import numpy as np import xarray as xr def test(flipped=False): bt = np.arange(265, 275) if flipped is False: thr = np.array([267, 270, 273, 1, 1]) else: thr = np.array([273, 270, 267, 1, 1]) c = conf_test(bt, thr) print(c) def test_dble(flipped=False): bt = np.arange(260, 282) if flipped is False: thr = np.array([264, 267, 270, 273, 276, 279, 1, 1]) else: thr = np.array([279, 276, 273, 270, 267, 264, 1, 1]) c = conf_test_dble(bt, thr) print(c) def conf_test(data, band): ''' Assuming a linear function between min and max confidence level, the plot below shows how the confidence (y axis) is computed as function of radiance (x axis). This case illustrates alpha < gamma, obviously in case alpha > gamma, the plot would be flipped. gamma c 1 ________ o | / n | / f | / i | beta / d 1/2 |....../ e | / n | / c | / e 0________/ | alpha --------- radiance ----------> ''' hicut = data.threshold[:, :, 2] beta = data.threshold[:, :, 1] locut = data.threshold[:, :, 0] power = data.threshold[:, :, 3] coeff = np.power(2, (power - 1)) gamma = data.threshold.where(hicut > locut, data.threshold[:, :, 0])[:, :, 2] alpha = data.threshold.where(hicut > locut, data.threshold[:, :, 2])[:, :, 0] flipped = xr.zeros_like(data[band]).where(hicut > locut, 1) # Rad between alpha and beta range_ = 2. * (beta - alpha) s1 = (data[band].values - alpha)/range_ conf_tmp1 = (coeff * np.power(s1, power)).where((data[band] <= beta) & (flipped == 0)) conf_tmp2 = (1.0 - coeff * np.power(s1, power)).where((data[band] <= beta) & (flipped == 1)) conf_tmp12 = conf_tmp1.where(flipped == 0, conf_tmp2) # Rad between beta and gamma range_ = 2. * (beta - gamma) s1 = (data[band].values - gamma)/range_ conf_tmp3 = (1.0 - coeff * np.power(s1, power)).where((data[band] <= beta) & (flipped == 0)) conf_tmp4 = (coeff * np.power(s1, power)).where((data[band] <= beta) & (flipped == 1)) conf_tmp34 = conf_tmp3.where(flipped == 0, conf_tmp4) confidence = conf_tmp12.where(data[band] <= beta, conf_tmp34) confidence = confidence.where(confidence > 0, 0) confidence = confidence.where(confidence < 1, 1) return confidence def conf_test_dble(rad, coeffs): # ''' # gamma1 gamma2 # c 1_______ ________ # o | \ / # n | \ / # f | \ / # i | \ beta1 beta2 / # d 1/2 \....| |...../ # e | \ / # n | \ / # c | \ / # e 0 \_____________/ # | alpha1 alpha2 # --------------------- radiance -------------------------> # ''' coeffs = np.array(coeffs) radshape = rad.shape rad = rad.reshape( confidence = np.zeros(rad.shape) alpha1, gamma1 = np.empty(rad.shape), np.empty(rad.shape) alpha2, gamma2 = np.empty(rad.shape), np.empty(rad.shape) if coeffs.ndim == 1: coeffs = np.full((rad.shape[0], 7), coeffs[:7]).T gamma1 = coeffs[0, :] beta1 = coeffs[1, :] alpha1 = coeffs[2, :] alpha2 = coeffs[3, :] beta2 = coeffs[4, :] gamma2 = coeffs[5, :] power = coeffs[6, :] coeff = np.power(2, (power - 1)) # radshape = rad.shape # rad = rad.reshape((rad.shape[0]*rad.shape[1])) # ## Find if interval between inner cutoffs passes or fails test # Inner region fails test # Value is within range of lower set of limits range_ = 2. * (beta1 - alpha1) s1 = (rad - alpha1) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad <= alpha1) & (rad >= beta1) & (alpha1 - gamma1 > 0)) confidence[idx] = coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) range_ = 2. * (beta1 - gamma1) s1 = (rad - gamma1) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad >= gamma1) & (rad < beta1) & (alpha1 - gamma1 > 0)) confidence[idx] = 1.0 - coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) # Value is within range of upper set of limits range_ = 2. * (beta2 - alpha2) s1 = (rad - alpha2) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > alpha1) & (rad <= beta2) & (alpha1 - gamma1 > 0)) confidence[idx] = coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) range_ = 2. * (beta2 - gamma2) s1 = (rad - gamma2) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > alpha1) & (rad > beta2) & (alpha1 - gamma1 > 0)) confidence[idx] = 1.0 - coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) # Check for value beyond function range confidence[(alpha1 - gamma1 > 0) & (rad > alpha1) & (rad < alpha2)] = 0 confidence[(alpha1 - gamma1 > 0) & ((rad < gamma1) | (rad > gamma2))] = 1 ### # Inner region passes test print("I NEED TO REVIEW THIS TO WRITE IT MORE CLEARLY") # FOR NOW ALPHA AND GAMMA ARE SWITCHED BECAUSE OF HOW THE ARRAYS ARE DEFINED. # THINK ON HOW THIS COULD BE WRITTEN SO THAT IT'S EASIER TO UNDERSTAND (AND DEBUG) # Value is within range of lower set of limits range_ = 2 * (beta1 - alpha1) s1 = (rad - alpha1) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > alpha1) & (rad <= gamma1) & (rad <= beta1) & (alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0)) confidence[idx] = 1.0 - coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) range_ = 2 * (beta1 - gamma1) s1 = (rad - gamma1) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > alpha1) & (rad <= gamma1) & (rad > beta1) & (alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0)) confidence[idx] = coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) # Values is within range of upper set of limits range_ = 2 * (beta2 - alpha2) s1 = (rad - alpha2) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > gamma2) & (rad < alpha2) & (rad >= beta2) & (alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0)) confidence[idx] = 1.0 - coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) range_ = 2 * (beta2 - gamma2) s1 = (rad - gamma2) / range_ idx = np.nonzero((rad > gamma2) & (rad < alpha2) & (rad < beta2) & (alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0)) confidence[idx] = coeff[idx] * np.power(s1[idx], power[idx]) confidence[(alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0) & ((rad > gamma1) | (rad < gamma2))] = 0 confidence[(alpha1 - gamma1 <= 0) & (rad <= alpha1) & (rad >= alpha2)] = 1 confidence[confidence > 1] = 1 confidence[confidence < 0] = 0 return confidence if __name__ == "__main__": test_dble()