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# CSPP Geo Gridded GLM v1.0 Beta1
CSPP Geo Gridded GLM software processes GOES-16 and GOES-17 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Level 2+ LCFA products in mission standard format, generating a new set of products which have been gridded to the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) 2-km resolution, and are aggregated at one-minute intervals. Spatial extent information that is not readily available in the GLM L2+ data is recovered and used to create the gridded products.
The new gridded products are:
- Minimum Flash Area
- Flash Extent Density
- Total Optical Energy
This software package was developed at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, SSEC / CIMSS, under funding provided by the GOES-R Program and NOAA STAR.
The latest version of this software can be obtained from: <>
Questions and comments can be directed to <>.

The software package is built on the open source glmtools software developed by Dr. Eric Bruning (Texas Tech University). Ongoing development of operational Gridded GLM products and related research is led by Dr. Scott Rudlosky (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR).

This release builds on two years of effort to refine the glmtools package in pre-operational demonstrations, and many of the contributors to that effort are coauthors on the paper that describes the GLM imagery creation approach in detail.

Bruning, E. C., Tillier, C. E., Edgington, S. F., Rudlosky, S. D., Zajic, J. K., Gravelle, C. M., Foster, M., Calhoun, K. M., Campbell, P. A., Stano, G. T., Schultz, C. J., and Meyer, T. C. (2019). Meteorological imagery for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper.  2019: Meteorological imagery for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper. J. Geophys. Res., 124 (24), 14 285–14 309,

The developers wish to thank Lee Byerle and Joe Zajic, NWS TOWR-S team, for their assistance with tile development and AWIPS compatibility.
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Graeme Martin committed

Portions of the source code in this software package are: 

Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Original UW/SSEC source code, scripts and automation included as part of this package are distributed under the GNU General Public License agreement version 3. 
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Binary executable files and third-party source code included as part of this software package are copyrighted and licensed by their respective organizations, and distributed consistent with their licensing terms.
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The University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) makes no warranty of any kind with regard to the CSPP software or any accompanying documentation, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SSEC does not indemnify any infringement of copyright, patent, or trademark through the use or modification of this software. All risk of use is assumed by the user. Users agree not to hold SSEC, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or any of its employees or assigns liable for any consequences resulting from the use of the CSPP software.
To install, extract the tarball and optionally add the bin directory to your PATH.
tar xf cspp-geo-gridded-glm-1.0b1.tar.xz
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cspp-geo-gridded-glm-1.0b1/bin
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Graeme Martin committed
A test data tarball can be downloaded from the same location as the software. Reference output is included. Refer to the EXAMPLES section below to run the test case.​

The main processing script creates one minute grids from GLM L2+ LCFA input files, which can be obtained from the CSPP Geo GRB software or from NOAA CLASS. It is recommended that all 3 20-second input files from the same minute be specified, to ensure that the gridded product captures all lightning activity from that minute. Alternatively the script can be run in "realtime" mode where, provided a single input file, it will determine if an entire minute is available and if so begin gridding. 
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For a list of options, run ` -h`.
The Gridded GLM product is written by the main processing script in the form of NetCDF4 files spanning a clock-aligned minute of input data. The file naming convention and file format are modeled after the GOES-R operational format, as documented in the GOES-R Product Definition and Users' Guide (PUG).
Example Gridded GLM product filename: ``
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A set of tiles can optionally be created for each Gridded GLM file. The tiles are also NetCDF4 files and designed to be compatible with AWIPS. Tiles covering geographic areas without lightning activity are omitted. The time in the filename is the observation end time.
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Graeme Martin committed
Example tile filename: ``
Create a single one-minute gridded product file by specifying three input 20-second GLM L2+ files
` /data/GLM-L2/2019299/17/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20192991759*`
Create a single one-minute gridded product file by specifying only one of the three input 20-second GLM L2+ files ("realtime" mode)
` -1 /data/GLM-L2/2019299/17/`
Create a gridded product file and tiles
` -1 -t /data/GLM-L2/2019299/17/`
The following issues are known to affect this release
- The DQF (data quality flags) are always set to 0 in this version. Proper data quality information will be added in a future version
- In the default processing mode (not "realtime" mode), if the first 20-second file of the minute is not specified, the output file time will be offset from the nominal minute boundaries. This will be addressed in a future release, but note that it is recommended to provide all 3 20-second input files, or to run in "realtime mode" (option `-1`).
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Graeme Martin committed
- Tile generation with CONUS and mesoscale gridding has not been fully tested
- [GOES-R Gridded GLM Quick Guides](
- [NOAA Virtual Lab GLM Community](
- [University of Maryland GLM Imagery](
- [glmtools software repository](