From c007a8b29f26650801f13175ea81df70568edf80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tomrink <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 10:39:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] snapshot...

 modules/icing/ | 201 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 201 insertions(+)

diff --git a/modules/icing/ b/modules/icing/
index 86b6feea..06fcc7cf 100644
--- a/modules/icing/
+++ b/modules/icing/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from aeolus.datasource import CLAVRx, CLAVRx_VIIRS, CLAVRx_H08, CLAVRx_H09
 import h5py
 import datetime
 from netCDF4 import Dataset
+import joblib
 import tensorflow as tf
 import os
 # from scipy.signal import medfilt2d
@@ -332,6 +333,59 @@ def prepare_evaluate(h5f, name_list, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD', res_fac=1,
     return grd_dct_n, solzen, satzen, ll, cc
+def prepare_evaluate1x1(h5f, name_list, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD', res_fac=1, offset=0):
+    w_x = 1
+    w_y = 1
+    i_0 = 0
+    j_0 = 0
+    s_x = w_x // res_fac
+    s_y = w_y // res_fac
+    geos, xlen, xmin, xmax, ylen, ymin, ymax = get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain)
+    if satellite == 'H08':
+        xlen = taiwan_lenx
+        ylen = taiwan_leny
+        i_0 = taiwan_i0
+        j_0 = taiwan_j0
+    elif satellite == 'H09':
+        xlen = taiwan_lenx
+        ylen = taiwan_leny
+        i_0 = taiwan_i0
+        j_0 = taiwan_j0
+    n_x = (xlen // s_x)
+    n_y = (ylen // s_y)
+    ll = [(offset+j_0) + j*s_y for j in range(n_y)]
+    cc = [(offset+i_0) + i*s_x for i in range(n_x)]
+    grd_dct_n = {name: [] for name in name_list}
+    cnt_a = 0
+    for ds_name in name_list:
+        fill_value, fill_value_name = get_fill_attrs(ds_name)
+        gvals = get_grid_values(h5f, ds_name, j_0, i_0, None, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen, fill_value_name=fill_value_name, fill_value=fill_value)
+        print(gvals.shape)
+        gvals = np.expand_dims(gvals, axis=0)
+        print(gvals.shape)
+        print('--------------------')
+        if gvals is not None:
+            grd_dct_n[ds_name] = gvals
+            cnt_a += 1
+    if cnt_a > 0 and cnt_a != len(name_list):
+        raise GenericException('weirdness')
+    solzen = get_grid_values(h5f, 'solar_zenith_angle', j_0, i_0, None, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen)
+    satzen = get_grid_values(h5f, 'sensor_zenith_angle', j_0, i_0, None, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen)
+    cldmsk = get_grid_values(h5f, 'cloud_mask', j_0, i_0, None, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen)
+    solzen = solzen[0:n_y*s_y:s_y, 0:n_x*s_x:s_x]
+    satzen = satzen[0:n_y*s_y:s_y, 0:n_x*s_x:s_x]
+    cldmsk = cldmsk[0:n_y*s_y:s_y, 0:n_x*s_x:s_x]
+    return grd_dct_n, solzen, satzen, cldmsk, ll, cc
 flt_level_ranges_str = {k: None for k in range(6)}
 flt_level_ranges_str[0] = '0_2000'
 flt_level_ranges_str[1] = '2000_4000'
@@ -1422,3 +1476,150 @@ def run_icing_predict_image_fcn(clvrx_dir='/Users/tomrink/data/clavrx/RadC/', ou
         print('Done: ', clvrx_str_time)
+def run_icing_predict_image_1x1(clvrx_dir='/Users/tomrink/data/clavrx/RadC/', output_dir=homedir,
+                                day_model_path=model_path_day, night_model_path=model_path_night,
+                                prob_thresh=0.5, satellite='GOES16', domain='CONUS', day_night='AUTO',
+                                l1b_andor_l2='BOTH', use_flight_altitude=True, use_max_cth_level=False,
+                                extent=[-105, -70, 15, 50],
+                                pirep_file='/Users/tomrink/data/pirep/pireps_202109200000_202109232359.csv',
+                                obs_lons=None, obs_lats=None, obs_times=None, obs_alt=None, flight_level=None, obs_intensity=None):
+    import deeplearning.icing_fcn as icing_fcn
+    # model_module = icing_fcn
+    #
+    # if day_model_path is not None:
+    #     day_model = model_module.load_model(day_model_path, day_night='DAY', l1b_andor_l2=l1b_andor_l2,
+    #                                         use_flight_altitude=use_flight_altitude)
+    # if night_model_path is not None:
+    #     night_model = model_module.load_model(night_model_path, day_night='NIGHT', l1b_andor_l2=l1b_andor_l2,
+    #                                           use_flight_altitude=use_flight_altitude)
+    # load parameter stats and model from disk
+    stdSclr = joblib.load('/home/rink/stdSclr_4.pkl')
+    model = joblib.load('/home/rink/icing_gbm.pkl')
+    if use_flight_altitude is True:
+        flight_levels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+        if use_max_cth_level:
+            flight_levels = [-1]
+    else:
+        flight_levels = [0]
+    if pirep_file is not None:
+        ice_dict, no_ice_dict, neg_ice_dict = setup(pirep_file)
+    alt_lo, alt_hi = 0.0, 15000.0
+    if flight_level is not None:
+        alt_lo, alt_hi = flt_level_ranges[flight_level]
+    # day_train_params, _, _ = get_training_parameters(day_night='DAY', l1b_andor_l2=l1b_andor_l2)
+    # nght_train_params, _, _ = get_training_parameters(day_night='NIGHT', l1b_andor_l2=l1b_andor_l2)
+    #
+    # if day_night == 'AUTO':
+    #     train_params = list(set(day_train_params + nght_train_params))
+    # elif day_night == 'DAY':
+    #     train_params = day_train_params
+    # elif day_night == 'NIGHT':
+    #     train_params = nght_train_params
+    train_params = ['cld_temp_acha', 'supercooled_cloud_fraction', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_opd_dcomp']
+    if satellite == 'H08':
+        clvrx_ds = CLAVRx_H08(clvrx_dir)
+    elif satellite == 'H09':
+        clvrx_ds = CLAVRx_H09(clvrx_dir)
+    else:
+        clvrx_ds = CLAVRx(clvrx_dir)
+    clvrx_files = clvrx_ds.flist
+    for fidx, fname in enumerate(clvrx_files):
+        h5f = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
+        dto = clvrx_ds.get_datetime(fname)
+        ts = dto.timestamp()
+        clvrx_str_time = dto.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')
+        dto, _ = get_time_tuple_utc(ts)
+        dto_0 = dto - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
+        dto_1 = dto + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
+        ts_0 = dto_0.timestamp()
+        ts_1 = dto_1.timestamp()
+        if pirep_file is not None:
+            _, keep_lons, keep_lats, _ = time_filter_3(ice_dict, ts_0, ts_1, alt_lo, alt_hi)
+        elif obs_times is not None:
+            keep = np.logical_and(obs_times >= ts_0, obs_times < ts_1)
+            keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(obs_alt >= alt_lo, obs_alt < alt_hi), False)
+            keep_lons = obs_lons[keep]
+            keep_lats = obs_lats[keep]
+        else:
+            keep_lons = None
+            keep_lats = None
+        data_dct, solzen, satzen, cldmsk, ll, cc = prepare_evaluate1x1(h5f, name_list=train_params, satellite=satellite, domain=domain, offset=8)
+        num_elems = len(cc)
+        num_lines = len(ll)
+        day_idxs = solzen < 80.0
+        day_idxs = day_idxs.flatten()
+        num_day_tiles = np.sum(day_idxs)
+        nght_idxs = solzen > 100.0
+        nght_idxs = nght_idxs.flatten()
+        num_nght_tiles = np.sum(nght_idxs)
+        # initialize output arrays
+        probs_2d_dct = {flvl: None for flvl in flight_levels}
+        preds_2d_dct = {flvl: None for flvl in flight_levels}
+        for flvl in flight_levels:
+            fd_preds = np.zeros(num_lines * num_elems, dtype=np.int8)
+            fd_preds[:] = -1
+            fd_probs = np.zeros(num_lines * num_elems, dtype=np.float32)
+            fd_probs[:] = -1.0
+            preds_2d_dct[flvl] = fd_preds
+            probs_2d_dct[flvl] = fd_probs
+        if (day_night == 'AUTO' or day_night == 'DAY') and num_day_tiles > 0:
+            preds_day_dct, probs_day_dct = icing_fcn.run_evaluate_static_2(day_model, data_dct, 1,
+                                                                           prob_thresh=prob_thresh,
+                                                                           flight_levels=flight_levels)
+            for flvl in flight_levels:
+                preds = preds_day_dct[flvl].flatten()
+                probs = probs_day_dct[flvl].flatten()
+                fd_preds = preds_2d_dct[flvl]
+                fd_probs = probs_2d_dct[flvl]
+                fd_preds[day_idxs] = preds[day_idxs]
+                fd_probs[day_idxs] = probs[day_idxs]
+        if (day_night == 'AUTO' or day_night == 'NIGHT') and num_nght_tiles > 0:
+            preds_nght_dct, probs_nght_dct = icing_fcn.run_evaluate_static_2(night_model, data_dct, 1,
+                                                                             prob_thresh=prob_thresh,
+                                                                             flight_levels=flight_levels)
+            for flvl in flight_levels:
+                preds = preds_nght_dct[flvl].flatten()
+                probs = probs_nght_dct[flvl].flatten()
+                fd_preds = preds_2d_dct[flvl]
+                fd_probs = probs_2d_dct[flvl]
+                fd_preds[nght_idxs] = preds[nght_idxs]
+                fd_probs[nght_idxs] = probs[nght_idxs]
+        for flvl in flight_levels:
+            fd_preds = preds_2d_dct[flvl]
+            fd_probs = probs_2d_dct[flvl]
+            preds_2d_dct[flvl] = fd_preds.reshape((num_lines, num_elems))
+            probs_2d_dct[flvl] = fd_probs.reshape((num_lines, num_elems))
+        prob_s = []
+        for flvl in flight_levels:
+            probs = probs_2d_dct[flvl]
+            prob_s.append(probs)
+        prob_s = np.stack(prob_s, axis=-1)
+        max_prob = np.max(prob_s, axis=2)
+        max_prob = np.where(max_prob < 0.5, np.nan, max_prob)
+        make_icing_image(h5f, max_prob, None, None, clvrx_str_time, satellite, domain,
+                         ice_lons_vld=keep_lons, ice_lats_vld=keep_lats, extent=extent)
+        print('Done: ', clvrx_str_time)
+        h5f.close()