diff --git a/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py b/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
index 4fc488ed9475cb9f4ade15cb994f2f2b3a697ce6..bc09c855803a04e93c60cc21c4255093bb9fc053 100644
--- a/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
+++ b/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
@@ -567,70 +567,6 @@ def pirep_info(pirep_dct):
     return flt_lvl_s, ice_intensity_s, lat_s, lon_s
-# Keep for example
-# def analyze(ice_dct, no_ice_dct):
-#     last_file = None
-#     ice_files = []
-#     ice_times = []
-#     for ts in list(ice_dct.keys()):
-#         try:
-#             ds = get_goes_datasource(ts)
-#             goes_file, t_0, _ = ds.get_file(ts)
-#             if goes_file is not None and goes_file != last_file:
-#                 ice_files.append(goes_file)
-#                 ice_times.append(t_0)
-#                 last_file = goes_file
-#         except Exception:
-#             continue
-#     last_file = None
-#     no_ice_files = []
-#     no_ice_times = []
-#     for ts in list(no_ice_dct.keys()):
-#         try:
-#             ds = get_goes_datasource(ts)
-#             goes_file, t_0, _ = ds.get_file(ts)
-#             if goes_file is not None and goes_file != last_file:
-#                 no_ice_files.append(goes_file)
-#                 no_ice_times.append(t_0)
-#                 last_file = goes_file
-#         except Exception:
-#             continue
-#     ice_times = np.array(ice_times)
-#     no_ice_times = np.array(no_ice_times)
-#     itrsct_vals, comm1, comm2 = np.intersect1d(no_ice_times, ice_times, return_indices=True)
-#     ice_indexes = np.arange(len(ice_times))
-#     ucomm2 = np.setxor1d(comm2, ice_indexes)
-#     np.random.seed(42)
-#     np.random.shuffle(ucomm2)
-#     ucomm2 = ucomm2[0:8000]
-#     files_comm = []
-#     for i in comm2:
-#         files_comm.append(ice_files[i])
-#     files_extra = []
-#     times_extra = []
-#     for i in ucomm2:
-#         files_extra.append(ice_files[i])
-#         times_extra.append(ice_times[i])
-#     files = files_comm + files_extra
-#     times = itrsct_vals.tolist() + times_extra
-#     times = np.array(times)
-#     sidxs = np.argsort(times)
-#     for i in sidxs:
-#         filename = os.path.split(files[i])[1]
-#         so = re.search('_s\\d{11}', filename)
-#         dt_str = so.group()
-#         print(dt_str[2:])
 lon_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-180, 180, 721)
 lat_space_hdeg = np.linspace(-90, 90, 361)
@@ -1139,141 +1075,6 @@ def run_qc(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY', pass_thresh_frac=0.20, cloud
     return len(icing_alt), len(keep_idxs)
-# def apply_qc_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, day_night='ANY'):
-#     if day_night == 'DAY':
-#         opd_thick_threshold = 20
-#         opd_thin_threshold = 1
-#     elif day_night == 'NIGHT' or day_night == 'ANY':
-#         opd_thick_threshold = 2
-#         opd_thin_threshold = 0.1
-#     closeness_top = 100.0  # meters
-#     closeness_bot = 100.0
-#     max_depth = 3000.0
-#     num_obs = len(icing_alt)
-#     cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     mask = []
-#     idxs = []
-#     num_tested = []
-#     for i in range(num_obs):
-#         if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         elif day_night == 'ANY':
-#             pass
-#             # if not (is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,])):
-#             #     continue
-#         keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3)  # cloudy
-#         keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,]))
-#         keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,]))
-#         keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,]))
-#         keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3
-#         num_keep = np.sum(keep)
-#         if num_keep == 0:
-#             continue
-#         # Test 1
-#         keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i], False)
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - cld_geo_dz[i,] - closeness_bot) < icing_alt[i], False)
-#         keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_depth) < icing_alt[i], False)
-#         # # Test2
-#         # keep = np.where(keep,
-#         #     np.invert((cld_phase[i,] == 4) &
-#         #         np.logical_and(cld_top_hgt[i,]+closeness > icing_alt[i], cld_top_hgt[i,]-closeness < icing_alt[i])),
-#         #              False)
-#         #
-#         # # Test4
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, np.invert((cld_phase[i,] == 4) & (cld_opd[i,] < opd_thin_threshold)), False)
-#         #
-#         # # Test5 and Test6
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(bt_11um[i,] > 228.0, bt_11um[i,] < 270.0), False)
-#         #
-#         # # Test3
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, (cld_opd[i,] >= opd_thick_threshold) & (cld_phase[i,] == 4), False)
-#         mask.append(keep)
-#         idxs.append(i)
-#         num_tested.append(num_keep)
-#     return mask, idxs, num_tested
-# def apply_qc_no_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, day_night='ANY'):
-#     if day_night == 'DAY':
-#         opd_thick_threshold = 20
-#         opd_thin_threshold = 1
-#     elif day_night == 'NIGHT' or day_night == 'ANY':
-#         opd_thick_threshold = 2
-#         opd_thin_threshold = 0.1
-#     closeness_top = 100.0  # meters
-#     closeness_bot = 200.0
-#     max_depth = 3000.0
-#     num_obs = len(icing_alt)
-#     cld_mask = cld_mask.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     cld_top_hgt = cld_top_hgt.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     cld_geo_dz = cld_geo_dz.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     bt_11um = bt_11um.reshape((num_obs, -1))
-#     mask = []
-#     idxs = []
-#     num_tested = []
-#     for i in range(num_obs):
-#         if not check_oblique(satzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         if day_night == 'NIGHT' and not is_night(solzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         elif day_night == 'DAY' and not is_day(solzen[i,]):
-#             continue
-#         elif day_night == 'ANY':
-#             pass
-#             # if not (is_day(solzen[i,]) or is_night(solzen[i,])):
-#             #     continue
-#         keep_0 = np.logical_or(cld_mask[i,] == 2, cld_mask[i,] == 3)  # cloudy
-#         keep_1 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_top_hgt[i,]))
-#         keep_2 = np.invert(np.isnan(bt_11um[i,]))
-#         keep_3 = np.invert(np.isnan(cld_geo_dz[i,]))
-#         keep = keep_0 & keep_1 & keep_2 & keep_3
-#         num_keep = np.sum(keep)
-#         if num_keep == 0:
-#             continue
-#         keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i], False)
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - cld_geo_dz[i,] - closeness_bot) < icing_alt[i], False)
-#         keep = np.where(keep, (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_depth) < icing_alt[i], False)
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(bt_11um[i,] > 228.0, bt_11um[i,] < 273.0), False)
-#         # Test6
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, (bt_11um[i,] < 228.0), False)
-#         # Test1
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i], False)
-#         # Test3
-#         # keep = np.where(keep, np.invert((cld_opd[i,] >= opd_thick_threshold) & (cld_phase[i,] == 4) & (cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i])), False)
-#         mask.append(keep)
-#         idxs.append(i)
-#         num_tested.append(num_keep)
-#     return mask, idxs, num_tested
 def apply_qc_icing_pireps(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5):
     if day_night == 'DAY':