#!/usr/bin/env bash # Description: Pull data from the AOSS Rooftop Tower instrument for a specific day SCRIPT_HOME="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) SCRIPT_NAME=${SCRIPT_NAME/.sh/} # Get environment variables and common functions source $SCRIPT_HOME/metobs_config.sh DATE=$1 if [ -z "$DATE" ]; then DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` fi LOCK="${ENV}/locks/${SCRIPT_NAME}.lock" logfile="${LOGDIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME}.log" if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then oops "Log directory doesn't exist: $LOGDIR" exit 1 fi ( flock -x -n 200 || log_info "Script is already running, will not run again." if [ ! -d $TOWER_INCOMING_DIR ]; then log_info "Creating incoming directory $TOWER_INCOMING_DIR..." mkdir -p $TOWER_INCOMING_DIR fi log_info "$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S): Running archive jobs for ${DATE}" $ENV/bin/python -m metobscommon.archive.incoming -vv -l $logfile --dates=${DATE} 00 aoss.tower "rig_tower.%Y-%m-%d.ascii" # Hack to keep the old 'ascii' directory up to date # FIXME: Remove this once all new generation scripts work year=${DATE:0:4} month=${DATE:4:2} day=${DATE:6:2} link_fn="$TOWER_CACHE_DIR/ascii/${year}/${month}/rig_tower.${year}-${month}-${day}.ascii" if [ ! -e $link_fn ]; then mkdir -p $TOWER_CACHE_DIR/ascii/${year}/${month}/ ln -s "$TOWER_PRAW_DIR/${year}/${month}/${day}/rig_tower.${year}-${month}-${day}.ascii" ${link_fn} fi log_info "Done" ) 200>$LOCK