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David Hoese authored
Properly calculate wind gust Properly assign QC flags Tons of style changes and better performant array operations
David Hoese authoredProperly calculate wind gust Properly assign QC flags Tons of style changes and better performant array operations 3.90 KiB
import math
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
except ImportError:
# expected to use for isinstance
Series = np.ndarray
NaN = float('nan')
is_nan = lambda a: a != a
def knots_to_mps(knots):
return knots * 0.51444
def dewpoint(tempC, relhum):
Algorithm from Tom Whittaker tempC is the temperature in degrees Celsius,
relhum is the relative humidity as a percentage.
:param tempC: temperature in celsius
:param relhum: relative humidity as a percentage
if tempC is None or relhum is None:
return NaN
gasconst = 461.5
latheat = 2500800.0
dp = 1.0 / (1.0 / (273.15 + tempC) - gasconst * np.log((0.0 + relhum) / 100) /
(latheat - tempC * 2397.5))
return min(dp - 273.15, tempC)
def relhum(airTempK, dewpointTempK):
Algorithm derived by David Hoese from the above
dewpoint(tempC, relhum) function, both parameters are in Kelvin units.
:param airTempK: air temperature in Kelvin
:param dewpointTempK: dewpoint temp in Kelvin
if airTempK == None or dewpointTempK == None:
return NaN
gas_constant = 461.5
latheat = 2500800.0
# Only one section of the equation
latpart = (latheat - (airTempK - 273.15) * 2397.5)
relativehum = 100 * math.e ** ((latpart / airTempK - latpart / dewpointTempK) / gas_constant)
return relativehum
def potentialtemp(airTempK, pressureMB):
Algorithm from David Hoese to calculate potential temperature.
:param airTempK: air temperature in Kelvin
:param pressureMB: air pressure in millibars
if airTempK == None or pressureMB == None:
return NaN
pT = airTempK * (pressureMB.max() / pressureMB) ** .286
return pT
def altimeter(p, alt):
"""Compute altimeter from pressure and altitude.
Converted from code provided by TomW.
:param p: pressure in hPa.
:param alt: altitude of the measurement in meters.
:returns: altimeter in inHg
n = .190284
c1 = .0065 * pow(1013.25, n) / 288.
c2 = alt / pow((p - .3), n)
ff = pow(1. + c1 * c2, 1. / n)
return ((p - .3) * ff * 29.92 / 1013.25)
def dir2txt(val):
"""Convert degrees [0, 360) to a textual representation.
:param val: decimal degrees
>>> dir2txt(0)
>>> dir2txt(90)
>>> dir2txt(180)
>>> dir2txt(270)
>>> dir2txt(359)
assert val >= 0 and val < 360, "'%s' out of range" % val
dirs = ("NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW")
if ((val >= 348.75 and val <= 360) or val >= 0 and val < 11.25): return "N"
# 1/2 degree increment between the directions
i = 11.25;
for dir in dirs:
if val >= i and val < (i + 22.5):
return dir
i += 22.5
def wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir):
"""Decompose scalar or list/array polar wind direction and speed data
into the horizontal and vertical vector components and speed vector.
Inputs can be scalar or arrays.
dir_rad = np.deg2rad(winddir)
spd_arr = np.array(windspd)
V_e = spd_arr * np.sin(dir_rad)
V_n = spd_arr * np.cos(dir_rad)
U_spd = np.sqrt(pow(V_e, 2) + pow(V_n, 2))
return V_e, V_n, U_spd
def wind_vector_degrees(vector_east, vector_north):
"""Re-compose horizontal (east/west) and vertical (north/south) vector
components into wind direction in degrees.
Inputs can be scalar or arrays.
rads = np.arctan2(vector_east, vector_north)
winddir = np.rad2deg(rads)
if isinstance(winddir, (np.ndarray, Series)):
winddir[np.less(winddir, 0)] += 360
elif winddir < 0:
winddir += 360
return winddir % 360
def mean_wind_vector(windspd, winddir):
V_e, V_n, V_spd = wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir)
avg_dir = wind_vector_degrees(np.mean(V_e), np.mean(V_n))
return avg_dir, np.mean(V_spd)