From d4650c0a433e0ffe462bad2691bbaf8c051aff2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paolo Veglio <>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 20:59:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] started testing the code. need to correct the way the final
 cmin before restoral is computed

 mvcm/              | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 mvcm/         |  59 ++++++++++++
 mvcm/          |  31 ++++---
 mvcm/             |  18 ++--
 mvcm/ |  47 ++++++++++
 5 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 mvcm/

diff --git a/mvcm/ b/mvcm/
index 27fa0ed..1fc73b8 100644
--- a/mvcm/
+++ b/mvcm/
@@ -7,28 +7,28 @@ import numpy as np
 from glob import glob
-import read_data as rd
-import spectral_tests as tst
-import scene as scn
-import restoral
+import mvcm.read_data as rd
+import mvcm.spectral_tests as tst
+import mvcm.scene as scn
+from mvcm.restoral import Restoral
 # #################################################################### #
 # data:
 _datapath = '/ships19/hercules/pveglio/mvcm_viirs_hires'
-_fname_mod02 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP02MOD.A2022173.1454.001.*')[0]
-_fname_mod03 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP03MOD.A2022173.1454.001.*')[0]
-_fname_img02 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP02IMG.A2022173.1454.001.*')[0]
-_fname_img03 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP03IMG.A2022173.1454.001.*')[0]
+_fname_mod02 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP02MOD.A2022173.1312.001.*')[0]
+_fname_mod03 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP03MOD.A2022173.1312.001.*')[0]
+_fname_img02 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP02IMG.A2022173.1312.001.*')[0]
+_fname_img03 = glob(f'{_datapath}/VNP03IMG.A2022173.1312.001.*')[0]
 # thresholds:
-_threshold_file = '/home/pveglio/mvcm/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml'
+_threshold_file = '/home/pveglio/mvcm/thresholds/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml'
 # ancillary files:
 _geos_atm_1 = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.inst3_2d_asm_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1200.V01.nc4'
 _geos_atm_2 = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.inst3_2d_asm_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1500.V01.nc4'
-_geos_land = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1430.V01.nc4'
-_geos_ocean = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_ocn_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1430.V01.nc4'
+_geos_land = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1330.V01.nc4'
+_geos_ocean = 'GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_ocn_Nx.GEOS5124.20220622_1330.V01.nc4'
 _geos_constants = 'GEOS.fp.asm.const_2d_asm_Nx.00000000_0000.V01.nc4'
 _ndvi_file = 'NDVI.FM.c004.v2.0.WS.00-04.177.hdf'
 _sst_file = 'oisst.20220622'
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ def main(satellite: str = 'snpp',
          geos_ocean: str = _geos_ocean,
          geos_constants: str = _geos_constants,
          ndvi_file: str = _ndvi_file,
-         sst_file: str = _sst_file) -> None:
+         sst_file: str = _sst_file,
+         eco_file: str = _eco_file) -> None:
     """Main function for the MVCM.
@@ -84,8 +85,10 @@ def main(satellite: str = 'snpp',
         file name of GEOS5 constants
     ndvi_file: str
         NDVI file name
-    sst_file:
+    sst_file: str
         Sea surface temperature file name
+    eco_file: str
+        Ecosystem File
@@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ def main(satellite: str = 'snpp',
                   'GEOS_constants': f'{geos_constants}',
                   'NDVI': f'{ndvi_file}',
                   'SST': f'{sst_file}',
+                  'ECO': f'{eco_file}',
                   'ANC_DIR': f'{data_path}/ancillary'
@@ -112,67 +116,126 @@ def main(satellite: str = 'snpp',
     sunglint_angle = thresholds['Sun_Glint']['bounds'][3]
-    viirs_data = rd.get_data(satellite, sensor, file_names, sunglint_angle)
+    viirs_data = rd.get_data(satellite, sensor, file_names)
     # Initialize the confidence arrays for the various test groups
-    cmin_G1 = np.ones(viirs_data.M01.shape)
-    cmin_G2 = np.ones(viirs_data.M01.shape)
-    cmin_G3 = np.ones(viirs_data.M01.shape)
-    cmin_G4 = np.ones(viirs_data.M01.shape)
-    cmin_G5 = np.ones(viirs_data.M01.shape)
+    cmin_G1 = np.ones(viirs_data.M11.shape)
+    cmin_G2 = np.ones(viirs_data.M11.shape)
+    cmin_G3 = np.ones(viirs_data.M11.shape)
+    cmin_G4 = np.ones(viirs_data.M11.shape)
+    cmin_G5 = np.ones(viirs_data.M11.shape)
-    """
     for scene_name in ['Land_Day', 'Land_Day_Coast', 'Land_Day_Desert_Coast',
                        'Ocean_Day', 'Ocean_Night', 'Polar_Day_Ocean', 'Polar_Night_Ocean',
                        'Polar_Day_Land', 'Polar_Day_Coast', 'Polar_Day_Desert',
                        'Polar_Day_Desert_Coast', 'Polar_Day_Snow', 'Land_Night',
                        'Polar_Night_Land', 'Polar_Night_Snow', 'Day_Snow', 'Night_Snow']:
-    """
-    for scene_name in ['Ocean_Day']:
-        MyScene = tst.CloudTests(viirs_data, scene_name, thresholds)
-        cmin_G1, bit1 = MyScene.test_11um('M15', cmin_G1, test_name='11um_Test')
-        cmin_G1, bit2 = MyScene.sst_test('M15', 'M16', cmin_G1, test_name='SST_Test')
-        cmin_G2, bit3 = MyScene.bt_diff_86_11um('M14-M15', cmin_G2, test_name='8.6-11um_Test')
-        cmin_G2, bit4 = MyScene.test_11_12um_diff('M15-M16', cmin_G2, test_name='11-12um_Cirrus_Test')
-        cmin_G2, bit5 = MyScene.oceanic_stratus_11_4um_test('M15-M12', cmin_G2,
-                                                            test_name='11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test')
-        cmin_G3, bit6 = MyScene.nir_reflectance_test('M07', cmin_G3, test_name='NIR_Reflectance_Test')
-        cmin_G3, bit7 = MyScene.vis_nir_ratio_test('M07-M05ratio', cmin_G3, test_name='Vis/NIR_Ratio_Test')
-        cmin_G3, bit8 = MyScene.nir_reflectance_test('M10', cmin_G3, test_name='1.6_2.1um_NIR_Reflectance_Test')
-        cmin_G3, bit9 = MyScene.visible_reflectance_test('M128', cmin_G3, test_name='Visible_Reflectance_Test')
-        cmin_G3, bit10 = MyScene.gemi_test('GEMI', cmin_G3, test_name='GEMI_Test')
-        cmin_G4, bit11 = MyScene.test_1_38um_high_clouds('M09', cmin_G4, test_name='1.38um_High_Cloud_Test')
-        cmin_G5, bit12 = MyScene.thin_cirrus_4_12um_BTD_test('M13-M16', cmin_G5,
-                                                             test_name='4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test')
-        cmin = cmin_G1 * cmin_G2 * cmin_G3 * cmin_G4 * cmin_G5
-        if scene_name in ['Ocean_Day']:
-            # total_bit = np.full(viirs_data.M01.shape, 4)
-            total_bit = bit1 + bit2 + bit4 + bit11
-            sunglint_angle = thresholds['Sun_Glint']['bounds'][3]
-            scene_flags = scn.find_scene(viirs_data, sunglint_angle)
-            # idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
-            #                  (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.99) & (cmin >= 0.05))
-            # cmin[idx] = restoral.spatial(viirs_data, thresholds['Sun_Glint'], scene_flags, cmin)[idx]
-            idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['sunglint'] == 1) &
-                             (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.95))
-            cmin[idx] = restoral.sunglint(viirs_data, thresholds['Sun_Glint'], total_bit, cmin)[idx]
-        # MVCM = tst.ComputeTests(viirs_data, scene_name, thresholds)
-        # cmin = MVCM.clear_sky_restoral(cmin)
-    # return cmin
-    np.savez('test_ams', confidence=cmin, lat=viirs_data.latitude.values, lon=viirs_data.longitude.values)
+        MyScene = tst.CloudTests(data=viirs_data,
+                                 scene_name=scene_name,
+                                 thresholds=thresholds)
+        cmin_G1, bit01 = MyScene.test_11um('M15', cmin_G1)
+        cmin_G1, bit02 = MyScene.surface_temperature_test('M15', viirs_data, cmin_G1)
+        cmin_G1, bit03 = MyScene.sst_test('M15', 'M16', cmin_G1)
+        cmin_G2, bit04 = MyScene.bt_diff_86_11um('M14-M15', cmin_G2)
+        cmin_G2, bit05 = MyScene.test_11_12um_diff('M15-M16', cmin_G2)
+        cmin_G2, bit06 = MyScene.variability_11um_test('M15', cmin_G2)
+        cmin_G2, bit07 = MyScene.bt_difference_11_4um_test_ocean('M15-M12', cmin_G2)
+        # cmin_G2, bit08 = MyScene.bt_difference_11_4um_test_land('M15-M12', cmin_G2)
+        cmin_G2, bit09 = MyScene.oceanic_stratus_11_4um_test('M15-M12', cmin_G2)
+        cmin_G3, bit10 = MyScene.nir_reflectance_test('M07', cmin_G3)
+        cmin_G3, bit11 = MyScene.vis_nir_ratio_test('M07-M05ratio', cmin_G3)
+        cmin_G3, bit12 = MyScene.test_16_21um_reflectance('M10', cmin_G3)
+        # cmin_G3, bit13 = MyScene.visible_reflectance_test('M128', cmin_G3)
+        # cmin_G3, bit14 = MyScene.gemi_test('GEMI', cmin_G3)
+        cmin_G4, bit15 = MyScene.test_1_38um_high_clouds('M09', cmin_G4)
+        cmin_G5, bit16 = MyScene.thin_cirrus_4_12um_BTD_test('M13-M16', cmin_G5)
+    # I need to modify this so that it's computed for each scene and that the exponent
+    # is changed according to the number of groups in which tests are run
+    cmin = np.power(cmin_G1 * cmin_G2 * cmin_G3 * cmin_G4 * cmin_G5, 1/5)
+    scene_flags = scn.find_scene(viirs_data, sunglint_angle)
+    Restore = Restoral(data=viirs_data, thresholds=thresholds, scene_flag=scene_flags)
+    sunglint_bits = bit01 * bit03 * bit05 * bit15
+    sh_water_bits = {'ir': bit01 * bit05,
+                     'nir_1': bit10,
+                     'nir_2': bit15,
+                     'sst': bit03
+                     }
+    land_bits = bit15 * bit05
+    # make sure that the land_bits are calculated properly
+    idx = np.nonzero(scene_flags['desert'] == 0)
+    land_bits[idx] = land_bits[idx] * bit10[idx] * bit07[idx] * bit11[idx]
+    coast_bits = bit05
+    land_night_bits = bit16
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (scene_flags['water'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) & (cmin >= 0.05) & (cmin <= 0.99))
+    cmin[idx] = Restore.spatial_variability(cmin)[idx]
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['day'] == 1) & (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['sunglint'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.95))
+    cmin[idx] = Restore.sunglint(sunglint_bits, cmin)[idx]
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['day'] == 1) & (scene_flags['water'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['ice'] == 0))
+    cmin[idx] = Restore.shallow_water(sh_water_bits, cmin)[idx]
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['day'] == 1) & (scene_flags['land'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['snow'] == 0) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
+                     (cmin <= 0.95))
+    cmin[idx] =, cmin)[idx]
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['day'] == 1) & (scene_flags['land'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['snow'] == 0) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
+                     (scene_flags['coast'] == 1))
+    cmin[idx] = Restore.coast(coast_bits, cmin)[idx]
+    idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['night'] == 1) & (scene_flags['land'] == 1) &
+                     (scene_flags['snow'] == 0) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
+                     (cmin <= 0.95))
+    cmin[idx] = Restore.land_night(land_night_bits, cmin)[idx]
+    # bits translation MVCM-python -> MVCM-C
+    # 01  13  test_11um
+    # 02  27  surface_temperature_test
+    # 03  27  sst_test
+    # 04  24  bt_diff_86_11um
+    # 05  18  test_11_12um_diff
+    # 07  19  oceanic_stratus_11_4um_test
+    # 10  20  nir_reflectance_test
+    # 11  21  vis_nir_ratio
+    # 12  23  test_16_21um_reflectance
+    # 15  16  test_1_38um_high_clouds
+    # 16  17  thin_cirrus_4_12um_BTD_test
+    #     if scene_name in ['Ocean_Day']:
+    #         # total_bit = np.full(viirs_data.M01.shape, 4)
+    #         total_bit = bit1 + bit2 + bit4 + bit11
+    #         sunglint_angle = thresholds['Sun_Glint']['bounds'][3]
+    #         scene_flags = scn.find_scene(viirs_data, sunglint_angle)
+    #
+    #         # idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
+    #         #                  (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.99) & (cmin >= 0.05))
+    #         # cmin[idx] = restoral.spatial(viirs_data, thresholds['Sun_Glint'], scene_flags, cmin)[idx]
+    #
+    #         idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['sunglint'] == 1) &
+    #                          (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.95))
+    #         cmin[idx] = restoral.sunglint(viirs_data, thresholds['Sun_Glint'], total_bit, cmin)[idx]
+    #
+    #     # MVCM = tst.ComputeTests(viirs_data, scene_name, thresholds)
+    #     # cmin = MVCM.clear_sky_restoral(cmin)
+    #
+    # # return cmin
+    np.savez('test_w_restorals', confidence=cmin, lat=viirs_data.latitude.values, lon=viirs_data.longitude.values)
diff --git a/mvcm/ b/mvcm/
index 2f1234a..4efd9c8 100644
--- a/mvcm/
+++ b/mvcm/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import numpy.typing as npt
 import ancillary_data as anc
+import mvcm.scene as scn
 import os
 import logging
@@ -454,7 +455,65 @@ class ReadAncillary(CollectInputs):
         return ancillary_data
+def get_data(satellite: str,
+             sensor: str,
+             file_names: Dict) -> xr.Dataset:
+    """Store every variable in one xarray dataset
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    satellite: str
+        satellite name
+    sensor: str
+        sensor name
+    file_names: Dict
+        dictionary containing all input file names
+    Returns
+    -------
+    input_data: xr.Dataset
+        dataset containing all the satellite and ancillary data
+    """
+    Viirs = ReadData(file_name_geo=file_names['MOD03'],
+                     file_name_l1b=file_names['MOD02'],
+                     satellite=satellite,
+                     sensor=sensor)
+    geo_data = Viirs.read_viirs_geo()
+    viirs_data = Viirs.read_viirs_l1b(geo_data.solar_zenith.values)
+    viirs_data = Viirs.preprocess_viirs(geo_data, viirs_data)
+    Ancillary = ReadAncillary(latitude=geo_data.latitude.values,
+                              longitude=geo_data.longitude.values,
+                              resolution=1,
+                              ancillary_dir=file_names['ANC_DIR'],
+                              geos_file_1=file_names['GEOS_atm_1'],
+                              geos_file_2=file_names['GEOS_atm_2'],
+                              geos_land=file_names['GEOS_land'],
+                              geos_ocean=file_names['GEOS_ocean'],
+                              geos_constants=file_names['GEOS_constants'],
+                              ndvi_file=file_names['NDVI'],
+                              sst_file=file_names['SST'],
+                              eco_file=file_names['ECO']
+                              )
+    viirs_data.update(Ancillary.pack_data())
+    scene_flags = scn.find_scene(viirs_data, geo_data.sunglint_angle.values)
+    scene = scn.scene_id(scene_flags)
+    scene_xr = xr.Dataset()
+    for s in scn._scene_list:
+        scene_xr[s] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels'), scene[s])
+    input_data = xr.Dataset(viirs_data, coords=scene_xr)
+    input_data.drop_vars(['latitude', 'longitude'])
+    return input_data
     scene_flags = scn.find_scene(viirs, sunglint_angle)
     scene = scn.scene_id(scene_flags)
diff --git a/mvcm/ b/mvcm/
index 89998eb..8aeba69 100644
--- a/mvcm/
+++ b/mvcm/
@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@ class Restoral(object):
         var_bt = spatial_var(bt, threshold['var_11um'])
         var_reflectance = spatial_var(reflectance, threshold['var_0_86um'])
-        idx = np.nonzero((self.confidence > 0.95) & (self.scene_flag['day'] == 1) &
+        idx = np.nonzero((confidence > 0.95) & (self.scene_flag['day'] == 1) &
                          (var_bt == 1) & (var_reflectance == 1))
         confidence[idx] = 1
-        idx = np.nonzero((self.confidence > 0.66) & (
+        idx = np.nonzero((confidence > 0.66) & (
                          ((self.scene_flag['night'] == 1) & (var_bt == 1)) |
                          ((self.scene_flag['day'] == 1) & (var_bt == 1) & (var_reflectance == 1))))
         confidence[idx] = 0.96
-        idx = np.nonzero((self.confidence <= 0.66) & (var_bt == 1))
+        idx = np.nonzero((confidence <= 0.66) & (var_bt == 1))
         confidence[idx] = 0.67
 'spatial_variability restoral test performed successfully')
@@ -170,18 +170,19 @@ class Restoral(object):
         rad =
         m05m04ratio =
-        m20m22diff = -
+        m20m22diff = -
         m22m31diff = -
         threshold = self.thresholds['Land_Restoral']
         thr11um = np.full((rad.ravel().shape[0], 3), np.array(threshold['bt11']))
         thr11um[ == 8, :] = np.array(threshold['bt11_desert'])
-        thr11um = thr11um - utils.bt11_elevation_adjustment(
-        thr11um = thr11um.reshape(rad)
+        for i in range(3):
+            thr11um[:, i] = thr11um[:, i] - utils.bt11_elevation_correction(
+        thr11um = thr11um.reshape((rad.shape[0], rad.shape[1], 3))
-        thr_ratio = np.full((rad.ravel().shape[0], 3), np.array(threshold['m05m04_ratio']))
-        thr_ratio[ == 8, :] = np.array(threshold['m05m04_ratio_desert'])
-        thr_ratio = thr_ratio.reshape(rad)
+        thr_ratio = np.full((rad.ravel().shape[0], ), np.array(threshold['m05m04_ratio']))
+        thr_ratio[ == 8] = np.array(threshold['m05m04_ratio_desert'])
+        thr_ratio = thr_ratio.reshape(rad.shape)
         idx = np.nonzero((bit == 1) & (self.scene_flag['day'] == 1) & (self.scene_flag['land'] == 1) &
                          (self.scene_flag['snow'] == 0) & (self.scene_flag['ice'] == 0) &
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ class Restoral(object):
               confidence: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
         ndvi = utils.compute_ndvi(,
-        threshold = self.threshold['Coastal_NDVI_and_Shallow_Water']
+        threshold = self.thresholds['Coastal_NDVI_Thresholds']
         idx = np.nonzero((self.scene_flag['day'] == 1) & (self.scene_flag['snow'] == 0) &
                          (self.scene_flag['ice'] == 0) & (self.scene_flag['coast'] == 1) &
@@ -232,19 +233,21 @@ class Restoral(object):
         rad =
         threshold = self.thresholds['Land_Restoral']
         thr11um = np.full(([0], 3), np.array(threshold['bt11']))
-        thr11um = threshold['bt11_land_night'] - utils.bt11_elevation_adjustment(
+        for i in range(3):
+            thr11um[:, i] = threshold['bt11_land_night'][i] - utils.bt11_elevation_correction(
+        thr11um = thr11um.reshape((rad.shape[0], rad.shape[1], 3))
         idx = np.nonzero((self.scene_flag['night'] == 1) & (self.scene_flag['snow'] == 0) &
                          (self.scene_flag['ice'] == 0) & (bit == 1) & (confidence <= 0.95) &
-                         (rad.ravel() > thr11um[0]))
+                         (rad > thr11um[:, :, 0]))
         confidence[idx] = 0.95
         idx = np.nonzero((self.scene_flag['night'] == 1) & (self.scene_flag['snow'] == 0) &
                          (self.scene_flag['ice'] == 0) & (bit == 1) & (confidence <= 0.95) &
-                         (rad.ravel() > thr11um[1]))
+                         (rad > thr11um[:, :, 1]))
         confidence[idx] = 0.96
         idx = np.nonzero((self.scene_flag['night'] == 1) & (self.scene_flag['snow'] == 0) &
                          (self.scene_flag['ice'] == 0) & (bit == 1) & (confidence <= 0.95) &
-                         (rad.ravel() > thr11um[2]))
+                         (rad > thr11um[:, :, 2]))
         confidence[idx] = 1
 'land night restoral test performed successfully')
diff --git a/mvcm/ b/mvcm/
index eaf6ee4..b1f12e3 100644
--- a/mvcm/
+++ b/mvcm/
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ def test_scene():
 def find_scene(data, sunglint_angle):
-    # eco = np.array(data['ecosystem'].values, dtype=np.uint8)
-    logger.warning('"eco" has been renamed "ecosystem" in the most recent version of the read_data function')
-    eco = np.array(data['eco'].values, dtype=np.uint8)
-    snowfr = data['geos_snowfr'].values
-    icefr = data['geos_icefr'].values
+    eco = np.array(data['ecosystem'].values, dtype=np.uint8)
+    # logger.warning('"eco" has been renamed "ecosystem" in the most recent version of the read_data function')
+    # eco = np.array(data['eco'].values, dtype=np.uint8)
+    snowfr = data['geos_snow_fraction'].values
+    icefr = data['geos_ice_fraction'].values
     lsf = np.array(data['land_water_mask'].values, dtype=np.uint8)
     lat = data['latitude'].values
     lon = data['longitude'].values
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def find_scene(data, sunglint_angle):
     b086 = data['M07'].values
     elev = data['height'].values
     ndvibk = data['ndvi'].values
-    sfctmp = data['geos_sfct'].values
+    sfctmp = data['geos_surface_temperature'].values
     dim1 = data.latitude.shape[0]
     dim2 = data.latitude.shape[1]
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ def find_scene(data, sunglint_angle):
     scene_flag['vrused'] = np.ones((dim1, dim2))
     scene_flag['vrused'][idx] = 0
-    snow_fraction = data['geos_snowfr']
-    perm_ice_fraction = data['geos_landicefr']
-    ice_fraction = data['geos_icefr']
+    snow_fraction = data['geos_snow_fraction']
+    perm_ice_fraction = data['geos_land_ice_fraction']
+    ice_fraction = data['geos_ice_fraction']
     idx = tuple(np.nonzero((snow_fraction > 0.10) & (snow_fraction <= 1.0)))
     scene_flag['map_snow'][idx] = 1
diff --git a/mvcm/ b/mvcm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c920f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mvcm/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
+from typing import Dict
+def local_nxn_mean(arr: np.ndarray,
+                   x: int = 3,
+                   y: int = 3) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Returns the mean value of each NxM (default 3) pixel region for a given array"""
+    local_mean = sliding_window_view(np.pad(arr, [x-2, y-2], mode='constant'),
+                                     (x, y)).reshape(arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], x*y).mean(axis=2)
+    return local_mean
+def local_nxn_standard_deviation(arr: np.ndarray,
+                                 x: int = 3,
+                                 y: int = 3) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Returns the standard deviation of each NxM pixel region for a given array"""
+    local_std = sliding_window_view(np.pad(arr, [x-2, y-2], mode='constant'),
+                                    (x, y)).reshape(arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], x*y).std(axis=2)
+    return local_std
+def spatial_var(rad: np.ndarray,
+                threshold: Dict) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Compute 3x3 spatial variability and returns number of pixels within certain threshold"""
+    test = sliding_window_view(np.pad(rad, [1, 1], mode='constant'), (3, 3)) - np.expand_dims(rad, (2, 3))
+    test = np.abs(test.reshape(rad.shape[0], rad.shape[1], 9))
+    var = np.ones(test.shape)
+    var[test < threshold] = 0
+    return var.sum(axis=2)
+def compute_ndvi(b01: np.ndarray,
+                 b02: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Compute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)"""
+    ndvi = (b02 - b01)/(b01 + b02)
+    return ndvi
+def bt11_elevation_correction(height: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Compute the elevation correction for the 11um brightness temperature thresholds"""
+    return 5*height/1000