# create a python configuration with prerequisites
module load anaconda27 # anaconda27 becomes miniconda under CentOS7 systems; ask TC if you need it installed
conda create -n hsd2nc python=2.7 numpy netCDF4
# activate python environment, which makes $HOME/.conda/envs/hsd2nc/bin/python the default interpreter
source activate hsd2nc
# grab the source zipfile from gitlab and build it
curl -o himawari-master.zip 'https://gitlab.ssec.wisc.edu/rayg/himawari/repository/archive.zip?ref=master'
unzip himawari-master.zip
mv himawari-master-* himawari
cd himawari/src
# run hsd2nc2km.sh, which runs hsd2nc.py in parallel and downsamples high-res bands to 2km
cd ../py
# add -G if you want lat/lon arrays added in addition to CGMS fixed grid parameters:
nice ./hsd2nc2km.sh /delta/ait/dc/jma/himawari08/ahi/2016/2016_05_30_151/0500/HS_H08_20160530_0500 -V
``` |