import datetime from datetime import timezone import numpy as np import re from pathlib import Path import h5py NO_ICE = '\s*NEG\s*|\s*NONE\s*|\s*NEGATIVE\s*|\s*NO\s*' ICE_LVL = '\d+-\d+|FL\d+-FL\d+' # ICE Intensity: 0:No intensity report, 1:Trace, 2:Light, 3:Light Moderate, 4:Moderate, 5:Moderate Severe, 6:Severe # NO/NEG -1 # For Binary Observations, NO/NEG: -1, Any Icing: 1 ICE_TRACE = '\s*TRACE\s*|\s*TRC\s*|\s*TR\s*' ICE_LGT = '\s*LGT\s*|\s*LIGHT\s*|\s*LT\s*|\s*LGHT\s*|\s*LIT\s*|\s*LITE\s*|\s*LG\s*' ICE_MOD = '\s*MOD\s*|\s*MDT\s*|\s*MODERATE\s*|\s*HEAVY\s*' ICE_SVR = '\s*SVR\s*|\s*SEV\s*|\s*SEVERE\s*' FLT_LVL = '/FL\s{0,1}\d+\s*' ICE_RPT = '/IC' ATYPE = '/TP' RMK = '/RM' def time_sort_pirep_dict(the_dict): new_dict = {} keys = [] tidx = [] for ts in list(the_dict.keys()): rpts = the_dict[ts] for idx, tup in enumerate(rpts): keys.append(ts) tidx.append(idx) keys = np.array(keys) tidx = np.array(tidx) sidxs = np.argsort(keys) keys = keys[sidxs] tidx = tidx[sidxs] for idx, key in enumerate(keys): rpts = the_dict[key] tup = rpts[tidx[idx]] n_rpts = new_dict.get(key) if n_rpts is None: n_rpts = [] new_dict[key] = n_rpts n_rpts.append(tup) return new_dict # Returns icing, no_icing (no icing observed), neg-icing (icing expected, but not observed) # from Iowa Mesonet Archived PIREP reports obtained in csv format def pirep_icing(filename, lon_range=[-180, 180], lat_range=[-63, 63]): # HEADER: VALID,URGENT,AIRCRAFT,REPORT,LAT,LON ice_dict = {} neg_ice_dict = {} no_ice_dict = {} cnt_ice = 0 cnt_no_ice = 0 cnt_neg_ice = 0 with open(filename) as file: for idx, line in enumerate(file): toks = line.split(',') if toks[0] == 'VALID': # Skip headers (concatenated files) continue # if len(toks) != 6: # Check for line format error if len(toks) != 9: # Check for line format error continue report = toks[3] try: # lat = float(toks[4]) # lon = float(toks[5]) lat = float(toks[7]) lon = float(toks[8]) except Exception: continue if lon < lon_range[0] or lon > lon_range[1]: continue if lat < lat_range[0] or lat > lat_range[1]: continue # Flight level so =, report) if so is None: continue else: fl = fl = (fl[3:].rstrip()).lstrip() if fl.isnumeric(): fl = float(fl) * 100 * 0.3048 # conv flight level to meters else: continue dto = datetime.datetime.strptime(toks[0], '%Y%m%d%H%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) timestmp = dto.timestamp() # Icing ii = report.find('/IC') if ii >= 0: ice_str = report[ii+3:] ri = ice_str.find('/RM') if ri >= 0: ice_str = ice_str[:ri] else: ri = ice_str.find(',') if ri >= 0: ice_str = ice_str[:ri] ice_str = ice_str.lstrip() if ice_str.find('N/A') >= 0: continue if len(re.findall(NO_ICE, ice_str)) != 0: rpts = neg_ice_dict.get(timestmp) tup = (lat, lon, fl, -1, cnt_neg_ice, ice_str) cnt_neg_ice += 1 if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) neg_ice_dict[timestmp] = rpts else: rpts.append(tup) else: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: lvl_a, lvl_b ='-') if lvl_a.find('FL') >= 0: lvl_a = float(lvl_a[2:]) * 100 * 0.3048 lvl_b = float(lvl_b[2:]) * 100 * 0.3048 else: lvl_a = float(lvl_a) * 100 * 0.3048 lvl_b = float(lvl_b) * 100 * 0.3048 fl = max(lvl_a, lvl_b) if fl > 15000.0: continue # Intensity I = 0 so =, ice_str) if so is not None: I = 1 else: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: I = 3 else: I = 2 else: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: I = 5 else: I = 4 else: so =, ice_str) if so is not None: I = 6 rpts = ice_dict.get(timestmp) tup = (lat, lon, fl, I, cnt_ice, ice_str) cnt_ice += 1 if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) ice_dict[timestmp] = rpts else: rpts.append(tup) else: rpts = no_ice_dict.get(timestmp) tup = (lat, lon, fl, -1, cnt_no_ice, 'no observed icing') cnt_no_ice += 1 if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) no_ice_dict[timestmp] = rpts else: rpts.append(tup) ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(ice_dict) no_ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(no_ice_dict) neg_ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(neg_ice_dict) return ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict # Returns icing, no_icing (no icing observed) def pirep_icing_boeing_txt(filename, lon_range=[-180, 180], lat_range=[-63, 63]): # year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, lat, lon, alt, degC, airspeed, icing ice_dict = {} no_ice_dict = {} cnt_ice = 0 cnt_no_ice = 0 with open(filename) as file: for idx, line in enumerate(file): toks = line.split(' ') if len(toks) != 12: # Check for line format error continue year = 2000 + int(toks[0]) month = int(toks[1]) day = int(toks[2]) hour = int(toks[3]) minute = int(toks[4]) second = int(toks[5]) try: lat = float(toks[6]) lon = float(toks[7]) except Exception: continue if lon < lon_range[0] or lon > lon_range[1]: continue if lat < lat_range[0] or lat > lat_range[1]: continue flt_alt = float(toks[8]) * 0.3048 # convert feet to meters degK = float(toks[9]) + 273.0 spd = float(toks[10]) ice_bool = int(toks[11]) dto = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second) dto = dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts = dto.timestamp() if ice_bool == 1: tup = (lat, lon, flt_alt, 1, 0, 'None', degK, spd) rpts = ice_dict.get(ts) if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) ice_dict[ts] = rpts else: print('duplicate: ', tup) print('duplicate: ', rpts[0]) print('Skip -------------') # rpts.append(tup) cnt_ice += 1 else: tup = (lat, lon, flt_alt, -1, 0, 'None', degK, spd) rpts = no_ice_dict.get(ts) if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) no_ice_dict[ts] = rpts else: print('duplicate: ', tup) print('duplicate: ', rpts[0]) print('Skip -------------') # rpts.append(tup) cnt_no_ice += 1 print('icing, no icing cnt: ', cnt_ice, cnt_no_ice) ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(ice_dict) no_ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(no_ice_dict) return ice_dict, no_ice_dict, None def pirep_icing_from_boeing_nc(dirname='/ships19/cloud/scratch/ICING/BOEING/icing/2020/', lon_range=[-180, 180], lat_range=[-63, 63]): flist = [] for path in Path(dirname).rglob('*.nc'): flist.append(path) ice_dict = {} no_ice_dict = {} cnt_ice = 0 cnt_no_ice = 0 for fname in flist: try: h5f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') ice_bool = h5f['ice_bool'][:] lons = h5f['longitude'][:] lats = h5f['latitude'][:] years = 2000 + h5f['year'][:] mons = h5f['month'][:] days = h5f['day'][:] hours = h5f['hour'][:] mins = h5f['minute'][:] secs = h5f['second'][:] flt_levs = (h5f['altitude_ft'][:]).astype('float32') flt_levs *= 0.3048 # convert feet to meters except Exception as e: print(e) h5f.close() continue nrpts = ice_bool.shape[0] if nrpts > 0: for k in range(nrpts): if lons[k] < lon_range[0] or lons[k] > lon_range[1]: continue if lats[k] < lat_range[0] or lats[k] > lat_range[1]: continue dto = datetime.datetime(year=years[k], month=mons[k], day=days[k], hour=hours[k], minute=mins[k], second=secs[k]) dto = dto.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ts = dto.timestamp() if ice_bool[k] == 1: tup = (lats[k], lons[k], flt_levs[k], 1, 0, 'None') rpts = ice_dict.get(ts) if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) ice_dict[ts] = rpts else: rpts.append(tup) cnt_ice += 1 else: tup = (lats[k], lons[k], flt_levs[k], -1, 0, 'None') rpts = no_ice_dict.get(ts) if rpts is None: rpts = [] rpts.append(tup) no_ice_dict[ts] = rpts else: rpts.append(tup) cnt_no_ice += 1 h5f.close() print('num icing/no icing: ', cnt_ice, cnt_no_ice) ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(ice_dict) no_ice_dict = time_sort_pirep_dict(no_ice_dict) return ice_dict, no_ice_dict, None