wgrib2 wgrib2 is a program to read/write grib2 files. For documentation, see http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/index.html For documentation of commonly used program options, type wgrib2 For documentation of all program options, type wgrib2 -help all For documenation of any program option that is poorly described on-line or by the "wgrib2 -help all", check the source code by searching for "f_{option}" where the option does not include the minus sign. Default makefile options USE_NETCDF4=0 USE_NETCDF3=1 USE_REGEX=1 USE_TIGGE=1 USE_MYSQL=0 USE_IPOLATES=0 USE_UDF=1 To compile without netcdf, use USE_NETCDF3=0 and USE_NETCDF4=0 To compile without netcdf v3, set USE_NETCDF3=1 and USE_NETCDF4=0 To compile without netcdf v4, set USE_NETCDF3=0 and USE_NETCDF4=1 For netcdf4, the netcdf4 and hdf5 libraries are usually not included in the wgrib2.tgz file to save space. If you have an old C compiler system that doesn't include <regex.h>, then you have to set USE_REGEX=0. This turns off all the regular expressions which would be a pain. No harm to keep TIGGE support on. USE_TIGGE=1 Support for Mysql is an option. You have to modify the makefile to indicate the locations of the mysql includes and libraries and set USE_MYSQL=1 The option -new_grid uses the ipolates library to do the interpolation. The required libraries are written in fortran and their is no support for compiling these libraries. The source code and makefile will have to be modified to use the ipolates option. Consult a local expert if you want to install this optional package. No help is available from NCEP for installing the package. User Defined Functions (UDF) allow you to run shell commands from within wgrib2. UDF are not available on windows machines unless <unistd.h> is implimented by the compiler (cygwin, MinGW). For the security paranoid, turn off UDF by USE_UDF=0.