From cd125b59dc1f5353b39cdb1d3b2a6f28b9bd7fa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tomrink <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 10:28:03 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] initial commit

 modules/icing/          |  59 +++++
 modules/util/ | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/util/      | 221 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 590 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 modules/icing/
 create mode 100644 modules/util/
 create mode 100644 modules/util/

diff --git a/modules/icing/ b/modules/icing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d1e2c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/icing/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import skyfield
+from skyfield import api
+from skyfield import almanac
+from skyfield.api import load
+from util.util import get_time_tuple_utc
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+from datetime import timezone
+ts = api.load.timescale()
+eph = api.load('de421.bsp')
+def convert_time(epoch_time):
+    dt_obj, dt_tup = get_time_tuple_utc(epoch_time)
+    t = ts.from_datetime(dt_obj)
+    t = ts.utc(dt_tup[0], dt_tup[1], dt_tup[2], dt_tup[3])
+    return t
+def convert_times(epoch_time_s):
+    dt_obj_s = []
+    for et in epoch_time_s:
+        dt_obj_s.append(get_time_tuple_utc(et)[0])
+    t = ts.from_datetimes(dt_obj_s)
+    return t
+def moon_phase(dt_obj_s, phs_deg=50):
+    t = ts.from_datetimes(dt_obj_s)
+    phase = almanac.moon_phase(eph, t)
+    return (phase.degrees > phs_deg) & (phase.degrees < 360-phs_deg)
+def make_times(dt_str, num_days):
+    dt_obj_s = []
+    ts_s = []
+    dto_0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+    ts_0 = dto_0.timestamp()
+    dt_obj_s.append(dto_0)
+    ts_s.append(ts_0)
+    dto_last = dto_0
+    for k in range(num_days):
+        dt_obj = dto_last + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+        dt_obj_s.append(dt_obj)
+        ts_s.append(dt_obj.timestamp())
+        dto_last = dt_obj
+    return dt_obj_s, ts_s
+def make_hist(ts_s, edges):
+    h = np.histogram(ts_s, bins=edges)
+    return h
diff --git a/modules/util/ b/modules/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf8f2037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+"""Methods for plotting performance diagram."""
+import numpy
+import matplotlib.colors
+import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
+DEFAULT_LINE_COLOUR = numpy.array([228, 26, 28], dtype=float) / 255
+DEFAULT_BIAS_LINE_COLOUR = numpy.full(3, 152. / 255)
+LEVELS_FOR_CSI_CONTOURS = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=11, dtype=float)
+    [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.5, 2., 3., 5.])
+pyplot.rc('font', size=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('legend', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('figure', titlesize=FONT_SIZE)
+def _get_sr_pod_grid(success_ratio_spacing=0.01, pod_spacing=0.01):
+    """Creates grid in SR-POD (success ratio / probability of detection) space.
+    M = number of rows (unique POD values) in grid
+    N = number of columns (unique success ratios) in grid
+    :param success_ratio_spacing: Spacing between grid cells in adjacent
+        columns.
+    :param pod_spacing: Spacing between grid cells in adjacent rows.
+    :return: success_ratio_matrix: M-by-N numpy array of success ratios.
+        Success ratio increases with column index.
+    :return: pod_matrix: M-by-N numpy array of POD values.  POD decreases with
+        row index.
+    """
+    num_success_ratios = 1 + int(numpy.ceil(1. / success_ratio_spacing))
+    num_pod_values = 1 + int(numpy.ceil(1. / pod_spacing))
+    unique_success_ratios = numpy.linspace(0., 1., num=num_success_ratios)
+    unique_pod_values = numpy.linspace(0., 1., num=num_pod_values)[::-1]
+    return numpy.meshgrid(unique_success_ratios, unique_pod_values)
+def _csi_from_sr_and_pod(success_ratio_array, pod_array):
+    """Computes CSI (critical success index) from success ratio and POD.
+    POD = probability of detection
+    :param success_ratio_array: numpy array (any shape) of success ratios.
+    :param pod_array: numpy array (same shape) of POD values.
+    :return: csi_array: numpy array (same shape) of CSI values.
+    """
+    return (success_ratio_array ** -1 + pod_array ** -1 - 1.) ** -1
+def _bias_from_sr_and_pod(success_ratio_array, pod_array):
+    """Computes frequency bias from success ratio and POD.
+    POD = probability of detection
+    :param success_ratio_array: numpy array (any shape) of success ratios.
+    :param pod_array: numpy array (same shape) of POD values.
+    :return: frequency_bias_array: numpy array (same shape) of frequency biases.
+    """
+    return pod_array / success_ratio_array
+def _get_csi_colour_scheme():
+    """Returns colour scheme for CSI (critical success index).
+    :return: colour_map_object: Colour scheme (instance of
+        `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`).
+    :return: colour_norm_object: Instance of `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`,
+        defining the scale of the colour map.
+    """
+    this_colour_map_object =
+    this_colour_norm_object = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(
+        LEVELS_FOR_CSI_CONTOURS, this_colour_map_object.N)
+    rgba_matrix = this_colour_map_object(this_colour_norm_object(
+    colour_list = [
+        rgba_matrix[i, ..., :-1] for i in range(rgba_matrix.shape[0])
+    ]
+    colour_map_object = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colour_list)
+    colour_map_object.set_under(numpy.array([1, 1, 1]))
+    colour_norm_object = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(
+        LEVELS_FOR_CSI_CONTOURS, colour_map_object.N)
+    return colour_map_object, colour_norm_object
+def _add_colour_bar(
+        axes_object, colour_map_object, values_to_colour, min_colour_value,
+        max_colour_value, colour_norm_object=None,
+        orientation_string='vertical', extend_min=True, extend_max=True,
+        fraction_of_axis_length=1., font_size=FONT_SIZE):
+    """Adds colour bar to existing axes.
+    :param axes_object: Existing axes (instance of
+        `matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot`).
+    :param colour_map_object: Colour scheme (instance of
+        ``).
+    :param values_to_colour: numpy array of values to colour.
+    :param min_colour_value: Minimum value in colour map.
+    :param max_colour_value: Max value in colour map.
+    :param colour_norm_object: Instance of `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`,
+        defining the scale of the colour map.  If `colour_norm_object is None`,
+        will assume that scale is linear.
+    :param orientation_string: Orientation of colour bar ("vertical" or
+        "horizontal").
+    :param extend_min: Boolean flag.  If True, the bottom of the colour bar will
+        have an arrow.  If False, it will be a flat line, suggesting that lower
+        values are not possible.
+    :param extend_max: Same but for top of colour bar.
+    :param fraction_of_axis_length: Fraction of axis length (y-axis if
+        orientation is "vertical", x-axis if orientation is "horizontal")
+        occupied by colour bar.
+    :param font_size: Font size for labels on colour bar.
+    :return: colour_bar_object: Colour bar (instance of
+        `matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`) created by this method.
+    """
+    if colour_norm_object is None:
+        colour_norm_object = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(
+            vmin=min_colour_value, vmax=max_colour_value, clip=False)
+    scalar_mappable_object =
+        cmap=colour_map_object, norm=colour_norm_object)
+    scalar_mappable_object.set_array(values_to_colour)
+    if extend_min and extend_max:
+        extend_string = 'both'
+    elif extend_min:
+        extend_string = 'min'
+    elif extend_max:
+        extend_string = 'max'
+    else:
+        extend_string = 'neither'
+    if orientation_string == 'horizontal':
+        padding = 0.075
+    else:
+        padding = 0.05
+    colour_bar_object = pyplot.colorbar(
+        ax=axes_object, mappable=scalar_mappable_object,
+        orientation=orientation_string, pad=padding, extend=extend_string,
+        shrink=fraction_of_axis_length)
+    return colour_bar_object
+def get_points_in_perf_diagram(observed_labels, forecast_probabilities):
+    """Creates points for performance diagram.
+    E = number of examples
+    T = number of binarization thresholds
+    :param observed_labels: length-E numpy array of class labels (integers in
+        0...1).
+    :param forecast_probabilities: length-E numpy array with forecast
+        probabilities of label = 1.
+    :return: pod_by_threshold: length-T numpy array of POD (probability of
+        detection) values.
+    :return: success_ratio_by_threshold: length-T numpy array of success ratios.
+    """
+    assert numpy.all(numpy.logical_or(
+        observed_labels == 0, observed_labels == 1
+    ))
+    assert numpy.all(numpy.logical_and(
+        forecast_probabilities >= 0, forecast_probabilities <= 1
+    ))
+    observed_labels = observed_labels.astype(int)
+    binarization_thresholds = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=1001, dtype=float)
+    num_thresholds = len(binarization_thresholds)
+    pod_by_threshold = numpy.full(num_thresholds, numpy.nan)
+    success_ratio_by_threshold = numpy.full(num_thresholds, numpy.nan)
+    for k in range(num_thresholds):
+        these_forecast_labels = (
+            forecast_probabilities >= binarization_thresholds[k]
+        ).astype(int)
+        this_num_hits = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 1, observed_labels == 1
+        ))
+        this_num_false_alarms = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 1, observed_labels == 0
+        ))
+        this_num_misses = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 0, observed_labels == 1
+        ))
+        try:
+            pod_by_threshold[k] = (
+                float(this_num_hits) / (this_num_hits + this_num_misses)
+            )
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            success_ratio_by_threshold[k] = (
+                float(this_num_hits) / (this_num_hits + this_num_false_alarms)
+            )
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+    pod_by_threshold = numpy.array([1.] + pod_by_threshold.tolist() + [0.])
+    success_ratio_by_threshold = numpy.array(
+        [0.] + success_ratio_by_threshold.tolist() + [1.]
+    )
+    return pod_by_threshold, success_ratio_by_threshold
+def plot_performance_diagram(
+        observed_labels, forecast_probabilities,
+        line_colour=DEFAULT_LINE_COLOUR, line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH,
+        bias_line_colour=DEFAULT_BIAS_LINE_COLOUR,
+        bias_line_width=DEFAULT_BIAS_LINE_WIDTH, axes_object=None):
+    """Plots performance diagram.
+    E = number of examples
+    :param observed_labels: length-E numpy array of class labels (integers in
+        0...1).
+    :param forecast_probabilities: length-E numpy array with forecast
+        probabilities of label = 1.
+    :param line_colour: Colour (in any format accepted by `matplotlib.colors`).
+    :param line_width: Line width (real positive number).
+    :param bias_line_colour: Colour of contour lines for frequency bias.
+    :param bias_line_width: Width of contour lines for frequency bias.
+    :param axes_object: Will plot on these axes (instance of
+        `matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot`).  If `axes_object is None`,
+        will create new axes.
+    :return: pod_by_threshold: See doc for `get_points_in_perf_diagram`.
+        detection) values.
+    :return: success_ratio_by_threshold: Same.
+    """
+    pod_by_threshold, success_ratio_by_threshold = get_points_in_perf_diagram(
+        observed_labels=observed_labels,
+        forecast_probabilities=forecast_probabilities)
+    if axes_object is None:
+        _, axes_object = pyplot.subplots(
+            1, 1, figsize=(FIGURE_WIDTH_INCHES, FIGURE_HEIGHT_INCHES)
+        )
+    success_ratio_matrix, pod_matrix = _get_sr_pod_grid()
+    csi_matrix = _csi_from_sr_and_pod(success_ratio_matrix, pod_matrix)
+    frequency_bias_matrix = _bias_from_sr_and_pod(
+        success_ratio_matrix, pod_matrix)
+    this_colour_map_object, this_colour_norm_object = _get_csi_colour_scheme()
+    pyplot.contourf(
+        success_ratio_matrix, pod_matrix, csi_matrix, LEVELS_FOR_CSI_CONTOURS,
+        cmap=this_colour_map_object, norm=this_colour_norm_object, vmin=0.,
+        vmax=1., axes=axes_object)
+    colour_bar_object = _add_colour_bar(
+        axes_object=axes_object, colour_map_object=this_colour_map_object,
+        colour_norm_object=this_colour_norm_object,
+        values_to_colour=csi_matrix, min_colour_value=0.,
+        max_colour_value=1., orientation_string='vertical',
+        extend_min=False, extend_max=False)
+    colour_bar_object.set_label('CSI (critical success index)')
+    bias_colour_tuple = ()
+    for _ in range(len(LEVELS_FOR_BIAS_CONTOURS)):
+        bias_colour_tuple += (bias_line_colour,)
+    bias_contour_object = pyplot.contour(
+        success_ratio_matrix, pod_matrix, frequency_bias_matrix,
+        LEVELS_FOR_BIAS_CONTOURS, colors=bias_colour_tuple,
+        linewidths=bias_line_width, linestyles='dashed', axes=axes_object)
+    pyplot.clabel(
+        bias_contour_object, inline=True, inline_spacing=BIAS_LABEL_PADDING_PX,
+        fmt=BIAS_STRING_FORMAT, fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
+    nan_flags = numpy.logical_or(
+        numpy.isnan(success_ratio_by_threshold), numpy.isnan(pod_by_threshold)
+    )
+    if not numpy.all(nan_flags):
+        real_indices = numpy.where(numpy.invert(nan_flags))[0]
+        axes_object.plot(
+            success_ratio_by_threshold[real_indices],
+            pod_by_threshold[real_indices], color=line_colour,
+            linestyle='solid', linewidth=line_width)
+    axes_object.set_xlabel('Success ratio (1 - FAR)')
+    axes_object.set_ylabel('POD (probability of detection)')
+    axes_object.set_xlim(0., 1.)
+    axes_object.set_ylim(0., 1.)
+    return pod_by_threshold, success_ratio_by_threshold
diff --git a/modules/util/ b/modules/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76e20343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+"""Methods for plotting ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve."""
+import numpy
+import matplotlib.colors
+import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
+import util.performance_diagrams as performance_diagrams
+DEFAULT_LINE_COLOUR = numpy.array([228, 26, 28], dtype=float) / 255
+DEFAULT_RANDOM_LINE_COLOUR = numpy.full(3, 152. / 255)
+LEVELS_FOR_PEIRCE_CONTOURS = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=11, dtype=float)
+pyplot.rc('font', size=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('legend', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
+pyplot.rc('figure', titlesize=FONT_SIZE)
+def _get_pofd_pod_grid(pofd_spacing=0.01, pod_spacing=0.01):
+    """Creates grid in POFD-POD space.
+    M = number of rows (unique POD values) in grid
+    N = number of columns (unique POFD values) in grid
+    :param pofd_spacing: Spacing between grid cells in adjacent columns.
+    :param pod_spacing: Spacing between grid cells in adjacent rows.
+    :return: pofd_matrix: M-by-N numpy array of POFD values.
+    :return: pod_matrix: M-by-N numpy array of POD values.
+    """
+    num_pofd_values = 1 + int(numpy.ceil(1. / pofd_spacing))
+    num_pod_values = 1 + int(numpy.ceil(1. / pod_spacing))
+    unique_pofd_values = numpy.linspace(0., 1., num=num_pofd_values)
+    unique_pod_values = numpy.linspace(0., 1., num=num_pod_values)[::-1]
+    return numpy.meshgrid(unique_pofd_values, unique_pod_values)
+def _get_peirce_colour_scheme():
+    """Returns colour scheme for Peirce score.
+    :return: colour_map_object: Colour scheme (instance of
+        `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`).
+    :return: colour_norm_object: Instance of `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`,
+        defining the scale of the colour map.
+    """
+    this_colour_map_object =
+    this_colour_norm_object = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(
+        LEVELS_FOR_PEIRCE_CONTOURS, this_colour_map_object.N)
+    rgba_matrix = this_colour_map_object(this_colour_norm_object(
+    ))
+    colour_list = [
+        rgba_matrix[i, ..., :-1] for i in range(rgba_matrix.shape[0])
+    ]
+    colour_map_object = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colour_list)
+    colour_map_object.set_under(numpy.array([1, 1, 1]))
+    colour_norm_object = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(
+        LEVELS_FOR_PEIRCE_CONTOURS, colour_map_object.N)
+    return colour_map_object, colour_norm_object
+def get_points_in_roc_curve(observed_labels, forecast_probabilities):
+    """Creates points for ROC curve.
+    E = number of examples
+    T = number of binarization thresholds
+    :param observed_labels: length-E numpy array of class labels (integers in
+        0...1).
+    :param forecast_probabilities: length-E numpy array with forecast
+        probabilities of label = 1.
+    :return: pofd_by_threshold: length-T numpy array of POFD (probability of
+        false detection) values.
+    :return: pod_by_threshold: length-T numpy array of POD (probability of
+        detection) values.
+    """
+    assert numpy.all(numpy.logical_or(
+        observed_labels == 0, observed_labels == 1
+    ))
+    assert numpy.all(numpy.logical_and(
+        forecast_probabilities >= 0, forecast_probabilities <= 1
+    ))
+    observed_labels = observed_labels.astype(int)
+    binarization_thresholds = numpy.linspace(0, 1, num=1001, dtype=float)
+    num_thresholds = len(binarization_thresholds)
+    pofd_by_threshold = numpy.full(num_thresholds, numpy.nan)
+    pod_by_threshold = numpy.full(num_thresholds, numpy.nan)
+    for k in range(num_thresholds):
+        these_forecast_labels = (
+            forecast_probabilities >= binarization_thresholds[k]
+        ).astype(int)
+        this_num_hits = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 1, observed_labels == 1
+        ))
+        this_num_false_alarms = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 1, observed_labels == 0
+        ))
+        this_num_misses = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 0, observed_labels == 1
+        ))
+        this_num_correct_nulls = numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(
+            these_forecast_labels == 0, observed_labels == 0
+        ))
+        try:
+            pofd_by_threshold[k] = (
+                float(this_num_false_alarms) /
+                (this_num_false_alarms + this_num_correct_nulls)
+            )
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            pod_by_threshold[k] = (
+                float(this_num_hits) / (this_num_hits + this_num_misses)
+            )
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+    pod_by_threshold = numpy.array([1.] + pod_by_threshold.tolist() + [0.])
+    pofd_by_threshold = numpy.array([1.] + pofd_by_threshold.tolist() + [0.])
+    return pofd_by_threshold, pod_by_threshold
+def plot_roc_curve(
+        observed_labels, forecast_probabilities,
+        line_colour=DEFAULT_LINE_COLOUR, line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH,
+        random_line_colour=DEFAULT_RANDOM_LINE_COLOUR,
+        random_line_width=DEFAULT_RANDOM_LINE_WIDTH, axes_object=None):
+    """Plots ROC curve.
+    E = number of examples
+    :param observed_labels: length-E numpy array of class labels (integers in
+        0...1).
+    :param forecast_probabilities: length-E numpy array with forecast
+        probabilities of label = 1.
+    :param line_colour: Colour (in any format accepted by `matplotlib.colors`).
+    :param line_width: Line width (real positive number).
+    :param random_line_colour: Colour of reference line (ROC curve for random
+        predictor).
+    :param random_line_width: Width of reference line (ROC curve for random
+        predictor).
+    :param axes_object: Will plot on these axes (instance of
+        `matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot`).  If `axes_object is None`,
+        will create new axes.
+    :return: pofd_by_threshold: See doc for `get_points_in_roc_curve`.
+    :return: pod_by_threshold: Same.
+    """
+    pofd_by_threshold, pod_by_threshold = get_points_in_roc_curve(
+        observed_labels=observed_labels,
+        forecast_probabilities=forecast_probabilities)
+    if axes_object is None:
+        _, axes_object = pyplot.subplots(
+            1, 1, figsize=(FIGURE_WIDTH_INCHES, FIGURE_HEIGHT_INCHES)
+        )
+    pofd_matrix, pod_matrix = _get_pofd_pod_grid()
+    peirce_score_matrix = pod_matrix - pofd_matrix
+    colour_map_object, colour_norm_object = _get_peirce_colour_scheme()
+    pyplot.contourf(
+        pofd_matrix, pod_matrix, peirce_score_matrix,
+        LEVELS_FOR_PEIRCE_CONTOURS, cmap=colour_map_object,
+        norm=colour_norm_object, vmin=0., vmax=1., axes=axes_object)
+    # TODO(thunderhoser): Calling private method is a HACK.
+    colour_bar_object = performance_diagrams._add_colour_bar(
+        axes_object=axes_object, colour_map_object=colour_map_object,
+        colour_norm_object=colour_norm_object,
+        values_to_colour=peirce_score_matrix, min_colour_value=0.,
+        max_colour_value=1., orientation_string='vertical',
+        extend_min=False, extend_max=False)
+    print(colour_bar_object)
+    colour_bar_object.set_label('Peirce score')
+    random_x_coords = numpy.array([0., 1.])
+    random_y_coords = numpy.array([0., 1.])
+    axes_object.plot(
+        random_x_coords, random_y_coords, color=random_line_colour,
+        linestyle='dashed', linewidth=random_line_width)
+    nan_flags = numpy.logical_or(
+        numpy.isnan(pofd_by_threshold), numpy.isnan(pod_by_threshold)
+    )
+    if not numpy.all(nan_flags):
+        real_indices = numpy.where(numpy.invert(nan_flags))[0]
+        axes_object.plot(
+            pofd_by_threshold[real_indices], pod_by_threshold[real_indices],
+            color=line_colour, linestyle='solid', linewidth=line_width)
+    axes_object.set_xlabel('POFD (probability of false detection)')
+    axes_object.set_ylabel('POD (probability of detection)')
+    axes_object.set_xlim(0., 1.)
+    axes_object.set_ylim(0., 1.)
+    return pofd_by_threshold, pod_by_threshold