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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Plotting routines for different types of figures using matplotlib

Created by evas Dec 2009.
Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.

# these first two lines must stay before the pylab import
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # use the Anti-Grain Geometry rendering engine

from pylab import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma 

import as maps
import    as delta
import   as report
import glance.stats    as statistics

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO this value is being used to work around a problem with the contourf
# and how it handles range boundaries. Find a better solution if at all possible.
offsetToRange = 0.0000000000000000001

# make an all green color map
greenColorMapData = {
    'red'   : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00)),
    'green' : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
               (1.0, 1.00, 1.00)),
    'blue'  : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00))
greenColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('greenColorMap', greenColorMapData, 256)

# todo, the use of the offset here is covering a problem with
# contourf hiding data exactly at the end of the range and should
# be removed if a better solution can be found
def _make_range(data_a, invalid_a_mask, num_intervals, offset_to_range=0.0, data_b=None, invalid_b_mask=None) :
    get an array with numbers representing the bounds of a set of ranges
    that covers all the data present in data_a
    (these may be used for plotting the data)
    if an offset is passed, the outtermost range will be expanded by that much
    if the b data is passed, a total range that encompasses both sets of
    data will be used
    minVal = delta.min_with_mask(data_a, ~invalid_a_mask)
    maxVal = delta.max_with_mask(data_a, ~invalid_a_mask)
    # if we have a second set of data, include it in the min/max calculations
    if (data_b is not None) :
        minVal = min(delta.min_with_mask(data_b, ~invalid_b_mask), minVal)
        maxVal = max(delta.max_with_mask(data_b, ~invalid_b_mask), maxVal)
    minVal = minVal - offset_to_range
    maxVal = maxVal + offset_to_range
    return np.linspace(minVal, maxVal, num_intervals)

def _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData) :
    This method will plot tag data listed as true in the
    tagData mask on the current figure. It is assumed that
    the correlation between the mask and the pixel coordinates
    is exact (ie. no translation is needed).
    The return will be the number of points plotted or
    -1 if no valid tagData was given.
    numTroublePoints = -1
    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
    if not (tagData is None) :
        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
        # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
        if numTroublePoints > 0:
            # figure out how many bad points there are
            totalNumPoints = tagData.size # the number of points
            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
            new_kwargs = {}
            new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
            cleanTagData = ma.array(tagData, mask=~tagData)
            p = contourf(cleanTagData, **new_kwargs)
            # TODO, need to incorporate plot for small numbers of pts
        # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
        troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
        # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
            troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
    return numTroublePoints

def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
    This method will plot the tagged data listed as true in the tagData mask
    on the current figure using the given basemap.
    A message will also be added below the map describing the number of
    points plotted, unless the addExplinationLabel variable is passed as False.
    The return will be the number of points plotted or
    -1 if no valid tagData was given.
    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
    numTroublePoints = -1
    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
    if (tagData is not None) and (tagData.size > 0) :
        # look at how many trouble points we have
        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
        neededHighlighting = False
        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
            # pick out the cooridinates of the points we want to plot
            newX = np.array(x[tagData])
            newY = np.array(y[tagData])
            # figure out how many bad points there are
            totalNumPoints = x.size # the number of points
            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
            # if there are very few points, make them easier to notice
            # by plotting some colored circles underneath them
            if (percentBad < 0.25) or (totalNumPoints < 20) :
                neededHighlighting = True
                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=5)
            elif (percentBad < 1.0) or (totalNumPoints < 200) :
                neededHighlighting = True
                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=3)
            # if there are way too many trouble points, we can't use plot for this
            if (numTroublePoints > 1000000) :
                new_kwargs = {}
                new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
                p = maps.show_x_y_data(x, y, bMap, data=tagData, **new_kwargs)
            else :
                # plot our point on top of the existing figure
                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, '.', color='#00FF00', markersize=1)
        if addExplinationLabel :
            # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
            # I'm not thrilled with this solution for getting it below the labels drawn by the basemap
            # but I don't think there's a better one at the moment given matplotlib's workings
            troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
            # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
            if numTroublePoints > 0 :
                troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
                if neededHighlighting :
                    troublePtString = troublePtString + '\nwith Purple Circles for Visual Clarity'
    return numTroublePoints

# build a scatter plot of the x,y points
def create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsilon=None) :
    # make the figure
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    # if we have "bad" data to plot, pull it out
    badX = None
    badY = None
    if (badMask != None) :
        badX = dataX[badMask]
        badY = dataY[badMask]
        dataX = dataX[~badMask]
        dataY = dataY[~badMask]
    # the scatter plot of the good data 
    axes.plot(dataX, dataY, 'b,', label='within\nepsilon')
    # plot the bad data
    numTroublePts = 0
    if (badX is not None) and (badY is not None) and (badMask is not None) :
        numTroublePts = badX.shape[0]
        LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points in scatter plot: ' + str(badX.shape[0]))
        if numTroublePts > 0 :
            axes.plot(badX, badY, 'r,', label='outside\nepsilon')
    # draw the line for the "perfect fit" 
    xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
    xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
    ybounds = axes.get_ybound()
    yrange = ybounds[1] - ybounds[0]
    perfect = [max(xbounds[0], ybounds[0]), min(xbounds[1], ybounds[1])]
    axes.plot(perfect, perfect, 'k--', label='A = B')
    # now draw the epsilon bound lines if they are visible and the lines won't be the same as A = B
    if (not (epsilon is None)) and (epsilon > 0.0) and (epsilon < xrange) and (epsilon < yrange):
        # plot the top line
        axes.plot([perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], [perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], '--', color='#00FF00', label='+/-epsilon')
        # plot the bottom line
        axes.plot([perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], [perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], '--', color='#00FF00')
    # make a key to explain our plot
    # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
    axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work
    # and some informational stuff
    # format our axes so they display gracefully
    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
    return figure

# build a histogram figure of the given data with the given title and number of bins
def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
    # make the figure
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    if (data is None) or (len(data) <= 0) :
        return figure
    # the histogram of the data
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins)
    # format our axes so they display gracefully
    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%3.3g")
    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%.4g")
    # and some informational stuff
    # if stats were passed in, put some of the information on the graph
    # the location is in the form x, y (I think)
    if displayStats :
        # info on the basic stats
        tempMask  = ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
        tempStats = statistics.NumericalComparisonStatistics.basic_analysis(data, tempMask)
        meanVal   = tempStats['mean_diff']
        stdVal    = tempStats['std_diff']
        # info on the display of our statistics
        xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
        numBinsToUse = len(bins)
        xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
        binSize = xrange / float(numBinsToUse)
        # build the display string
        statText = ('%1.2e' % numPts) + ' data points'
        statText = statText + '\n' + 'mean: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(meanVal)
        statText = statText + '\n' + 'median: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(medianVal)
        statText = statText + '\n' + 'std: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(stdVal)
        statText = statText + '\n\n' + 'bins: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(numBinsToUse)
        statText = statText + '\n' + 'bin size ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(binSize)
        # figure out where to place the text and put it on the figure
        centerOfDisplay = xbounds[0] + (float(xrange) / 2.0)
        xValToUse = 0.67
        # if most of the values will be on the right, move our text to the left...
        if (medianVal > centerOfDisplay) :
            xValToUse = 0.17
        figtext(xValToUse, 0.60, statText)
    return figure

# create a figure including our data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat given
# the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn in
# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
# set on the existing image
def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
                          invalidMask=None, colorMap=None, tagData=None,
                          dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataRangeColors=None, **kwargs) :
    # make a clean version of our lon/lat
    latitudeClean  = ma.array(latitude,  mask=~invalidMask)
    longitudeClean = ma.array(longitude, mask=~invalidMask)
    # build the plot
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
    kwargs = { }
    # figure the range for the color bars
    # this is controllable with the "dataRanges" parameter for discrete data display
    if not (data is None) :
        if dataRanges is None :
            dataRanges = _make_range(data, invalidMask, 50, offset_to_range=offsetToRange)
        else: # make sure the user range will not discard data TODO, find a better way to handle this
            dataRanges[0] = dataRanges[0] - offsetToRange
            dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] = dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] + offsetToRange
        kwargs['levelsToUse'] = dataRanges
        if dataRangeColors is not None :
            kwargs['colors'] = dataRangeColors # add in the list of colors (may be None)
    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
    if not (colorMap is None) :
        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
    # draw our data placed on a map
    #bMap, x, y = maps.mapshow(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, data, boundingAxes, **kwargs)
    maps.draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, boundingAxes)
    bMap, x, y = maps.show_lon_lat_data(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, baseMapInstance, data=data, **kwargs)
    # and some informational stuff
    # show a generic color bar
    doLabelRanges = False
    if not (data is None) :
        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
        # if there are specific requested labels, add them
        if not (dataRangeNames is None) :
            # if we don't have exactly the right number of range names to label the ranges
            # then label the tick marks
            if not (len(dataRangeNames) is (len(dataRanges) - 1)) :
            else : # we will want to label the ranges themselves
       # todo, this line is temporary
                doLabelRanges = True
    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
    print ('number of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
    # if we still need to label the ranges, do it now that our fake axis won't mess the trouble points up
    if doLabelRanges :
        """ TODO get this working properly
        fakeAx = plt.axes ([0.77, 0.05, 0.2, 0.9], frameon=False)
        testRect = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="r")
        legendKey = fakeAx.legend([testRect], ["r\n\n\n"], mode="expand", ncol=1, borderaxespad=0.)
    return figure

# create a figure including a quiver plot of our vector data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat
# given, the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn.
# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
# set on the existing image
# TODO, this method has not been throughly tested
def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None,  **kwargs) :
    # make a clean version of our lon/lat/data
    latitudeClean  =  latitude[~invalidMask]
    longitudeClean = longitude[~invalidMask]
    colorData      = None
    if (data is not None) :
        colorData  =      data[~invalidMask]
    uDataClean     = None
    vDataClean     = None
    if (uData is not None) and (vData is not None) :
        uDataClean =     uData[~invalidMask]
        vDataClean =     vData[~invalidMask]
    tagDataClean   = None
    if tagData is not None :
        tagDataClean = tagData[~invalidMask]
    # build the plot
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    # draw our data placed on a map
    maps.draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, boundingAxes)
    bMap, x, y = maps.show_quiver_plot (longitudeClean, latitudeClean, baseMapInstance, (uDataClean, vDataClean), colordata=colorData)
    # show the title
    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagDataClean, x, y)
    return figure

def create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colorMap=None) :
    create a simple figure showing the data given masked by the invalid mask
    any tagData passed in will be interpreted as trouble points on the image and plotted as a
    filled contour overlay in green on the image
    if a colorMap is given it will be used to plot the data,
    if not the default colorMap for imshow will be used
    cleanData = ma.array(data, mask=invalidMask)
    # build the plot
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
    kwargs = { } 
    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
    if not (colorMap is None) :
        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
    if (data is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
        # draw our data
        im = imshow(cleanData, **kwargs)
        # make a color bar
        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
    # and some informational stuff
    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData)
    return figure

def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
    create a basic line plot of the data vs. it's index, ignoring any invalid data
    if tagData is given, under-label those points with green circles
    Each entry in the dataList should be a tupple containing:
            (data, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData)
    The color string describes a color for plotting in matplotlib.
    The label names will be used for the legend, which will be shown if there is
    more than one set of data plotted or if there is tag data plotted. Invalid
    masks, colors, and label names may be given as None, in which case no data
    will be masked and a default label of "data#" (where # is an arbitrary
    unique counter) will be used.
    tagData may also be passed as None if tagging is not desired in the output.
    # build the plot
    figure = plt.figure()
    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
    # plot each of the data sets
    dataSetLabelNumber = 1
    minTagPts  = -1
    maxTagPts  = -1
    plottedTagData = False
    for dataSet, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData in dataList :
        # if we don't have these, set them to defaults
        if invalidMask is None :
            invalidMask = zeros(dataSet.shape, dtype=bool)
        if labelName is None :
            labelName = 'data' + str(dataSetLabelNumber)
            dataSetLabelNumber = dataSetLabelNumber + 1
        if colorString is None:
            colorString = ''
        if (dataSet is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
            # if we don't have a real min yet, set it based on the size
            if minTagPts < 0 :
                minTagPts = dataSet.size + 1
            indexData = ma.array(range(dataSet.size), mask=invalidMask)
            cleanData = ma.array(dataSet,             mask=invalidMask)
            # plot the tag data and gather information about it
            if tagData is not None :
                plottedTagData = True
                numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
                LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
                if numTroublePoints < minTagPts:
                    minTagPts = numTroublePoints
                if numTroublePoints > maxTagPts :
                    maxTagPts = numTroublePoints
                # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
                if numTroublePoints > 0:
                    cleanTagData = ma.array(dataSet, mask=~tagData | invalidMask)
                    axes.plot(indexData, cleanTagData, 'yo', label='trouble point')
            axes.plot(indexData, cleanData, '-' + colorString, label=labelName)
    # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed
    # a set of tag data and we were able to compare it to some actual data
    if (plottedTagData and (minTagPts >= 0) and (maxTagPts >=0)) :
        troublePtString = '\nMarking '
        if (minTagPts == maxTagPts) :
            troublePtString = troublePtString + str(minTagPts) + ' Trouble Points with Yellow Circles'
        else :
            troublePtString = (troublePtString + 'between ' + str(minTagPts) + ' and ' + str(maxTagPts) + ' Trouble Points'
                               + '\non the various data sets (using Yellow Circles)')
    if (len(dataList) > 1) or plottedTagData :
        # make a key to explain our plot
        # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
        axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work 
    # and some informational stuff
    return figure

if __name__=='__main__':
    import doctest