If you're looking for reverse-nav or AHI-ABI equivalent interfaces, there's a wrapper interface in himawari.ahi2cmi called HimawariAHIasCMIP . This interface mimicks goesr.l1b.Pug1LbTools and .PugCmiTools utility wrapper around NetCDF access. It's also used by goesr module to provide CMI and SCMI conversions for AHI. More info on that converter package is being drafted at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19A3Co_QK3OtuJ9Q61TUqoBRL2uerfjtYAamec0EQmX4/edit#heading=h.wdw16fy9pqbq .
Here's a quick test pattern of getting zero-based line and column using latitude longitude pairs (or arrays) and verifying the PROJ4 calculation in HimawariAHIasCMIP against the python implementation used by HimawariScene. Note that lat_lon_to_l_c function is freshly added to himawari, and implements an equivalent function in goesr.l1b.
Python environment setup is here.
In [1]: import himawari.ahi2cmi as ahi2cmi
In [2]: hs = ahi2cmi.HimawariAHIasCMIP('/Volumes/changeo/data/users/rayg/Data/AHI/HS_H08_20170601_1200_B14_FLDK')
In [3]: hs.lat_lon_to_l_c(13.85, 126.53)
Out[3]: (2000, 2000)
In [4]: import himawari.HimawariScene as ahi
In [5]: hs2 = ahi.HimawariScene('/Volumes/changeo/data/users/rayg/Data/AHI/HS_H08_20170601_1200_B14_FLDK')
In [6]: geo2 = hs2.geo()
In [7]: geo2.latitude[2000,2000], geo2.longitude[2000,2000]
Out[7]: (13.850332, 126.53741)
In [8]: geo = hs.geo
In [9]: geo.lat[2000,2000], geo.lon[2000,2000]
Out[9]: (13.849501435701489, 126.53739579671951)