diff --git a/modules/util/util.py b/modules/util/util.py
index 58352cac56ddf9e9cd7ebe77b7ec0287ae7f1fe7..b4e5b7dc5b6979f1f3b2dd42dcb5f1b2050a3310 100644
--- a/modules/util/util.py
+++ b/modules/util/util.py
@@ -513,6 +513,7 @@ taiwain_extent = [-3342, -502, 1470, 3510]  # GEOS coordinates, not line, elem
 # ------------ This code will not be needed when we implement a Fully Connected CNN -----------------------------------
+# Generate and return tiles of name_list parameters
 def make_for_full_domain_predict(h5f, name_list=None, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD'):
     w_x = 16
     w_y = 16
@@ -560,6 +561,29 @@ def make_for_full_domain_predict(h5f, name_list=None, satellite='GOES16', domain
         grd_dct[ds_name] = np.stack(grd_dct_n[ds_name])
     return grd_dct, ll, cc
+def make_for_full_domain_predict2(h5f, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD'):
+    w_x = 16
+    w_y = 16
+    i_0 = 0
+    j_0 = 0
+    s_x = w_x
+    s_y = w_y
+    geos, xlen, xmin, xmax, ylen, ymin, ymax = get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain)
+    if satellite == 'H08':
+        xlen = taiwan_lenx
+        ylen = taiwan_leny
+        i_0 = taiwan_i0
+        j_0 = taiwan_j0
+    solzen = get_grid_values(h5f, 'solar_zenith_angle', j_0, i_0, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen)
+    satzen = get_grid_values(h5f, 'sensor_zenith_angle', j_0, i_0, num_j=ylen, num_i=xlen)
+    solzen = solzen[0:ylen:s_y, 0:xlen:s_x]
+    satzen = satzen[0:ylen:s_y, 0:xlen:s_x]
+    return solzen, satzen
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -571,7 +595,7 @@ flt_level_ranges_str[3] = '6000_8000'
 flt_level_ranges_str[4] = '8000_15000'
-def write_icing_file(clvrx_str_time, output_dir, preds_dct, probs_dct, x, y, lons, lats, lat_range=[-63.0, 63.0]):
+def write_icing_file(clvrx_str_time, output_dir, preds_dct, probs_dct, x, y, lons, lats):
     outfile_name = output_dir + 'icing_prediction_'+clvrx_str_time+'.h5'
     h5f_out = h5py.File(outfile_name, 'w')
@@ -581,8 +605,6 @@ def write_icing_file(clvrx_str_time, output_dir, preds_dct, probs_dct, x, y, lon
     flt_lvls = list(preds_dct.keys())
     for flvl in flt_lvls:
         preds = preds_dct[flvl]
-        keep = np.logical_or(lats < lat_range[0], lats > lat_range[1])
-        np.where(keep, preds, -1)
         icing_pred_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('icing_prediction_level_'+flt_level_ranges_str[flvl], data=preds, dtype='i2')
         icing_pred_ds.attrs.create('coordinates', data='y x')
         icing_pred_ds.attrs.create('grid_mapping', data='Projection')
@@ -592,8 +614,6 @@ def write_icing_file(clvrx_str_time, output_dir, preds_dct, probs_dct, x, y, lon
     for flvl in flt_lvls:
         probs = probs_dct[flvl]
-        keep = np.logical_or(lats < lat_range[0], lats > lat_range[1])
-        np.where(keep, probs, -1.0)
         icing_prob_ds = h5f_out.create_dataset('icing_probability_level_'+flt_level_ranges_str[flvl], data=probs, dtype='f4')
         icing_prob_ds.attrs.create('coordinates', data='y x')
         icing_prob_ds.attrs.create('grid_mapping', data='Projection')