diff --git a/aosstower/meta.py b/aosstower/meta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9ef7af2c34adc70366fd3c9b51872b9e40f4f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aosstower/meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Data interval in seconds
diff --git a/aosstower/model.py b/aosstower/model.py
index bdb51bc69af7b7db091269bd4540b45a0795695a..b0a665d1e7c5653bcd649e8033fa3cfa8d47237d 100644
--- a/aosstower/model.py
+++ b/aosstower/model.py
@@ -6,24 +6,8 @@ from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import rrdtool
 import numpy as np
-from metobs.data import (wind_vector_degrees, to_unix_timestamp,
-                         wind_vector_components)
-def dewpoint(tempC, relhum):
-    """
-    Algorithm from Tom Whittaker tempC is the temperature in degrees Celsius,
-    relhum is the relative humidity as a percentage.
-    :param tempC: temperature in celsius
-    :param relhum: relative humidity as a percentage
-    """
-    gasconst = 461.5
-    latheat = 2500800.0
-    dp = (1.0 / (1.0 / (273.15 + tempC) - gasconst * np.log((0.0 + relhum) / 100) / (latheat - tempC * 2397.5)))
-    return np.minimum(dp - 273.15, tempC)
+from metobs.data import wind_vector_degrees, to_unix_timestamp
+from aosstower import meta
 class ModelError(Exception):
@@ -58,15 +42,45 @@ class WrapErrors(object):
         return cls
+def initialize(filepath, start=None, days=365, data_interval=5):
+    """Create a new empty RRD database.
+    """
+    assert not os.path.exists(filepath), "DB already exists"
+    start = start or (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days))
+    # normalize start to data interval
+    secs = to_unix_timestamp(start)
+    secs -= secs % data_interval
+    rrdtool.create(filepath,
+                   '--start={}'.format(secs),
+                   '--step={:d}'.format(data_interval),
+                   'DS:air_temp:GAUGE:10:-40:50',
+                   'DS:rh:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   'DS:dewpoint:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   'DS:wind_speed:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   'DS:winddir_north:GAUGE:10:-100:100',
+                   'DS:winddir_east:GAUGE:10:-100:100',
+                   'DS:pressure:GAUGE:10:0:1100',
+                   'DS:precip:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   'DS:accum_precip:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   'DS:solar_flux:GAUGE:10:0:1000',
+                   'DS:altimeter:GAUGE:10:0:100',
+                   # native resolution
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:6307200',
+                   # 1 minute
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:525600'.format(60/data_interval),
+                   # 5 minute
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:105120'.format(300/data_interval),
+                   # 30 minute
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:17520'.format(1800/data_interval))
 class RrdModel(object):
     """Model for storing the Level0 uncalibrated data for non-scientific
     purposes, such as web-widgets.
-    # data interval in seconds
     def __init__(self, filepath):
         self._filepath = filepath
         self._averages = tuple()
@@ -99,71 +113,29 @@ class RrdModel(object):
             self._averages = tuple(sorted(averages))
         return self._averages
-    def initialize(self, start=None, days=365):
-        """Create a new empty RRD database.
-        """
-        assert not os.path.exists(self._filepath), "DB already exists"
-        start = start or (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days))
-        # normalize start to data interval
-        secs = to_unix_timestamp(start)
-        secs -= secs % self.DATA_INTERVAL
-        rrdtool.create(self._filepath,
-                       '--start={}'.format(secs),
-                       '--step={:d}'.format(self.DATA_INTERVAL),
-                       'DS:air_temp:GAUGE:10:-40:50',
-                       'DS:rh:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'DS:dewpoint:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'DS:wind_speed:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'DS:winddir_north:GAUGE:10:-100:100',
-                       'DS:winddir_east:GAUGE:10:-100:100',
-                       'DS:pressure:GAUGE:10:0:1100',
-                       'DS:precip:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'DS:accum_precip:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'DS:solar_flux:GAUGE:10:0:1000',
-                       'DS:altimeter:GAUGE:10:0:100',
-                       'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:6307200',
-                       'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:525600'.format(60/self.DATA_INTERVAL),
-                       'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:105120'.format(300/self.DATA_INTERVAL),
-                       'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:{:d}:17520'.format(1800/self.DATA_INTERVAL))
     def _format_data(self, stamp, data):
-        """Format data for insert into RRD.
+        """Format data for insert into RRD returning a template string and data
+        line appropriate for arguments to rrdupdate.
-        values = ':'.join([str(data[k]) for k in self.datasets])
+        validkeys = set(self.datasets).intersection(data.keys())
+        if not validkeys:
+            raise ModelError("No valid data keys provided", data)
+        tmpl = ':'.join(validkeys)
+        values = ':'.join([str(data[k]) for k in validkeys])
         values = '{:d}@{}'.format(to_unix_timestamp(stamp), values)
-        return values
+        return tmpl, values
-    def _record_to_data(self, record):
-        """Turn a tower record into database data.
-        """
-        expected_keys = set(self.datasets) - {'winddir_north', 'winddir_east'}
-        missing_keys = expected_keys - set(record.keys())
-        if missing_keys:
-            raise ModelError("Missing datasets %s" % missing_keys)
-        data = {}
-        wspd, wdir = (float(record.wind_speed), float(record.wind_dir))
-        winds = wind_vector_components(wspd, wdir)
-        data['winddir_east'] = winds[0]
-        data['winddir_north'] = winds[1]
-        data['wind_speed'] = winds[2]
-        for name in self.datasets:
-            if name in record:
-                data[name] = record[name]
-        return data
-    def add_record(self, record):
-        """Add a single record to the database.
+    def add_record(self, stamp, record):
+        """Add a single record to the database, where a record is a dict like
+        object with keys for each dataset. Additional keys are ignored.
         # Normalize to data interval
-        utime = to_unix_timestamp(record.get_stamp())
-        stamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utime - utime % self.DATA_INTERVAL)
-        data = self._record_to_data(record)
-        rrdtool.update(self._filepath,
-                       '--template=%s' % ':'.join(self.datasets),
-                       self._format_data(stamp, data))
+        utime = to_unix_timestamp(stamp)
+        data_interval = min(self.averaging_intervals())
+        stamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utime - utime % data_interval)
+        tmpl, data = self._format_data(stamp, dict(record))
+        rrdtool.update(self._filepath, '--template=%s' % tmpl, data)
     def get_slice(self, start, end, names=None, average=5):
         """Get a slice of data from the database.
@@ -202,13 +174,7 @@ class RrdModel(object):
             if name in columns:
                 dst_data[:, dst_idx] = src_data[:, columns.index(name)]
-                # we compute dewpoint since it wasn't always available
-                if name == 'dewpoint':
-                    temp = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('air_temp')].astype(np.float64)
-                    rh = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('rh')].astype(np.float64)
-                    dst_data[:, dst_idx] = dewpoint(temp, rh)
-            # get the wind direction in degrees from the vector components
+            # recompose the wind direction if asked for  
             elif name == 'wind_dir':
                 east = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('winddir_east')].astype(np.float64)
                 north = src_data[:, self.datasets.index('winddir_north')].astype(np.float64)
diff --git a/aosstower/record.py b/aosstower/record.py
index 13dc6e1fe708703616651a8733c1b43f682ee900..ca29d75ffa758784feae1e27c0f9f2a6a5576e90 100644
--- a/aosstower/record.py
+++ b/aosstower/record.py
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@ from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import numpy
-from metobs.data import hhmm_to_offset
+from metobs import data as d
-symbols = {
-    'TIME': {'type': numpy.int32},
-    'ACCURAIN': {'type': numpy.float32},
+# Tower elevation above surface in feet 
+VARS = {'air_temp', 'rh', 'dewpoint',
+        'wind_speed', 'winddir_east', 'winddir_north',
+        'pressure', 'precip', 'accum_precip',
+        'solar_flux', 'altimeter'}
 class LineParseError(BaseException):
@@ -44,6 +48,7 @@ def parse_v0_record(line):
     WDIR05305:  Wind direction (degrees)
     parts = line.split()
+    # TODO: handle missing values
     if len(parts) != 32:
         msg = "Expected 32 line parts, got {:d}".format(len(parts))
         raise LineParseError(msg)
@@ -59,7 +64,67 @@ def parse_v0_record(line):
         return stamp, raw_data
-class RecordV1(dict):
+class Record(dict):
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(line):
+        if line.startswith('TIME'):
+            record = _RecordV0(line)
+        else:
+            record = _RecordV1(line)
+        have = VARS.intersection(record.keys())
+        missing = VARS - have
+        assert not missing, "Missing vars: %s" % missing
+        return record
+    def add_winds(self):
+        east, north, spd = d.wind_vector_components(float(self['wind_speed']),
+                                                    float(self['wind_dir']))
+        self['winddir_east'] = '%.3d' % east
+        self['winddir_north'] = '%.3d' % north
+        self['wind_speed'] = '%.3d' % spd
+    def add_altimeter(self, elev=STATION_ELEV):
+        self['altimeter'] = '%.3d' % d.altimeter(float(self['pressure']), elev)
+    def add_dewpoint(self):
+        self['dewpoint'] = '%.3d' % d.dewpoint(float(self['air_temp']), 
+                                               float(self['rh']))
+class _RecordV0(Record):
+    # maps v0 names to newer var names
+    names = {'ACCURAIN': 'accum_precip',
+             'TEMP107_1': 'box_air_temp',
+             'TEMP107_2': 'air_temp_2',
+             'TEMP107_3': 'air_temp_3',
+             'TEMP107_4': 'air_temp_4',
+             'LI200X': 'solar_flux',
+             'RH41372': 'rh',
+             'TEMP41372': 'air_temp',
+             'CS105': 'box_pressure',
+             'PAROSCI': 'pressure',
+             'WSPD05305': 'wind_speed',
+             'WDIR05305': 'wind_dir',
+             'CS10162': 'box_rh',
+             'RAIN380M': 'precip'}
+    def __init__(self, line):
+        super(_RecordV0, self).__init__()
+        stamp, data = parse_v0_record(line)
+        for legacyname, value in data.items():
+            if legacyname in self.names:
+                self[self.names[legacyname]] = float(value)
+        self.add_winds()
+        self.add_dewpoint()
+        self.add_altimeter()
+        self['stamp'] = stamp
+class _RecordV1(Record):
     CSV (June 2 2012 to ...)
@@ -101,21 +166,26 @@ class RecordV1(dict):
              'accum_precip', 'altimeter']
     def __init__(self, line):
-        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
+        super(_RecordV1, self).__init__()
         parts = line.split(',')
         if len(parts) != 29:
             raise LineParseError("Expected 29 parts, got {:d}".format(len(parts)))
         self.update({k: v for k, v in zip(self.names, parts)})
-    def __getattr__(self, name, default=None):
-        return self.get(name, default)
+        self.add_winds()
+        # we overwrite computed dewpoint and altimeter values with computed
+        # values, just to be consistent
+        self.add_dewpoint()
+        self.add_altimeter()
+        self.set_stamp()
-    def get_stamp(self):
+    def set_stamp(self):
         year = int(self['year'])
         doy = int(self['doy'])
         dt = datetime.strptime('{:d}.{:03d}'.format(int(year), int(doy)), '%Y.%j')
-        secs = hhmm_to_offset(self['hhmm'])
+        secs = d.hhmm_to_offset(self['hhmm'])
         secs += float(self['sec'])
         secs -= (secs % 5)
         dt += timedelta(seconds=secs)
-        return dt
+        self['stamp'] = dt 
diff --git a/scripts/make_database.py b/scripts/make_database.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index dc15656b828d7c1a6246d37e1ab8129841fc2b3f..eea1b986467b0529b85f87dd6b6c2e53b2ebc163
--- a/scripts/make_database.py
+++ b/scripts/make_database.py
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ import logging
 from datetime import datetime
 from metobs.data import wind_vector_components
-from aosstower.record import RecordV1, LineParseError
-from aosstower.model import RrdModel, ModelError
+from aosstower.record import Record, LineParseError
+from aosstower import model as m
 LOG = logging
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import argparse
@@ -22,8 +23,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             help='Reference start date for database (YYYY-MM-DD)')
     parser.add_argument('-d', '--db-days', type=int, default=365,
             help='Size of DB in days')
-    parser.add_argument('files', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-            default=sys.stdin, 
+    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='files', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
             help="List of time sorted input data files")
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -31,10 +31,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     assert not os.path.exists(args.outdb)
-    rrd = RrdModel(args.outdb)
-    rrd.initialize(args.db_start, days=args.db_days)
+    m.initialize(args.outdb, args.db_start, days=args.db_days)
+    rrd = m.RrdModel(args.outdb)
     LOG.info("initilized %s", args.outdb)
+    if args.files is None:
+        LOG.info("files list not provided, reading from stdin")
+        LOG.info("Enter time ordered data files, one per line, ^D when done")
+        args.files = sys.stdin
     for each in args.files.readlines():
         fpath = each.strip()
         if not os.path.exists(fpath):
@@ -46,20 +51,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             if not line.strip():
-                record = RecordV1(line)
+                record = Record.create(line)
             except LineParseError as err:
-            windspd = float(record['wind_speed'])
-            winddir = float(record['wind_dir'])
-            u_e, u_n, spd = wind_vector_components(windspd, winddir)
-            record['winddir_east'] = u_e
-            record['winddir_north'] = u_n
-            record['wind_speed'] = spd
-                rrd.add_record(record)
-            except ModelError:
+                rrd.add_record(record['stamp'], record)
+            except m.ModelError:
                 LOG.exception("Could not insert: %s", record)