Something went wrong on our end
David Hoese authoredDavid Hoese authored 600 B
"""Station metadata.
from datetime import timedelta
# Time between data samples in seconds
DATA_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=5)
# these heights are for the top of the penthouse roof
ELEVATION = 329.522 # meters above mean sea level
HEIGHT = 294.8338 # height in meters above ground level
# Id of station from v1 records
ID = 1
# Buoy 43.098386, -89.405281
LATITUDE = 43.070786
LONGITUDE = -89.406939
station_info = {
'site': 'mendota',
'inst': 'buoy',
'long_name': 'AOSS Tower',
'short_name': 'aoss.tower',
'lat': LATITUDE,