13.41 KiB
import datetime
from datetime import timezone
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
# from util.util import value_to_index, homedir
# gfs_directory = '/ships22/cloud/Ancil_Data/clavrx_ancil_data/dynamic/gfs/'
homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/'
gfs_directory = homedir+'data/gfs/'
gfs_date_format = '%y%m%d'
# force incoming longitude to (0, 360) to match GFS
lon360 = True
# GFS half degree resolution
NX = 720
NY = 361
lat_coords = np.linspace(-90, 90, NY)
lon_coords = np.linspace(0, 359.5, NX)
plevs = np.array([10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0,
350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0,
850.0, 900.0, 925.0, 950.0, 975.0, 1000.0])
NZ = plevs.shape[0]
class MyGenericException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
# Return index of nda closest to value. nda must be 1d
def value_to_index(nda, value):
diff = np.abs(nda - value)
idx = np.argmin(diff)
return idx
def get_timestamp(filename):
toks = filename.split('.')
tstr = toks[1].split('_')[0]
dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(tstr, gfs_date_format + '%H').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
dto = dto + datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
return dto.timestamp()
def get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp):
dt_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, timezone.utc)
return dt_obj, dt_obj.timetuple()
def get_bounding_gfs_files(timestamp):
dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp)
dt_obj = dt_obj + datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
date_str = dt_obj.strftime(gfs_date_format)
dt_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, gfs_date_format).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
dt_obj_r = dt_obj + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
date_str_r = dt_obj_r.strftime(gfs_date_format)
dt_obj_l = dt_obj - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
date_str_l = dt_obj_l.strftime(gfs_date_format)
flist_l = glob.glob(gfs_directory+'gfs.'+date_str_l+'??_F012.h5')
flist = glob.glob(gfs_directory+'gfs.'+date_str+'??_F012.h5')
flist_r = glob.glob(gfs_directory+'gfs.'+date_str_r+'??_F012.h5')
filelist = flist_l + flist + flist_r
if len(filelist) == 0:
return None, None, None, None
ftimes = []
for pname in filelist: # TODO: make better with regular expressions (someday)
fname = os.path.split(pname)[1]
tarr = np.array(ftimes)
sidxs = tarr.argsort()
farr = np.array(filelist)
farr = farr[sidxs]
ftimes = tarr[sidxs]
idxs = np.arange(len(filelist))
above = ftimes >= timestamp
if not above.any():
return None, None, None, None
tR = ftimes[above].min()
below = ftimes <= timestamp
if not below.any():
return None, None, None, None
tL = ftimes[below].max()
iL = idxs[below].max()
iR = iL + 1
fList = farr.tolist()
return fList[iL], ftimes[iL], fList[iR], ftimes[iR]
def get_horz_layer(xr_dataset, fld_name, press, lon_range=None, lat_range=None):
p_idx = value_to_index(plevs, press)
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
x_lo = 0
x_hi = NX
y_lo = 0
y_hi = NY
if lon_range is not None:
lon_lo = lon_range[0]
lon_hi = lon_range[1]
lat_lo = lat_range[0]
lat_hi = lat_range[1]
if lon360:
if lon_lo < 0:
lon_lo += 360
if lon_hi < 0:
lon_hi += 360
x_lo = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon_lo)
x_hi = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon_hi)
y_lo = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat_lo)
y_hi = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat_hi)
sub_fld = fld[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi, p_idx]
sub_fld = sub_fld.expand_dims('channel')
sub_fld = sub_fld.assign_coords(channel=[fld_name], fakeDim2=lon_coords[x_lo:x_hi], fakeDim1=lat_coords[y_lo:y_hi])
return sub_fld
def get_horz_layer_s(xr_dataset, fld_names, press, lon_range=None, lat_range=None):
p_idx = value_to_index(plevs, press)
x_lo = 0
x_hi = NX
y_lo = 0
y_hi = NY
if lon_range is not None:
lon_lo = lon_range[0]
lon_hi = lon_range[1]
lat_lo = lat_range[0]
lat_hi = lat_range[1]
if lon360:
if lon_lo < 0:
lon_lo += 360
if lon_hi < 0:
lon_hi += 360
x_lo = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon_lo)
x_hi = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon_hi)
y_lo = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat_lo)
y_hi = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat_hi)
sub_fld_s = []
for fld_name in fld_names:
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
sub_fld = fld[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi, p_idx]
sub_fld = xr.concat(sub_fld_s, 'channel')
sub_fld = sub_fld.assign_coords(channel=fld_names, fakeDim2=lon_coords[x_lo:x_hi], fakeDim1=lat_coords[y_lo:y_hi])
return sub_fld
def get_time_interpolated_layer(xr_dataset_s, time_s, time, fld_name, press, lon_range=None, lat_range=None, method='linear'):
layer_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
lyr = get_horz_layer(ds, fld_name, press, lon_range=lon_range, lat_range=lat_range)
lyr = xr.concat(layer_s, 'time')
lyr = lyr.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_lyr = lyr.interp(time=time, method=method)
return intrp_lyr
def get_time_interpolated_layer_s(xr_dataset_s, time_s, time, fld_name_s, press, lon_range=None, lat_range=None, method='linear'):
layer_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
lyr = get_horz_layer_s(ds, fld_name_s, press, lon_range=lon_range, lat_range=lat_range)
lyr = xr.concat(layer_s, 'time')
lyr = lyr.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_lyr = lyr.interp(time=time, method='linear')
return intrp_lyr
def get_vert_profile(xr_dataset, fld_name, lons, lats, method='linear'):
if lon360: # convert -180/+180 to 0,360
lons = np.where(lons < 0, lons + 360, lons)
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords, fakeDim0=plevs)
dim2 = xr.DataArray(lons, dims='k')
dim1 = xr.DataArray(lats, dims='k')
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, fakeDim0=plevs, method=method)
return intrp_fld
def get_vert_profile_s(xr_dataset, fld_name_s, lons, lats, method='linear'):
if lon360: # convert -180,+180 to 0,360
lons = np.where(lons < 0, lons + 360, lons)
fld_s = []
for fld_name in fld_name_s:
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords, fakeDim0=plevs)
fld = xr.concat(fld_s, 'fld_dim')
dim2 = xr.DataArray(lons, dims='k')
dim1 = xr.DataArray(lats, dims='k')
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, fakeDim0=plevs, method=method)
return intrp_fld
def get_point(xr_dataset, fld_name, lons, lats, pres_s=None, method='nearest'):
if lon360: # convert -180/+180 to 0,360
lons = np.where(lons < 0, lons + 360, lons) # convert -180,180 to 0,360
lat_coords = np.linspace(-90, 90, xr_dataset.fakeDim1.size)
lon_coords = np.linspace(0, 359.5, xr_dataset.fakeDim2.size)
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
if pres_s is not None:
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords, fakeDim0=plevs)
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords)
dim1 = xr.DataArray(lats, dims='k')
dim2 = xr.DataArray(lons, dims='k')
if pres_s is not None:
dim0 = xr.DataArray(pres_s, dims='k')
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim0=dim0, fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, method=method)
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, method=method)
return intrp_fld
def get_point_s(xr_dataset, fld_name_s, lons, lats, pres_s=None, method='nearest'):
if lon360: # convert -180/+180 to 0,360
lons = np.where(lons < 0, lons + 360, lons) # convert -180,180 to 0,360
lat_coords = np.linspace(-90, 90, xr_dataset.fakeDim1.size)
lon_coords = np.linspace(0, 359.5, xr_dataset.fakeDim2.size)
fld_s = []
for fld_name in fld_name_s:
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
if pres_s is not None:
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords, fakeDim0=plevs)
fld = fld.assign_coords(fakeDim2=lon_coords, fakeDim1=lat_coords)
fld = xr.concat(fld_s, 'fld_dim')
dim1 = xr.DataArray(lats, dims='k')
dim2 = xr.DataArray(lons, dims='k')
if pres_s is not None:
dim0 = xr.DataArray(pres_s, dims='k')
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim0=dim0, fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, method=method)
intrp_fld = fld.interp(fakeDim1=dim1, fakeDim2=dim2, method=method)
return intrp_fld
def get_time_interpolated_vert_profile(xr_dataset_s, time_s, fld_name, time, lons, lats, method='linear'):
prof_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
vp = get_vert_profile(ds, fld_name, lons, lats, method=method)
prof = xr.concat(prof_s, 'time')
prof = prof.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_prof = prof.interp(time=time, method=method)
intrp_prof = intrp_prof.values
return intrp_prof
def get_time_interpolated_vert_profile_s(xr_dataset_s, time_s, fld_name_s, time, lons, lats, method='linear'):
prof_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
vp = get_vert_profile_s(ds, fld_name_s, lons, lats, method=method)
prof = xr.concat(prof_s, 'time')
prof = prof.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_prof = prof.interp(time=time, method=method)
intrp_prof = intrp_prof.values
return intrp_prof
def get_time_interpolated_point(ds_0, ds_1, time0, time1, fld_name, time, lons, lats, method='linear'):
vals_0 = get_point(ds_0, fld_name, lons, lats)
vals_1 = get_point(ds_1, fld_name, lons, lats)
vals = xr.concat([vals_0, vals_1], 'time')
vals = vals.assign_coords(time=[time0, time1])
intrp_vals = vals.interp(time=time, method=method)
intrp_vals = intrp_vals.values
return intrp_vals
def get_time_interpolated_point_s(xr_dataset_s, time_s, fld_name_s, time, lons, lats, method='linear'):
pt_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
pt = get_point_s(ds, fld_name_s, lons, lats, method=method)
pt = xr.concat(pt_s, 'time')
pt = pt.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_pt = pt.interp(time=time, method=method)
intrp_pt = intrp_pt.values
return intrp_pt
def get_time_interpolated_voxel(xr_dataset_s, time_s, time, fld_name, lon, lat, press, x_width=3, y_width=3, z_width=3, method='linear'):
vox_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
vox = get_voxel(ds, fld_name, lon, lat, press, x_width=x_width, y_width=y_width, z_width=z_width)
vox = xr.concat(vox_s, 'time')
vox = vox.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_vox = vox.interp(time=time, method=method)
return intrp_vox
def get_voxel(xr_dataset, fld_name, lon, lat, press, x_width=3, y_width=3, z_width=3):
if lon360:
if lon < 0:
lon += 360
fld = xr_dataset[fld_name]
p_c = value_to_index(plevs, press)
x_c = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon)
y_c = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat)
y_h = int(y_width / 2)
x_h = int(x_width / 2)
p_h = int(z_width / 2)
y_start = y_c - y_h
x_start = x_c - x_h
z_start = p_c - p_h
if y_start < 0 or x_start < 0 or z_start < 0:
return None
y_stop = y_c + y_h + 1
x_stop = x_c + x_h + 1
z_stop = p_c + p_h + 1
if y_stop > NY-1 or x_stop > NX-1 or z_stop > NZ-1:
return None
sub_fld = fld[y_start:y_stop, x_start:x_stop, z_start:z_stop]
sub_fld = sub_fld.expand_dims('channel')
sub_fld = sub_fld.assign_coords(channel=[fld_name], fakeDim2=lon_coords[x_start:x_stop],
fakeDim1=lat_coords[y_start:y_stop], fakeDim0=plevs[z_start:z_stop])
return sub_fld
def get_time_interpolated_voxel_s(xr_dataset_s, time_s, time, fld_name_s, lon, lat, press, x_width=3, y_width=3, z_width=3, method='linear'):
vox_s = []
for ds in xr_dataset_s:
vox = get_voxel_s(ds, fld_name_s, lon, lat, press, x_width=x_width, y_width=y_width, z_width=z_width)
vox = xr.concat(vox_s, 'time')
vox = vox.assign_coords(time=time_s)
intrp_vox = vox.interp(time=time, method=method)
return intrp_vox
def get_voxel_s(xr_dataset, fld_name_s, lon, lat, press, x_width=3, y_width=3, z_width=3):
if lon360:
if lon < 0:
lon += 360
p_c = value_to_index(plevs, press)
x_c = value_to_index(lon_coords, lon)
y_c = value_to_index(lat_coords, lat)
y_h = int(y_width / 2)
x_h = int(x_width / 2)
p_h = int(z_width / 2)
y_start = y_c - y_h
x_start = x_c - x_h
z_start = p_c - p_h
if y_start < 0 or x_start < 0 or z_start < 0:
return None
y_stop = y_c + y_h + 1
x_stop = x_c + x_h + 1
z_stop = p_c + p_h + 1
if y_stop > NY-1 or x_stop > NX-1 or z_stop > NZ-1:
return None
sub_fld_s = []
for name in fld_name_s:
fld = xr_dataset[name]
sub_fld = fld[y_start:y_stop, x_start:x_stop, z_start:z_stop]
sub_fld = xr.concat(sub_fld_s, 'channel')
sub_fld = sub_fld.assign_coords(channel=fld_name_s, fakeDim2=lon_coords[x_start:x_stop],
fakeDim1=lat_coords[y_start:y_stop], fakeDim0=plevs[z_start:z_stop])
return sub_fld