diff --git a/modules/util/util.py b/modules/util/util.py
index c0807e79647871edfe661853479a8145f0c13e63..c4b2b13df0b38e63cfd81670c68e50e0779f340e 100644
--- a/modules/util/util.py
+++ b/modules/util/util.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp2d
 from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
 from scipy.signal import medfilt2d
 from cartopy.crs import Geostationary, Globe
+import geos_nav
 LatLonTuple = namedtuple('LatLonTuple', ['lat', 'lon'])
@@ -679,23 +680,26 @@ def add_noise(data, noise_scale=0.01, seed=None, copy=True):
 # geos_h08_fd = pickle.load(f)
 # f.close()
-geos_goes16_fd = Geostationary(central_longitude=-75.0, satellite_height=35786023.0, sweep_axis='x',
+crs_goes16_fd = Geostationary(central_longitude=-75.0, satellite_height=35786023.0, sweep_axis='x',
                                globe=Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6378137.0, semiminor_axis=6356752.31414,
-geos_goes16_conus = Geostationary(central_longitude=-75.0, satellite_height=35786023.0, sweep_axis='x',
+crs_goes16_conus = Geostationary(central_longitude=-75.0, satellite_height=35786023.0, sweep_axis='x',
                                   globe=Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6378137.0, semiminor_axis=6356752.31414,
-geos_h08_fd = Geostationary(central_longitude=140.7, satellite_height=35785.863, sweep_axis='y',
+crs_h08_fd = Geostationary(central_longitude=140.7, satellite_height=35785.863, sweep_axis='y',
                             globe=Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6378.137, semiminor_axis=6356.7523,
+geos_goes16_fd = geos_nav.GEOSNavigation()
+geos_goes16_conus = geos_nav.GEOSNavigation(CFAC=5.6E-05, LFAC=-5.6E-05, COFF=-0.101332, LOFF=0.128212, num_elems=2500, num_lines=1500)
 def get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain):
     if satellite == 'GOES16':
         if domain == 'FD':
-            geos = geos_goes16_fd
+            geos = crs_goes16_fd
             xlen = 5424
             xmin = -5433893.0
             xmax = 5433893.0
@@ -703,7 +707,7 @@ def get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain):
             ymin = -5433893.0
             ymax = 5433893.0
         elif domain == 'CONUS':
-            geos = geos_goes16_conus
+            geos = crs_goes16_conus
             xlen = 2500
             xmin = -3626269.5
             xmax = 1381770.0
@@ -711,7 +715,7 @@ def get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain):
             ymin = 1584175.9
             ymax = 4588198.0
     elif satellite == 'H08':
-        geos = geos_h08_fd
+        geos = crs_h08_fd
         xlen = 5500
         xmin = -5498.99990119
         xmax = 5498.99990119
@@ -719,7 +723,7 @@ def get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain):
         ymin = -5498.99990119
         ymax = 5498.99990119
     elif satellite == 'H09':
-        geos = geos_h08_fd
+        geos = crs_h08_fd
         xlen = 5500
         xmin = -5498.99990119
         xmax = 5498.99990119
@@ -840,7 +844,8 @@ taiwain_extent = [-3342, -502, 1470, 3510]  # GEOS coordinates, not line, elem
 # ------------ This code will not be needed when we implement a Fully Convolutional CNN -----------------------------------
 # Generate and return tiles of name_list parameters
-def make_for_full_domain_predict(h5f, name_list=None, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD', res_fac=1):
+def make_for_full_domain_predict(h5f, name_list=None, satellite='GOES16', domain='FD', res_fac=1,
+                                 data_extent=None):
     w_x = 16
     w_y = 16
     i_0 = 0
@@ -849,6 +854,11 @@ def make_for_full_domain_predict(h5f, name_list=None, satellite='GOES16', domain
     s_y = int(w_y / res_fac)
     geos, xlen, xmin, xmax, ylen, ymin, ymax = get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain)
+    if satellite == 'GOES16':
+        if data_extent is not None:
+            ll_pt_a = data_extent[0]
+            ll_pt_b = data_extent[1]
     if satellite == 'H08':
         xlen = taiwan_lenx
         ylen = taiwan_leny