Something went wrong on our end
Bruce Flynn authoredBruce Flynn authored 1.31 KiB
# encoding: utf-8
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from grain import Grain
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved."
UNIX_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
CDS_EPOCH = datetime(1958, 1, 1)
_grain = Grain()
def unixtime(dt):
Datetime to Unix timestamp.
return (dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
def timecode_parts_to_dt(days, ms, us, epoch):
Convert components to a UTC datetime based on arbitrary epoch.
return epoch + timedelta(days=days, microseconds=1e3 * ms + us)
def timecode_parts_to_iet(days, ms, us, epoch):
Convert components to a IET based on arbitrary epoch.
return _grain.utc2tai(
epoch + timedelta(days=days, milliseconds=ms, microseconds=us),
def cds_to_iet(days, ms, us):
CCSDS Day Segmented timecode (UTC) parts to IET (microseconds)
return timecode_parts_to_iet(days, ms, us, CDS_EPOCH)
def cds_to_dt(days, ms, us):
CCSDS Day Segmented timecode to UTC datetime.
return timecode_parts_to_dt(days, ms, us, CDS_EPOCH)
def dt_to_cds(dt):
UTC datetime to (day, millis, micros)
d = (dt - CDS_EPOCH)
return (d.days, int(d.seconds * 1e3), d.microseconds)
iet_to_dt = _grain.iet2utc