompassed by an IncompatableDataObjects exception
        imageType = self.dataModel.getImageType()
        dataForm  = self.dataModel.getDataForm() ("Preparing variable data for plotting...")
        aVarName, aDataObject, aUnitsText = self._getVariableInfoSmart("A", imageType)
        bVarName, bDataObject, bUnitsText = self._getVariableInfoSmart("B", imageType)
        diffData = self._buildDiffInfoObjectSmart(imageType,
                                                  aDataObject, bDataObject,
                                                  aVarName,    bVarName,
       "Spawning plot window: " + imageType)
        plt.ion() # make sure interactive plotting is on
        # create the plot
        if   imageType == model.ORIGINAL_A :
            # if the data doesn't exist, we can't make this plot
            if aDataObject is None :
                raise ValueError(NO_DATA_MESSAGE)
            tempFigure = figures.create_simple_figure(, aVarName + "\nin File A",
                                                      invalidMask=~aDataObject.masks.valid_mask, colorMap=cm.jet, units=aUnitsText)
            # TODO, this is a hack to show AWIPS data, make an option for this at some point on the second tab
            #tempFigure = figures.create_simple_figure(, aVarName + "\nin File A",
            #                                          invalidMask=~aDataObject.masks.valid_mask, colorMap=cm.bone, units=aUnitsText)
            # if the data doesn't exist, we can't make this plot
            if bDataObject is None :
                raise ValueError(NO_DATA_MESSAGE)
            tempFigure = figures.create_simple_figure(, bVarName + "\nin File B",
                                                      invalidMask=~bDataObject.masks.valid_mask, colorMap=cm.jet, units=bUnitsText)
        elif imageType in model.COMPARISON_IMAGES :
            # if we're making the absolute or raw difference image, do that
            if (imageType == model.ABS_DIFF) or (imageType == model.RAW_DIFF) :
                # now choose between the raw and abs diff
                dataToUse   =
                titlePrefix = "Value of (Data File B - Data File A)\nfor "
                if imageType == model.ABS_DIFF :
                    dataToUse   = np.abs(dataToUse)
                    titlePrefix = "Absolute value of difference\nin "
                tempFigure = figures.create_simple_figure(dataToUse, titlePrefix + aVarName,
                                                          colorMap=cm.jet, units=aUnitsText)
            elif imageType == model.MISMATCH :
                mismatchMask = diffData.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask
                tempFigure = figures.create_simple_figure(, "Areas of mismatch data\nin " + aVarName,
                                                          invalidMask=~aDataObject.masks.valid_mask, tagData=mismatchMask,
                                                          colorMap=figures.MEDIUM_GRAY_COLOR_MAP, units=aUnitsText)
            elif imageType == model.HISTOGRAM :
                rawDiffDataClean =[diffData.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask]
                tempFigure = figures.create_histogram(rawDiffDataClean, DEFAULT_NUM_BINS, "Difference in\n" + aVarName,
                                                      "Value of (B - A) at each data point", "Number of points with a given difference", units=aUnitsText)
            elif (imageType == model.SCATTER) or (imageType == model.HEX_PLOT) :
                tempCleanMask     = aDataObject.masks.valid_mask & bDataObject.masks.valid_mask
                aDataClean        =[tempCleanMask]
                bDataClean        =[tempCleanMask]
                if imageType == model.SCATTER :
                    cleanMismatchMask = diffData.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask[tempCleanMask]
                    figures.create_scatter_plot(aDataClean, bDataClean, "Value in File A vs Value in File B", 
                                        "File A Value in " + aVarName,
                                        "File B Value in " + bVarName,
                                        badMask=cleanMismatchMask, epsilon=self.dataModel.getEpsilon(),
                                        units_x=aUnitsText, units_y=bUnitsText)
                    tempFigure = figures.create_hexbin_plot(aDataClean, bDataClean,
                                                    "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
                                                    "File A Value in " + aVarName,
                                                    "File B Value in " + bVarName,
                                                    units_x=aUnitsText, units_y=bUnitsText)