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from icing.pireps import pirep_icing
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import numpy as np
import pickle
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import os
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from util.util import get_time_tuple_utc, GenericException, add_time_range_to_filename, is_night, is_day, \
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    check_oblique, get_timestamp, homedir, get_indexes_within_threshold
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from aeolus.datasource import CLAVRx, CLAVRx_VIIRS, GOESL1B, CLAVRx_H08
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import h5py
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import datetime
from datetime import timezone
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import glob
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from skyfield import api, almanac
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goes_date_format = '%Y%j%H'
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goes16_directory = '/arcdata/goes/grb/goes16'  # /year/date/abi/L1b/RadC
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clavrx_dir = '/ships19/cloud/scratch/ICING/'
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# next one appears to be gone. Keeping this here for reference.
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clavrx_viirs_dir = '/apollo/cloud/scratch/Satellite_Output/NASA-SNPP_VIIRS/global/2019_DNB_for_Rink_wDBfix/level2_h5/'
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clavrx_test_dir = '/data/Personal/rink/clavrx/'
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dir_fmt = '%Y_%m_%d_%j'
# dir_list = [f.path for f in os.scandir('.') if f.is_dir()]
ds_dct = {}
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goes_ds_dct = {}
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# --- CLAVRx Radiometric parameters and metadata ------------------------------------------------
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l1b_ds_list = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom',
tomrink's avatar
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               'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom',
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               'refl_0_47um_nom', 'refl_0_65um_nom', 'refl_0_86um_nom', 'refl_1_38um_nom', 'refl_1_60um_nom']
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l1b_ds_types = ['f4' for ds in l1b_ds_list]
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l1b_ds_fill = [-32767 for i in range(10)] + [-32768 for i in range(5)]
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l1b_ds_range = ['actual_range' for ds in l1b_ds_list]
tomrink's avatar
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# --- CLAVRx L2 parameters and metadata
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ds_list = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'sensor_zenith_angle', 'supercooled_prob_acha',
           'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'solar_zenith_angle',
           'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3',
           'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp',
           'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cloud_type', 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask']
tomrink's avatar
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ds_types = ['f4' for i in range(23)] + ['i1' for i in range(3)]
ds_fill = [-32768 for i in range(23)] + [-128 for i in range(3)]
ds_range = ['actual_range' for i in range(23)] + [None for i in range(3)]
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# --------------------------------------------
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# --- CLAVRx VIIRS L2 parameters and metadata
# ds_list = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'sensor_zenith_angle', 'supercooled_prob_acha',
#            'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'solar_zenith_angle',
#            'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3',
#            'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp',
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#            'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cld_opd_nlcomp', 'cld_reff_nlcomp', 'cloud_type',
#            'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask']
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# ds_types = ['f4' for i in range(25)] + ['i1' for i in range(3)]
# ds_fill = [-32768 for i in range(25)] + [-128 for i in range(3)]
# ds_range = ['actual_range' for i in range(25)] + [None for i in range(3)]
# --------------------------------------------

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# An example file for accessing and copying metadata
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a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/'
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#a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/RadC/265/'
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#a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/clavrx_snpp_viirs.A2019071.0000.001.2019071061610.uwssec_B00038187.level2.h5'
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# Location of files for tile/FOV extraction
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# icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_2*_DAY.h5')]
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# icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_l1b_2*_DAY.h5')]
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# icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_l1b_2*_ANY.h5')]
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icing_l1b_files = []

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# no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_2*_DAY.h5')]
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# no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_l1b_2*_DAY.h5')]
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# no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_l1b_2*_ANY.h5')]
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no_icing_l1b_files = []

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train_params_day = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha',
tomrink's avatar
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                    'solar_zenith_angle', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp',
                    'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask']
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train_params_night = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha',
tomrink's avatar
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                      'cld_press_acha', 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask']
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# Just a wrapper for the conversion of PIREP reports to in-memory dictionary
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def setup(pirep_file=homedir+'data/pirep/pireps_20180101_20200331.csv'):
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    ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict = pirep_icing(pirep_file)
    return ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict
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def get_clavrx_datasource(timestamp, platform, file_time_span=10):
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    if platform == 'GOES':
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        return get_clavrx_datasource_goes(timestamp, file_time_span=file_time_span)
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    elif platform == 'VIIRS':
        return get_clavrx_datasource_viirs(timestamp)

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def get_clavrx_datasource_goes(timestamp, file_time_span=10):
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    dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp)
    date_dir_str = dt_obj.strftime(dir_fmt)
    ds = ds_dct.get(date_dir_str)
    if ds is None:
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        ds = CLAVRx(clavrx_dir + date_dir_str + '/', file_time_span=file_time_span)
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        ds_dct[date_dir_str] = ds
    return ds

def get_clavrx_datasource_viirs(timestamp):
    dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp)
    date_dir_str = dt_obj.strftime('%j')
    ds = ds_dct.get(date_dir_str)
    if ds is None:
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        ds = CLAVRx_VIIRS(clavrx_viirs_dir + date_dir_str + '/')
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        ds_dct[date_dir_str] = ds
    return ds

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def get_goes_datasource(timestamp):
    dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp)

    yr_dir = str(dt_obj.timetuple().tm_year)
    date_dir = dt_obj.strftime(dir_fmt)

    files_path = goes16_directory + '/' + yr_dir + '/' + date_dir + '/abi' + '/L1b' + '/RadC/'
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    ds = goes_ds_dct.get(date_dir)
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    if ds is None:
        ds = GOESL1B(files_path)
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        goes_ds_dct[date_dir] = ds
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    return ds
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def get_grid_values(h5f, grid_name, j_c, i_c, half_width, num_j=None, num_i=None, scale_factor_name='scale_factor', add_offset_name='add_offset',
                    fill_value_name='_FillValue', range_name='actual_range', fill_value=None):
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        hfds = h5f[grid_name]
    except Exception:
        return None
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    attrs = hfds.attrs
    if attrs is None:
        raise GenericException('No attributes object for: '+grid_name)

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    ylen, xlen = hfds.shape
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    if half_width is not None:
        j_l = j_c-half_width
        i_l = i_c-half_width
        if j_l < 0 or i_l < 0:
            return None

        j_r = j_c+half_width+1
        i_r = i_c+half_width+1
        if j_r >= ylen or i_r >= xlen:
            return None
        j_l = j_c
        j_r = j_c + num_j + 1
        i_l = i_c
        i_r = i_c + num_i + 1
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    grd_vals = hfds[j_l:j_r, i_l:i_r]
    if fill_value is not None:
        grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals == fill_value, np.nan, grd_vals)
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    if scale_factor_name is not None:
        attr = attrs.get(scale_factor_name)
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        if attr is not None:
            if np.isscalar(attr):
                scale_factor = attr
                scale_factor = attr[0]
            grd_vals = grd_vals * scale_factor
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    if add_offset_name is not None:
        attr = attrs.get(add_offset_name)
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        if attr is not None:
            if np.isscalar(attr):
                add_offset = attr
                add_offset = attr[0]
            grd_vals = grd_vals + add_offset
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    if range_name is not None:
        attr = attrs.get(range_name)
        if attr is None:
            raise GenericException('Attribute: '+range_name+' not found for dataset: '+grid_name)
        low = attr[0]
        high = attr[1]
        grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals < low, np.nan, grd_vals)
        grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals > high, np.nan, grd_vals)
    elif fill_value_name is not None:
        attr = attrs.get(fill_value_name)
        if attr is None:
            raise GenericException('Attribute: '+fill_value_name+' not found for dataset: '+grid_name)
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        if np.isscalar(attr):
            fill_value = attr
            fill_value = attr[0]
        grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals == fill_value, np.nan, grd_vals)

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    return grd_vals

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def create_file(filename, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, icing_intensity, unq_ids, mask=None):
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    h5f_expl = h5py.File(a_clvr_file, 'r')
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    h5f = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
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    for idx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):
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        data = data_dct[ds_name]
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        h5f.create_dataset(ds_name, data=data, dtype=ds_types[idx])
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    lon_ds = h5f.create_dataset('longitude', data=lon_c, dtype='f4')
tomrink's avatar
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    lon_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
    lon_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_east')
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    lon_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP longitude')
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    lat_ds = h5f.create_dataset('latitude', data=lat_c, dtype='f4')
tomrink's avatar
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    lat_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
    lat_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_north')
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    lat_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP latitude')
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    time_ds = h5f.create_dataset('time', data=time_s)
    time_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
    time_ds.attrs.create('units', data='seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00')
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    time_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP time')
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    ice_alt_ds = h5f.create_dataset('icing_altitude', data=fl_alt_s, dtype='f4')
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    ice_alt_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
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    ice_alt_ds.attrs.create('units', data='m')
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    ice_alt_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP altitude')
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    if icing_intensity is not None:
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        icing_int_ds = h5f.create_dataset('icing_intensity', data=icing_intensity, dtype='i4')
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        icing_int_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='From PIREP. 0:No intensity report, 1:Trace, 2:Light, 3:Light Moderate, 4:Moderate, 5:Moderate Severe, 6:Severe')
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    unq_ids_ds = h5f.create_dataset('unique_id', data=unq_ids, dtype='i4')
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    unq_ids_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='ID mapping to PIREP icing dictionary: see')
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    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.astype(np.byte)
        mask_ds = h5f.create_dataset('FOV_mask', data=mask, dtype=np.byte)
        mask_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='The FOVs which pass the cloudy icing report test')
        mask_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
        mask_ds.dims[1].label = 'y'
        mask_ds.dims[2].label = 'x'

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    # copy relevant attributes
    for ds_name in ds_list:
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        h5f_ds = h5f[ds_name]
        h5f_ds.attrs.create('standard_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('standard_name'))
        h5f_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('long_name'))
        h5f_ds.attrs.create('units', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('units'))
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        h5f_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
        h5f_ds.dims[1].label = 'y'
        h5f_ds.dims[2].label = 'x'

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def run(pirep_dct, platform, outfile=None, outfile_l1b=None, dt_str_start=None, dt_str_end=None, skip=True, file_time_span=10):
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    time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys())
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    l1b_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in l1b_ds_list}
    ds_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in ds_list}
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    t_start = None
    t_end = None
    if (dt_str_start is not None) and (dt_str_end is not None):
        dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_start, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        t_start = dto.timestamp()

        dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_end, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        t_end = dto.timestamp()

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    lon_s = np.zeros(1)
    lat_s = np.zeros(1)
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    last_clvr_file = None
    last_h5f = None
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    nav = None
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    lon_c = []
    lat_c = []
    time_s = []
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    fl_alt_s = []
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    ice_int_s = []
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    unq_ids = []
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    for idx, time in enumerate(time_keys):
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        if t_start is not None:
            if time < t_start:
            if time > t_end:
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            clvr_ds = get_clavrx_datasource(time, platform, file_time_span=file_time_span)
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        except Exception:
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            print('run: Problem retrieving Datasource', get_time_tuple_utc(time))
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        clvr_file = clvr_ds.get_file(time)[0]
        if clvr_file is None:

        if clvr_file != last_clvr_file:
                h5f = h5py.File(clvr_file, 'r')
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                nav = clvr_ds.get_navigation(h5f)
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            except Exception:
                if h5f is not None:
                print('Problem with file: ', clvr_file)
            if last_h5f is not None:
            last_h5f = h5f
            last_clvr_file = clvr_file
            h5f = last_h5f
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        reports = pirep_dct[time]
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        for tup in reports:
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            lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup
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            lat_s[0] = lat
            lon_s[0] = lon

            cc_a, ll_a = nav.earth_to_lc_s(lon_s, lat_s)  # non-navigable, skip
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            if cc_a[0] < 0 or ll_a[0] < 0:
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            if skip and (cc_a[0] == cc and ll_a[0] == ll):  # time adjacent duplicate, skip
                cc = cc_a[0]
                ll = ll_a[0]

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            cnt_a = 0
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            ds_lst = []
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            for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):
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                gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name=ds_range[didx], fill_value=ds_fill[didx])
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                if gvals is not None:
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                    cnt_a += 1
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            cnt_b = 0
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            l1b_lst = []
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            for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list):
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                gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name=l1b_ds_range[didx], fill_value=l1b_ds_fill[didx])
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                if gvals is not None:
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                    cnt_b += 1
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            if cnt_a > 0 and cnt_a != len(ds_list):
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            if cnt_b > 0 and cnt_b != len(l1b_ds_list):
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            if cnt_a == len(ds_list) and cnt_b == len(l1b_ds_list):
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                for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):

                for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list):

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    if len(time_s) == 0:

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    t_start = time_s[0]
    t_end = time_s[len(time_s)-1]

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    lon_c = np.array(lon_c)
    lat_c = np.array(lat_c)
    time_s = np.array(time_s)
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    fl_alt_s = np.array(fl_alt_s)
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    ice_int_s = np.array(ice_int_s)
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    unq_ids = np.array(unq_ids)
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    data_dct = {}
    for ds_name in ds_list:
        data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(ds_grd_dct[ds_name])

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    if outfile is not None:
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        outfile = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile, t_start, t_end)
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        create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)
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    data_dct = {}
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    for ds_name in l1b_ds_list:
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        data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(l1b_grd_dct[ds_name])

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    if outfile_l1b is not None:
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        outfile_l1b = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile_l1b, t_start, t_end)
tomrink's avatar
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        create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)
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def run_viirs(pirep_dct, platform='VIIRS', outfile=None, outfile_l1b=None, dt_str_start=None, dt_str_end=None):
    time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys())
    l1b_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in l1b_ds_list}
    ds_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in ds_list}

    t_start = None
    t_end = None
    if (dt_str_start is not None) and (dt_str_end is not None):
        dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_start, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        t_start = dto.timestamp()

        dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_end, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        t_end = dto.timestamp()

    lon_s = np.zeros(1)
    lat_s = np.zeros(1)
    last_clvr_file = None
    last_h5f = None
    nav = None

    lon_c = []
    lat_c = []
    time_s = []
    fl_alt_s = []
    ice_int_s = []
    unq_ids = []
    num_rpts = 0
    num_rpts_match = 0

    for idx, time in enumerate(time_keys):
        if t_start is not None:
            if time < t_start:
            if time > t_end:
        num_rpts += 1

            clvr_ds = get_clavrx_datasource(time, platform)
        except Exception:
            print('run: Problem retrieving Datasource')

        clvr_file = clvr_ds.get_file_containing_time(time)[0]
        if clvr_file is None:

        if clvr_file != last_clvr_file:
                h5f = h5py.File(clvr_file, 'r')
                nav = clvr_ds.get_navigation(h5f)
            except Exception:
                if h5f is not None:
                print('Problem with file: ', clvr_file)
            if last_h5f is not None:
            last_h5f = h5f
            last_clvr_file = clvr_file
            h5f = last_h5f

        cc = ll = -1
        reports = pirep_dct[time]
        for tup in reports:
            lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup
            lat_s[0] = lat
            lon_s[0] = lon
            print('        ',lon, lat)
            if not nav.check_inside(lon, lat):
                print('missed range check')

            cc_a, ll_a = nav.earth_to_lc_s(lon_s, lat_s)  # non-navigable, skip
            if cc_a[0] < 0:
                print('cant navigate')

            if cc_a[0] == cc and ll_a[0] == ll:  # time adjacent duplicate, skip
                cc = cc_a[0]
                ll = ll_a[0]

            cnt_a = 0
            for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):
                gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], 20, fill_value_name=None, range_name=ds_range[didx], fill_value=ds_fill[didx])
                if gvals is not None:
                    cnt_a += 1

            cnt_b = 0
            for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list):
                gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], 20, fill_value_name=None, range_name=l1b_ds_range[didx], fill_value=l1b_ds_fill[didx])
                if gvals is not None:
                    cnt_b += 1

            if cnt_a > 0 and cnt_a != len(ds_list):
                raise GenericException('weirdness')
            if cnt_b > 0 and cnt_b != len(l1b_ds_list):
                raise GenericException('weirdness')

            if cnt_a == len(ds_list) and cnt_b == len(l1b_ds_list):
    print('num reports: ', num_rpts)
    if len(time_s) == 0:

    t_start = time_s[0]
    t_end = time_s[len(time_s)-1]

    data_dct = {}
    for ds_name in ds_list:
        data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(ds_grd_dct[ds_name])
    lon_c = np.array(lon_c)
    lat_c = np.array(lat_c)
    time_s = np.array(time_s)
    fl_alt_s = np.array(fl_alt_s)
    ice_int_s = np.array(ice_int_s)
    unq_ids = np.array(unq_ids)

    if outfile is not None:
        outfile = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile, t_start, t_end)
        create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)

    data_dct = {}
    for ds_name in l1b_ds_list:
        data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(l1b_grd_dct[ds_name])

    if outfile_l1b is not None:
        outfile_l1b = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile_l1b, t_start, t_end)
        create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)

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def pirep_info(pirep_dct):
    time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys())

    lat_s = []
    lon_s = []
    flt_lvl_s = []
    ice_intensity_s = []
    for tkey in time_keys:
        reports = pirep_dct[tkey]
        for tup in reports:
            lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup

    lat_s = np.array(lat_s)
    lon_s = np.array(lon_s)
    flt_lvl_s = np.array(flt_lvl_s)
    ice_intensity_s = np.array(ice_intensity_s)

    return flt_lvl_s, ice_intensity_s, lat_s, lon_s

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lon_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-180, 180, 721)
lat_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-90, 90, 361)
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hgt_space_3000 = np.linspace(0, 15000, 3000)

def check_no_overlap(lon, lat, ts, grd_bins, t_delta=600.0):

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    grd_x_hi = lon_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1
    grd_y_hi = lat_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1

    lon_idx = np.searchsorted(lon_space_hdeg, lon)
    lat_idx = np.searchsorted(lat_space_hdeg, lat)

    if lon_idx < 0 or lon_idx > grd_x_hi:
        return False
    if lat_idx < 0 or lat_idx > grd_y_hi:
        return False

    last_ts = grd_bins[lat_idx, lon_idx]
    if ts - last_ts > t_delta:
        grd_bins[lat_idx, lon_idx] = ts
        return True
        return False

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def check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, hgt, ts, grd_bins, t_delta=600.0):

    grd_x_hi = lon_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1
    grd_y_hi = lat_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1
    grd_z_hi = hgt_space_3000.shape[0] - 1

    lon_idx = np.searchsorted(lon_space_hdeg, lon)
    lat_idx = np.searchsorted(lat_space_hdeg, lat)
    hgt_idx = np.searchsorted(hgt_space_3000, hgt)

    if lon_idx < 0 or lon_idx > grd_x_hi:
        return False
    if lat_idx < 0 or lat_idx > grd_y_hi:
        return False
    if hgt_idx < 0 or hgt_idx > grd_z_hi:
        return False

    last_ts = grd_bins[hgt_idx, lat_idx, lon_idx]
    if ts - last_ts > t_delta:
        grd_bins[hgt_idx, lat_idx, lon_idx] = ts
        return True
        return False

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# This mostly reduces some categories for a degree of class balancing and removes no intensity reports
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def process(ice_dct, no_ice_dct, neg_ice_dct, t_delta=600):
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    new_ice_dct = {}
    new_no_ice_dct = {}
    new_neg_ice_dct = {}

    ice_keys_5_6 = []
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    ice_tidx_5_6 = []
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    ice_keys_1 = []
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    ice_tidx_1 = []
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    ice_keys_4 = []
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    ice_tidx_4 = []
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    ice_keys_3 = []
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    ice_tidx_3 = []
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    ice_keys_2 = []
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    ice_tidx_2 = []
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    print('num keys ice, no_ice, neg_ice: ', len(ice_dct), len(no_ice_dct), len(neg_ice_dct))
    no_intensity_cnt = 0
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    num_ice_reports = 0
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    for ts in list(ice_dct.keys()):
        rpts = ice_dct[ts]
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        for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts):
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            num_ice_reports += 1
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            if tup[3] == 5 or tup[3] == 6:
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            elif tup[3] == 1:
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            elif tup[3] == 4:
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            elif tup[3] == 3:
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            elif tup[3] == 2:
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                no_intensity_cnt += 1
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    no_ice_keys = []
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    no_ice_tidx = []
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    for ts in list(no_ice_dct.keys()):
        rpts = no_ice_dct[ts]
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        for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts):
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    neg_ice_keys = []
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    for ts in list(neg_ice_dct.keys()):
        rpts = neg_ice_dct[ts]
        for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts):
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    print('num ice reports, no ice, neg ice: ', num_ice_reports, len(no_ice_keys), len(neg_ice_keys))
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    ice_keys_5_6 = np.array(ice_keys_5_6)
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    ice_tidx_5_6 = np.array(ice_tidx_5_6, dtype='int64')
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    print('5_6: ', ice_keys_5_6.shape[0])
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    ice_keys_4 = np.array(ice_keys_4)
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    ice_tidx_4 = np.array(ice_tidx_4, dtype='int64')
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    print('4: ', ice_keys_4.shape[0])
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    ice_keys_3 = np.array(ice_keys_3)
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    ice_tidx_3 = np.array(ice_tidx_3, dtype='int64')
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    print('3: ', ice_keys_3.shape[0])
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    ice_keys_2 = np.array(ice_keys_2)
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    ice_tidx_2 = np.array(ice_tidx_2, dtype='int64')
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    print('2: ', ice_keys_2.shape[0])
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    ice_keys_1 = np.array(ice_keys_1)
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    ice_tidx_1 = np.array(ice_tidx_1, dtype='int64')
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    print('1: ', ice_keys_1.shape[0])
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    print('0: ', no_intensity_cnt)
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    ice_keys = np.concatenate([ice_keys_1, ice_keys_2, ice_keys_3, ice_keys_4, ice_keys_5_6])
    ice_tidx = np.concatenate([ice_tidx_1, ice_tidx_2, ice_tidx_3, ice_tidx_4, ice_tidx_5_6])
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    print('icing total reduced: ', ice_tidx.shape)
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    sidxs = np.argsort(ice_keys)
    ice_keys = ice_keys[sidxs]
    ice_tidx = ice_tidx[sidxs]

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    # -----------------------------------------------------
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    no_ice_keys = np.array(no_ice_keys)
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    no_ice_tidx = np.array(no_ice_tidx)
    print('no ice total: ', no_ice_keys.shape[0])
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    ridxs = np.random.permutation(np.arange(no_ice_keys.shape[0]))
    no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[ridxs]
    no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[ridxs]
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    no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[::3]
    no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[::3]
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    print('no ice reduced: ', no_ice_keys.shape[0])
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    sidxs = np.argsort(no_ice_keys)
    no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[sidxs]
    no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[sidxs]

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    all_which = np.concatenate([np.full(len(ice_keys), 1), np.full(len(no_ice_keys), 0)])
    all_keys = np.concatenate([ice_keys, no_ice_keys])
    all_tidx = np.concatenate([ice_tidx, no_ice_tidx])
    sidxs = np.argsort(all_keys)
    all_keys = all_keys[sidxs]
    all_tidx = all_tidx[sidxs]
    all_which = all_which[sidxs]

    grd_bins = np.full((lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1))
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    # grd_bins = np.full((hgt_space_3000.shape[0], lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1))
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    cnt_i = 0
    cnt_ni = 0
    for idx, key in enumerate(all_keys):
        i_ni = all_which[idx]

        if i_ni == 0:
            rpts = no_ice_dct[key]
            tup = rpts[all_tidx[idx]]
        elif i_ni == 1:
            rpts = ice_dct[key]
            tup = rpts[all_tidx[idx]]
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        lat, lon, falt = tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]
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        # if not check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, falt, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta):
        if not check_no_overlap(lon, lat, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta):
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            # continue
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        if i_ni == 0:
            cnt_ni += 1
            n_rpts = new_no_ice_dct.get(key)
            if n_rpts is None:
                n_rpts = []
                new_no_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts
        elif i_ni == 1:
            cnt_i += 1
            n_rpts = new_ice_dct.get(key)
            if n_rpts is None:
                n_rpts = []
                new_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts

    print('no overlap ICE: ', cnt_i)
    print('no overlap NO ICE: ', cnt_ni)

    # -----------------------------------------------------
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    neg_ice_keys = np.array(neg_ice_keys)
    neg_ice_tidx = np.array(neg_ice_tidx)
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    print('neg ice total: ', neg_ice_keys.shape[0])
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    # grd_bins = np.full((hgt_space_3000.shape[0], lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1))
    grd_bins = np.full((lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1))
    cnt = 0
    for idx, key in enumerate(neg_ice_keys):
        rpts = neg_ice_dct[key]
        tup = rpts[neg_ice_tidx[idx]]

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        lat, lon, falt = tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]
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        # if not check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, falt, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta):
        if not check_no_overlap(lon, lat, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta):
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            # continue
        cnt += 1

        n_rpts = new_neg_ice_dct.get(key)
        if n_rpts is None:
            n_rpts = []
            new_neg_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts
    print('neg icing total no overlap: ', cnt)
    # -------------------------------------------------
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    return new_ice_dct, new_no_ice_dct, new_neg_ice_dct

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def analyze2(filename, filename_l1b):
    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
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    f_l1b = h5py.File(filename_l1b, 'r')
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    iint = f['icing_intensity'][:]
    icing_alt = f['flight_altitude'][:]
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    num_obs = iint.size
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    iint = np.broadcast_to(iint.reshape(num_obs, 1), (num_obs, 256)).flatten()
    icing_alt = np.broadcast_to(icing_alt.reshape(num_obs, 1), (num_obs, 256)).flatten()
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    keep_mask = f['FOV_mask'][:, :, :].reshape([num_obs, -1])
    keep_mask = keep_mask.astype(np.bool)
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    keep_mask = keep_mask.flatten()

    iint = iint[keep_mask]
    icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_mask]
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    num_obs = iint.size
    print('num obs: ', num_obs)
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    no_ice = iint == -1  # All no icing
    ice = iint >= 1  # All icing
    tr_ice = (iint == 1) | (iint == 2)  # True for icing cats 1 and 2
    tr_plus_ice = iint > 2  # True for icing cats 3 and above
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    print('num no ice: ', np.sum(no_ice))
    print('num ice:    ', np.sum(ice))
    print('trace ice: ', np.sum(tr_ice))
    print('trace plus ice:    ', np.sum(tr_plus_ice))

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    # keep_no_1_2 = (iint == -1) | (iint == 1) | (iint == 2)
    # keep_no_3_4_5 = (iint == -1) | (iint > 2)
    # # iint = iint[keep_no_1_2]
    # iint = iint[keep_no_3_4_5]
    # # icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_no_1_2]
    # icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_no_3_4_5]
    # no_ice = iint == -1
    # ice = iint > 2

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    cld_top_hgt = f['cld_height_acha'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_top_tmp = f['cld_temp_acha'][:, :, :].flatten()
    sc_cld_frac = f['supercooled_cloud_fraction'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_mask = f['cloud_mask'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_opd = f['cld_opd_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten()
    # cld_opd = f['cld_opd_acha'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_reff = f['cld_reff_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_lwc = f['lwc_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_iwc = f['iwc_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten()
    # cld_reff = f['cld_reff_acha'][:, :, :].flatten()
    cld_emiss = f['cld_emiss_acha'][:, :, :].flatten()
    # cld_phase = f['cloud_phase'][:, :, :].flatten()
    # solzen = f['solar_zenith_angle'][:, :, :].flatten()
    # bt_10_4 = f_l1b['temp_10_4um_nom'][:, :, :].flatten()

    cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt[keep_mask]
    cld_top_tmp = cld_top_tmp[keep_mask]
    sc_cld_frac = sc_cld_frac[keep_mask]
    cld_opd = cld_opd[keep_mask]
    cld_reff = cld_reff[keep_mask]
    cld_lwc = cld_lwc[keep_mask]
    cld_iwc = cld_iwc[keep_mask]
    cld_mask = cld_mask[keep_mask]
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    cld_mask = np.where(cld_mask > 1, 1, 0)
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    # cld_frac = np.sum(cld_mask, axis=1) / 256 # need to do this earlier
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    #  Simple model: Everything below the melting point is icing=True else icing=False  ------------------------------
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    preds = cld_top_tmp <= 273.15
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    # preds = cld_top_tmp[keep_no_3_4_5] <= 273.15
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    true_ice = ice & preds
    false_ice = no_ice & preds

    true_no_ice = no_ice & np.invert(preds)
    false_no_ice = ice & np.invert(preds)

    tp = np.sum(true_ice).astype(np.float32)
    tn = np.sum(true_no_ice).astype(np.float32)
    fp = np.sum(false_ice).astype(np.float32)
    fn = np.sum(false_no_ice).astype(np.float32)

    recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
    mcc = ((tp * tn) - (fp * fn)) / np.sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn))
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    acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
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    print('Total (Positive/Icing Prediction: ')
    print('True icing:                         ', np.sum(true_ice))
    print('False no icing (False Negative/Miss): ', np.sum(false_no_ice))

    print('Total (Negative/No Icing Prediction: ')
    print('True no icing:                             ', np.sum(true_no_ice))
    print('* False icing (False Positive/False Alarm) *:  ', np.sum(false_ice))

    print('ACC:         ', acc)
    print('Recall:      ', recall)
    print('Precision:   ', precision)
    print('F1:          ', f1)
    print('MCC:         ', mcc)
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    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    return (icing_alt[no_ice], icing_alt[ice],
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            cld_top_hgt[no_ice], cld_top_hgt[ice],
            cld_top_tmp[no_ice], cld_top_tmp[ice],
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            cld_opd[no_ice], cld_opd[ice],
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            cld_reff[no_ice], cld_reff[ice],
            cld_lwc[no_ice], cld_lwc[ice],
            cld_iwc[no_ice], cld_iwc[ice],
            sc_cld_frac[no_ice], sc_cld_frac[ice])
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# --------------------------------------------
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# x_a = 10
# x_b = 30
x_a = 12
x_b = 28
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y_a = x_a
y_b = x_b
nx = ny = (x_b - x_a)
nx_x_ny = nx * ny

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def run_daynight(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY'):
    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
    f_l1b = h5py.File(filename_l1b, 'r')

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    solzen = f['solar_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
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    satzen = f['sensor_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
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    num_obs = solzen.shape[0]

    idxs = []
    for i in range(num_obs):
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        if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]):
        if day_night == 'NIGHT' and is_night(solzen[i,]):
        elif day_night == 'DAY' and is_day(solzen[i,]):
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        elif day_night == 'ANY':
            if is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,]):
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    keep_idxs = np.array(idxs)

    data_dct = {}
    for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):
        data_dct[ds_name] = f[ds_name][keep_idxs,]

    lon_c = f['longitude'][keep_idxs]
    lat_c = f['latitude'][keep_idxs]
    time_s = f['time'][keep_idxs]
    fl_alt_s = f['icing_altitude'][keep_idxs]
    ice_int_s = f['icing_intensity'][keep_idxs]
    unq_ids = f['unique_id'][keep_idxs]

    path, fname = os.path.split(filename)
    fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname)
    outfile = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + day_night + fext

    create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)

    data_dct = {}
    for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list):
        data_dct[ds_name] = f_l1b[ds_name][keep_idxs]

    path, fname = os.path.split(filename_l1b)
    fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname)
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    outfile_l1b = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + day_night + fext
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    create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)


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def run_qc(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY', pass_thresh_frac=0.20, cloudy_frac=0.5, icing=True):
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    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
    icing_alt = f['icing_altitude'][:]
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    cld_top_hgt = f['cld_height_acha'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
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    cld_geo_dz = f['cld_geo_thick'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
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    cld_phase = f['cloud_phase'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]