import ruamel_yaml as yml import numpy as np import read_data as rd import tests def main(): datapath = '/ships19/hercules/pveglio/neige_data/snpp_test_input' fname_l1b = '' fname_geo = '' thresh_file = '/home/pveglio/mvcm_leo/thresholds/new_thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v1.0.0.yaml' viirs_data = rd.read_data('viirs', f'{datapath}/{fname_l1b}', f'{datapath}/{fname_geo}') with open(thresh_file) as f: text = thresholds = yml.safe_load(text) confidence = np.zeros((3, viirs_data['M01'].shape[0], viirs_data['M01'].shape[1])) confidence[0, :, :] = tests.test_11um(viirs_data.M15.values, thresholds['Daytime_Ocean']) confidence[1, :, :] = tests.test_11_4diff(viirs_data.M15.values, viirs_data.M13.values, thresholds['Daytime_Ocean'], viirs_data, thresholds['Sun_Glint']['bounds'][3]) confidence[2, :, :] = tests.nir_refl_test(viirs_data.M07.values, thresholds['Daytime_Ocean'], thresholds['Sun_Glint'], viirs_data) return confidence def test_main(): rad1 = [[255, 260, 265, 248, 223], [278, 285, 270, 268, 256], [275, 273, 266, 254, 259]] rad2 = [[270, 273, 271, 268, 265], [277, 286, 275, 277, 269], [280, 281, 272, 270, 267]] thresh_file = '/home/pveglio/mvcm_leo/thresholds/new_thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v1.0.0.yaml' with open(thresh_file) as f: text = rad1 = np.array(rad1) rad2 = np.array(rad2) confidence = np.zeros((2, rad1.shape[0], rad1.shape[1])) thresholds = yml.safe_load(text) confidence[0, :, :] = tests.test_11um(rad1, thresholds['Daytime_Ocean']) confidence[1, :, :] = tests.test_11_4diff(rad1, rad2, thresholds['Daytime_Ocean']) print(f'Confidence[0,:,:]: \n {confidence[0, :, :]}') print(f'Confidence[1,:,:]: \n {confidence[1, :, :]}') return confidence if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()