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"""Code to parse level 00 data.

Data Versions
There have so far been 3 changes to the format of the raw ASCII data over the

Version 0
Effective from incept to 2010-06-01T00:27:51Z.

The original data format was a key value, space separated data format
``<key> <value>``. There were a total of 16 data values including `TIME`:
`TIME, ACCURAIN, TEMP107_4, LI200X, TEMP107_1, RH41372, TEMP107_5, CS105,
PAROSCI, WSPD05305, TEMP107_3, CS10162, RAIN380M, TEMP107_2, TEMP41372,

XXX: Fill value in version 0 seems to be -99999.

Version 1
Effective 2010-06-01T00:27:51Z to 2012-12-03T17:34:17Z.

A CSV format file with a total of 28 values: station_id, year, doy, hhmm, sec,
box_pressure, paro_air_temp_period, paro_pressure_period, paro_air_temp,
pressure, paro_cal_sig, box_rh, box_air_temp, air_temp_2, air_temp_3,
air_temp_4, wind_speed, wind_dir, rh_shield_freq, rh, air_temp_6_3m, dewpoint,
rtd_shield_freq, air_temp, solar_flux, precip, accum_precip, altimeter.

XXX: Fill value in version 1 seems to be -99999.

Version 2
Effective 2012-12-03T17:34:17Z to present.

Same as Version 1 with the addition of altimeter2 at the end. I'm not sure why
we have 2 altimeter values but as far as I know altimeter2 is not used.

XXX: Fill value in version 2 seems to be -99999.
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import io
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import logging
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from metobscommon.util.mytime import hhmm_to_offset
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from aosstower.schema import database

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class LineParseError(Exception):
    """Error parsing line of frame data."""

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    def raise_wrapped(cls, exception, msg=None):
        import sys
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        traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
        msg = msg or str(exception)
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        exc = cls(msg)
        exc.__traceback__ = traceback
        raise exc
def _make_frame(data, new_symbols=None, rename_timestamp=False):
    """Construct a frame from a list of tuples."""
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    frame = {}
    for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(data):
        if key in ["stamp", "timestamp"]:
            frame["stamp" if rename_timestamp else key] = value
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        if key in database:
                new_key = new_symbols[idx] if new_symbols and len(new_symbols) > idx else key
                frame[new_key] = database[key].type(value)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                msg = f"error converting '{value}' using {database[key].type}"
                raise LineParseError(msg) from e
class ParserV0:
    """Parses Version 0 data lines."""

    fill_value = -99999.0
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    # maps v0 names to names in schema db
    names = {
        "ACCURAIN": "accum_precip",
        "TEMP107_1": "box_air_temp",
        "TEMP107_2": "air_temp_2",
        "TEMP107_3": "air_temp_3",
        "TEMP107_4": "air_temp_4",
        "TEMP107_5": "air_temp_5",
        "LI200X": "solar_flux",
        "RH41372": "rh",
        "TEMP41372": "air_temp",
        "CS105": "box_pressure",
        "PAROSCI": "pressure",
        "WSPD05305": "wind_speed",
        "WDIR05305": "wind_dir",
        "CS10162": "box_rh",
        "RAIN380M": "precip",
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    def maybe_mine(line):
        return line.startswith("TIME")
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        parts = line.split()
        if len(parts) != self.num_elements:
            msg = f"Expected {self.num_elements} components"
            raise LineParseError(msg, line)
        raw_data = [("version", 0)]
        for k1, v1 in zip(parts[0::2], parts[1::2], strict=False):
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            if k1 in self.names:
                raw_data.append((self.names[k1], v1))
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                raise LineParseError("Unexpected var: %s" % k1, line)
            time_str = parts[1]
            unix_time = int(time_str)
            raw_data.append(("stamp", datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)))
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            msg = "Could not parse stamp"
            raise LineParseError(msg, line) from e
class ParserV1V2:
    """Parses Version 1 & 2 data lines."""

    fill_value = -99999.0

    names = [
    ]  # , 'altimeter2']
    # These are the new fields in the input files but unused by the rest of
    # the tower code. At the risk of breaking other pieces of software, these
    # are not included in the above list, but are documented here for future
    # reference.
    # Altimeter2 (slightly different calculation, same units as Altimeter)
    # tempPyrg (Kelvin, temperature of pyrgeometer)
    # pyrgTP (W/m^2, raw reading from the pyrgeometer thermopile)
    # pyrgTC (W/m^2, temperature correction for the pyrgeometer)
    # TC_110 (degC, this is a second air temperature in the new aspirated radiation shield)
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    def maybe_mine(line):
        return"^\\d,\\d{4},\\d{1,3}", line) is not None
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    def _get_stamp(parts):
        year = int(parts[1])
        doy = int(parts[2])
        dt = datetime.strptime(f"{int(year):d}.{int(doy):03d}", "%Y.%j")
        secs = hhmm_to_offset(parts[3])
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        dt += timedelta(seconds=secs)
        return dt

        if len(parts) not in [28, 29, 33, 34]:
            msg = "Expected 28, 29, 33, or 34 parts"
            raise LineParseError(msg, line)
        version = {28: 1, 29: 2, 33: 3, 34: 4}[len(parts)]
        raw_data = [("version", version), *list(zip(self.names, parts, strict=False))]
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            raw_data.append(("stamp", self._get_stamp(parts)))
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
            msg = "Could not parse timesamp"
            raise LineParseError(msg, line) from e
def read_frames(source, error_handler=None, tail=False):
    """Generate frames from `source`.

    Frames are checked line-by-line so frame line versions may be mixed.
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    :param tail: starting from the end of the source (if 'seek' method) read lines forever
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    if error_handler is None:
        error_handler = _default_error_handler
    fptr = source if hasattr(source, "readlines") else open(source)  # noqa: SIM115, PTH123
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    if tail and hasattr(fptr, "seek"):
        LOG.debug("Seeking to end of frame source"), io.SEEK_END)
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        def gen():
            idx = 0
            while True:
                line = fptr.readline()
                if not line.strip():
                yield idx, line
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                idx += 1
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        def gen():
            for idx, line in enumerate(fptr):
                if not line.strip():
                yield idx, line

    yield from _parse_lines(gen(), error_handler)

def _parse_lines(line_generator, error_handler):
    for idx, line in line_generator:
        if line.startswith("#"):
        for parser in [ParserV1V2(), ParserV0()]:
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            if parser.maybe_mine(line):
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                    yield parser.make_frame(line)
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                except LineParseError as err:
                    error_handler(idx + 1, line, err)

        # yes, I know a for/else is obscure, but in this case it does
        # exactly what I need, it only executes if `break` does not execute
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            error_handler(idx + 1, line, RuntimeError("no parser found", line))
def _default_error_handler(*_):
    return None

def loggernet_to_tower(rec_dict, symbol_names):
    """Convert loggernet record dictionary to our standard naming."""
    # assume that the next record after the traditional frame is the timestamp
    old_symbols = ["timestamp", *ParserV1V2.names]
    new_symbols = ["timestamp", *symbol_names]
    return _make_frame(zip(old_symbols, rec_dict.values(), strict=False), new_symbols, rename_timestamp=True)
    """Class to manage receiving records from Loggernet LDMP server."""

    def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0913
        from metobscommon.archive.loggernet_receiver import LDMPReceiver
        self.station_name = station_name
        self.tables = tables
        self.symbol_names = symbol_names
        self.receiver = LDMPReceiver(host, port)

    def __iter__(self):
        from metobscommon.archive.loggernet_receiver import dict_records
        # This should be generated OrderedDicts
        dict_rec_gen = dict_records(self.receiver, self.station_name, self.tables)
        return (loggernet_to_tower(x, self.symbol_names) for x in dict_rec_gen)

    def close(self):

    def __del__(self):
        """Last effort to kill the background thread if not done already."""
        with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, RuntimeError, OSError):