diff --git a/aosstower/level_b1/monthly/nc_monthly.py b/aosstower/level_b1/monthly/nc_monthly.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a9a0682b11f0a7de280dbd608711ab734de970e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aosstower/level_b1/monthly/nc_monthly.py
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+import platform
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import os
+# CF Metadata 1.6 compliant structure for NetCDF file. This is essentially
+# a pythonified version of the CDL
+    'globals': {
+        'source': 'surface observation',
+        'institution': 'UW SSEC',
+        'featureType': 'timeSeries',
+        'Conventions': 'ARM-1.2 CF-1.6',
+        'data_level': 'b1',
+        'datastream' : 'aoss.tower.y_nc.lb1.v00',
+        'software_version': '00'
+    },
+    'dimensions': {
+        'max_len_station_name': 32,
+        'time': None # Unlimited
+    },
+    'variables': OrderedDict({
+        'base_time': {
+            'string': '', # Filled in by creator
+            'standard_name': 'time',
+            'long_name': 'base time as unix timestamp',
+            'units': 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00',
+            '_type': 'd',
+            '_shape': tuple(),
+        },
+        'time_offset': {
+            'long_name': 'time offset from base_time',
+            'standard_name': 'time',
+            'units': '', # Filled in by creator
+            '_type': 'd',
+            '_shape': ('time',),
+        },
+        'time': {
+            'long_name': 'time offset from epoch',
+            'standard_name': 'time',
+            'units': 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00',
+            '_type': 'd',
+            '_shape': ('time',),
+        },
+        'station_name': {
+            'cf_role': 'timeseries_id',
+            'long_name': 'station name',
+            '_type': 'S1',
+            '_shape': ('max_len_station_name',),
+        },
+        'lat': {
+            'standard_name': 'latitude',
+            'units': 'degrees_north',
+            'valid_min': -90,
+            'valid_max': 90,
+            '_type': 'f',
+            '_shape': tuple(),
+        },
+        'lon': {
+            'standard_name': 'longitude',
+            'units': 'degrees_east',
+            'valid_min': -180,
+            'valid_max': 180,
+            '_type': 'f',
+            '_shape': tuple(),
+        },
+        'alt': {
+            'long_name': 'vertical distance',
+            'standard_name': 'height',
+            'units': 'm',
+            'positive': 'up',
+            'axis': 'Z',
+            '_type': 'f',
+            '_shape': tuple(),
+        }
+    })
+AOSS_VARS = OrderedDict({
+    'box_temp_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'description': 'Auxillary Temperature',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_temp_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'description': 'Auxillary Temperature',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_temp_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'description': 'Auxillary Temperature',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_presure_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Pressure inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': '1100',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),      
+    },
+    'box_presure_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Pressure inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': '1100',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_presure_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Pressure inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': '1100',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_air_temp_period_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_air_temp_period_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_air_temp_period_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_pressure_period_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_pressure_period_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_pressure_period_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '1',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_air_temp_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_air_temp_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }, 
+    'paro_air_temp_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }, 
+    'pressure_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Air pressure as  measured from the PAROSCI pressure sensor',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': 1100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'pressure_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Air pressure as  measured from the PAROSCI pressure sensor',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': 1100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'pressure_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_pressure',
+        'description': 'Air pressure as  measured from the PAROSCI pressure sensor',
+        'units': 'hpa',
+        'valid_min': 850,
+        'valid_max': 1100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_cal_sig_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_cal_sig_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'paro_cal_sig_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_rh_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative humidity',
+        'description': 'Relative humidity inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_rh_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative humidity',
+        'description': 'Relative humidity inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_rh_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative humidity',
+        'description': 'Relative humidity inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_air_temp_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 
+        'description': 'Air temperature inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_air_temp_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'box_air_temp_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature inside the data logger enclosure',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_2_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_2_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_2_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_3_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_3_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_3_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_4_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description' : 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_4_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description' : 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_4_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description' : 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units' : 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_5_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'descripiton': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_5_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'descripiton': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    'air_temp_5_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'descripiton': 'Auxillary air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_speed_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed',
+        'description': 'wind_speed',
+        'units': 'm*s^-1',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_speed_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed',
+        'description': 'wind_speed',
+        'units': 'm*s^-1',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_speed_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed',
+        'description': 'wind_speed',
+        'units': 'm*s^-1',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_dir_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_direction',
+        'description': 'wind_direction',
+        'units': 'degrees',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 360,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_dir_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_direction',
+        'description': 'wind_direction',
+        'units': 'degrees',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 360,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'wind_dir_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_direction',
+        'description': 'wind_direction',
+        'units': 'degrees',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 360,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rh_shield_freq_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'descrption' : '',
+        'units': 'hz',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',), 
+    },
+    'rh_shield_freq_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'descrption' : '',
+        'units': 'hz',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rh_shield_freq_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'descrption' : '',
+        'units': 'hz',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rh_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative_humidity',
+        'descripiton': 'Relative humidity',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),   
+    },
+    'rh_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative_humidity',
+        'descripiton': 'Relative humidity',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0, 
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f', 
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rh_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'relative_humidity',
+        'descripiton': 'Relative humidity',
+        'units': '%',
+        'valid_min': 0, 
+        'valid_max': 100,
+        '_type': 'f', 
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_6_3m_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature 6.3m from tower base',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_6_3m_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature 6.3m from tower base',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_6_3m_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature 6.3m from tower base',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'dewpoint_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'dewpoint_temperature',
+        'description': 'Calculated dewpoint temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'dewpoint_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'dewpoint_temperature',
+        'description': 'Calculated dewpoint temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'dewpoint_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'dewpoint_temperature',
+        'description': 'Calculated dewpoint temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rtd_shield_freq_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rtd_shield_freq_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'rtd_shield_freq_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': '',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }, 
+    'air_temp_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),  
+    },
+    'air_temp_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'air_temp_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
+        'description': 'Air temperature',
+        'units': 'degC',
+        'valid_min': -50,
+        'valid_max': 50,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'solar_flux_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'solar_flux',
+        'description': 'Solar flux',
+        'units': 'w*m^-2',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 3000,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'solar_flux_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'solar_flux',
+        'description': 'Solar flux',
+        'units': 'w*m^-2',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 3000,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'solar_flux_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'solar_flux',
+        'description': 'Solar flux',
+        'units': 'w*m^-2',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 3000,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }, 
+    'precip_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': 'Precipitation',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'precip_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': 'Precipitation',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'precip_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': 'Precipitation',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'accum_precip_high': {
+        'standard_name': 'axxumulated_precipitation',
+        'description': 'Precipitation accumulated since 0Z',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',), 
+    },
+    'accum_precip_low': {
+        'standard_name': 'axxumulated_precipitation',
+        'description': 'Precipitation accumulated since 0Z',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'accum_precip_mean': {
+        'standard_name': 'axxumulated_precipitation',
+        'description': 'Precipitation accumulated since 0Z',
+        'units': 'mm',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': 254,
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }, 
+    'altimeter_high': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'inHg',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'altimeter_low': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'inHg',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'altimeter_mean': {
+        'standard_name': '',
+        'description': '',
+        'units': 'inHg',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'gust_high': 
+    {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed_of_gust',
+        'descripiton': 'Wind gust over the previous 2 minutes',
+        'units': 'm/s',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': '50',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'gust_low': 
+    {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed_of_gust',
+        'descripiton': 'Wind gust over the previous 2 minutes',
+        'units': 'm/s',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': '50',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    },
+    'gust_mean': 
+    {
+        'standard_name': 'wind_speed_of_gust',
+        'descripiton': 'Wind gust over the previous 2 minutes',
+        'units': 'm/s',
+        'valid_min': 0,
+        'valid_max': '50',
+        '_type': 'f',
+        '_shape': ('time',),
+    }
+def _dt_convert(date):
+    return None
+def createGiantNetCDF(start, end, directories, output, zlib, chunk_size):
+    return False
+def writeDimensions(ncFile):
+    for name, size in BASIC_STATION['dimensions'].items():
+        ncFile.createDimension(name, size)
+    return ncFile
+def createVariables(ncFile, firstStamp, chunksizes, zlib):
+    bts = firstStamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00Z')
+    tu = 'seconds since ' + firstStamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00Z')
+    for name, value in BASIC_STATION['globals'].items():
+        setattr(ncFile, name, value)
+    #generate history
+    ncFile.history = ' '.join(platform.uname()) + " " + os.path.basename(__file__)
+    for name, attrs in BASIC_STATION['variables'].items():
+        shape = attrs['_shape']
+        type_ = attrs['_type']
+        if name == 'max_len_station_name':
+            if (chunksizes) and chunksizes[0] > 32:
+                variable = ncFile.createVariable(name, type_, shape, fill_value=-999, zlib=zlib, chunksizes=[32])
+            else:
+                variable = ncFile.createVariable(name, type_, shape, fill_value=-999, zlib=zlib, chunksizes=chunksizes)
+        else:
+            variable = ncFile.createVariable(name, type_, shape, fill_value=-999, zlib=zlib, chunksizes=chunksizes)
+        if name == 'base_time':
+            variable.string = bts
+        if name == 'time':
+            variable.units = tu
+        for aname in attrs:
+            if aname.startswith('_'):
+                continue
+            setattr(variable, aname, attrs[aname])
+    for name, attrs in AOSS_VARS.items():
+        shape = attrs['_shape']
+        type_ = attrs['_type']
+        variable = ncFile.createVariable(name, type_, shape, fill_value=-999, zlib=zlib, chunksizes=chunksizes)
+        for aname in attrs:
+             if aname.startswith('_'):
+                 continue
+             setattr(variable, aname, attrs[aname])
+    return ncFile
+def main():
+    import argparse
+    #argparse description
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert level_00 aoss tower data to level_b1 monthly files")
+    #argparse verbosity info
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="count", default=int(os.environ.get("VERBOSITY", 2)),
+                         dest='verbosity',
+                         help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)')
+    #argparse start and end times
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--start-time', type=_dt_convert,
+        help="Start time of massive netcdf file, if only -s is given, a netcdf file for only that month is given" +
+        ". Formats allowed: \'YYYY-MM-DD\'")
+    parser.add_argument('-e', '--end-time', type=_dt_convert, help='End time of massive netcdf file. Formats allowed:' +
+        "\'YYYY-MM-DD\'")
+    parser.add_argument('-cs', '--chunk-size', type=int, help='chunk Size for the netCDF file')
+    parser.add_argument('-z', '--zlib', action='store_true', help='compress netCDF file with zlib')
+    parser.add_argument("input_directories", nargs="+",
+                         help="aoss_tower level_00 paths")
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True, nargs="+", help="filename pattern or filename. " +
+    "Should be along the lines of <filepath>/aoss_tower.YYYY-MM-DD.nc")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
+    level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)]
+    logging.basicConfig(level=level)
+    if(args.start_time and args.end_time):
+        result = createGiantNetCDF(args.start_time, args.end_time, args.input_files, args.output[0], args.zlib, args.chunk_size)
+        if(result == False):
+            raise IOError('An empty ASCII file was found')
+    elif(args.start_time):
+        end_time = args.start_time.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
+        result = createGiantNetCDF(args.start_time, end_time, args.input_directories, args.output[0], args.zlib, args.chunk_size)
+        if(result == False):
+            raise IOError('An empty ASCII file was found')
+    elif(args.end_time):
+        print('USAGE: start time must be specified when end time is specified')
+    else:
+        createMultiple(args.input_files, args.output, args.zlib, args.chunk_size)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #   main()
+    ncFile = Dataset('aoss_tower.2013-06.SUMMARY.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
+    ncFile = writeDimensions(ncFile)
+    ncFile = createVariables(ncFile, dt(2003, 6, 1), [30], True)
+    ncFile.close()