diff --git a/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py b/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
index 123f8a88ce6234554ee4958d93feedd14f5fc6bd..4ac49859b09e1ab09243200bb5989c0d0f7a3714 100644
--- a/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
+++ b/modules/icing/pirep_goes.py
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def get_grid_values(h5f, grid_name, j_c, i_c, half_width, num_j=None, num_i=None
     return grd_vals
-def create_file(filename, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, icing_intensity, unq_ids):
+def create_file(filename, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, icing_intensity, unq_ids, mask=None):
     h5f_expl = h5py.File(a_clvr_file, 'r')
     h5f = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
@@ -234,6 +234,14 @@ def create_file(filename, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_
     unq_ids_ds = h5f.create_dataset('unique_id', data=unq_ids, dtype='i4')
     unq_ids_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='ID mapping to PIREP icing dictionary: see pireps.py')
+    if mask is not None:
+        mask = mask.astype(np.byte)
+        mask_ds = h5f.create_dataset('FOV_mask', data=mask, dtype=np.byte)
+        mask_ds.attrs.create('long_name', data='The FOVs which pass the cloudy icing report test')
+        mask_ds.dims[0].label = 'time'
+        mask_ds.dims[1].label = 'y'
+        mask_ds.dims[2].label = 'x'
     # copy relevant attributes
     for ds_name in ds_list:
         h5f_ds = h5f[ds_name]
@@ -935,8 +943,10 @@ def analyze2(filename, filename_l1b):
 # --------------------------------------------
-x_a = 10
-x_b = 30
+# x_a = 10
+# x_b = 30
+x_a = 12
+x_b = 28
 y_a = x_a
 y_b = x_b
 nx = ny = (x_b - x_a)
@@ -1025,24 +1035,34 @@ def run_qc(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY', pass_thresh_frac=0.20, cloud
         mask, idxs, num_tested = apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, sol_zen, sat_zen, cld_temp, day_night=day_night, cloudy_frac=cloudy_frac)
     keep_idxs = []
+    mask_keep_idxs = []
     for i in range(len(mask)):
-        keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
-        # # frac = np.sum(mask[i]) / nx_x_ny
-        # frac = np.sum(mask[i]) / num_tested[i]
-        # if icing:
-        #     if frac > pass_thresh_frac:
-        #         keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
-        # elif frac > pass_thresh_frac:
-        #     keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
+        # keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
+        frac = np.sum(mask[i]) / num_tested[i]
+        if icing:
+            if frac > pass_thresh_frac:
+                keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
+                mask_keep_idxs.append(i)
+        elif frac > pass_thresh_frac:
+            keep_idxs.append(idxs[i])
+            mask_keep_idxs.append(i)
+    if len(keep_idxs) == 0:
+        f.close()
+        f_l1b.close()
+        return len(icing_alt), len(mask), len(keep_idxs)
     print('day_night, icing, all, valid, pass: ', day_night, icing, len(icing_alt), len(mask), len(keep_idxs))
     keep_idxs = np.array(keep_idxs)
+    mask_keep_idxs = np.array(mask_keep_idxs)
+    mask = np.concatenate(mask).reshape((-1, ny, nx))
+    mask = mask[mask_keep_idxs,]
     data_dct = {}
     for didx, ds_name in enumerate(ds_list):
-        data_dct[ds_name] = f[ds_name][keep_idxs,]
+        data_dct[ds_name] = f[ds_name][keep_idxs, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
     lon_c = f['longitude'][keep_idxs]
     lat_c = f['latitude'][keep_idxs]
@@ -1055,17 +1075,17 @@ def run_qc(filename, filename_l1b, day_night='ANY', pass_thresh_frac=0.20, cloud
     fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname)
     outfile = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + 'QC' + '_' + day_night + fext
-    create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)
+    create_file(outfile, data_dct, ds_list, ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids, mask)
     data_dct = {}
     for didx, ds_name in enumerate(l1b_ds_list):
-        data_dct[ds_name] = f_l1b[ds_name][keep_idxs]
+        data_dct[ds_name] = f_l1b[ds_name][keep_idxs, y_a:y_b, x_a:x_b]
     path, fname = os.path.split(filename_l1b)
     fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname)
     outfile_l1b = path + '/' + fbase + '_' + 'QC' + '_' + day_night + fext
-    create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids)
+    create_file(outfile_l1b, data_dct, l1b_ds_list, l1b_ds_types, lon_c, lat_c, time_s, fl_alt_s, ice_int_s, unq_ids, mask)
@@ -1396,8 +1416,8 @@ def apply_qc_icing_pireps_exp2(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cl
 def apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_opd, cld_mask, bt_11um, solzen, satzen, cld_top_temp, day_night='ANY', cloudy_frac=0.5):
-    closeness_top = 200.0  # meters
-    max_cld_depth = 1500.0
+    closeness_top = 50.0  # meters
+    max_cld_depth = 800.0
     max_altitude = 4500.0
     max_cld_altitude = 4000.0
@@ -1440,12 +1460,12 @@ def apply_qc_icing_pireps_v3(icing_alt, cld_top_hgt, cld_geo_dz, cld_phase, cld_
         # if icing_alt[i,] > max_altitude:
         #     continue
-        cth_mean = np.nanmean(cld_top_hgt[i,])
-        if not (closeness_top+cth_mean > icing_alt[i,] > cth_mean - max_cld_depth):
-            continue
+        # cth_mean = np.nanmean(cld_top_hgt[i,])
+        # if not (closeness_top+cth_mean > icing_alt[i,] > cth_mean - max_cld_depth):
+        #     continue
-        # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_hgt[i,] > icing_alt[i,],
-        #                           (cld_top_hgt[i,] - 3000.0) < icing_alt[i,]), False)
+        keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and((cld_top_hgt[i,] + closeness_top) > icing_alt[i,],
+                                  (cld_top_hgt[i,] - max_cld_depth) < icing_alt[i,]), False)
         # keep = np.where(keep, np.logical_and(cld_top_temp[i,] > 228.0, cld_top_temp[i,] < 274.0), False)
@@ -1783,8 +1803,10 @@ def fov_extract(icing_files, no_icing_files, trnfile='/home/rink/fovs_l1b_train.
 def tile_extract(icing_files, no_icing_files, trnfile='/home/rink/tiles_train.h5', vldfile='/home/rink/tiles_valid.h5', tstfile='/home/rink/tiles_test.h5', L1B_or_L2='L1B',
                  cld_mask_name='cloud_mask', augment=False, do_split=True, has_test=True):
     # 16x16
-    n_a, n_b = 12, 28
-    m_a, m_b = 12, 28
+    # n_a, n_b = 12, 28
+    # m_a, m_b = 12, 28
+    n_a, n_b = 0, 16
+    m_a, m_b = 0, 16
     # 10x10
     # n_a, n_b = 15, 25
     # m_a, m_b = 15, 25