import shelve
import tempfile
import netCDF4
from import get_all_housekeeping
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from zipfile import ZipFile
from io import BytesIO
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move
Save the DataFrame (frame) to a netCDF at (qc_path)
# First select only rows corresponding to records from the sum file
frame = frame.ix[pd.notnull(frame.sum_index)].set_index('sum_index').sort_index()
handle, temp = mkstemp()
ncdf = netCDF4.Dataset(temp, 'w')
ncdf.createDimension('time', len(frame))
time = ncdf.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time',))
time.units = 'nanoseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
# Write the columns ending in _check (aggregate tests)
for check in checklist.checks:
variable = ncdf.createVariable(, 'f4', ('time',))
variable.depends = ','.join(check.depends)
variable.affects_calibration = str(check.affects_calibration)
variable.affected_by_calibration = str(check.affected_by_calibration)
spike_check_variable = ncdf.createVariable('spike_check','f4',('time',))
spike_check_variable.depends = ''
spike_check_variable.affects_calibration = "True"
spike_check_variable.affected_by_calibration = "False"
spike_check_variable.description = 'Check for spikes in interferometer caused by faulty electronics'
spike_check_variable.hides = ''
# Do the spike check separately for now
if 'spike_check' in frame.columns:
spike_check_variable[:] = frame.spike_check.values
spike_check_variable[:] = 0
def compute_calibration_graph(sceneMirrorPosition):
affected_records = defaultdict(set)
scene_regex = '(?<=(HA|AH))([^HA]+)(?=(HA|AH))'
for scene in re.finditer(scene_regex, ''.join(sceneMirrorPosition.fillna(ord('?')).apply(int).apply(chr))):
blackbody_indices = set(range(*scene.span(1)))
sky_view_indices = range(*scene.span(2))
for blackbody_index in blackbody_indices:
return affected_records
Coda Phillips
def fill_na_sceneMirrorPosition(sceneMirrorPosition):
if not sceneMirrorPosition.isnull().any():
return sceneMirrorPosition
datetime_index = sceneMirrorPosition.index
# Reset the index so NaTs don't mess things up
sceneMirrorPosition = sceneMirrorPosition.reset_index(drop=True)
# Keep shifting until everything matches up except missing scenes
for i in range(1, len(sceneMirrorPosition)):
if abs(sceneMirrorPosition - sceneMirrorPosition.shift(i)).dropna().sum() == 0:
period = i
return sceneMirrorPosition
# Now try to fill with time-shifted versions of the same variable
for i in np.arange(1, len(sceneMirrorPosition)/period+1):
sceneMirrorPosition.fillna(sceneMirrorPosition.shift(i*period), inplace=True)
sceneMirrorPosition.fillna(sceneMirrorPosition.shift(-i*period), inplace=True)
if not sceneMirrorPosition.isnull().any():
sceneMirrorPosition.index = datetime_index
return sceneMirrorPosition
def read_mirror(mirror_beg_path):
mirror_beg = []
with open(mirror_beg_path) as fp:
mir =
for scene_line in mir[2::2]:
name,idk,angle = scene_line.split()
mirror_beg.append( (name, float(idk), float(angle)) )
assert len(mirror_beg) == int(mir[0].split()[0]), (mir[0], len(mirror_beg))
return mirror_beg
Read housekeeping from CXS file and SUM file together
Returns DataFrame with range index, datetime column, and sum_index column, and housekeeping data
Coda Phillips
# Get CXS housekeeping as dataframe, remove datetime index into a column and replace with integers
cxs = get_all_housekeeping(cxs_file)
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committed = 'datetime'
cxs.reset_index(inplace=True) = 'cxs_index'
# Fill in any missing scenesMirrorPositions
cxs['sceneMirrorPosition'] = fill_na_sceneMirrorPosition(cxs.sceneMirrorPosition)
# Find all non-calibration views
non_cal_records = cxs.ix[~cxs.sceneMirrorPosition.isin([ord('H'), ord('A')])].copy()
non_cal_records.reset_index(inplace=True) = 'sum_index'
sum_ = get_all_housekeeping(sum_file)
Coda Phillips
committed = 'datetime'
sum_.reset_index(inplace=True) = 'sum_index'
Coda Phillips
# Combine extra data from SUM into CXS
# also non_cal_records may have a different number of records than the sum, so limit by the sum
non_cal_records = non_cal_records.combine_first(sum_).ix[sum_.index]
hk = cxs.combine_first(non_cal_records.reset_index().set_index('cxs_index')).reset_index()
hk.calibration_graph = compute_calibration_graph(hk.sceneMirrorPosition)
return hk
def read_igms(spc_zip_path, cache=()):
Read a zip file that archives Igm files, yield dictionaries containing interferograms and index info
if spc_zip_path is not None:
# Open zip file
with ZipFile(spc_zip_path) as spc_zip:
# Find all members with .Igm suffix
for name in spc_zip.namelist():
if name.endswith('.Igm') and name not in cache:
for index, subfile in enumerate(bomem_file.read_zip(spc_zip, name)):
yield {
'scene_index':int('[A-Z]([0-9]+)M_[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{6}_.*[.]Igm', name).group(1)),
Start with housekeeping DataFrame and iteratively run checks to compute quality
def get_cache():
tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
return os.path.join(tempdir,'aeri_quality_control_cache')
def get_cached_spike_check(zip_file):
cache = get_cache()
cached_data = {}
with as shlv:
with ZipFile(zip_file) as spc_zip:
for name in set(shlv.keys()) & set(spc_zip.namelist()):
cached_data[name] = shlv[name]
data = pd.DataFrame(cached_data).T = 'name'
return data.reset_index()
def save_cached_spike_check(dataframe):
cache = get_cache()
with as shlv:
def prepare_frame(cxs_file, sum_file, sci_dir):
# First read the housekeeping dataframe
frame = read_frame(cxs_file, sum_file)
# Try to find the Igms for these times
YYMMDD ='([0-9]{6})', os.path.basename(cxs_file)).group(1)
if sci_dir is not None:
possible_zip_file = os.path.join(sci_dir, 'AE'+YYMMDD, 'SPC_AERI_{}.zip'.format(YYMMDD))
possible_mirror = os.path.join(sci_dir, 'AE'+YYMMDD, 'cal', 'mirror.beg')
if os.path.isfile(possible_zip_file) and os.path.isfile(possible_mirror):
# read the interferograms
print('Found igm file')
cached_frame = get_cached_spike_check(possible_zip_file)
if 'name' in cached_frame.columns:
cached_names = set(cached_frame['name'])
cached_names = []
igms = pd.DataFrame.from_records(spike_check(read_igms(possible_zip_file, cache=cached_names), read_mirror(possible_mirror)),
igms = pd.concat([igms,cached_frame], axis=0)
igms = igms.groupby('cxs_index').agg({'spike_check':np.any, 'name':lambda x: x.iloc[0]}).reset_index()
frame = frame.merge(igms, on=['cxs_index'], how='left', suffixes=('','_igm'))
frame.spike_check.fillna(False, inplace=True)
print('Processed igm')
def update_all(ftp_dir, sci_dir, checklist, parameters=None, hint=None):
Given the root directories for ftp and sci, find all days lacking an up-to-date qc file and generate new qc
# Find all CXS files
cxs_files = glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(ftp_dir),'AE*','*B1.CXS'))
# For each CXS file find a matching SUM file and possible QC filename
for qc_file, cxs_file, sum_file in files_to_update(cxs_files, hint=hint):
print('Performing quality control for {}'.format(cxs_file))
Coda Phillips
frame = check_frame(frame, parameters, checklist)
def should_update(sum_file, qc_file):
sum_length = len(get_all_housekeeping(sum_file))
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(qc_file)
qc_length = len(nc.variables['qc_percent'])
return sum_length != qc_length
def files_to_update(cxs_files, *, update_only=True, hint=None):
Find a matching SUM file and determine the QC filename for each CXS file in sequence
possible_sum = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cxs_file), cxs_file.replace('B1.CXS','.SUM'))
possible_qc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cxs_file), cxs_file.replace('B1.CXS',''))
if os.path.isfile(possible_sum):
sum_file = possible_sum
# If QC file already exists, also check that it is newer than the sum and cxs file
if os.path.isfile(possible_qc):
qc_file = possible_qc
if max(os.path.getmtime(sum_file), os.path.getmtime(cxs_file)) > os.path.getmtime(qc_file):
elif hint is not None and os.path.abspath(hint) in [os.path.abspath(sum_file), os.path.abspath(cxs_file)]:
# If given a hint, look closer, read the files and compare lengths
if should_update(sum_file, qc_file):
yield (qc_file, cxs_file, sum_file)