# This file is included as part of the main repository .gitlab-ci.yml file
test gcp connection:
name: gcp
stage: test
# don't need any artifacts for this to run
dependencies: []
- gcloud auth activate-service-account "${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_SA_EMAIL}" --key-file="${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_SA_KEY}"
# If this produces a warning about not having permission make sure the SA
# has the project "Viewer" role. If it still produces a warning then try
# enabling this Cloud Resource Manager API. See admin/
# for more information.
- gcloud config set project "${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_PROJECT_NAME}"
- if [ "${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_CLUSTER_NAME}" != "" ]; then
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_CLUSTER_NAME}" --zone "${GEOSPHERE_DEPLOY_GCP_ZONE_NAME}";
kubectl get all;