# create and configure an 'axi' python3 environment - only needed once
module load miniconda
conda create -n axi python=3.6 anaconda
source activate axi
# additional modules found useful, alter to taste
conda install netcdf4 h5py cffi numba matplotlib pyproj scipy basemap bokeh jupyter pandas six pillow pyyaml
conda install -c conda-forge pyresample pykdtree cartopy
# make sure netcdf module imports properly, occasionally hdf4 has messed it up
python -c 'import netCDF4' || echo "try again"
# add himawari module to axi environment, compiling the C code needed
cd himawari
git checkout develop
git pull
python setup.py develop # softlink working copy into python environment for development use, could also do "install"
# optionally add goesr utilities
cd ../goesr
git checkout develop
git pull
python setup.py develop
# quick test pattern with HSD scene
module load miniconda; source activate axi
ipython --pylab
import himawari.HimawariScene as ahi
hs = ahi.HimawariScene('/Volumes/changeo/data/users/rayg/Data/AHI/HS_H08_20170601_1200_B14_FLDK')
# refl = hs.albedos()
bt = hs.brightnessTemps()
# quick plot every 4th pixel
from pylab import *
imshow(bt[::4,::4]); colorbar()
bone(); clim(180,320)
# calculate lat/lon from fixed grid
geo = hs.geo()
lat, lon = geo.latitude, geo.longitude