diff --git a/modules/util/util.py b/modules/util/util.py
index b39304335813a650f42eeef4b1be160a35630899..2eff662006a1bb844bce5cb724830c99971e7786 100644
--- a/modules/util/util.py
+++ b/modules/util/util.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from metpy.calc import thickness_hydrostatic
 from collections import namedtuple
 import os
 import h5py
+import pickle
 LatLonTuple = namedtuple('LatLonTuple', ['lat', 'lon'])
@@ -354,6 +355,49 @@ def normalize(data, param, mean_std_dict, add_noise=False, noise_scale=1.0, seed
     return data
+f = open('/Users/tomrink/geos_crs_goes16_FD.pkl', 'rb')
+geos_goes16_fd = pickle.load(f)
+f = open('/Users/tomrink/geos_crs_goes16_CONUS.pkl', 'rb')
+geos_goes16_conus = pickle.load(f)
+f = open('/Users/tomrink/geos_crs_H08_FD.pkl', 'rb')
+geos_h08_fd = pickle.load(f)
+def get_cartopy_crs(satellite, domain):
+    if satellite == 'GOES16':
+        if domain == 'FD':
+            geos = geos_goes16_fd
+            xlen = 5424
+            xmin = -5433893.0
+            xmax = 5433893.
+            ylen = 5424
+            ymin = -5433893.0
+            ymax = 5433893.0
+        elif domain == 'CONUS':
+            geos = geos_goes16_conus
+            xlen = 2500
+            xmin = -3626269.5
+            xmax = 1381770.0
+            ylen = 1500
+            ymin = 1584175.9
+            ymax = 4588198.0
+    elif satellite == 'H08':
+        geos = geos_h08_fd
+        xlen = 5500
+        xmin = -5498.99990119
+        xmax = 5498.99990119
+        ylen = 5500
+        ymin = -5498.99990119
+        ymax = 5498.99990119
+    return geos, xlen, xmin, xmax, ylen, ymin, ymax
 # ------------ This code will not be needed when we implement a Fully Connected CNN -----------------------------------
 # Example GOES file to retrieve GEOS parameters in MetPy form (CONUS)
 exmp_file_conus = '/Users/tomrink/data/OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M6C14_G16_s20193140811215_e20193140813588_c20193140814070.nc'