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David Hoese authoredDavid Hoese authored
gitlab-ci.yaml 4.07 KiB
# This file is included as part of the main repository .gitlab-ci.yml file
# NOTE: Since this is running from the root of the repository all referenced
# files must be relative to the root directory.
# Most jobs in this file are only meant to be run from the master branch
# geosphere-test currently uses GRB and geotiffs created from the main
# geosphere site.
# Prerequisites:
# Create TLS certificate secret:
# kubectl create -n geosphere-test secret tls geosphere-tls-certs --cert=geosphere_ssec_wisc_edu.crt --key=geosphere_ssec_wisc_edu.key
#gstest create shapefile storage:
# extends: .helm_based_job
# stage: create storage
# script:
# - echo "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH"
# - echo "$CI_COMMIT_TAG"
# - ns=$(./helpers/
# # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory
# - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config .
# - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config)
# - ./helpers/ "$ns" "ci_geosphere-test/shapefiles-pvc.yaml" "geosphere-tile-gen-shapefiles" "$kubeconfig"
# # this job doesn't actually need any artifacts from previous jobs
# dependencies: []
# rules:
# - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"'
# when: never
# - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == null'
# when: never
# - changes:
# - ci_geosphere-test/shapefiles-pvc.yaml
gstest deploy rabbit:
name: geosphere-test
extends: .helm_based_job
stage: deploy rabbit
- ./helpers/ ci_geosphere-test
# this job doesn't actually need any artifacts from previous jobs
dependencies: []
when: never
# no need to build if another project triggered us
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline"
when: never
- changes:
- ci_geosphere-test/values-geosphere-rabbit.yaml
#gstest deploy tile gen g16 radf:
# extends: .deploy_tile_gen
# variables:
# VALUES_DIR: "ci_geosphere-test"
# DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "-g16-radf"
# rules:
# - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"'
# when: never
# - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == null'
# when: never
# - when: on_success
#gstest deploy tile gen g16 radc:
# extends: .deploy_tile_gen
# variables:
# VALUES_DIR: "ci_geosphere-test"