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Relocatable scientific python runtime which can be bundled with your application.
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Example scripts and utilities for operational integration of CSPP-GEO software.
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Deployment configuration files for getting geosphere processing started on a Kubernetes cluster.
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CSPP Geo Gridded GLM package which wraps the glmtools python package and provides a command line interface.
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Deployment container and automation for processing ABI L1b to a restricted set of L2 science products for Geosphere, using CSPP-GEO AITF software package.
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Configuration files and package specifications for the mapcache WMTS server for the GeoSphere project.
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Tile generation code and package configuration files for the GeoSphere project
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Configuration files for the MapServer (WMS) docker images and helm chart used by GeoSphere.
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netcdf and hdf libraries compiled with updated gfortran compiler on centos 6. Useful because centos 6 repos only have old gfortran, but we want to use an old glibc for maximum forward compatibility. (Fortran libraries must use same compiler)
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Base Centos 7 image with new gcc/gfortran (8.3.0) suitable to compile portable binaries
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