from icing.pireps import pirep_icing import numpy as np import pickle import os from util.util import get_time_tuple_utc, GenericException, add_time_range_to_filename, is_night, is_day, \ check_oblique, get_timestamp, homedir, get_indexes_within_threshold from aeolus.datasource import CLAVRx, CLAVRx_VIIRS, GOESL1B, CLAVRx_H08 import h5py import datetime from datetime import timezone import glob from skyfield import api, almanac goes_date_format = '%Y%j%H' goes16_directory = '/arcdata/goes/grb/goes16' # /year/date/abi/L1b/RadC clavrx_dir = '/ships19/cloud/scratch/ICING/' # next one appears to be gone. Keeping this here for reference. clavrx_viirs_dir = '/apollo/cloud/scratch/Satellite_Output/NASA-SNPP_VIIRS/global/2019_DNB_for_Rink_wDBfix/level2_h5/' clavrx_test_dir = '/data/Personal/rink/clavrx/' dir_fmt = '%Y_%m_%d_%j' # dir_list = [f.path for f in os.scandir('.') if f.is_dir()] ds_dct = {} goes_ds_dct = {} # --- CLAVRx Radiometric parameters and metadata ------------------------------------------------ l1b_ds_list = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom', 'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom', 'refl_0_47um_nom', 'refl_0_65um_nom', 'refl_0_86um_nom', 'refl_1_38um_nom', 'refl_1_60um_nom'] l1b_ds_types = ['f4' for ds in l1b_ds_list] l1b_ds_fill = [-32767 for i in range(10)] + [-32768 for i in range(5)] l1b_ds_range = ['actual_range' for ds in l1b_ds_list] # --- CLAVRx L2 parameters and metadata ds_list = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'sensor_zenith_angle', 'supercooled_prob_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'solar_zenith_angle', 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cloud_type', 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask'] ds_types = ['f4' for i in range(23)] + ['i1' for i in range(3)] ds_fill = [-32768 for i in range(23)] + [-128 for i in range(3)] ds_range = ['actual_range' for i in range(23)] + [None for i in range(3)] # -------------------------------------------- # --- CLAVRx VIIRS L2 parameters and metadata # ds_list = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'sensor_zenith_angle', 'supercooled_prob_acha', # 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'solar_zenith_angle', # 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3', # 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', # 'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cld_opd_nlcomp', 'cld_reff_nlcomp', 'cloud_type', # 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask'] # ds_types = ['f4' for i in range(25)] + ['i1' for i in range(3)] # ds_fill = [-32768 for i in range(25)] + [-128 for i in range(3)] # ds_range = ['actual_range' for i in range(25)] + [None for i in range(3)] # -------------------------------------------- # An example file for accessing and copying metadata a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/' #a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/RadC/265/' # VIIRS #a_clvr_file = homedir+'data/clavrx/clavrx_snpp_viirs.A2019071.0000.001.2019071061610.uwssec_B00038187.level2.h5' # Location of files for tile/FOV extraction # icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_2*_DAY.h5')] # icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_l1b_2*_DAY.h5')] # icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/icing_l1b_2*_ANY.h5')] icing_l1b_files = [] # no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_2*_DAY.h5')] # no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_l1b_2*_DAY.h5')] # no_icing_files = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing_ml/no_icing_l1b_2*_ANY.h5')] no_icing_l1b_files = [] train_params_day = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha', 'solar_zenith_angle', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp', 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask'] train_params_night = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha', 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'cloud_phase', 'cloud_mask'] # HALF_WIDTH = 20 HALF_WIDTH = 1 # Just a wrapper for the conversion of PIREP reports to in-memory dictionary def setup(pirep_file=homedir+'data/pirep/pireps_20180101_20200331.csv'): ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict = pirep_icing(pirep_file) return ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict def get_clavrx_datasource(timestamp, platform, file_time_span=10): if platform == 'GOES': return get_clavrx_datasource_goes(timestamp, file_time_span=file_time_span) elif platform == 'VIIRS': return get_clavrx_datasource_viirs(timestamp) def get_clavrx_datasource_goes(timestamp, file_time_span=10): dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp) date_dir_str = dt_obj.strftime(dir_fmt) ds = ds_dct.get(date_dir_str) if ds is None: ds = CLAVRx(clavrx_dir + date_dir_str + '/', file_time_span=file_time_span) ds_dct[date_dir_str] = ds return ds def get_clavrx_datasource_viirs(timestamp): dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp) date_dir_str = dt_obj.strftime('%j') ds = ds_dct.get(date_dir_str) if ds is None: ds = CLAVRx_VIIRS(clavrx_viirs_dir + date_dir_str + '/') ds_dct[date_dir_str] = ds return ds def get_goes_datasource(timestamp): dt_obj, time_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(timestamp) yr_dir = str(dt_obj.timetuple().tm_year) date_dir = dt_obj.strftime(dir_fmt) files_path = goes16_directory + '/' + yr_dir + '/' + date_dir + '/abi' + '/L1b' + '/RadC/' ds = goes_ds_dct.get(date_dir) if ds is None: ds = GOESL1B(files_path) goes_ds_dct[date_dir] = ds return ds def get_grid_values(h5f, grid_name, j_c, i_c, half_width, num_j=None, num_i=None, scale_factor_name='scale_factor', add_offset_name='add_offset', fill_value_name='_FillValue', range_name='actual_range', fill_value=None): try: hfds = h5f[grid_name] except Exception: return None attrs = hfds.attrs if attrs is None: raise GenericException('No attributes object for: '+grid_name) ylen, xlen = hfds.shape if half_width is not None: j_l = j_c-half_width i_l = i_c-half_width if j_l < 0 or i_l < 0: return None j_r = j_c+half_width+1 i_r = i_c+half_width+1 if j_r >= ylen or i_r >= xlen: return None else: j_l = j_c j_r = j_c + num_j + 1 i_l = i_c i_r = i_c + num_i + 1 grd_vals = hfds[j_l:j_r, i_l:i_r] if fill_value is not None: grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals == fill_value, np.nan, grd_vals) if scale_factor_name is not None: attr = attrs.get(scale_factor_name) if attr is not None: if np.isscalar(attr): scale_factor = attr else: scale_factor = attr[0] grd_vals = grd_vals * scale_factor if add_offset_name is not None: attr = attrs.get(add_offset_name) if attr is not None: if np.isscalar(attr): add_offset = attr else: add_offset = attr[0] grd_vals = grd_vals + add_offset if range_name is not None: attr = attrs.get(range_name) if attr is None: raise GenericException('Attribute: '+range_name+' not found for dataset: '+grid_name) low = attr[0] high = attr[1] grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals < low, np.nan, grd_vals) grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals > high, np.nan, grd_vals) elif fill_value_name is not None: attr = attrs.get(fill_value_name) if attr is None: raise GenericException('Attribute: '+fill_value_name+' not found for dataset: '+grid_name) if np.isscalar(attr): fill_value = attr else: fill_value = attr[0] grd_vals = np.where(grd_vals == fill_value, np.nan, grd_vals) return grd_vals def create_file(filename, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, icing_intensity, unq_ids, mask=None): h5f_expl = h5py.File(a_clvr_file, 'r') h5f = h5py.File(filename, 'w') for idx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): data = data_dct[ds_name] h5f.create_dataset(ds_name, data=data, dtype=ds_types[idx]) lon_ds = h5f.create_dataset('longitude', data=lon_c, dtype='f4') lon_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' lon_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_east') lon_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP longitude') lat_ds = h5f.create_dataset('latitude', data=lat_c, dtype='f4') lat_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' lat_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_north') lat_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP latitude') time_ds = h5f.create_dataset('time', data=time_s) time_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' time_ds.attrs.create('units', data='seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00') time_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP time') ice_alt_ds = h5f.create_dataset('icing_altitude', data=fl_alt_s, dtype='f4') ice_alt_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' ice_alt_ds.attrs.create('units', data='m') ice_alt_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP altitude') if icing_intensity is not None: icing_int_ds = h5f.create_dataset('icing_intensity', data=icing_intensity, dtype='i4') icing_int_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='From PIREP. 0:No intensity report, 1:Trace, 2:Light, 3:Light Moderate, 4:Moderate, 5:Moderate Severe, 6:Severe') unq_ids_ds = h5f.create_dataset('unique_id', data=unq_ids, dtype='i4') unq_ids_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='ID mapping to PIREP icing dictionary: see') if mask is not None: mask = mask.astype(np.byte) mask_ds = h5f.create_dataset('FOV_mask', data=mask, dtype=np.byte) mask_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='The FOVs which pass the cloudy icing report test') mask_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' mask_ds.dims[1].label = 'y' mask_ds.dims[2].label = 'x' # copy relevant attributes for ds_name in ds_list: h5f_ds = h5f[ds_name] h5f_ds.attrs.create('standard_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('standard_name')) h5f_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('long_name')) h5f_ds.attrs.create('units', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('units')) h5f_ds.dims[0].label = 'time' h5f_ds.dims[1].label = 'y' h5f_ds.dims[2].label = 'x' h5f.close() h5f_expl.close() def run(pirep_dct, platform, outfile=None, outfile_l1b=None, dt_str_start=None, dt_str_end=None, skip=True, file_time_span=10): time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys()) l1b_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in l1b_ds_list} ds_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in ds_list} t_start = None t_end = None if (dt_str_start is not None) and (dt_str_end is not None): dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_start, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) t_start = dto.timestamp() dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_end, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) t_end = dto.timestamp() lon_s = np.zeros(1) lat_s = np.zeros(1) last_clvr_file = None last_h5f = None nav = None lon_c = [] lat_c = [] time_s = [] fl_alt_s = [] ice_int_s = [] unq_ids = [] for idx, time in enumerate(time_keys): if t_start is not None: if time < t_start: continue if time > t_end: continue try: clvr_ds = get_clavrx_datasource(time, platform, file_time_span=file_time_span) except Exception: print('run: Problem retrieving Datasource', get_time_tuple_utc(time)) continue clvr_file = clvr_ds.get_file(time)[0] if clvr_file is None: continue if clvr_file != last_clvr_file: try: h5f = h5py.File(clvr_file, 'r') nav = clvr_ds.get_navigation(h5f) except Exception: if h5f is not None: h5f.close() print('Problem with file: ', clvr_file) continue if last_h5f is not None: last_h5f.close() last_h5f = h5f last_clvr_file = clvr_file else: h5f = last_h5f cc = ll = -1 reports = pirep_dct[time] for tup in reports: lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup lat_s[0] = lat lon_s[0] = lon cc_a, ll_a = nav.earth_to_lc_s(lon_s, lat_s) # non-navigable, skip if cc_a[0] < 0 or ll_a[0] < 0: continue if skip and (cc_a[0] == cc and ll_a[0] == ll): # time adjacent duplicate, skip continue else: cc = cc_a[0] ll = ll_a[0] # test -------------------- lon_grd_vals = get_grid_values(h5f, 'longitude', ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name='valid_range', fill_value=-999.0) lat_grd_vals = get_grid_values(h5f, 'latitude', ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name='valid_range', fill_value=-999.0) print(lon_grd_vals[1, 1], lon) print(lat_grd_vals[1, 1], lat) continue # ------------------------------ cnt_a = 0 ds_lst = [] for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name=ds_range[didx], fill_value=ds_fill[didx]) if gvals is not None: ds_lst.append(gvals) cnt_a += 1 cnt_b = 0 l1b_lst = [] for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list): gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], HALF_WIDTH, fill_value_name=None, range_name=l1b_ds_range[didx], fill_value=l1b_ds_fill[didx]) if gvals is not None: l1b_lst.append(gvals) cnt_b += 1 if cnt_a > 0 and cnt_a != len(ds_list): continue if cnt_b > 0 and cnt_b != len(l1b_ds_list): continue if cnt_a == len(ds_list) and cnt_b == len(l1b_ds_list): for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): ds_grd_dct[ds_name].append(ds_lst[didx]) for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list): l1b_grd_dct[ds_name].append(l1b_lst[didx]) lon_c.append(lon_s[0]) lat_c.append(lat_s[0]) time_s.append(time) fl_alt_s.append(fl) ice_int_s.append(I) unq_ids.append(uid) if len(time_s) == 0: return t_start = time_s[0] t_end = time_s[len(time_s)-1] lon_c = np.array(lon_c) lat_c = np.array(lat_c) time_s = np.array(time_s) fl_alt_s = np.array(fl_alt_s) ice_int_s = np.array(ice_int_s) unq_ids = np.array(unq_ids) data_dct = {} for ds_name in ds_list: data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(ds_grd_dct[ds_name]) if outfile is not None: outfile = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile, t_start, t_end) create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) data_dct = {} for ds_name in l1b_ds_list: data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(l1b_grd_dct[ds_name]) if outfile_l1b is not None: outfile_l1b = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile_l1b, t_start, t_end) create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) def run_viirs(pirep_dct, platform='VIIRS', outfile=None, outfile_l1b=None, dt_str_start=None, dt_str_end=None): time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys()) l1b_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in l1b_ds_list} ds_grd_dct = {name: [] for name in ds_list} t_start = None t_end = None if (dt_str_start is not None) and (dt_str_end is not None): dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_start, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) t_start = dto.timestamp() dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_end, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) t_end = dto.timestamp() lon_s = np.zeros(1) lat_s = np.zeros(1) last_clvr_file = None last_h5f = None nav = None lon_c = [] lat_c = [] time_s = [] fl_alt_s = [] ice_int_s = [] unq_ids = [] num_rpts = 0 num_rpts_match = 0 for idx, time in enumerate(time_keys): if t_start is not None: if time < t_start: continue if time > t_end: continue num_rpts += 1 try: clvr_ds = get_clavrx_datasource(time, platform) except Exception: print('run: Problem retrieving Datasource') continue clvr_file = clvr_ds.get_file_containing_time(time)[0] if clvr_file is None: continue if clvr_file != last_clvr_file: try: h5f = h5py.File(clvr_file, 'r') nav = clvr_ds.get_navigation(h5f) except Exception: if h5f is not None: h5f.close() print('Problem with file: ', clvr_file) continue if last_h5f is not None: last_h5f.close() last_h5f = h5f last_clvr_file = clvr_file else: h5f = last_h5f cc = ll = -1 reports = pirep_dct[time] for tup in reports: lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup lat_s[0] = lat lon_s[0] = lon print(' ',lon, lat) if not nav.check_inside(lon, lat): print('missed range check') continue cc_a, ll_a = nav.earth_to_lc_s(lon_s, lat_s) # non-navigable, skip if cc_a[0] < 0: print('cant navigate') continue if cc_a[0] == cc and ll_a[0] == ll: # time adjacent duplicate, skip continue else: cc = cc_a[0] ll = ll_a[0] cnt_a = 0 for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], 20, fill_value_name=None, range_name=ds_range[didx], fill_value=ds_fill[didx]) if gvals is not None: ds_grd_dct[ds_name].append(gvals) cnt_a += 1 cnt_b = 0 for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list): gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, ll_a[0], cc_a[0], 20, fill_value_name=None, range_name=l1b_ds_range[didx], fill_value=l1b_ds_fill[didx]) if gvals is not None: l1b_grd_dct[ds_name].append(gvals) cnt_b += 1 if cnt_a > 0 and cnt_a != len(ds_list): raise GenericException('weirdness') if cnt_b > 0 and cnt_b != len(l1b_ds_list): raise GenericException('weirdness') if cnt_a == len(ds_list) and cnt_b == len(l1b_ds_list): lon_c.append(lon_s[0]) lat_c.append(lat_s[0]) time_s.append(time) fl_alt_s.append(fl) ice_int_s.append(I) unq_ids.append(uid) print('num reports: ', num_rpts) if len(time_s) == 0: return t_start = time_s[0] t_end = time_s[len(time_s)-1] data_dct = {} for ds_name in ds_list: data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(ds_grd_dct[ds_name]) lon_c = np.array(lon_c) lat_c = np.array(lat_c) time_s = np.array(time_s) fl_alt_s = np.array(fl_alt_s) ice_int_s = np.array(ice_int_s) unq_ids = np.array(unq_ids) if outfile is not None: outfile = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile, t_start, t_end) create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) data_dct = {} for ds_name in l1b_ds_list: data_dct[ds_name] = np.array(l1b_grd_dct[ds_name]) if outfile_l1b is not None: outfile_l1b = add_time_range_to_filename(outfile_l1b, t_start, t_end) create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) def pirep_info(pirep_dct): time_keys = list(pirep_dct.keys()) lat_s = [] lon_s = [] flt_lvl_s = [] ice_intensity_s = [] for tkey in time_keys: reports = pirep_dct[tkey] for tup in reports: lat, lon, fl, I, uid, rpt_str = tup lat_s.append(lat) lon_s.append(lon) flt_lvl_s.append(fl) ice_intensity_s.append(I) lat_s = np.array(lat_s) lon_s = np.array(lon_s) flt_lvl_s = np.array(flt_lvl_s) ice_intensity_s = np.array(ice_intensity_s) return flt_lvl_s, ice_intensity_s, lat_s, lon_s lon_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-180, 180, 721) lat_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-90, 90, 361) hgt_space_3000 = np.linspace(0, 15000, 3000) def check_no_overlap(lon, lat, ts, grd_bins, t_delta=600.0): grd_x_hi = lon_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1 grd_y_hi = lat_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1 lon_idx = np.searchsorted(lon_space_hdeg, lon) lat_idx = np.searchsorted(lat_space_hdeg, lat) if lon_idx < 0 or lon_idx > grd_x_hi: return False if lat_idx < 0 or lat_idx > grd_y_hi: return False last_ts = grd_bins[lat_idx, lon_idx] if ts - last_ts > t_delta: grd_bins[lat_idx, lon_idx] = ts return True else: return False def check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, hgt, ts, grd_bins, t_delta=600.0): grd_x_hi = lon_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1 grd_y_hi = lat_space_hdeg.shape[0] - 1 grd_z_hi = hgt_space_3000.shape[0] - 1 lon_idx = np.searchsorted(lon_space_hdeg, lon) lat_idx = np.searchsorted(lat_space_hdeg, lat) hgt_idx = np.searchsorted(hgt_space_3000, hgt) if lon_idx < 0 or lon_idx > grd_x_hi: return False if lat_idx < 0 or lat_idx > grd_y_hi: return False if hgt_idx < 0 or hgt_idx > grd_z_hi: return False last_ts = grd_bins[hgt_idx, lat_idx, lon_idx] if ts - last_ts > t_delta: grd_bins[hgt_idx, lat_idx, lon_idx] = ts return True else: return False # This mostly reduces some categories for a degree of class balancing and removes no intensity reports def process(ice_dct, no_ice_dct, neg_ice_dct, t_delta=600): t_delta = 600 # seconds new_ice_dct = {} new_no_ice_dct = {} new_neg_ice_dct = {} ice_keys_5_6 = [] ice_tidx_5_6 = [] ice_keys_1 = [] ice_tidx_1 = [] ice_keys_4 = [] ice_tidx_4 = [] ice_keys_3 = [] ice_tidx_3 = [] ice_keys_2 = [] ice_tidx_2 = [] print('num keys ice, no_ice, neg_ice: ', len(ice_dct), len(no_ice_dct), len(neg_ice_dct)) no_intensity_cnt = 0 num_ice_reports = 0 for ts in list(ice_dct.keys()): rpts = ice_dct[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): num_ice_reports += 1 if tup[3] == 5 or tup[3] == 6: ice_keys_5_6.append(ts) ice_tidx_5_6.append(idx) elif tup[3] == 1: ice_keys_1.append(ts) ice_tidx_1.append(idx) elif tup[3] == 4: ice_keys_4.append(ts) ice_tidx_4.append(idx) elif tup[3] == 3: ice_keys_3.append(ts) ice_tidx_3.append(idx) elif tup[3] == 2: ice_keys_2.append(ts) ice_tidx_2.append(idx) else: no_intensity_cnt += 1 no_ice_keys = [] no_ice_tidx = [] for ts in list(no_ice_dct.keys()): rpts = no_ice_dct[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): no_ice_keys.append(ts) no_ice_tidx.append(idx) neg_ice_keys = [] neg_ice_tidx = [] for ts in list(neg_ice_dct.keys()): rpts = neg_ice_dct[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): neg_ice_keys.append(ts) neg_ice_tidx.append(idx) print('num ice reports, no ice, neg ice: ', num_ice_reports, len(no_ice_keys), len(neg_ice_keys)) print('------------------------------------------------') ice_keys_5_6 = np.array(ice_keys_5_6) ice_tidx_5_6 = np.array(ice_tidx_5_6, dtype='int64') print('5_6: ', ice_keys_5_6.shape[0]) ice_keys_4 = np.array(ice_keys_4) ice_tidx_4 = np.array(ice_tidx_4, dtype='int64') print('4: ', ice_keys_4.shape[0]) ice_keys_3 = np.array(ice_keys_3) ice_tidx_3 = np.array(ice_tidx_3, dtype='int64') print('3: ', ice_keys_3.shape[0]) ice_keys_2 = np.array(ice_keys_2) ice_tidx_2 = np.array(ice_tidx_2, dtype='int64') print('2: ', ice_keys_2.shape[0]) ice_keys_1 = np.array(ice_keys_1) ice_tidx_1 = np.array(ice_tidx_1, dtype='int64') print('1: ', ice_keys_1.shape[0]) print('0: ', no_intensity_cnt) ice_keys = np.concatenate([ice_keys_1, ice_keys_2, ice_keys_3, ice_keys_4, ice_keys_5_6]) ice_tidx = np.concatenate([ice_tidx_1, ice_tidx_2, ice_tidx_3, ice_tidx_4, ice_tidx_5_6]) print('icing total reduced: ', ice_tidx.shape) print('----------------------------') sidxs = np.argsort(ice_keys) ice_keys = ice_keys[sidxs] ice_tidx = ice_tidx[sidxs] # ----------------------------------------------------- no_ice_keys = np.array(no_ice_keys) no_ice_tidx = np.array(no_ice_tidx) print('no ice total: ', no_ice_keys.shape[0]) np.random.seed(42) ridxs = np.random.permutation(np.arange(no_ice_keys.shape[0])) no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[ridxs] no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[ridxs] no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[::3] no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[::3] print('no ice reduced: ', no_ice_keys.shape[0]) print('---------------------------------') sidxs = np.argsort(no_ice_keys) no_ice_keys = no_ice_keys[sidxs] no_ice_tidx = no_ice_tidx[sidxs] all_which = np.concatenate([np.full(len(ice_keys), 1), np.full(len(no_ice_keys), 0)]) all_keys = np.concatenate([ice_keys, no_ice_keys]) all_tidx = np.concatenate([ice_tidx, no_ice_tidx]) sidxs = np.argsort(all_keys) all_keys = all_keys[sidxs] all_tidx = all_tidx[sidxs] all_which = all_which[sidxs] grd_bins = np.full((lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1)) # grd_bins = np.full((hgt_space_3000.shape[0], lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1)) cnt_i = 0 cnt_ni = 0 for idx, key in enumerate(all_keys): i_ni = all_which[idx] if i_ni == 0: rpts = no_ice_dct[key] tup = rpts[all_tidx[idx]] elif i_ni == 1: rpts = ice_dct[key] tup = rpts[all_tidx[idx]] lat, lon, falt = tup[0], tup[1], tup[2] # if not check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, falt, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta): if not check_no_overlap(lon, lat, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta): # continue pass if i_ni == 0: cnt_ni += 1 n_rpts = new_no_ice_dct.get(key) if n_rpts is None: n_rpts = [] new_no_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts n_rpts.append(tup) elif i_ni == 1: cnt_i += 1 n_rpts = new_ice_dct.get(key) if n_rpts is None: n_rpts = [] new_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts n_rpts.append(tup) print('no overlap ICE: ', cnt_i) print('no overlap NO ICE: ', cnt_ni) # ----------------------------------------------------- neg_ice_keys = np.array(neg_ice_keys) neg_ice_tidx = np.array(neg_ice_tidx) print('neg ice total: ', neg_ice_keys.shape[0]) # grd_bins = np.full((hgt_space_3000.shape[0], lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1)) grd_bins = np.full((lat_space_hdeg.shape[0], lon_space_hdeg.shape[0]), -(t_delta+1)) cnt = 0 for idx, key in enumerate(neg_ice_keys): rpts = neg_ice_dct[key] tup = rpts[neg_ice_tidx[idx]] lat, lon, falt = tup[0], tup[1], tup[2] # if not check_no_overlap_alt(lon, lat, falt, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta): if not check_no_overlap(lon, lat, key, grd_bins, t_delta=t_delta): # continue pass cnt += 1 n_rpts = new_neg_ice_dct.get(key) if n_rpts is None: n_rpts = [] new_neg_ice_dct[key] = n_rpts n_rpts.append(tup) print('neg icing total no overlap: ', cnt) # ------------------------------------------------- return new_ice_dct, new_no_ice_dct, new_neg_ice_dct def analyze2(filename, filename_l1b): f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') f_l1b = h5py.File(filename_l1b, 'r') iint = f['icing_intensity'][:] icing_alt = f['flight_altitude'][:] num_obs = iint.size iint = np.broadcast_to(iint.reshape(num_obs, 1), (num_obs, 256)).flatten() icing_alt = np.broadcast_to(icing_alt.reshape(num_obs, 1), (num_obs, 256)).flatten() keep_mask = f['FOV_mask'][:, :, :].reshape([num_obs, -1]) keep_mask = keep_mask.astype(np.bool) keep_mask = keep_mask.flatten() iint = iint[keep_mask] icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_mask] num_obs = iint.size print('num obs: ', num_obs) no_ice = iint == -1 # All no icing ice = iint >= 1 # All icing tr_ice = (iint == 1) | (iint == 2) # True for icing cats 1 and 2 tr_plus_ice = iint > 2 # True for icing cats 3 and above print('num no ice: ', np.sum(no_ice)) print('num ice: ', np.sum(ice)) print('trace ice: ', np.sum(tr_ice)) print('trace plus ice: ', np.sum(tr_plus_ice)) # keep_no_1_2 = (iint == -1) | (iint == 1) | (iint == 2) # keep_no_3_4_5 = (iint == -1) | (iint > 2) # # iint = iint[keep_no_1_2] # iint = iint[keep_no_3_4_5] # # icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_no_1_2] # icing_alt = icing_alt[keep_no_3_4_5] # no_ice = iint == -1 # ice = iint > 2 cld_top_hgt = f['cld_height_acha'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_top_tmp = f['cld_temp_acha'][:, :, :].flatten() sc_cld_frac = f['supercooled_cloud_fraction'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_mask = f['cloud_mask'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_opd = f['cld_opd_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten() # cld_opd = f['cld_opd_acha'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_reff = f['cld_reff_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_lwc = f['lwc_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_iwc = f['iwc_dcomp'][:, :, :].flatten() # cld_reff = f['cld_reff_acha'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_emiss = f['cld_emiss_acha'][:, :, :].flatten() # cld_phase = f['cloud_phase'][:, :, :].flatten() # solzen = f['solar_zenith_angle'][:, :, :].flatten() # bt_10_4 = f_l1b['temp_10_4um_nom'][:, :, :].flatten() cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt[keep_mask] cld_top_tmp = cld_top_tmp[keep_mask] sc_cld_frac = sc_cld_frac[keep_mask] cld_opd = cld_opd[keep_mask] cld_reff = cld_reff[keep_mask] cld_lwc = cld_lwc[keep_mask] cld_iwc = cld_iwc[keep_mask] cld_mask = cld_mask[keep_mask] cld_mask = np.where(cld_mask > 1, 1, 0) # cld_frac = np.sum(cld_mask, axis=1) / 256 # need to do this earlier # Simple model: Everything below the melting point is icing=True else icing=False ------------------------------ preds = cld_top_tmp <= 273.15 # preds = cld_top_tmp[keep_no_3_4_5] <= 273.15 true_ice = ice & preds false_ice = no_ice & preds true_no_ice = no_ice & np.invert(preds) false_no_ice = ice & np.invert(preds) tp = np.sum(true_ice).astype(np.float32) tn = np.sum(true_no_ice).astype(np.float32) fp = np.sum(false_ice).astype(np.float32) fn = np.sum(false_no_ice).astype(np.float32) recall = tp / (tp + fn) precision = tp / (tp + fp) f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) mcc = ((tp * tn) - (fp * fn)) / np.sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn)) acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn) print('Total (Positive/Icing Prediction: ') print('True icing: ', np.sum(true_ice)) print('-------------------------') print('False no icing (False Negative/Miss): ', np.sum(false_no_ice)) print('---------------------------------------------------') print('---------------------------------------------------') print('Total (Negative/No Icing Prediction: ') print('True no icing: ', np.sum(true_no_ice)) print('-------------------------') print('* False icing (False Positive/False Alarm) *: ', np.sum(false_ice)) print('-------------------------') print('ACC: ', acc) print('Recall: ', recall) print('Precision: ', precision) print('F1: ', f1) print('MCC: ', mcc) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.close() f_l1b.close() return (icing_alt[no_ice], icing_alt[ice], cld_top_hgt[no_ice], cld_top_hgt[ice], cld_top_tmp[no_ice], cld_top_tmp[ice], cld_opd[no_ice], cld_opd[ice], cld_reff[no_ice], cld_reff[ice], cld_lwc[no_ice], cld_lwc[ice], cld_iwc[no_ice], cld_iwc[ice], sc_cld_frac[no_ice], sc_cld_frac[ice]) # -------------------------------------------- # x_a = 10 # x_b = 30 x_a = 12 x_b = 28 y_a = x_a y_b = x_b nx = ny = (x_b - x_a) nx_x_ny = nx * ny def run_daynight(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY'): f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') f_l1b = h5py.File(filename_l1b, 'r') solzen = f['solar_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] satzen = f['sensor_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] num_obs = solzen.shape[0] idxs = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and is_night(solzen[i,]): idxs.append(i) elif day_night == 'DAY' and is_day(solzen[i,]): idxs.append(i) elif day_night == 'ANY': if is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,]): idxs.append(i) keep_idxs = np.array(idxs) data_dct = {} for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): data_dct[ds_name] = f[ds_name][keep_idxs,] lon_c = f['longitude'][keep_idxs] lat_c = f['latitude'][keep_idxs] time_s = f['time'][keep_idxs] fl_alt_s = f['icing_altitude'][keep_idxs] ice_int_s = f['icing_intensity'][keep_idxs] unq_ids = f['unique_id'][keep_idxs] path, fname = os.path.split(filename) fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname) outfile = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + day_night + fext create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) data_dct = {} for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list): data_dct[ds_name] = f_l1b[ds_name][keep_idxs] path, fname = os.path.split(filename_l1b) fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname) outfile_l1b = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + day_night + fext create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids) f.close() f_l1b.close() def run_qc(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY', pass_thresh_frac=0.20, cloudy_frac=0.5, icing=True): f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') icing_alt = f['icing_altitude'][:] cld_top_hgt = f['cld_height_acha'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] cld_geo_dz = f['cld_geo_thick'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] cld_phase = f['cloud_phase'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] cld_temp = f['cld_temp_acha'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] if day_night == 'DAY': cld_opd = f['cld_opd_dcomp'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] else: cld_opd = f['cld_opd_acha'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] cld_mask = f['cloud_mask'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] sol_zen = f['solar_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] sat_zen = f['sensor_zenith_angle'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] f_l1b = h5py.File(filename_l1b, 'r') bt_11um = f_l1b['temp_11_0um_nom'][:, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] if icing: # mask, idxs, num_tested = apply_qc_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, sol_zen, sat_zen, cld_temp, day_night=day_night, cloudy_frac=cloudy_frac) mask, idxs, num_tested = apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, sol_zen, sat_zen, cld_temp, day_night=day_night, cloudy_frac=cloudy_frac) else: # mask, idxs, num_tested = apply_qc_no_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, sol_zen, sat_zen, cld_temp, day_night=day_night, cloudy_frac=cloudy_frac) mask, idxs, num_tested = apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, sol_zen, sat_zen, cld_temp, day_night=day_night, cloudy_frac=cloudy_frac) keep_idxs = [] keep_mask = [] for i in range(len(mask)): # keep_idxs.append(idxs[i]) frac = np.sum(mask[i]) / num_tested[i] if icing: if frac > pass_thresh_frac: keep_idxs.append(idxs[i]) keep_mask.append(mask) elif frac > pass_thresh_frac: keep_idxs.append(idxs[i]) keep_mask.append(mask) if len(keep_idxs) == 0: f.close() f_l1b.close() return len(icing_alt), 0 print('day_night, icing, all, valid, pass: ', day_night, icing, len(icing_alt), len(mask), len(keep_idxs)) print('-----------------------') keep_idxs = np.array(keep_idxs) mask = np.concatenate(mask).reshape((-1, ny, nx)) data_dct = {} for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list): data_dct[ds_name] = f[ds_name][keep_idxs, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] lon_c = f['longitude'][keep_idxs] lat_c = f['latitude'][keep_idxs] time_s = f['time'][keep_idxs] fl_alt_s = f['icing_altitude'][keep_idxs] ice_int_s = f['icing_intensity'][keep_idxs] unq_ids = f['unique_id'][keep_idxs] path, fname = os.path.split(filename) fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname) outfile = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + 'QC' + '_' + day_night + fext create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids, mask) data_dct = {} for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list): data_dct[ds_name] = f_l1b[ds_name][keep_idxs, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b] path, fname = os.path.split(filename_l1b) fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname) outfile_l1b = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + 'QC' + '_' + day_night + fext create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids, mask) f.close() f_l1b.close() return len(icing_alt), len(keep_idxs) def apply_qc_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): if day_night == 'DAY': opd_thick_threshold = 20 opd_thin_threshold = 1 elif day_night == 'NIGHT' or day_night == 'ANY': opd_thick_threshold = 2 opd_thin_threshold = 0.1 closeness_top = 200.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1000.0 max_altitude = 4000.0 max_cld_altitude = 4000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # if not (is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,])): # continue # if not (icing_alt[i] < max_altitude): # continue keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i], False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] < max_cld_altitude, False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] > max_cld_depth, False) # keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_cld_depth) < icing_alt[i], False) keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(bt_11um[i,] > 228.0, bt_11um[i,] < 274.0), False) # keep = np.where(keep, bt_11um[i,] < 275.0, False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.2, False) # cld_hgt = cld_top_hgt[i, ].flatten() # med_cld_hgt = np.median(cld_hgt[keep]) # if icing_alt[i] > med_cld_hgt: # continue # # cld_tmp = cld_top_temp[i, ].flatten() # med_cld_tmp = np.median(cld_tmp[keep]) # if med_cld_tmp > 275.0: # continue # # if icing_alt[i] < med_cld_hgt - max_cld_depth: # continue mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def apply_qc_icing_pireps_exp1(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): if day_night == 'DAY': opd_thick_threshold = 20 opd_thin_threshold = 1 elif day_night == 'NIGHT' or day_night == 'ANY': opd_thick_threshold = 2 opd_thin_threshold = 0.1 closeness_top = 200.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1000.0 max_altitude = 4000.0 max_cld_altitude = 4000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_0 = cld_mask[i, ] == 3 # Confident cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i,], (cld_top_hgt[i,] - 1500.0) < icing_alt[i,]), False) keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_temp[i,] > 228.0, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.0), False) mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def apply_qc_icing_pireps_exp2(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): closeness_top = 200.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1000.0 max_altitude = 4000.0 max_cld_altitude = 4000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_0 = cld_mask[i, ] == 3 # Confident cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i,], (cld_top_hgt[i,] - 3000.0) < icing_alt[i,]), False) keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_temp[i,] > 228.0, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.0), False) mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): closeness_top = 100.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1500.0 max_altitude = 5000.0 max_cld_altitude = 5000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # keep_0 = cld_mask[i, ] == 3 # Confident cloudy keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) # keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) # keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) # keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 keep = keep_0 & keep_1 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue # if icing_alt[i,] > max_altitude: # continue # ctt_mean = np.nanmean(cld_top_temp[i,]) # if ctt_mean > 274.0: # continue # cth_mean = np.nanmean(cld_top_hgt[i,]) # if not (closeness_top+cth_mean > icing_alt[i,] > cth_mean - max_cld_depth): # continue # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] < max_cld_altitude, False) keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and((cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i,], (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_cld_depth) < icing_alt[i,]), False) # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_temp[i,] > 228.0, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.0), False) mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def apply_qc_no_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): if day_night == 'DAY': opd_thick_threshold = 20 opd_thin_threshold = 1 elif day_night == 'NIGHT' or day_night == 'ANY': opd_thick_threshold = 2 opd_thin_threshold = 0.1 closeness_top = 200.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1000.0 max_altitude = 5000.0 max_cld_altitude = 5000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # if not (is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,])): # continue # if not (icing_alt[i] < max_altitude): # continue keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i], False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] < max_cld_altitude, False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] > max_cld_depth, False) # keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_cld_depth) < icing_alt[i], False) keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(bt_11um[i,] > 228.0, bt_11um[i,] < 274.0), False) # keep = np.where(keep, bt_11um[i,] < 275.0, False) # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.2, False) # cld_hgt = cld_top_hgt[i, ].flatten() # med_cld_hgt = np.median(cld_hgt[keep]) # if icing_alt[i] > med_cld_hgt: # continue # # cld_tmp = cld_top_temp[i, ].flatten() # med_cld_tmp = np.median(cld_tmp[keep]) # if med_cld_tmp > 275.0: # continue # # if icing_alt[i] < med_cld_hgt - max_cld_depth: # continue mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def apply_qc_no_icing_pireps_exp2(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5): closeness_top = 200.0 # meters max_cld_depth = 1000.0 max_altitude = 4000.0 max_cld_altitude = 4000.0 num_obs = len(icing_alt) cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1)) bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) mask = [] idxs = [] num_tested = [] for i in range(num_obs): if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]): continue if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]): continue elif day_night == 'ANY': pass # keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_0 = cld_mask[i, ] == 3 # Confident cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,])) keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,])) keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3 num_keep = np.sum(keep) if num_keep == 0: continue if num_keep / nx_x_ny < cloudy_frac: # At least this fraction cloudy continue keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i,], (cld_top_hgt[i,] - 3000.0) < icing_alt[i,]), False) # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_temp[i,] > 228.0, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.0), False) mask.append(keep) idxs.append(i) num_tested.append(num_keep) return mask, idxs, num_tested def fov_extract(icing_files, no_icing_files, trnfile='/home/rink/fovs_l1b_train.h5', tstfile='/home/rink/fovs_l1b_test.h5', L1B_or_L2='L1B', split=0.2): ice_times = [] icing_int_s = [] ice_lons = [] ice_lats = [] no_ice_times = [] no_ice_lons = [] no_ice_lats = [] h5_s_icing = [] h5_s_no_icing = [] if L1B_or_L2 == 'L1B': params = l1b_ds_list param_types = l1b_ds_types elif L1B_or_L2 == 'L2': params = ds_list param_types = ds_types icing_data_dct = {ds: [] for ds in params} no_icing_data_dct = {ds: [] for ds in params} sub_indexes = np.arange(400) num_ice = 0 for fidx in range(len(icing_files)): fname = icing_files[fidx] f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') h5_s_icing.append(f) times = f['time'][:] num_obs = len(times) icing_int = f['icing_intensity'][:] lons = f['longitude'][:] lats = f['latitude'][:] cld_mask = f['cloud_mask'][:, 10:30, 10:30] cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = f['cld_temp_acha'][:, 10:30, 10:30] cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) for i in range(num_obs): keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_temp[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_temp[i,] < 273.0, False) k_idxs = sub_indexes[keep] np.random.shuffle(k_idxs) if len(k_idxs) > 20: k_idxs = k_idxs[0:20] else: k_idxs = k_idxs[0:len(k_idxs)] num_ice += len(k_idxs) for ds_name in params: dat = f[ds_name][i, 10:30, 10:30].flatten() icing_data_dct[ds_name].append(dat[k_idxs]) icing_int_s.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), icing_int[i])) ice_times.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), times[i])) ice_lons.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), lons[i])) ice_lats.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), lats[i])) print(fname) for ds_name in params: lst = icing_data_dct[ds_name] icing_data_dct[ds_name] = np.concatenate(lst) icing_int_s = np.concatenate(icing_int_s) ice_times = np.concatenate(ice_times) ice_lons = np.concatenate(ice_lons) ice_lats = np.concatenate(ice_lats) num_no_ice = 0 for fidx in range(len(no_icing_files)): fname = no_icing_files[fidx] f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') h5_s_no_icing.append(f) times = f['time'] num_obs = len(times) lons = f['longitude'] lats = f['latitude'] cld_mask = f['cloud_mask'][:, 10:30, 10:30] cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1)) cld_top_temp = f['cld_temp_acha'][:, 10:30, 10:30] cld_top_temp = cld_top_temp.reshape((num_obs, -1)) for i in range(num_obs): keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3) # cloudy keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_temp[i,])) keep = keep_0 & keep_1 keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_temp[i,] < 273.0, False) k_idxs = sub_indexes[keep] np.random.shuffle(k_idxs) if len(k_idxs) > 10: k_idxs = k_idxs[0:10] else: k_idxs = k_idxs[0:len(k_idxs)] num_no_ice += len(k_idxs) no_ice_times.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), times[i])) no_ice_lons.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), lons[i])) no_ice_lats.append(np.full(len(k_idxs), lats[i])) for ds_name in params: dat = f[ds_name][i, 10:30, 10:30].flatten() no_icing_data_dct[ds_name].append(dat[k_idxs]) print(fname) for ds_name in params: lst = no_icing_data_dct[ds_name] no_icing_data_dct[ds_name] = np.concatenate(lst) no_icing_int_s = np.full(num_no_ice, -1) no_ice_times = np.concatenate(no_ice_times) no_ice_lons = np.concatenate(no_ice_lons) no_ice_lats = np.concatenate(no_ice_lats) icing_intensity = np.concatenate([icing_int_s, no_icing_int_s]) icing_times = np.concatenate([ice_times, no_ice_times]) icing_lons = np.concatenate([ice_lons, no_ice_lons]) icing_lats = np.concatenate([ice_lats, no_ice_lats]) data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: data_dct[ds_name] = np.concatenate([icing_data_dct[ds_name], no_icing_data_dct[ds_name]]) # apply shuffle indexes # ds_indexes = np.arange(num_ice + num_no_ice) # np.random.shuffle(ds_indexes) # # for ds_name in train_params: # data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] # icing_intensity = icing_intensity[ds_indexes] # icing_times = icing_times[ds_indexes] # icing_lons = icing_lons[ds_indexes] # icing_lats = icing_lats[ds_indexes] # do sort ds_indexes = np.argsort(icing_times) for ds_name in params: data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] icing_intensity = icing_intensity[ds_indexes] icing_times = icing_times[ds_indexes] icing_lons = icing_lons[ds_indexes] icing_lats = icing_lats[ds_indexes] #trn_idxs, tst_idxs = split_data(icing_intensity.shape[0], shuffle=False, perc=split) all_idxs = np.arange(icing_intensity.shape[0]) splt_idx = int(icing_intensity.shape[0] * (1-split)) trn_idxs = all_idxs[0:splt_idx] tst_idxs = all_idxs[splt_idx:] trn_data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: trn_data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][trn_idxs,] trn_icing_intensity = icing_intensity[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_times = icing_times[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_lons = icing_lons[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_lats = icing_lats[trn_idxs,] write_file(trnfile, params, param_types, trn_data_dct, trn_icing_intensity, trn_icing_times, trn_icing_lons, trn_icing_lats) tst_data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: tst_data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][tst_idxs,] tst_icing_intensity = icing_intensity[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_times = icing_times[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_lons = icing_lons[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_lats = icing_lats[tst_idxs,] # do sort ds_indexes = np.argsort(tst_icing_times) for ds_name in params: tst_data_dct[ds_name] = tst_data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] tst_icing_intensity = tst_icing_intensity[ds_indexes] tst_icing_times = tst_icing_times[ds_indexes] tst_icing_lons = tst_icing_lons[ds_indexes] tst_icing_lats = tst_icing_lats[ds_indexes] write_file(tstfile, params, param_types, tst_data_dct, tst_icing_intensity, tst_icing_times, tst_icing_lons, tst_icing_lats) # --- close files for h5f in h5_s_icing: h5f.close() for h5f in h5_s_no_icing: h5f.close() def tile_extract(icing_files, no_icing_files, trnfile='/home/rink/tiles_train.h5', vldfile='/home/rink/tiles_valid.h5', tstfile='/home/rink/tiles_test.h5', L1B_or_L2='L1B', cld_mask_name='cloud_mask', augment=False, do_split=True, has_test=True): # 16x16 # n_a, n_b = 12, 28 # m_a, m_b = 12, 28 n_a, n_b = 0, 16 m_a, m_b = 0, 16 # 10x10 # n_a, n_b = 15, 25 # m_a, m_b = 15, 25 icing_int_s = [] ice_time_s = [] no_ice_time_s = [] ice_lon_s = [] no_ice_lon_s = [] ice_lat_s = [] no_ice_lat_s = [] ice_flt_alt_s = [] no_ice_flt_alt_s = [] h5_s_icing = [] h5_s_no_icing = [] if L1B_or_L2 == 'L1B': params = l1b_ds_list param_types = l1b_ds_types elif L1B_or_L2 == 'L2': params = ds_list param_types = ds_types params.append('FOV_mask') param_types.append('i1') icing_data_dct = {ds: [] for ds in params} no_icing_data_dct = {ds: [] for ds in params} for fidx in range(len(icing_files)): fname = icing_files[fidx] f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') h5_s_icing.append(f) times = f['time'][:] num_obs = len(times) lons = f['longitude'] lats = f['latitude'] icing_int = f['icing_intensity'][:] flt_altitude = f['icing_altitude'][:] for i in range(num_obs): cld_msk = f[cld_mask_name][i, n_a:n_b, m_a:m_b] for ds_name in params: dat = f[ds_name][i, n_a:n_b, m_a:m_b] if L1B_or_L2 == 'L2': keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk == 2, cld_msk == 3) # cloudy np.where(keep, dat, np.nan) icing_data_dct[ds_name].append(dat) icing_int_s.append(icing_int[i]) ice_time_s.append(times[i]) ice_lon_s.append(lons[i]) ice_lat_s.append(lats[i]) ice_flt_alt_s.append(flt_altitude[i]) print(fname) for ds_name in params: lst = icing_data_dct[ds_name] icing_data_dct[ds_name] = np.stack(lst, axis=0) icing_int_s = np.array(icing_int_s) ice_time_s = np.array(ice_time_s) ice_lon_s = np.array(ice_lon_s) ice_lat_s = np.array(ice_lat_s) ice_flt_alt_s = np.array(ice_flt_alt_s) # No icing ------------------------------------------------------------ num_no_ice = 0 for fidx in range(len(no_icing_files)): fname = no_icing_files[fidx] f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') h5_s_no_icing.append(f) times = f['time'] num_obs = len(times) lons = f['longitude'] lats = f['latitude'] flt_altitude = f['icing_altitude'][:] for i in range(num_obs): cld_msk = f[cld_mask_name][i, n_a:n_b, m_a:m_b] for ds_name in params: dat = f[ds_name][i, n_a:n_b, m_a:m_b] if L1B_or_L2 == 'L2': keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk == 2, cld_msk == 3) # cloudy np.where(keep, dat, np.nan) no_icing_data_dct[ds_name].append(dat) num_no_ice += 1 no_ice_time_s.append(times[i]) no_ice_lon_s.append(lons[i]) no_ice_lat_s.append(lats[i]) no_ice_flt_alt_s.append(flt_altitude[i]) print(fname) for ds_name in params: lst = no_icing_data_dct[ds_name] no_icing_data_dct[ds_name] = np.stack(lst, axis=0) no_icing_int_s = np.full(num_no_ice, -1) no_ice_time_s = np.array(no_ice_time_s) no_ice_lon_s = np.array(no_ice_lon_s) no_ice_lat_s = np.array(no_ice_lat_s) no_ice_flt_alt_s = np.array(no_ice_flt_alt_s) icing_intensity = np.concatenate([icing_int_s, no_icing_int_s]) icing_times = np.concatenate([ice_time_s, no_ice_time_s]) icing_lons = np.concatenate([ice_lon_s, no_ice_lon_s]) icing_lats = np.concatenate([ice_lat_s, no_ice_lat_s]) icing_alt = np.concatenate([ice_flt_alt_s, no_ice_flt_alt_s]) data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: data_dct[ds_name] = np.concatenate([icing_data_dct[ds_name], no_icing_data_dct[ds_name]]) # do sort ------------------------------------- ds_indexes = np.argsort(icing_times) for ds_name in params: data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] icing_intensity = icing_intensity[ds_indexes] icing_times = icing_times[ds_indexes] icing_lons = icing_lons[ds_indexes] icing_lats = icing_lats[ds_indexes] icing_alt = icing_alt[ds_indexes] if do_split: trn_idxs, vld_idxs, tst_idxs = split_data(icing_times, has_test) # Below for no test data, just train and valid if has_test: # for no test data, just train and valid trn_idxs = np.concatenate([trn_idxs, tst_idxs]) else: trn_idxs = np.arange(icing_intensity.shape[0]) tst_idxs = None # --------------------------------------------- trn_data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: trn_data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][trn_idxs,] trn_icing_intensity = icing_intensity[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_times = icing_times[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_lons = icing_lons[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_lats = icing_lats[trn_idxs,] trn_icing_alt = icing_alt[trn_idxs,] # Data augmentation ------------------------------------------------------------- if augment: trn_data_dct_aug = {ds_name: [] for ds_name in params} trn_icing_intensity_aug = [] trn_icing_times_aug = [] trn_icing_lons_aug = [] trn_icing_lats_aug = [] trn_icing_alt_aug = [] for k in range(trn_icing_intensity.shape[0]): iceint = trn_icing_intensity[k] icetime = trn_icing_times[k] icelon = trn_icing_lons[k] icelat = trn_icing_lats[k] icealt = trn_icing_alt[k] if iceint == 3 or iceint == 4 or iceint == 5 or iceint == 6: for ds_name in params: dat = trn_data_dct[ds_name] trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name].append(np.fliplr(dat[k,])) trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name].append(np.flipud(dat[k,])) trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name].append(np.rot90(dat[k,])) trn_icing_intensity_aug.append(iceint) trn_icing_intensity_aug.append(iceint) trn_icing_intensity_aug.append(iceint) trn_icing_times_aug.append(icetime) trn_icing_times_aug.append(icetime) trn_icing_times_aug.append(icetime) trn_icing_lons_aug.append(icelon) trn_icing_lons_aug.append(icelon) trn_icing_lons_aug.append(icelon) trn_icing_lats_aug.append(icelat) trn_icing_lats_aug.append(icelat) trn_icing_lats_aug.append(icelat) trn_icing_alt_aug.append(icealt) trn_icing_alt_aug.append(icealt) trn_icing_alt_aug.append(icealt) for ds_name in params: trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name] = np.stack(trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name]) trn_icing_intensity_aug = np.stack(trn_icing_intensity_aug) trn_icing_times_aug = np.stack(trn_icing_times_aug) trn_icing_lons_aug = np.stack(trn_icing_lons_aug) trn_icing_lats_aug = np.stack(trn_icing_lats_aug) trn_icing_alt_aug = np.stack(trn_icing_alt_aug) for ds_name in params: trn_data_dct[ds_name] = np.concatenate([trn_data_dct[ds_name], trn_data_dct_aug[ds_name]]) trn_icing_intensity = np.concatenate([trn_icing_intensity, trn_icing_intensity_aug]) trn_icing_times = np.concatenate([trn_icing_times, trn_icing_times_aug]) trn_icing_lons = np.concatenate([trn_icing_lons, trn_icing_lons_aug]) trn_icing_lats = np.concatenate([trn_icing_lats, trn_icing_lats_aug]) trn_icing_alt = np.concatenate([trn_icing_alt, trn_icing_alt_aug]) # do sort ds_indexes = np.argsort(trn_icing_times) for ds_name in params: trn_data_dct[ds_name] = trn_data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] trn_icing_intensity = trn_icing_intensity[ds_indexes] trn_icing_times = trn_icing_times[ds_indexes] trn_icing_lons = trn_icing_lons[ds_indexes] trn_icing_lats = trn_icing_lats[ds_indexes] trn_icing_alt = trn_icing_alt[ds_indexes] write_file(trnfile, params, param_types, trn_data_dct, trn_icing_intensity, trn_icing_times, trn_icing_lons, trn_icing_lats, trn_icing_alt) if do_split: if has_test: tst_data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: tst_data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][tst_idxs,] tst_icing_intensity = icing_intensity[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_times = icing_times[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_lons = icing_lons[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_lats = icing_lats[tst_idxs,] tst_icing_alt = icing_alt[tst_idxs,] # do sort ds_indexes = np.argsort(tst_icing_times) for ds_name in params: tst_data_dct[ds_name] = tst_data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] tst_icing_intensity = tst_icing_intensity[ds_indexes] tst_icing_times = tst_icing_times[ds_indexes] tst_icing_lons = tst_icing_lons[ds_indexes] tst_icing_lats = tst_icing_lats[ds_indexes] tst_icing_alt = tst_icing_alt[ds_indexes] write_file(tstfile, params, param_types, tst_data_dct, tst_icing_intensity, tst_icing_times, tst_icing_lons, tst_icing_lats, tst_icing_alt) vld_data_dct = {} for ds_name in params: vld_data_dct[ds_name] = data_dct[ds_name][vld_idxs,] vld_icing_intensity = icing_intensity[vld_idxs,] vld_icing_times = icing_times[vld_idxs,] vld_icing_lons = icing_lons[vld_idxs,] vld_icing_lats = icing_lats[vld_idxs,] vld_icing_alt = icing_alt[vld_idxs,] # do sort ds_indexes = np.argsort(vld_icing_times) for ds_name in params: vld_data_dct[ds_name] = vld_data_dct[ds_name][ds_indexes] vld_icing_intensity = vld_icing_intensity[ds_indexes] vld_icing_times = vld_icing_times[ds_indexes] vld_icing_lons = vld_icing_lons[ds_indexes] vld_icing_lats = vld_icing_lats[ds_indexes] vld_icing_alt = vld_icing_alt[ds_indexes] write_file(vldfile, params, param_types, vld_data_dct, vld_icing_intensity, vld_icing_times, vld_icing_lons, vld_icing_lats, vld_icing_alt) # --- close files for h5f in h5_s_icing: h5f.close() for h5f in h5_s_no_icing: h5f.close() def write_file(outfile, params, param_types, data_dct, icing_intensity, icing_times, icing_lons, icing_lats, icing_alt): h5f_expl = h5py.File(a_clvr_file, 'r') h5f_out = h5py.File(outfile, 'w') for idx, ds_name in enumerate(params): dt = param_types[idx] data = data_dct[ds_name] h5f_out.create_dataset(ds_name, data=data, dtype=dt) icing_int_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('icing_intensity', data=icing_intensity, dtype='i4') icing_int_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='From PIREP. -1:No Icing, 1:Trace, 2:Light, 3:Light Moderate, 4:Moderate, 5:Moderate Severe, 6:Severe') time_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('time', data=icing_times, dtype='f4') time_ds.attrs.create('units', data='seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00') time_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP time') lon_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('longitude', data=icing_lons, dtype='f4') lon_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_east') lon_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP longitude') lat_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('latitude', data=icing_lats, dtype='f4') lat_ds.attrs.create('units', data='degrees_north') lat_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP latitude') alt_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('flight_altitude', data=icing_alt, dtype='f4') alt_ds.attrs.create('units', data='meter') alt_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='PIREP altitude') # copy relevant attributes for ds_name in params: h5f_ds = h5f_out[ds_name] try: h5f_ds.attrs.create('standard_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('standard_name')) h5f_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('long_name')) h5f_ds.attrs.create('units', data=h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('units')) attr = h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('actual_range') if attr is not None: h5f_ds.attrs.create('actual_range', data=attr) attr = h5f_expl[ds_name].attrs.get('flag_values') if attr is not None: h5f_ds.attrs.create('flag_values', data=attr) except Exception: pass # --- close files h5f_out.close() h5f_expl.close() def run_mean_std(check_cloudy=False): ds_list = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction'] # ds_list = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom', # 'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom', # 'refl_0_47um_nom', 'refl_0_65um_nom', 'refl_0_86um_nom', 'refl_1_38um_nom', 'refl_1_60um_nom'] mean_std_dct = {} ice_flist = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing/icing_2*.h5')] no_ice_flist = [f for f in glob.glob('/data/Personal/rink/icing/no_icing_2*.h5')] ice_h5f_lst = [h5py.File(f, 'r') for f in ice_flist] no_ice_h5f_lst = [h5py.File(f, 'r') for f in no_ice_flist] if check_cloudy: cld_msk_i = [] cld_msk_ni = [] for idx, ice_h5f in enumerate(ice_h5f_lst): no_ice_h5f = no_ice_h5f_lst[idx] cld_msk_i.append(ice_h5f['cloud_mask'][:,].flatten()) cld_msk_ni.append(no_ice_h5f['cloud_mask'][:,].flatten()) cld_msk_i = np.concatenate(cld_msk_i) cld_msk_ni = np.concatenate(cld_msk_ni) for dname in ds_list: data = [] data_i = [] data_ni = [] for idx, ice_h5f in enumerate(ice_h5f_lst): no_ice_h5f = no_ice_h5f_lst[idx] data.append(ice_h5f[dname][:,].flatten()) data.append(no_ice_h5f[dname][:,].flatten()) data_i.append(ice_h5f[dname][:,].flatten()) data_ni.append(no_ice_h5f[dname][:,].flatten()) data = np.concatenate(data) mean = np.nanmean(data) data -= mean std = np.nanstd(data) data_i = np.concatenate(data_i) if check_cloudy: keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk_i == 2, cld_msk_i == 3) data_i = data_i[keep] mean_i = np.nanmean(data_i) lo_i = np.nanmin(data_i) hi_i = np.nanmax(data_i) data_i -= mean_i std_i = np.nanstd(data_i) cnt_i = np.sum(np.invert(np.isnan(data_i))) data_ni = np.concatenate(data_ni) if check_cloudy: keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk_ni == 2, cld_msk_ni == 3) data_ni = data_ni[keep] mean_ni = np.nanmean(data_ni) lo_ni = np.nanmin(data_ni) hi_ni = np.nanmax(data_ni) data_ni -= mean_ni std_ni = np.nanstd(data_ni) cnt_ni = np.sum(np.invert(np.isnan(data_ni))) no_icing_to_icing_ratio = cnt_ni/cnt_i mean = (mean_i + no_icing_to_icing_ratio*mean_ni)/(no_icing_to_icing_ratio + 1) std = (std_i + no_icing_to_icing_ratio*std_ni)/(no_icing_to_icing_ratio + 1) lo = (lo_i + no_icing_to_icing_ratio*lo_ni)/(no_icing_to_icing_ratio + 1) hi = (hi_i + no_icing_to_icing_ratio*hi_ni)/(no_icing_to_icing_ratio + 1) print(dname,': (', mean, mean_i, mean_ni, ') (', std, std_i, std_ni, ') ratio: ', no_icing_to_icing_ratio) print(dname,': (', lo, lo_i, lo_ni, ') (', hi, hi_i, hi_ni, ') ratio: ', no_icing_to_icing_ratio) mean_std_dct[dname] = (mean, std, lo, hi) [h5f.close() for h5f in ice_h5f_lst] [h5f.close() for h5f in no_ice_h5f_lst] f = open('/home/rink/data/icing_ml/mean_std_lo_hi.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump(mean_std_dct, f) f.close() return mean_std_dct def run_mean_std_2(check_cloudy=False, no_icing_to_icing_ratio=5, params=train_params_day): params = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp'] mean_std_dct = {} flist = [f for f in glob.glob('/Users/tomrink/data/icing/fov*.h5')] h5f_lst = [h5py.File(f, 'r') for f in flist] if check_cloudy: cld_msk = [] for idx, h5f in enumerate(h5f_lst): cld_msk.append(h5f['cloud_mask'][:,].flatten()) cld_msk = np.concatenate(cld_msk) for dname in params: data = [] for idx, h5f in enumerate(h5f_lst): data.append(h5f[dname][:,].flatten()) data = np.concatenate(data) if check_cloudy: keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk == 2, cld_msk == 3) data = data[keep] mean = np.nanmean(data) data -= mean std = np.nanstd(data) print(dname,': ', mean, std) mean_std_dct[dname] = (mean, std) [h5f.close() for h5f in h5f_lst] f = open('/Users/tomrink/data/icing/fovs_mean_std_day.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump(mean_std_dct, f) f.close() def run_mean_std_3(train_file_path, check_cloudy=False, params=train_params_day): # params = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_press_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_opd_acha', # 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp_1', 'cld_reff_dcomp_2', 'cld_reff_dcomp_3', # 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp_1', 'cld_opd_dcomp_2', 'cld_opd_dcomp_3', 'cld_cwp_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', # 'lwc_dcomp', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction'] #check_cloudy = True params = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom', 'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom', 'refl_0_47um_nom', 'refl_0_65um_nom', 'refl_0_86um_nom', 'refl_1_38um_nom', 'refl_1_60um_nom'] mean_std_lo_hi_dct = {} h5f = h5py.File(train_file_path, 'r') if check_cloudy: cld_msk = h5f['cloud_mask'][:].flatten() for dname in params: data = h5f[dname][:,].flatten() if check_cloudy: keep = np.logical_or(cld_msk == 2, cld_msk == 3) data = data[keep] lo = np.nanmin(data) hi = np.nanmax(data) mean = np.nanmean(data) data -= mean std = np.nanstd(data) print(dname,': ', mean, std, lo, hi) mean_std_lo_hi_dct[dname] = (mean, std, lo, hi) h5f.close() f = open('/Users/tomrink/data/icing/mean_std_lo_hi_test.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump(mean_std_lo_hi_dct, f) f.close() def split_data(times, has_test): time_idxs = np.arange(times.shape[0]) # time_ranges = [[get_timestamp('2018-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-01-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-03-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-05-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-07-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-07-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-09-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-09-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-11-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-01-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-03-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-05-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-07-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-07-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-09-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-09-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-11-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2021-09-24_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-10-01_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2021-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-11-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-01-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-03-07_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-04-04_23:59')]] time_ranges = [[get_timestamp('2018-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-01-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-02-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-03-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-04-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-05-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-06-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-06-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-07-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-07-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-08-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-08-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-09-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-09-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-10-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-10-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-11-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-12-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-01-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-02-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-03-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-04-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-05-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-06-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-06-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-07-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-07-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-08-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-08-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-09-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-09-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-10-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-10-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-11-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-12-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2021-12-04_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-12-08_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-01-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-01-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-02-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-03-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-03-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-04-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-05-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-10-03_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-10-07_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-11-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-12-04_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2023-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2023-12-04_23:59')]] keep_out = 10800 # 3 hrs vld_time_idxs = [] for t_rng in time_ranges: t_rng[0] -= keep_out t_rng[1] += keep_out tidxs = np.searchsorted(times, t_rng) vld_time_idxs.append(np.arange(tidxs[0], tidxs[1], 1)) vld_time_idxs = np.concatenate(vld_time_idxs, axis=None) # time_ranges = [[get_timestamp('2018-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-02-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-04-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-06-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-06-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-08-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-08-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-10-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-10-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2018-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-12-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-02-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-04-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-04-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-06-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-06-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-08-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-08-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-10-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-10-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2019-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-12-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2021-10-05_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-10-10_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2021-12-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-12-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-02-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-02-04_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-03-26_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-03-30_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-04-07_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-04-10_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-05-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-05-06_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-10-03_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-10-08_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-10-17_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-10-22_20:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-11-01_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-11-05_23:59')], # [get_timestamp('2022-11-10_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-12-01_23:59')]] time_ranges = [[get_timestamp('2018-01-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-01-12_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-02-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-02-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-03-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-03-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-04-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-04-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-05-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-05-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-06-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-06-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-07-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-07-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-08-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-08-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-09-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-09-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-10-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-10-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-11-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-11-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2018-12-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2018-12-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-01-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-01-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-02-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-02-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-03-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-03-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-04-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-04-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-05-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-05-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-06-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-06-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-07-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-07-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-08-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-08-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-09-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-09-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-10-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-10-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-11-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-11-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2019-12-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2019-12-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2021-12-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2021-12-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-01-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-01-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-02-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-02-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-03-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-03-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-04-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-04-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-05-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-05-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-10-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-10-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-11-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-11-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2022-12-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2022-12-13_23:59')], [get_timestamp('2023-12-11_00:00'), get_timestamp('2023-12-13_23:59')]] tst_time_idxs = [] if has_test: for t_rng in time_ranges: t_rng[0] -= keep_out t_rng[1] += keep_out tidxs = np.searchsorted(times, t_rng) tst_time_idxs.append(np.arange(tidxs[0], tidxs[1], 1)) tst_time_idxs = np.concatenate(tst_time_idxs, axis=None) vld_tst_time_idxs = np.concatenate([vld_time_idxs, tst_time_idxs]) vld_tst_time_idxs = np.sort(vld_tst_time_idxs) vld_tst_time_idxs = np.sort(vld_time_idxs) train_time_idxs = time_idxs[np.in1d(time_idxs, vld_tst_time_idxs, invert=True)] return train_time_idxs, vld_time_idxs, tst_time_idxs def normalize(data, param, mean_std_dict, add_noise=False, noise_scale=1.0, seed=None): if mean_std_dict.get(param) is None: return data shape = data.shape data = data.flatten() mean, std, lo, hi = mean_std_dict.get(param) data -= mean data /= std if add_noise: if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) rnd = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=noise_scale, size=data.size) data += rnd not_valid = np.isnan(data) data[not_valid] = 0 data = np.reshape(data, shape) return data lon_space = np.linspace(-180, 180, 721) lat_space = np.linspace(-90, 90, 361) def spatial_filter(icing_dict): keys = icing_dict.keys() grd_x_hi = lon_space.shape[0] - 1 grd_y_hi = lat_space.shape[0] - 1 grd_bins = np.full((lat_space.shape[0], lon_space.shape[0]), 0) grd_bins_keys = [[[] for i in range(lon_space.shape[0])] for j in range(lat_space.shape[0])] for key in keys: rpts = icing_dict.get(key) for tup in rpts: lat = tup[0] lon = tup[1] lon_idx = np.searchsorted(lon_space, lon) lat_idx = np.searchsorted(lat_space, lat) if lon_idx < 0 or lon_idx > grd_x_hi: continue if lat_idx < 0 or lat_idx > grd_y_hi: continue grd_bins[lat_idx, lon_idx] += 1 grd_bins_keys[lat_idx][lon_idx].append(key) return grd_bins, grd_bins_keys def remove_common(boeing_dct, pirep_dct, threshold=3000): boeing_times = list(boeing_dct.keys()) pirep_times = np.array(list(pirep_dct.keys())) pt_s = [] bt_s = [] bi_s = [] for k, bt in enumerate(boeing_times): idx_s, v_s = get_indexes_within_threshold(pirep_times, bt, threshold=threshold) if len(idx_s) > 0: bt_s.append(bt) bi_s.append(k) pt_s.append(v_s[0]) boeing_times = np.array(boeing_times) sub_pirep_dct = {} sub_boeing_dct = {} for key in pt_s: sub_pirep_dct[key] = pirep_dct.get(key) for key in bt_s: sub_boeing_dct[key] = boeing_dct.get(key) grd_bins, _ = spatial_filter(sub_pirep_dct) grd_bins_boeing, key_bins = spatial_filter(sub_boeing_dct) grd_bins = np.where(grd_bins > 0, 1, grd_bins) grd_bins_boeing = np.where(grd_bins_boeing > 0, 1, grd_bins_boeing) ovrlp_grd_bins = grd_bins + grd_bins_boeing ovlp_keys = [] for j in range(lat_space.shape[0]): for i in range(lon_space.shape[0]): if ovrlp_grd_bins[j, i] == 2: keys = key_bins[j][i] nkeys = len(keys) for k in range(nkeys): ovlp_keys.append(keys[k]) set_a = set(ovlp_keys) set_b = set(boeing_times) set_b.difference_update(set_a) no_ovlp_dct = {} for key in set_b: no_ovlp_dct[key] = boeing_dct.get(key) return no_ovlp_dct # dt_str_0: start datetime string in format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM (default) # dt_str_1: end datetime string in format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM (default) # format_code: Python Datetime format code, default: '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M' # return a flatten list of icing reports def time_filter(icing_dct, dt_str_0=None, dt_str_1=None, format_code='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M'): ts_0 = 0 if dt_str_0 is not None: dto_0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_0, format_code).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts_0 = dto_0.timestamp() ts_1 = np.finfo(np.float64).max if dt_str_1 is not None: dto_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_1, format_code).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts_1 = dto_1.timestamp() keep_reports = [] keep_times = [] keep_lons = [] keep_lats = [] for ts in list(icing_dct.keys()): if ts_0 <= ts < ts_1: rpts = icing_dct[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): keep_reports.append(tup) keep_times.append(ts) keep_lats.append(tup[0]) keep_lons.append(tup[1]) return keep_times, keep_lons, keep_lats, keep_reports # dt_str_0: start datetime string in format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM (default) # dt_str_1: end datetime string in format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM (default) # format_code: Python Datetime format code, default: '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M' # return a flatten list of icing reports def time_filter_2(times, dt_str_0=None, dt_str_1=None, format_code='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M'): ts_0 = 0 if dt_str_0 is not None: dto_0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_0, format_code).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts_0 = dto_0.timestamp() ts_1 = np.finfo(np.float64).max if dt_str_1 is not None: dto_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str_1, format_code).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts_1 = dto_1.timestamp() keep_idxs = [] keep_times = [] for idx, ts in enumerate(times): if ts_0 <= ts < ts_1: keep_times.append(ts) keep_idxs.append(idx) return keep_times, keep_idxs def time_filter_3(icing_dct, ts_0, ts_1, alt_lo=None, alt_hi=None): keep_reports = [] keep_times = [] keep_lons = [] keep_lats = [] for ts in list(icing_dct.keys()): if ts_0 <= ts < ts_1: rpts = icing_dct[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): falt = tup[2] if alt_lo is not None and (alt_lo < falt <= alt_hi): keep_reports.append(tup) keep_times.append(ts) keep_lats.append(tup[0]) keep_lons.append(tup[1]) return keep_times, keep_lons, keep_lats, keep_reports def analyze_moon_phase(icing_dict): ts = api.load.timescale() eph = api.load('de421.bsp') last_date = None moon_phase = None cnt = 0 for key in list(icing_dict.keys()): dt_obj, dt_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(key) date =, dt_tup.tm_mon, dt_tup.tm_mday) if last_date != date: t = ts.utc(dt_tup.tm_year, dt_tup.tm_mon, dt_tup.tm_mday) moon_phase = almanac.moon_phase(eph, t) if 30 < moon_phase.degrees < 330: cnt += 1 last_date = date else: if 30 < moon_phase.degrees < 330: cnt += 1 print(len(icing_dict), cnt) def tiles_info(filename): h5f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') iint = h5f['icing_intensity'][:] print('No Icing: ', np.sum(iint == -1)) print('Icing: ', np.sum(iint > 0)) print('Icing 1: ', np.sum(iint == 1)) print('Icing 2: ', np.sum(iint == 2)) print('Icing 3: ', np.sum(iint == 3)) print('Icing 4: ', np.sum(iint == 4)) print('Icing 5: ', np.sum(iint == 5)) print('Icing 6: ', np.sum(iint == 6)) def analyze(preds_file, labels, prob_avg, test_file): if preds_file is not None: labels, prob_avg = np.load(preds_file, allow_pickle=True) h5f = h5py.File(test_file, 'r') nda = h5f['flight_altitude'][:] num_obs = nda.shape[0] iint = h5f['icing_intensity'][:] cld_hgt = h5f['cld_height_acha'][:] cld_dz = h5f['cld_geo_thick'][:] cld_tmp = h5f['cld_temp_acha'][:] # cld_top_hgt = cld_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1)) print('report altitude (m): ', np.histogram(nda, bins=12)) flt_alt = nda.copy() iint = np.where(iint == -1, 0, iint) iint = np.where(iint != 0, 1, iint) nda[np.logical_and(nda >= 100, nda < 4000)] = 0 nda[np.logical_and(nda >= 4000, nda < 15000)] = 1 nda[np.logical_and(nda >= 15000, nda < 20000)] = 2 nda[np.logical_and(nda >= 20000, nda < 25000)] = 3 # nda[np.logical_and(nda >= 8000, nda < 15000)] = 4 print(np.sum(nda == 0), np.sum(nda == 1), np.sum(nda == 2)) print('No icing: ', np.sum((iint == 0) & (nda == 0)), np.sum((iint == 0) & (nda == 1)), np.sum((iint == 0) & (nda == 2)), np.sum((iint == 0) & (nda == 3))) print('---------------------------') print('Icing: ', np.sum((iint == 1) & (nda == 0)), np.sum((iint == 1) & (nda == 1)), np.sum((iint == 1) & (nda == 2)), np.sum((iint == 1) & (nda == 3))) print('---------------------------') print('----------------------------------------------------------') print('----------------------------------------------------------') if prob_avg is None: return preds = np.where(prob_avg > 0.5, 1, 0) num_0 = np.sum(nda == 0) num_1 = np.sum(nda == 1) num_2 = np.sum(nda == 2) num_3 = np.sum(nda == 3) true_ice = (labels == 1) & (preds == 1) false_ice = (labels == 0) & (preds == 1) true_no_ice = (labels == 0) & (preds == 0) false_no_ice = (labels == 1) & (preds == 0) tp_0 = np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 0)) tp_1 = np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 1)) tp_2 = np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 2)) tp_3 = np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 3)) tn_0 = np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 0)) tn_1 = np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 1)) tn_2 = np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 2)) tn_3 = np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 3)) fp_0 = np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 0)) fp_1 = np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 1)) fp_2 = np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 2)) fp_3 = np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 3)) fn_0 = np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 0)) fn_1 = np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 1)) fn_2 = np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 2)) fn_3 = np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 3)) recall_0 = tp_0 / (tp_0 + fn_0) recall_1 = tp_1 / (tp_1 + fn_1) recall_2 = tp_2 / (tp_2 + fn_2) recall_3 = tp_3 / (tp_3 + fn_3) precision_0 = tp_0 / (tp_0 + fp_0) precision_1 = tp_1 / (tp_1 + fp_1) precision_2 = tp_2 / (tp_2 + fp_2) precision_3 = tp_3 / (tp_3 + fp_3) f1_0 = 2 * (precision_0 * recall_0) / (precision_0 + recall_0) f1_1 = 2 * (precision_1 * recall_1) / (precision_1 + recall_1) f1_2 = 2 * (precision_2 * recall_2) / (precision_2 + recall_2) f1_3 = 2 * (precision_3 * recall_3) / (precision_3 + recall_3) mcc_0 = ((tp_0 * tn_0) - (fp_0 * fn_0)) / np.sqrt((tp_0 + fp_0) * (tp_0 + fn_0) * (tn_0 + fp_0) * (tn_0 + fn_0)) mcc_1 = ((tp_1 * tn_1) - (fp_1 * fn_1)) / np.sqrt((tp_1 + fp_1) * (tp_1 + fn_1) * (tn_1 + fp_1) * (tn_1 + fn_1)) mcc_2 = ((tp_2 * tn_2) - (fp_2 * fn_2)) / np.sqrt((tp_2 + fp_2) * (tp_2 + fn_2) * (tn_2 + fp_2) * (tn_2 + fn_2)) mcc_3 = ((tp_3 * tn_3) - (fp_3 * fn_3)) / np.sqrt((tp_3 + fp_3) * (tp_3 + fn_3) * (tn_3 + fp_3) * (tn_3 + fn_3)) acc_0 = np.sum(labels[nda == 0] == preds[nda == 0]) / num_0 acc_1 = np.sum(labels[nda == 1] == preds[nda == 1]) / num_1 acc_2 = np.sum(labels[nda == 2] == preds[nda == 2]) / num_2 acc_3 = np.sum(labels[nda == 3] == preds[nda == 3]) / num_3 print('Total (Positive/Icing Prediction: ') print('True icing: ', np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 0)), np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 1)), np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 2)), np.sum(true_ice & (nda == 3))) print('-------------------------') print('False no icing (False Negative/Miss): ', np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 0)), np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 1)), np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 2)), np.sum(false_no_ice & (nda == 3))) print('---------------------------------------------------') print('---------------------------------------------------') print('Total (Negative/No Icing Prediction: ') print('True no icing: ', np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 0)), np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 1)), np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 2)), np.sum(true_no_ice & (nda == 3))) print('-------------------------') print('* False icing (False Positive/False Alarm) *: ', np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 0)), np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 1)), np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 2)), np.sum(false_ice & (nda == 3))) print('-------------------------') print('ACC: ', acc_0, acc_1, acc_2, acc_3) print('Recall: ', recall_0, recall_1, recall_2, recall_3) print('Precision: ', precision_0, precision_1, precision_2, precision_3) print('F1: ', f1_0, f1_1, f1_2, f1_3) print('MCC: ', mcc_0, mcc_1, mcc_2, mcc_3) return labels[nda == 0], prob_avg[nda == 0], labels[nda == 1], prob_avg[nda == 1], labels[nda == 2], prob_avg[nda == 2] def get_training_parameters(day_night='DAY', l1b_andor_l2='both'): if day_night == 'DAY': train_params_l2 = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'iwc_dcomp', 'lwc_dcomp'] train_params_l1b = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom', 'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom', 'refl_0_47um_nom', 'refl_0_65um_nom', 'refl_0_86um_nom', 'refl_1_38um_nom', 'refl_1_60um_nom'] else: train_params_l2 = ['cld_height_acha', 'cld_geo_thick', 'cld_temp_acha', 'cld_press_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_emiss_acha', 'conv_cloud_fraction', 'cld_reff_acha', 'cld_opd_acha'] train_params_l1b = ['temp_10_4um_nom', 'temp_11_0um_nom', 'temp_12_0um_nom', 'temp_13_3um_nom', 'temp_3_75um_nom', 'temp_6_2um_nom', 'temp_6_7um_nom', 'temp_7_3um_nom', 'temp_8_5um_nom', 'temp_9_7um_nom'] if l1b_andor_l2 == 'both': train_params = train_params_l1b + train_params_l2 elif l1b_andor_l2 == 'l1b': train_params = train_params_l1b elif l1b_andor_l2 == 'l2': train_params = train_params_l2 return train_params flt_level_ranges = {k: None for k in range(5)} flt_level_ranges[0] = [0.0, 2000.0] flt_level_ranges[1] = [2000.0, 4000.0] flt_level_ranges[2] = [4000.0, 6000.0] flt_level_ranges[3] = [6000.0, 8000.0] flt_level_ranges[4] = [8000.0, 15000.0]