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This Mako template builds the skeleton of html reports for glance.

Created by Eva Schiffer Nov 2011.
Copyright (c) 2011 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
    import    as report
    import glance.constants as constants
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">

        <%block name="cssStyle">
        th.l { text-align: left; }
        td.n,th.n { text-align: right; }
        body { font-family: sans-serif; }
        h4 { margin-bottom: 0; }
        tr th { background-color: white; }
        tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #EEE; }
        table { border-collapse: collapse; }
        td, th { padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; }
        .testfail,.testpass {
            display: inline-block;
            border: 4px solid black;
            text-align: center;
            width: 1.15em;
            max-width: 1.15em;
            height: 1.15em;
            max-height: 1.15em;
            font-size: 3em;
            font-weight: bold;
        .testfail {
            color: #F00;
        .testpass {
            color: #0F0;

        <h1><%block name="title"/></h1>
        <%block name="runIdentification">
        ## display information on the version, user, and machine that ran the report
            % if constants.GLANCE_VERSION_INFO_KEY in runInfo :
                report produced with ${runInfo[constants.GLANCE_VERSION_INFO_KEY]} <br>
            analysis generated ${runInfo[constants.TIME_INFO_KEY]} by user ${runInfo[constants.USER_INFO_KEY]} on ${runInfo[constants.MACHINE_INFO_KEY]}
        <%block name="fileIdentification">
        ## show information on each of the files we're comparing (should only be two)
        % for fileKey in sorted(list(files)) :
            <% tempFileInfo = files[fileKey] %>
                % if constants.DISPLAY_NAME_KEY in tempFileInfo :
                    path: ${tempFileInfo[constants.PATH_KEY]} <br>
                    md5sum for ${fileKey}: ${tempFileInfo[constants.MD5SUM_KEY]} <br>
                    last modified: ${tempFileInfo[constants.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY]}
        % endfor
        <%block name="configInfo">
        ## display info on the config file that was used, if one was
        % if (constants.CONFIG_FILE_PATH_KEY in runInfo) and (runInfo[constants.CONFIG_FILE_PATH_KEY] is not None) :
                A configuration file was used to control the production of this report.<br>
                Please see <a href="./${runInfo[constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME_KEY]}">this copy of the configuration file</a>
                for details.
            <% wasFiltered = False %>
            <%block name="additionalFilterInfo"></%block>
            ## display information about any data filtering on the lons/lats
            % if (constants.LAT_FILTER_FUNCTION_A_KEY in runInfo) and (not (runInfo[constants.LAT_FILTER_FUNCTION_A_KEY] is None)) :
                Note: The latitude in file A was filtered.<br>
                <% wasFiltered = True %>
            % endif
            % if (constants.LAT_FILTER_FUNCTION_B_KEY in runInfo) and (not (runInfo[constants.LAT_FILTER_FUNCTION_B_KEY] is None)) :
                Note: The latitude in file B was filtered.<br>
                <% wasFiltered = True %>
            % endif
            % if (constants.LON_FILTER_FUNCTION_A_KEY in runInfo) and (not (runInfo[constants.LON_FILTER_FUNCTION_A_KEY] is None)) :
                Note: The longitude in file A was filtered.<br>
                <% wasFiltered = True %>
            % endif
            % if (constants.LON_FILTER_FUNCTION_B_KEY in runInfo) and (not (runInfo[constants.LON_FILTER_FUNCTION_B_KEY] is None)) :
                Note: The longitude in file B was filtered.<br>
                <% wasFiltered = True %>
            % endif
            ## show an additional message if there was any filtering
            % if wasFiltered :
                Please see the original configuration file to view any data filtering functions.
            % endif
        % endif
        <%block name="lonlatInfo">
        ## if the lon/lat variables exist, display info on them
        %if (constants.LATITUDE_NAME_KEY in runInfo) and (constants.LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY in runInfo) :
            ## display the latitude and longitude variable names
                % if (constants.LAT_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY in runInfo) :
                    latitude in A: ${runInfo[constants.LATITUDE_NAME_KEY]}<br>
                    latitude in B: ${runInfo[constants.LAT_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY]}<br>
                    latitude: ${runInfo[constants.LATITUDE_NAME_KEY]} <br>
                % if (constants.LON_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY in runInfo) :
                    longitude in A: ${runInfo[constants.LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY]}<br>
                    longitude in B: ${runInfo[constants.LON_ALT_NAME_IN_B_KEY]}<br>
                    longitude: ${runInfo[constants.LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY]}<br>
                % if (constants.LON_LAT_EPSILON_KEY in runInfo) and (runInfo[constants.LON_LAT_EPSILON_KEY] >= 0.0) :
                    longitude/latitude comparison epsilon: ${runInfo[constants.LON_LAT_EPSILON_KEY]}<br>
                % endif
            ## if there is a problem with the longitude/latitude correlation between the two files,
            ## make a nice big warning for the user
            % if (constants.LONLAT_NOT_EQUAL_COUNT_KEY in spatial) and (spatial[constants.LONLAT_NOT_EQUAL_COUNT_KEY] > 0) :
                    WARNING: ${spatial[constants.LONLAT_NOT_EQUAL_COUNT_KEY]} data points
                    (${report.make_formatted_display_string(spatial[constants.LONLAT_NOT_EQ_PERCENT_KEY])}% of all data)
                    show possible mismatch in values stored in file a
                    and file b longitude and latitude values. Depending on the degree of mismatch, some data value comparisons
                    in this report may be distorted or spatially nonsensical. Please consider re-running this report and including an
                    examination of your longitude and latitude variables with appropriate epsilons in order to analyze the significance
                    of the difference.<br>
                    ## if we're showing images, link to graphs showing the problem
                    % if runInfo[constants.DO_MAKE_IMAGES_KEY] :
                        <%block name="lonlatInvalidImages">
                        <a href="./LonLatMismatch.A.png">
                            View mismatching points in A's lon/lat system
                        <a href="./LonLatMismatch.B.png">
                            View mismatching points in B's lon/lat system
                    % endif
            % endif
            <%block name="spatialInvalidity"></%block>
        ## end of the if to display lon/lat info
        % endif
        <%block name="comparedData"></%block>
            % if attributesInfo is not None and len(attributesInfo) > 0 :

                ## make a list of all the attributes we need to display
                    allAttrKeys = set()
                    for fileKey in attributesInfo :
                        for attrKey in attributesInfo[fileKey] :

                <%block name="attrsTitle">

Alan De Smet's avatar
Alan De Smet committed
                        <th>Attribute Name</th>
                        ## loop to add headers for all files
                        % for fileKey in sorted(attributesInfo) :
                        % endfor
                    ## loop to put a line in the table for each attribute
                    % for attrKey in sorted(allAttrKeys) :
                            ## loop to add values for each of the files
                            % for fileKey in sorted(attributesInfo) :
                                % if attrKey in attributesInfo[fileKey] :
                                % else :
                                % endif
                            % endfor

                    % endfor


            % endif
