fail() {
echo "$@"
exit 3
if [[ $# -eq 3 ]]; then
EXTRA_ARGS="--namespace $ns --kubeconfig $kubeconfig"
echo "Usage: ./ <kubernetes namespace> <PVC YAML definition> <PVC name> [<kubernetes config file>]"
# If another project started this build or we don't know if the file changed
# (git tag) then we know the provided definition didn't change (or probably
# didn't). Let's make sure it exists on the cluster and if so, don't
if [[ $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline" ]] || [[ $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null ]]; then
pvc_exists=$(kubectl $EXTRA_ARGS get pvc $pvc_name -o jsonpath="{}" || echo "")
if [[ "$pvc_exists" != "" ]]; then
# it exists
exit 0
pvc_pending=$(kubectl $EXTRA_ARGS get pvc $pvc_name -o jsonpath="{.status.phase}" || echo "")
if [[ $pvc_pending == "" ]]; then
echo "PVC does not exist, creating..."
elif [[ $pvc_pending != "Pending" ]]; then
echo "PVC already exists and is not pending. Manually 'helm uninstall' all bound pods"
exit 2
echo "PVC exists but is pending, deleting then recreating..."
kubectl $EXTRA_ARGS delete pvc $pvc_name || fail "Could not delete existing PVC"
kubectl $EXTRA_ARGS apply -f $pvc_file