diff --git a/preprocess_thresholds.py b/preprocess_thresholds.py
index 9c5b7ecf3cdcb49b65c798707e081928c38f753c..b0c96f7fa374254b322f4d24118fc5b299a692fc 100644
--- a/preprocess_thresholds.py
+++ b/preprocess_thresholds.py
@@ -266,21 +266,23 @@ def get_b1_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene_idx):
     return locut, midpt, hicut
-def get_pn_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene, test_name):
+def polar_night_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene, test_name, scene_idx):
     thresholds = thresholds[scene]
     if ((test_name == '4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test') and (scene in ['Land_Night', 'Night_Snow']) or
        (test_name == '7.3-11um_BTD_Mid_Level_Cloud_Test') and (scene == 'Land_Night')):
-        locut = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][0] * np.ones(data.M15.shape)
-        midpt = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][1] * np.ones(data.M15.shape)
-        hicut = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][2] * np.ones(data.M15.shape)
-        power = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][3] * np.ones(data.M15.shape)
+        locut = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][0] * np.ones(data.M15.values[scene_idx].ravel())
+        midpt = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][1] * np.ones(data.M15.values[scene_idx].ravel())
+        hicut = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][2] * np.ones(data.M15.values[scene_idx].ravel())
+        power = thresholds[test_name]['thr'][3] * np.ones(data.M15.values[scene_idx].ravel())
-        out_thr = xr.DataArray(data=np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(data.ndvi.shape), power)),
-                               dims=('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'))
-        return out_thr
+        # out_thr = xr.DataArray(data=np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(data.ndvi.shape), power)),
+        #                        dims=('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'))
+        out_thr = np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(locut.shape), power))
-    rad = data.M15.values.reshape(data.M15.shape[0]*data.M15.shape[1])
+        return out_thr.T
+    rad = data.M15.values[scene_idx].ravel()
     bt_bounds = thresholds[test_name]['bt11_bounds']
     locut, midpt = np.empty(rad.shape), np.empty(rad.shape)
@@ -343,15 +345,16 @@ def get_pn_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene, test_name):
     hicut[idx] = midpt[idx] - conf_range[idx]
     locut[idx] = midpt[idx] + conf_range[idx]
-    locut = locut.reshape(data.M15.shape)
-    midpt = midpt.reshape(data.M15.shape)
-    hicut = hicut.reshape(data.M15.shape)
-    power = power.reshape(data.M15.shape)
+    # locut = locut.reshape(data.M15.shape)
+    # midpt = midpt.reshape(data.M15.shape)
+    # hicut = hicut.reshape(data.M15.shape)
+    # power = power.reshape(data.M15.shape)
-    out_thr = xr.DataArray(data=np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(data.ndvi.shape), power)),
-                           dims=('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'))
+    # out_thr = xr.DataArray(data=np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(data.ndvi.shape), power)),
+    #                        dims=('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'))
+    out_thr = np.dstack((locut, midpt, hicut, np.ones(locut.shape), power))
-    return out_thr
+    return out_thr.T
 def get_nl_thresholds(data, threshold):
@@ -433,24 +436,23 @@ def vis_refl_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene, scene_idx):
     return np.squeeze(out_thr.T), out_rad
-def GEMI_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene_name, scene_idx):
-    thresh = thresholds[scene_name]['GEMI_Test']
+def gemi_thresholds(data, thresholds, scene_name, scene_idx):
     ndvi = data.ndvi.values[scene_idx].ravel()
     gemi_thr = np.ones((ndvi.shape[0], 5))
     idx = np.nonzero(ndvi < 0.1)
-    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresh['gemi0'][:3]
-    idx = np.nonzero((ndvi >= 0.1) & (data.ndvi < 0.2))
-    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresh['gemi1'][:3]
+    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresholds['gemi0'][:3]
+    idx = np.nonzero((ndvi >= 0.1) & (ndvi < 0.2))
+    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresholds['gemi1'][:3]
     idx = np.nonzero((ndvi >= 0.2) & (ndvi < 0.3))
-    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresh['gemi2'][:3]
+    gemi_thr[idx, :3] = thresholds['gemi2'][:3]
     # thr_out = xr.DataArray(data=np.dstack((gemi_thr[:, :, 0], gemi_thr[:, :, 1], gemi_thr[:, :, 2],
     #                                        np.ones(gemi_thr[:, :, 0].shape),
     #                                        np.ones(gemi_thr[:, :, 0].shape))),
     #                        dims=('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'))
-    return gemi_thr
+    return gemi_thr.T
 def bt11_4um_preproc(data, thresholds, scene_name):
diff --git a/spectral_tests.py b/spectral_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ee812f0e62301e398eacfa6cd712d10b93dd091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spectral_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+import numpy as np
+import xarray as xr
+# from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
+from typing import Dict
+import functools
+# import utils
+import conf
+import conf_xr
+import scene as scn
+import preprocess_thresholds as preproc
+import restoral
+import importlib
+_RTD = 180./np.pi
+_DTR = np.pi/180
+# this is used for testing, eventually we want to remove it
+class CloudTests(object):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 data: xr.Dataset,
+                 scene_name: str,
+                 thresholds: Dict) -> None:
+        self.data = data
+        self.scene_name = scene_name
+        self.thresholds = thresholds
+        self.scene_idx = tuple(np.nonzero(data[scene_name] == 1))
+        if self.scene_idx[0].shape[0] == 0:
+            self.pixels_in_scene = False
+        else:
+            self.pixels_in_scene = True
+    def run_if_test_exists_for_scene(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def wrapper(self, *args, test_name, **kwargs):
+            if test_name not in self.thresholds[self.scene_name]:
+                # print('Not running test for this scene')
+                # returns cmin. This could be changed into a keyworded argument for readability
+                return args[-1]
+            return func(self, *args, test_name, **kwargs)
+        return wrapper
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def test_11um(self,
+                  band: str,
+                  cmin: np.ndarray,
+                  test_name: str = '11um_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data[band].shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, threshold['thr'])
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def surface_temperature_test(self,
+                                 band31: str,
+                                 band32: str,
+                                 cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                 test_name: str = 'Surface_Temperature_test') -> np.ndarray:
+        pass
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def sst_test(self,
+                 band31: str,
+                 band32: str,
+                 cmin: np.ndarray,
+                 test_name: str = 'SST_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            m31 = self.data[band31].values - 273.16
+            bt_diff = self.data[band31].values - self.data[band32].values
+            sst = self.data.geos_sfct.values - 273.16
+            cosvza = np.cos(self.data.sensor_zenith.values*_DTR)
+            c = threshold['coeffs']
+            modsst = 273.16 + c[0] + c[1]*m31 + c[2]*bt_diff*sst + c[3]*bt_diff*((1/cosvza) - 1)
+            sfcdif = self.data.geos_sfct.values - modsst
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(sfcdif[self.scene_idx], threshold['thr'])
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def bt_diff_86_11um(self,
+                        band: str,
+                        cmin: np.ndarray,
+                        test_name: str = '8.6-11um_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, threshold['thr'])
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def test_11_12um_diff(self,
+                          band: str,
+                          cmin: np.ndarray,
+                          test_name: str = '11-12um_Cirrus_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            thr = preproc.thresholds_11_12um(self.data, threshold, self.scene_name, self.scene_idx)
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def oceanic_stratus_11_4um_test(self,
+                                    band: str,
+                                    cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                    test_name: str = '11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            thr = threshold['thr']
+            if self.scene_name in ['Land_Day_Desert', 'Land_Day_Desert_Coast', 'Polar_Day_Desert',
+                                   'Polar_Day_Desert_Coast']:
+                confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_dble(rad, thr)
+            # these scenes have not been implemented yet
+            elif self.scene_name in ['Land_Night', 'Polar_Night_Land', 'Polar_Day_Snow', 'Polar_Night_Snow',
+                                     'Day_Snow', 'Night_Snow', 'Antarctic_Day']:
+                pass
+            else:
+                confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def nir_reflectance_test(self,
+                             band: str,
+                             cmin: np.ndarray,
+                             test_name: str = 'NIR_Reflectance_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            thr = preproc.thresholds_NIR(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                         test_name, self.scene_idx)
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def vis_nir_ratio_test(self,
+                           band: str,
+                           cmin: np.ndarray,
+                           test_name: str = 'Vis/NIR_Reflectance_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            # I'm not using the self.scene_idx here because it messes up with the indexing of the
+            # confidence array and I don't want to think of a solution at the moment. I will need
+            # to figure out the logic to make it work once I'm at the stage where I want to optimize
+            # the code
+            rad = self.data[band].values  # [self.scene_idx]
+            solar_zenith = self.data.solar_zenith.values  # [self.scene_idx]
+            sensor_zenith = self.data.sensor_zenith.values  # [self.scene_idx]
+            rel_azimuth = self.data.relative_azimuth.values  # [self.scene_idx]
+            sunglint_angle = self.data.sunglint_angle.values  # [self.scene_idx]
+            cos_refang = np.sin(sensor_zenith*_DTR) * np.sin(solar_zenith*_DTR) * \
+                np.cos(rel_azimuth*_DTR) + np.cos(sensor_zenith*_DTR) * np.cos(solar_zenith*_DTR)
+            refang = np.arccos(cos_refang) * _RTD
+            idx = np.nonzero((solar_zenith <= 85) & (refang <= sunglint_angle))
+            thr_no_sunglint = np.array([threshold['thr'][i] for i in range(8)])
+            thr_sunglint = np.array([self.thresholds['Sun_Glint']['snglnt'][i] for i in range(8)])
+            confidence = conf.conf_test_dble(rad, thr_no_sunglint)
+            confidence[idx] = conf.conf_test_dble(rad[idx], thr_sunglint)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def test_16_21um_Reflectance(self,
+                                 band: str,
+                                 cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                 test_name: str = '1.6_2.1um_NIR_Reflectance_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            thr = preproc.thresholds_NIR(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                         test_name, self.scene_idx)
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def visible_reflectance_test(self,
+                                 band: str,
+                                 cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                 test_name: str = 'Visible_Reflectance_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            thr, rad = preproc.vis_refl_thresholds(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                                   self.scene_idx)
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def gemi_test(self,
+                  band: str,
+                  cmin: np.ndarray,
+                  test_name: str = 'GEMI_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            thr = preproc.gemi_thresholds(self.data, threshold, self.scene_name,
+                                          self.scene_idx)
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def test_1_38um_high_clouds(self,
+                                band: str,
+                                cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                test_name: str = '1.38um_High_Cloud_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            if self.scene_name in ['Ocean_Day', 'Polar_Day_Ocean']:
+                thr = preproc.thresholds_1_38um_test(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                                     self.scene_idx)
+            else:
+                thr = threshold['thr']
+            print(f'Testing "{self.scene_name}"\n')
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    @run_if_test_exists_for_scene
+    def thin_cirrus_4_12um_BTD_test(self,
+                                    band: str,
+                                    cmin: np.ndarray,
+                                    test_name: str = '4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test') -> np.ndarray:
+        confidence = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        threshold = self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]
+        if (threshold['perform'] is True and self.pixels_in_scene is True):
+            thr = preproc.polar_night_thresholds(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                                 test_name, self.scene_idx)
+            rad = self.data[band].values[self.scene_idx]
+            confidence[self.scene_idx] = conf.conf_test_new(rad, thr)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    def single_threshold_test(self, test_name, band, cmin):
+        if band == 'bad_data':
+            return cmin
+        print(f'Running test "{test_name}" for "{self.scene_name}"')
+        # preproc_thresholds()
+        if 'thr' in self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]:
+            thr = np.array(self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]['thr'])
+        else:
+            thr = np.array(self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name])
+        thr_xr = xr.Dataset()
+        if test_name == '11-12um_Cirrus_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.preproc(self.data, self.thresholds[self.scene_name], self.scene_name)
+            thr = np.ones((5,))  # This is only temporary to force the logic of the code
+                                 # I need to find a better solution at some point
+        elif test_name == 'SST_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'),
+                                   np.ones((self.data[band].shape[0], self.data[band].shape[1], 5))*thr)
+        elif test_name == '7.3-11um_BTD_Mid_Level_Cloud_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.get_pn_thresholds(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                                       '7.3-11um_BTD_Mid_Level_Cloud_Test')
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        elif test_name == 'Surface_Temperature_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.preproc_surf_temp(self.data, self.thresholds[self.scene_name])
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        elif (test_name == '11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test' and
+              self.scene_name in ['Land_Day_Desert', 'Land_Day_Desert_Coast', 'Polar_Day_Desert',
+                                  'Polar_Day_Desert_Coast']):
+            thr = np.array([self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name][i] for i in range(8)])
+        elif test_name == 'NIR_Reflectance_Test':
+            corr_thr = pt.preproc_nir(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name)
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'), corr_thr)
+        elif test_name == 'Visible_Reflectance_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'], self.data['M128'] = pt.vis_refl_thresholds(self.data,
+                                                                            self.thresholds,
+                                                                            self.scene_name)
+        elif test_name == '1.6_2.1um_NIR_Reflectance_Test':
+            corr_thr = pt.nir_refl(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name)
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'), corr_thr)
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        elif test_name == '4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.get_pn_thresholds(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name,
+                                                       '4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test')
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        elif test_name == 'GEMI_Test':
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.GEMI_test(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name)
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        elif (test_name == '1.38um_High_Cloud_Test' and self.scene_name in ['Ocean_Day', 'Polar_Ocean_Day']):
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = pt.test_1_38um_preproc(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name)
+            thr = np.ones((5,))
+        else:
+            thr_xr['threshold'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'),
+                                   np.ones((self.data[band].shape[0], self.data[band].shape[1], 5))*thr)
+        data = xr.Dataset(self.data, coords=thr_xr)
+        if test_name == 'SST_Test':
+            data['sfcdif'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels'),
+                              pt.preproc_sst(data, self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name]).values)
+            band = 'sfcdif'
+        if test_name == '11um_Variability_Test':
+            var = pt.var_11um(self.data, self.thresholds)
+            data['11um_var'] = data.M15
+            data['11um_var'].values[var != 9] = np.nan
+        if thr[4] == 1:
+            print('test running...')
+            confidence = conf_xr.conf_test(data, band)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+    def double_threshold_test(self, test_name, band, cmin):
+        data = self.data
+        if test_name == '11-4um_BT_Difference_Test':
+            thr = pt.bt11_4um_preproc(self.data, self.thresholds, self.scene_name)
+            print('test running...')
+            confidence = conf.conf_test_dble(data['M15-M13'].values, thr)
+            confidence = confidence.reshape(data.M01.shape)
+        if test_name == 'Vis/NIR_Ratio_Test':
+            print('test running...')
+            thr_no_sunglint = np.array([self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name][i] for i in range(8)])
+            thr_sunglint = np.array([self.thresholds['Sun_Glint']['snglnt'][i] for i in range(8)])
+            vrat = data.M07.values/data.M05.values
+            _dtr = np.pi/180.0
+            sza = data.sensor_zenith.values
+            raz = data.relative_azimuth.values
+            vza = data.sensor_zenith.values
+            cos_refang = np.sin(vza*_dtr) * np.sin(sza*_dtr) * np.cos(raz*_dtr) + \
+                np.cos(vza*_dtr) * np.cos(sza*_dtr)
+            refang = np.arccos(cos_refang) * 180./np.pi
+            idx = np.nonzero((data.solar_zenith <= 85) & (refang <= data.sunglint_angle))
+            confidence = conf.conf_test_dble(vrat, thr_no_sunglint)
+            confidence = confidence.reshape(data.M01.shape)
+            confidence[idx] = conf.conf_test_dble(vrat[idx], thr_sunglint)
+            confidence = confidence.reshape(data.M01.shape)
+        if (test_name == '11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test' and
+            self.scene_name in ['Land_Day_Desert', 'Land_Day_Desert_Coast', 'Polar_Day_Desert',
+                                'Polar_Day_Desert_Coast']):
+            thr = np.array([self.thresholds[self.scene_name][test_name][i] for i in range(8)])
+            print('test running...')
+            confidence = conf.conf_test_dble(data['M15-M16'].values, thr)
+            confidence = confidence.reshape(data.M01.shape)
+        cmin = np.fmin(cmin, confidence)
+        return cmin
+class ComputeTests(CloudTests):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 data: xr.Dataset,
+                 scene_name: str,
+                 thresholds: Dict) -> None:
+        super().__init__(data, scene_name, thresholds)
+    def run_tests(self):
+        cmin_G1 = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        cmin_G2 = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        cmin_G3 = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        cmin_G4 = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        cmin_G5 = np.ones(self.data.M01.shape)
+        # Group 1
+        cmin_G1 = self.test_11um('M15', cmin_G1, test_name='11um_Test')
+        cmin_G1 = self.sst_test('M15', 'M16', cmin_G1, test_name='SST_Test')
+        # Group 2
+        cmin_G2 = self.bt_diff_86_11um('M14-M15', cmin_G2, test_name='8.6-11um_Test')
+        cmin_G2 = self.test_11_12um_diff('M15-M16', cmin_G2, test_name='11-12um_Cirrus_Test')
+        cmin_G2 = self.oceanic_stratus_11_4um_test('M15-M13', cmin_G2,
+                                                   test_name='11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test')
+        # Group 3
+        cmin_G3 = self.nir_reflectance_test('M07', cmin_G3, test_name='NIR_Reflectance_Test')
+        cmin_G3 = self.vis_nir_ratio_test('M07M05ratio', cmin_G3, test_name='Vis/NIR_Ratio_Test')
+        cmin_G3 = self.nir_reflectance_test('M10', cmin_G3, test_name='1.6_2.1um_NIR_Reflectance_Test')
+        cmin_G3 = self.visible_reflectance_test('M128', cmin_G3, test_name='Visible_Reflectance_Test')
+        cmin_G3 = self.gemi_test('GEMI', cmin_G3, test_name='GEMI_Test')
+        # Group 4
+        cmin_G4 = self.test_1_38um_high_clouds('M09', cmin_G4, test_name='1.38um_High_Cloud_Test')
+        # Group 5
+        cmin_G5 = self.thin_cirrus_4_12um_BTD_test('M13-M16', cmin_G5,
+                                                   test_name='4-12um_BTD_Thin_Cirrus_Test')
+        cmin = cmin_G1 * cmin_G2 * cmin_G3 * cmin_G4 * cmin_G5
+        return cmin
+    def clear_sky_restoral(self,
+                           cmin: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+        total_bit = np.full(self.data.M01.shape, 3)
+        sunglint_angle = self.thresholds['Sun_Glint']['bounds'][3]
+        scene_flags = scn.find_scene(self.data, sunglint_angle)
+        idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['ice'] == 0) &
+                         (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.99) & (cmin >= 0.05))
+        # cmin[idx] = restoral.spatial(self.data, self.thresholds['Sun_Glint'], scene_flags, cmin)[idx]
+        idx = np.nonzero((scene_flags['water'] == 1) & (scene_flags['sunglint'] == 1) &
+                         (scene_flags['uniform'] == 1) & (cmin <= 0.95))
+        cmin[idx] = restoral.sunglint(self.data, self.thresholds['Sun_Glint'], total_bit, cmin)[idx]
+        return cmin
+def preproc_thresholds(thresholds, data):
+    thr = np.array(thresholds)
+    thr_xr = xr.Dataset()
+    thr_xr['tresholds'] = (('number_of_lines', 'number_of_pixels', 'z'),
+                           np.ones((data['M01'].shape[0], data['M01'].shape[1], 5))*thr)
+    nl_sfct1 = thresholds['Land_Night']['Surface_Temperature_Test'][0]
+#    nl_sfct2 = thresholds['Land_Night']['Surface_Temperature_Test'][1]
+#    nlsfct_pfm = thresholds['Land_Night']['Surface_Temperature_Test'][2]
+    nl_df1 = thresholds['Land_Night']['Surface_Temperature_Test_difference'][0:2]
+    nl_df2 = thresholds['Land_Night']['Surface_Temperature_Test_difference'][2:]
+#    df1 = data.M15 - data.M16
+#    df2 = data.M15 - data.M13
+    thr_xr = thr_xr.where(data.desert != 1, nl_sfct1)
+    thr_xr = thr_xr.where((data['M15-M16'] > nl_df1[0]) |
+                          ((data['M15-M16'] < nl_df1[0]) &
+                           ((data['M15-M13'] <= nl_df2[0]) | (data['M15-M13'] >= nl_df2[1]))),
+                          nl_sfct1[0])
+    data = xr.Dataset(data, coords=thr_xr)
+    return data
+def single_threshold_test(test, rad, threshold):
+    radshape = rad.shape
+    rad = rad.reshape(np.prod(radshape))
+    thr = np.array(threshold[test])
+    confidence = np.zeros(rad.shape)
+    if thr[4] == 1:
+        print(f"{test} test running")
+        # the C code has the line below that I don't quite understand the purpose of.
+        # It seems to be setting the bit to 0 if the BT value is greater than the midpoint
+        #
+        # if (m31 >= dobt11[1]) (void) set_bit(13, pxout.testbits);
+        # confidence = utils.conf_test(rad, thr)
+        confidence = conf.conf_test(rad, thr)
+    return confidence.reshape(radshape)
+def test():
+    rad = np.random.randint(50, size=[4, 8])
+    # coeffs = [5, 42, 20, 28, 15, 35, 1]
+    # coeffs = [20, 28, 5, 42, 15, 35, 1]
+    coeffs = [35, 15, 20, 1, 1]
+    # confidence = conf_test_dble(rad, coeffs)
+    confidence = test_11um(rad, coeffs)
+    print(rad)
+    print('\n')
+    print(confidence)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test()
diff --git a/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml b/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml
index 29cf81551a741c124f8a2a23ad5e6f05ca4bcb02..7c2565cddef859b779b751fcb488c3c673820bbc 100644
--- a/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml
+++ b/thresholds.mvcm.snpp.v0.0.1.yaml
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ Land_Day:
     adj: 1.25
     perform: True
   dl_ref3_tpw    : -10.00
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ Land_Night:
     perform: True
     thr: [15.0, 10.0, 5.00, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -65,7 +68,9 @@ Land_Day_Coast:
     adj: 1.25
     perform: True
   dl_ref3_tpw_t2 : -10.00
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -85,13 +90,11 @@ Land_Day_Desert:
     cmult: 0.3
     adj: 1.25
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-28.0, -26.0, -24.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0] # this replaces lds11_4hi and
-                                                                               # lds11_4lo. The values are
-                                                                               # sorted left to right so that
-                                                                               # they follow the scheme:
-                                                                               # Lo-Mid-Hi--Hi-Mid-Lo
-                                                                               # This is the opposite of
-                                                                               # Ocean_Day
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-28.0, -26.0, -24.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0] # this replaces lds11_4hi and lds11_4lo. The values
+    perform: True                                        # are sorted left to right so that they follow the
+                                                         # scheme: Lo-Mid-Hi--Hi-Mid-Lo This is the opposite
+                                                         # of Ocean_Day
     #  lds11_4hi      : [2.0, 0.0, -2.0, 1.00, 1.0]
     #  lds11_4lo      : [-28.0, -26.0, -24.0, 1.00]
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -108,6 +111,7 @@ Land_Day_Desert:
     gemi0: [0.085, 0.095, 0.115, 1.00, 1.0]
     gemi1: [0.145, 0.170, 0.220, 1.00]
     gemi2: [0.310, 0.335, 0.360, 1.00]
+    perform: True
   lds_ref3_tpw   : -10.00
   ldsbt1         : 320.0
 # lds11_12lcmult : 0.3
@@ -120,7 +124,9 @@ Land_Day_Desert_Coast:
     cmult: 0.3
     adj: 1.25
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-23.0, -21.0, -19.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-23.0, -21.0, -19.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -152,7 +158,9 @@ Ocean_Day:
     cmult: 0.3
     adj: 1.25
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-11.0, -9.0,  -7.0,  1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-11.0, -9.0, -7.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
     thr: [0.062, 0.043, 0.029, 1.0, 1.0]
     coeffs: [1.7291, 0.0715, -0.0026, 0.000025889]
@@ -205,7 +213,9 @@ Ocean_Night:
     cmult: 0.3
     adj: 1.0
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [1.25,   1.00, 0.25,  1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [1.25, 1.0, 0.25, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   CO2_High_Clouds_Test: [222.0, 224.0, 226.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   no86_73        : [14.0,  15.0,  16.0,  1.0, 1.0]
@@ -225,7 +235,9 @@ Polar_Day_Land:
     adj: 0.3
     perform: True
   pdl_ref3_tpw   : -10.00
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   pdlh20       : [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     thr: [0.207, 0.169, 0.132, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -268,6 +280,7 @@ Polar_Night_Land:
     mid3: [0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.0]
     high: [1.00,  0.70,  0.40, 1.0]
     bt11_bounds  : [235.0, 000.0, 000.0, 265.0]
+    perform: True
@@ -276,7 +289,9 @@ Polar_Day_Coast:
     adj: 0    # I NEED TO WORK ON THIS
     perform: True
   pdl_ref3_tpw_t2 : -10.00
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-16.0, -14.0, -12.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     thr: [0.207, 0.169, 0.132, 1.0, 1.0]
@@ -292,7 +307,9 @@ Polar_Day_Desert:
     cmult: 0  # I NEED TO WORK ON THIS
     adj: 0    # I NEED TO WORK ON THIS
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-22.0, -20.0, -18.0, -2.0,  0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-22.0, -20.0, -18.0, -2.0,  0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     thr: [0.326, 0.288, 0.250, 1.00, 1.0]
@@ -305,6 +322,7 @@ Polar_Day_Desert:
     gemi0: [0.085, 0.110, 0.135, 1.00, 1.0]
     gemi1: [0.170, 0.220, 0.270, 1.00]
     gemi2: [0.310, 0.335, 0.360, 1.00]
+    perform: True
   pds_ref3_tpw   : -10.00
   pdsbt1         : 320.0
@@ -314,7 +332,9 @@ Polar_Day_Desert_Coast:
     cmult: 0  # I NEED TO WORK ON THIS
     adj: 0    # I NEED TO WORK ON THIS
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-23.0, -21.0, -19.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-23.0, -21.0, -19.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     thr: [0.326, 0.288, 0.250, 1.00, 1.0]
@@ -361,7 +381,7 @@ Polar_Night_Snow:
     mid3: [0.00,  0.00, 0.00, 0.0]  # pn_4_12m3
     high: [2.50, 2.00, 1.50, 1.0]  # pn_4_12h
     bt11_bounds: [235.0, 0.0, 0.0, 265.0]  # bt_11_bounds
-  pns_4_12_pfm   : 1.0
+    perform: True
     low: [-1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.0, 1.0]  # pn_7_11l
     mid1: [0.00,  -4.50, -1.00, 1.0]  # pn_7_11m1
@@ -426,7 +446,9 @@ Polar_Day_Ocean:
     locut_coeff: 0.0100
     midpt_coeff: 0.0070
     perform: True
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [-11.0, -9.0,  -7.0,  1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [-11.0, -9.0,  -7.0,  1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   pdo_b26pfm     : 1.0
   pdo_b2bias_adj : 0.96
@@ -454,7 +476,9 @@ Polar_Night_Ocean:
     adj: 1.0
     perform: True
   pnobt1         : 280.0
-  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test: [1.25,  1.00,  0.25,  1.0, 1.0]
+  11-4um_Oceanic_Stratus_Test:
+    thr: [1.25, 1.0, 0.25, 1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
   Water_Vapor_High_Clouds_Test: [215.0, 220.0, 225.0, 1.0, 1.0]
   pno86_73       : [14.0,  15.0,  16.0,  1.0, 1.0]
   11um_Variability_Test: [3.0,   6.0,   7.0,   1.0, 1.0]
@@ -496,6 +520,7 @@ Night_Snow:
   ns11_4lo       : [0.70,  0.60,  0.50,  1.0, 1.0]
     thr: [4.50,  4.00,  3.50,  1.0, 1.0]
+    perform: True
     low: [-1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.0, 1.0]  # pn_7_11l
     mid1: [0.00,  -4.50, -1.00, 1.0]  # pn_7_11m1