diff --git a/pyglance/glance/compare.py b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
index 2b0464bd2fabbafd59238584789dd71d0927a488..daad73e6fb79f6ff4300db8d00d4baf740505a4b 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/compare.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
@@ -55,38 +55,27 @@ glance_analysis_defaults = {'epsilon': 0.0,
                             'minimum_acceptable_squared_correlation_coefficient': None
-# TODO, remove?
-def _cvt_names(namelist, epsilon, missing):
-    """"if variable names are of the format name:epsilon, yield name,epsilon, missing
-        otherwise yield name,default-epsilon,default-missing
-    """
-    for name in namelist:
-        if ':' not in name:
-            yield name, epsilon
-        else:
-            n,e,m = name.split(':')
-            if not e: e = epsilon
-            else: e = float(e)
-            if not m: m = missing
-            else: m = float(m)
-            yield n, e, m
 def _clean_path(string_path) :
     Return a clean form of the path without any '.', '..', or '~'
+    clean_path = None
     if string_path is not None :
         clean_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(string_path))
-    else :
-        clean_path = string_path
     return clean_path
-# TODO comment more clearly
 def _parse_varnames(names, terms, epsilon=0.0, missing=None):
     """filter variable names and substitute default epsilon and missing settings if none provided
-    returns name,epsilon,missing triples
+    returns (variable name, epsilon, missing) triples
     >>> _parse_varnames( ['foo','bar', 'baz', 'zoom', 'cat'], ['f..:0.5:-999', 'ba.*:0.001', 'c.t::-9999'], 1e-7 )
     set([('foo', 0.5, -999.0), ('cat', 9.9999999999999995e-08, -9999.0), ('bar', 0.001, None), ('baz', 0.001, None)])
+    names   - all the variable names in the file (ie. names that should be considered valid)
+    terms   - variable selection terms given from the command line
+    epsilon - a default epsilon to be used for all variables that do not have a specific epsilon given
+    missing - a default fill value to be used for all variables that do not have a specific fill value given
     terms = [x.split(':') for x in terms]
     terms = [(re.compile(x[0]).match,x[1:]) for x in terms]
@@ -373,6 +362,29 @@ def _load_config_or_options(aPath, bPath, optionsSet, requestedVars = [ ]) :
     return paths, runInfo, defaultsToUse, requestedNames, usedConfigFile
+def _get_variable_can_end_program(fileObject, variableName, dataType, canEndProgram=True) :
+    """
+    load a variable, exiting the program if there is an error
+    and canEndProgram is passed as True
+    TODO, instead of exiting, throw an exception
+    """
+    dataToReturn = None
+    # get the data from the file
+    try :
+        dataToReturn = array(fileObject[variableName], dtype=dataType)
+    except CDFError :
+        LOG.warn ('Unable to retrieve ' + variableName + ' data. The variable name ' + 
+                  ' may not exist in this file or an error may have occured while attempting to' +
+                  ' access the data.')
+        if canEndProgram :
+            LOG.warn ('Unable to continue analysis without ' + variableName + ' data. Aborting analysis.')
+            sys.exit(1)
+    return dataToReturn
 def _get_and_analyze_lon_lat (fileObject,
                               latitudeVariableName, longitudeVariableName,
                               latitudeDataFilterFn=None, longitudeDataFilterFn=None) :
@@ -381,24 +393,16 @@ def _get_and_analyze_lon_lat (fileObject,
     and analyze them to identify spacially invalid data (ie. data that would fall off the earth)
     # get the data from the file TODO, handle these exits out in the calling method?
+    # get the longitude
     LOG.info ('longitude name: ' + longitudeVariableName)
-    try :
-        longitudeData = array(fileObject[longitudeVariableName], dtype=float)
-    except CDFError :
-        LOG.warn ('Unable to retrieve longitude data. The variable name (' + longitudeVariableName +
-                  ') may not exist in this file or an error may have occured while attempting to' +
-                  ' access the data.')
-        LOG.warn ('Unable to continue analysis without longitude data. Aborting analysis.')
-        sys.exit(1)
+    # TODO, should this dtype be a float?
+    longitudeData = _get_variable_can_end_program(fileObject, longitudeVariableName, float)
+    # get the latitude
     LOG.info ('latitude name: '  + latitudeVariableName)
-    try :
-        latitudeData  = array(fileObject[latitudeVariableName],  dtype=float)
-    except CDFError :
-        LOG.warn ('Unable to retrieve latitude data. The variable name (' + latitudeVariableName +
-                  ') may not exist in this file or an error may have occured while attempting to' +
-                  ' access the data.')
-        LOG.warn ('Unable to continue analysis without latitude data. Aborting analysis.')
-        sys.exit(1)
+    # TODO, should this dtype be a float?
+    latitudeData  = _get_variable_can_end_program(fileObject, latitudeVariableName, float)
     # if we have filters, use them
     if not (latitudeDataFilterFn is None) :
@@ -414,7 +418,7 @@ def _get_and_analyze_lon_lat (fileObject,
     assert (latitudeData.shape == longitudeData.shape)
     # build a mask of our spacially invalid data TODO, load actual valid range attributes?
-    invalidLatitude = (latitudeData < -90) | (latitudeData > 90) | ~isfinite(latitudeData)
+    invalidLatitude  = (latitudeData < -90)     | (latitudeData > 90)   | ~isfinite(latitudeData)
     invalidLongitude = (longitudeData < -180)   | (longitudeData > 360) | ~isfinite(longitudeData)
     spaciallyInvalidMask = invalidLatitude | invalidLongitude
@@ -641,7 +645,7 @@ def _handle_lon_lat_info (lon_lat_settings, a_file_object, b_file_object, output
             return { }, { }, error_msg # things have gone wrong
         # update our existing spatial information
         # compare our spatially invalid info to see if the two files have invalid longitudes and latitudes in the same places
         spaciallyInvalidMask, spatialInfo, longitude_common, latitude_common = \
                                 _compare_spatial_invalidity(spaciallyInvalidMaskA, spaciallyInvalidMaskB, spatialInfo,
@@ -1278,10 +1282,11 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
                              doPlotSettingsDict = varRunInfo,
                              aUData=aUData, aVData=aVData,
                              bUData=bUData, bVData=bVData,
-                             binIndex=  varRunInfo['binIndex']   if 'binIndex'   in varRunInfo else None,
-                             tupleIndex=varRunInfo['tupleIndex'] if 'tupleIndex' in varRunInfo else None,
-                             binName=   varRunInfo['binName']    if 'binName'    in varRunInfo else 'bin',
-                             tupleName= varRunInfo['tupleName']  if 'tupleName'  in varRunInfo else 'tuple')
+                             binIndex=      varRunInfo['binIndex']        if 'binIndex'        in varRunInfo else None,
+                             tupleIndex=    varRunInfo['tupleIndex']      if 'tupleIndex'      in varRunInfo else None,
+                             binName=       varRunInfo['binName']         if 'binName'         in varRunInfo else 'bin',
+                             tupleName=     varRunInfo['tupleName']       if 'tupleName'       in varRunInfo else 'tuple',
+                             epsilonPercent=varRunInfo['epsilon_percent'] if 'epsilon_percent' in varRunInfo else None)
                 print("\tfinished creating figures for: " + explanationName)
@@ -1373,7 +1378,7 @@ def stats_library_call(afn, bfn, var_list=[ ],
     doc_each  = do_document and len(names)==1
     doc_atend = do_document and len(names)!=1
-    for name,epsilon,missing in names:
+    for name, epsilon, missing in names:
         aData = aFile[name]
         bData = bFile[name]
         if missing is None:
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/data.py b/pyglance/glance/data.py
index 988b60e254f3f23a39a2333e98ec09ad287c8f1f..a6bd5fbeeb40a723ebaebf415ec3a51b8c44e2ac 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/data.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/data.py
@@ -249,7 +249,16 @@ class DiffInfoObject (object) :
         # the valid data which is too different between the two sets according to the given epsilon
-        outside_epsilon_mask = (abs(raw_diff) > epsilonValue) & valid_in_both # TODO also use epsilon percent
+        outside_epsilon_mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool)
+        if (epsilonValue   is not None) :
+            outside_epsilon_mask = outside_epsilon_mask |  \
+                                   (abs(raw_diff) > epsilonValue) & valid_in_both
+        if (epsilonPercent is not None) :
+            # TODO, test this part of the formula
+            outside_epsilon_mask = outside_epsilon_mask |  \
+                                   ((abs(raw_diff) > (aDataObject.data * (float(epsilonPercent) / 100.0))) & valid_in_both)
+        #outside_epsilon_mask = (abs(raw_diff) > epsilonValue) & valid_in_both # TODO also use epsilon percent
         # trouble points = mismatched nans, mismatched missing-values, differences that are too large 
         trouble_pt_mask = ( (aDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask ^ bDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask) |
                             (aDataObject.masks.missing_mask    ^ bDataObject.masks.missing_mask)    |
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/figures.py b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
index 563c5c4b149cf47676e7328d0c0d9fa134910f83..83a554d938d9c20dd63ec17eac155d81d1a43acb 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/figures.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
@@ -264,12 +264,12 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
     # the location is in the form x, y (I think)
     if displayStats :
         # info on the basic stats
-        tempMask = ones(data.shape,dtype=bool)
-        tempStats = statistics.stats(data, tempMask, None)
+        tempMask  = ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
+        tempStats = statistics.NumericalComparisonStatistics.basic_analysis(data, tempMask)
         medianVal = tempStats['median_diff']
         meanVal   = tempStats['mean_diff']
         stdVal    = tempStats['std_diff']
-        numPts = data.size
+        numPts    = data.size
         # info on the display of our statistics
         xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt b/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
index 9de0b50083701fe31b716f02a24a65c29d4acb6a..9902781f7d5c15f610628b3c1a15140c64178847 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
+++ b/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
@@ -195,6 +195,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
                                 Variable: <a href="${tempVarRunInfo['variable_report_path_escaped']}">${varDisplayName}</a> <br>
                                 Epsilon used: ${tempVarRunInfo['epsilon']} <br>
+                                ## if there is an epsilon percent, also show that
+                                % if ('epsilon_percent' in tempVarRunInfo) and (tempVarRunInfo['epsilon_percent'] is not None) :
+                                    Epsilon percent (of file A) used: ${tempVarRunInfo['epsilon_percent']}% <br>
+                                % endif
+                                ## if there's an r squared correlation value, also show that
                                 % if rSquaredCorr is not None :
                                     R-squared Correlation Coefficient: ${rSquaredCorr}<br>
                                 % endif
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plot.py b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
index 12ed1bb89ae591b11e5ac1c38dd10a4b19be2556..80adf3391ce9422edbd49bde71cc84fa4cbae579 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plot.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
@@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                      aUData=None, aVData=None,
                                      bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                      binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                     binName='bin', tupleName='tuple') :
+                                     binName='bin', tupleName='tuple',
+                                     epsilonPercent=None) :
     Plot images for a set of figures based on the data sets and settings
     passed in. The images will be saved to disk according to the settings.
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
     # compare the two data sets to get our difference data and trouble info
     aDataObject = dataobj.DataObject(aData, fillValue=missingValue,       ignoreMask=spaciallyInvalidMaskA)
     bDataObject = dataobj.DataObject(bData, fillValue=missingValueAltInB, ignoreMask=spaciallyInvalidMaskB)
-    diffInfo = dataobj.DiffInfoObject(aDataObject, bDataObject, epsilonValue=epsilon) #TODO, needs epsilon percent
+    diffInfo = dataobj.DiffInfoObject(aDataObject, bDataObject, epsilonValue=epsilon, epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent)
     #TODO, for the moment, unpack these values into local variables
     rawDiffData = diffInfo.diff_data_object.data
     goodMask    = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
@@ -293,7 +294,8 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                        # only used for line plots 
                                        binIndex=binIndex, tupleIndex=tupleIndex,
-                                       binName=binName, tupleName=tupleName
+                                       binName=binName, tupleName=tupleName,
+                                       epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
index 6cfd744e2381fa1740a58ab0a6f9cac4dc2fc2c1..a98bb2c994327a7b23b02e2a1a149766b40244a0 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
@@ -178,7 +178,10 @@ class PlottingFunctionFactory :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) : _abstract
@@ -219,7 +222,11 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         functionsToReturn = { }
@@ -246,6 +253,7 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             assert(bData.shape    == goodInBothMask.shape)
             assert(goodInBothMask.shape == outsideEpsilonMask.shape)
+            # TODO, if there's an epsilon percent, how should the epsilon lines be drawn?
             functionsToReturn['scatter']   = ((lambda : figures.create_scatter_plot(aData[goodInBothMask], bData[goodInBothMask],
                                                                             "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
                                                                             "File A Value", "File B Value",
@@ -292,7 +300,11 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         # the default for plotting geolocated data
@@ -457,7 +469,11 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         # the default for plotting geolocated data
@@ -629,7 +645,11 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         This method generates line plotting functions for one dimensional data
@@ -727,7 +747,11 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         This method generates histogram and sample line plot functions for complex three dimensional data
@@ -762,28 +786,7 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         goodInBothMask     = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBothMask)
         troubleMask        = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(troubleMask)
         outsideEpsilonMask = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(outsideEpsilonMask)
-        """
-        aData,              caseInfo1 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(aData,              binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        bData,              caseInfo2 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(bData,              binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        goodInAMask,        caseInfo3 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInAMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        goodInBMask,        caseInfo4 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        absDiffData,        caseInfo5 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(absDiffData,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        rawDiffData,        caseInfo6 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(rawDiffData,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        goodInBothMask,     caseInfo7 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBothMask,     binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        troubleMask,        caseInfo8 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(troubleMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        outsideEpsilonMask, caseInfo9 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(outsideEpsilonMask, binIndex, tupleIndex)
-        # assert that all our case dimensions were originally the same
-        # TODO, should I have just compared the shape of all the data before modifying it?
-        assert(caseInfo1 == caseInfo2)
-        assert(caseInfo2 == caseInfo3)
-        assert(caseInfo3 == caseInfo4)
-        assert(caseInfo4 == caseInfo5)
-        assert(caseInfo5 == caseInfo6)
-        assert(caseInfo6 == caseInfo7)
-        assert(caseInfo7 == caseInfo8)
-        assert(caseInfo8 == caseInfo9)
-        """
         # our list of functions that will later create the plots
         functionsToReturn = { }
@@ -901,7 +904,11 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # only used for line plots
                                    binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
-                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None,
+                                   # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
+                                   epsilonPercent=None
                                    ) :
         This method generates imshow plotting functions for two dimensional data
@@ -985,7 +992,6 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         return functionsToReturn
 if __name__=='__main__':
     import doctest
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/stats.py b/pyglance/glance/stats.py
index 3a7ab36e88c62672db2c339228fcd588216998dc..7fe5f2db256cd716373ee8068240593a7a9211bc 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/stats.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/stats.py
@@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ class StatisticalData (object) :
         self.title = None
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        note: child classes should override this method
+        """
+        return { }
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        note: child classes should override this method
+        """
+        return { }
 class MissingValueStatistics (StatisticalData) :
@@ -52,33 +69,503 @@ class MissingValueStatistics (StatisticalData) :
     common_missing_fraction - fraction of points that are missing in both data sets
+    def __init__(self, diffInfoObject) :
+        """
+        build our fill value related statistics based on the comparison
+        of two data sets
+        """
+        self.title = 'Missing Value Statistics'
+        # pull out some masks for later use
+        a_missing_mask = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.missing_mask
+        b_missing_mask = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.missing_mask
+        assert(a_missing_mask.shape == b_missing_mask.shape)
+        # figure out some basic statistics
+        self.a_missing_count      = np.sum(a_missing_mask)
+        self.b_missing_count      = np.sum(b_missing_mask)
+        self.common_missing_count = np.sum(a_missing_mask & b_missing_mask)
+        # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a's mask
+        total_num_values = a_missing_mask.size
+        # figure out some fraction statistics
+        self.a_missing_fraction      = float(self.a_missing_count)      / float(total_num_values)
+        self.b_missing_fraction      = float(self.b_missing_count)      / float(total_num_values)
+        self.common_missing_fraction = float(self.common_missing_count) / float(total_num_values)
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_missing_count':         self.a_missing_count,
+                    'a_missing_fraction':      self.a_missing_fraction,
+                    'b_missing_count':         self.b_missing_count,
+                    'b_missing_fraction':      self.b_missing_fraction,
+                    'common_missing_count':    self.common_missing_count,
+                    'common_missing_fraction': self.common_missing_fraction
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+    # TODO, replace the giant doc dictionary with use of this method
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_missing_count':         "number of values flagged missing in A",
+                    'a_missing_fraction':      "fraction of values flagged missing in A",
+                    'b_missing_count':         "number of values flagged missing in B",
+                    'b_missing_fraction':      "fraction of values flagged missing in B",
+                    'common_missing_count':    "number of missing values in common between A and B",
+                    'common_missing_fraction': "fraction of missing values in common between A and B"
+                    }
+        return toReturn
-# --------------------- general statistics methods ------------------
+class FiniteDataStatistics (StatisticalData) :
+    """
+    A class representing information about where finite values are found
+    in a pair of data sets.
+    includes the following statistics:
+    a_finite_count              - the number   of finite data values in the a data set
+    a_finite_fraction           - the fraction of finite data values in the a data set
+    b_finite_count              - the number   of finite data values in the b data set
+    b_finite_fraction           - the fraction of finite data values in the b data set
+    common_finite_count         - the number   of finite values the two data sets have in common
+    common_finite_fraction      - the fraction of finite values the two data sets have in common
+    finite_in_only_one_count    - the number   of points that are finite in only one of the two sets
+    finite_in_only_one_fraction - the fraction of points that are finite in only one of the two sets
+    """
+    def __init__(self, diffInfoObject) :
+        """
+        build our finite data related statistics based on the comparison
+        of two data sets
+        """
+        self.title = 'Finite Data Statistics'
+        # pull out some data we will use later
+        a_is_finite_mask   = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+        b_is_finite_mask   = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+        common_ignore_mask = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.ignore_mask
+        assert(a_is_finite_mask.shape == b_is_finite_mask.shape)
+        assert(b_is_finite_mask.shape == common_ignore_mask.shape)
+        # figure out some basic statistics
+        self.a_finite_count = np.sum(a_is_finite_mask)
+        self.b_finite_count = np.sum(b_is_finite_mask)
+        self.common_finite_count = np.sum(a_is_finite_mask & b_is_finite_mask)
+        # use an exclusive or to check which points are finite in only one of the two data sets
+        self.finite_in_only_one_count = np.sum((a_is_finite_mask ^ b_is_finite_mask) & ~common_ignore_mask)
+        # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a's mask
+        total_num_values = a_is_finite_mask.size
+        # calculate some fractional statistics
+        self.a_finite_fraction           = float(self.a_finite_count)           / float(total_num_values)
+        self.b_finite_fraction           = float(self.b_finite_count)           / float(total_num_values)
+        self.common_finite_fraction      = float(self.common_finite_count)      / float(total_num_values)
+        self.finite_in_only_one_fraction = float(self.finite_in_only_one_count) / float(total_num_values)
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_finite_count':              self.a_finite_count,
+                    'a_finite_fraction':           self.a_finite_fraction,
+                    'b_finite_count':              self.b_finite_count,
+                    'b_finite_fraction':           self.b_finite_fraction,
+                    'common_finite_count':         self.common_finite_count,
+                    'common_finite_fraction':      self.common_finite_fraction,
+                    'finite_in_only_one_count':    self.finite_in_only_one_count,
+                    'finite_in_only_one_fraction': self.finite_in_only_one_fraction,
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+    # TODO, replace the giant doc dictionary with use of this method
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_finite_count': "number of finite values in A",
+                    'a_finite_fraction': "fraction of finite values in A (out of all data points in A)",
+                    'b_finite_count': "number of finite values in B",
+                    'b_finite_fraction': "fraction of finite values in B (out of all data points in B)",
+                    'common_finite_count': "number of finite values in common between A and B",
+                    'common_finite_fraction': "fraction of finite values in common between A and B",
+                    'finite_in_only_one_count': "number of values that changed finite-ness between A and B; " +
+                                                "only the common spatially valid area is considerd for this statistic",
+                    'finite_in_only_one_fraction': "fraction of values that changed finite-ness between A and B; " +
+                                                "only the common spatially valid area is considerd for this statistic"
+                    }
+        return toReturn
-def _get_missing_value_stats(a_missing_mask, b_missing_mask) :
+class NotANumberStatistics (StatisticalData) :
-    Get a list of statistics about missing data values in data sets a and b,
-    given masks describing the positions of the missing data (such masks
-    can be gotten from the diff function), 
-    the return value will be a dictionary of statistics
+    A class representing information about where non-finite values are found
+    in a pair of data sets.
+    includes the following statistics:
+    a_nan_count         - the number   of non finite values that are present in the a data set
+    a_nan_fraction      - the fraction of non finite values that are present in the a data set
+    b_nan_count         - the number   of non finite values that are present in the b data set
+    b_nan_fraction      - the fraction of non finite values that are present in the b data set
+    common_nan_count    - the number   of non finite values that are shared between the data sets
+    common_nan_fraction - the fraction of non finite values that are shared between the data sets
-    # calculate information about the missing values
-    num_a_missing = np.sum(a_missing_mask)
-    num_b_missing = np.sum(b_missing_mask)
-    num_common_missing = np.sum(a_missing_mask & b_missing_mask)
-    # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a's mask
-    total_num_values = a_missing_mask.size
-    missing_value_stats = {'a_missing_count': num_a_missing,
-                           'a_missing_fraction': (float(num_a_missing) / float(total_num_values)),
-                           'b_missing_count': num_b_missing,
-                           'b_missing_fraction': (float(num_b_missing) / float(total_num_values)),
-                           'common_missing_count': num_common_missing,
-                           'common_missing_fraction': (float(num_common_missing) / float(total_num_values))
-                           }
-    return missing_value_stats
+    def __init__(self, diffInfoObject) :
+        """
+        build our nonfinite data related statistics based on the comparison
+        of two data sets
+        """
+        self.title = 'NaN Statistics'
+        # pull out some masks we will use
+        a_nan_mask = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
+        b_nan_mask = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
+        assert(a_nan_mask.shape == b_nan_mask.shape)
+        # get some basic statistics
+        self.a_nan_count      = np.sum(a_nan_mask)
+        self.b_nan_count      = np.sum(b_nan_mask)
+        self.common_nan_count = np.sum(a_nan_mask & b_nan_mask)
+        # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a
+        total_num_values = a_nan_mask.size
+        # calculate some fractional statistics
+        self.a_nan_fraction      = float(self.a_nan_count)      / float(total_num_values)
+        self.b_nan_fraction      = float(self.b_nan_count)      / float(total_num_values)
+        self.common_nan_fraction = float(self.common_nan_count) / float(total_num_values)
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_nan_count':         self.a_nan_count,
+                    'a_nan_fraction':      self.a_nan_fraction,
+                    'b_nan_count':         self.b_nan_count,
+                    'b_nan_fraction':      self.b_nan_fraction,
+                    'common_nan_count':    self.common_nan_count,
+                    'common_nan_fraction': self.common_nan_fraction
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+    # TODO, replace the giant doc dictionary with use of this method
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_nan_count': "number of NaNs in A",
+                    'a_nan_fraction': "fraction of NaNs in A",
+                    'b_nan_count': "number of NaNs in B",
+                    'b_nan_fraction': "fraction of NaNs in B",
+                    'common_nan_count': "number of NaNs in common between A and B",
+                    'common_nan_fraction': "fraction of NaNs in common between A and B"
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+class GeneralStatistics (StatisticalData) :
+    """
+    A class representing general information about a pair of data sets.
+    includes the following statistics:
+    a_missing_value - the fill data value in the a set
+    b_missing_value - the fill data value in the b set
+    epsilon         - the fixed epsilon value
+    epsilon_percent - the percentage of the a set that will be used for comparison
+    max_a           - the maximum value in the a set
+    max_b           - the maximum value in the b set
+    min_a           - the minimum value in the a set
+    min_b           - the minimum value in the b set
+    num_data_points - the total number of data points in each of the sets
+    shape           - the shape of each of the data sets
+    spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a - number of points corresponding to invalid lat/lon in a set
+    spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b - number of points corresponding to invalid lat/lon in b set
+    """
+    def __init__(self, diffInfoObject) :
+        """
+        build our general statistics based on the comparison
+        of two data sets
+        """
+        self.title = 'NaN Statistics'
+        # pull out some masks for later use
+        a_missing_mask   = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.missing_mask
+        b_missing_mask   = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.missing_mask
+        ignore_in_a_mask = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.ignore_mask
+        ignore_in_b_mask = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.ignore_mask
+        good_in_a_mask   = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+        good_in_b_mask   = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+        assert(a_missing_mask.shape   ==   b_missing_mask.shape)
+        assert(b_missing_mask.shape   == ignore_in_a_mask.shape)
+        assert(ignore_in_a_mask.shape == ignore_in_b_mask.shape)
+        assert(ignore_in_b_mask.shape ==   good_in_a_mask.shape)
+        assert(good_in_a_mask.shape   ==   good_in_b_mask.shape)
+        # get the number of data points
+        total_num_values = a_missing_mask.size
+        # fill in our statistics
+        self.a_missing_value = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.fill_value
+        self.b_missing_value = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.fill_value
+        self.epsilon         = diffInfoObject.epsilon_value
+        self.epsilon_percent = diffInfoObject.epsilon_percent
+        self.max_a           = delta.max_with_mask(diffInfoObject.a_data_object.data, good_in_a_mask)
+        self.min_a           = delta.min_with_mask(diffInfoObject.a_data_object.data, good_in_a_mask)
+        self.max_b           = delta.max_with_mask(diffInfoObject.b_data_object.data, good_in_b_mask)
+        self.min_b           = delta.min_with_mask(diffInfoObject.b_data_object.data, good_in_b_mask)
+        self.num_data_points = total_num_values
+        self.shape           = a_missing_mask.shape
+        # also calculate the invalid points
+        self.spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a = np.sum(ignore_in_a_mask)
+        self.spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b = np.sum(ignore_in_b_mask)
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_missing_value': self.a_missing_value,
+                    'b_missing_value': self.b_missing_value,
+                    'epsilon':         self.epsilon,
+                    'epsilon_percent': self.epsilon_percent,
+                    'max_a':           self.max_a,
+                    'max_b':           self.max_b,
+                    'min_a':           self.min_a,
+                    'min_b':           self.min_b,
+                    'num_data_points': self.num_data_points,
+                    'shape':           self.shape,
+                    'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a': self.spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a,
+                    'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b': self.spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+    # TODO, replace the giant doc dictionary with use of this method
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'a_missing_value': 'the value that is considered \"missing\" data when it is found in A',
+                    'b_missing_value': 'the value that is considered \"missing\" data when it is found in B',
+                    'epsilon': 'amount of difference between matching data points in A and B that is considered acceptable',
+                    'epsilon_percent': 'the percentage of difference (of A\'s value) that is acceptable between A and B (optional)',
+                    'max_a': 'the maximum finite, non-missing value found in A',
+                    'max_b': 'the maximum finite, non-missing value found in B',
+                    'min_a': 'the minimum finite, non-missing value found in A',
+                    'min_b': 'the minimum finite, non-missing value found in B',
+                    'num_data_points': "number of data values in A",
+                    'shape': "shape of A",
+                    'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a': 'number of points with invalid latitude/longitude information in A that were' +
+                                                            ' ignored for the purposes of data analysis and presentation',
+                    'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b': 'number of points with invalid latitude/longitude information in B that were' +
+                                                            ' ignored for the purposes of data analysis and presentation',
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
+    """
+    A class representing more complex comparisons between a pair of data sets.
+    includes the following statistics:
+    correlation                   - the Pearson correlation r-coefficient from comparing finite values of the sets
+    r_squared_correlation         - the square of the correlation
+    diff_outside_epsilon_count    - the number   of points that fall outside the acceptable epsilon settings
+    diff_outside_epsilon_fraction - the fraction of points that fall outside the acceptable epsilon settings
+    perfect_match_count           - the number   of points that match perfectly between the sets
+    perfect_match_fraction        - the fraction of points that match perfectly between the sets
+    trouble_points_count          - the number   of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
+    trouble_points_fraction       - the fraction of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
+    It may also contain additional statistics. This is indicated by the does_include_simple boolean.
+    The possible additional statistics include:
+    rms_diff    -  the root mean squared of the absolute difference between the two data sets
+    std_diff    - the standard deviation of the absolute difference between the two data sets
+    mean_diff   -               the mean of the absolute difference between the two data sets
+    median_diff -             the median of the absolute difference between the two data sets
+    max_diff    -            the maximum of the absolute difference between the two data sets
+    These statistics can also be generated separately in dictionary form by calling the
+    basic_analysis method on this class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, diffInfoObject, include_basic_analysis=True) :
+        """
+        build our comparison statistics based on the comparison
+        of two data sets
+        the include_basic_analysis flag indicates whether the statistics generated by the
+        basic_analysis method should also be generated
+        """
+        self.title = 'Numerical Comparison Statistics'
+        # pull out some info we will use later
+        valid_in_both        = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+        outside_epsilon_mask = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.outside_epsilon_mask
+        trouble_mask         = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask
+        aData                = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.data
+        bData                = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.data
+        assert (valid_in_both.shape        == outside_epsilon_mask.shape)
+        assert (outside_epsilon_mask.shape == trouble_mask.shape)
+        assert (trouble_mask.shape         == aData.shape)
+        assert (aData.shape                == bData.shape)
+        # fill in some simple statistics
+        self.diff_outside_epsilon_count = np.sum(outside_epsilon_mask)
+        self.perfect_match_count        = NumericalComparisonStatistics._get_num_perfect(aData, bData,
+                                                                                         goodMask=valid_in_both)
+        self.correlation                = delta.compute_correlation(aData, bData, valid_in_both)
+        self.r_squared_correlation      = self.correlation * self.correlation
+        self.trouble_points_count       = np.sum(trouble_mask)
+        # we actually want the total number of _finite_ values rather than all the data
+        total_num_finite_values = np.sum(valid_in_both)
+        # calculate some more complex statistics
+        self.trouble_points_fraction = float(self.trouble_points_count) / float(aData.size)
+        # be careful not to divide by zero if we don't have finite data
+        if total_num_finite_values > 0 :
+            self.diff_outside_epsilon_fraction = float(self.diff_outside_epsilon_count) / float(total_num_finite_values)
+            self.perfect_match_fraction        = float(self.perfect_match_count)        / float(total_num_finite_values)
+        else:
+            self.diff_outside_epsilon_fraction = 0.0
+            self.perfect_match_fraction        = 0.0
+        # if desired, do the basic analysis
+        self.does_include_simple = include_basic_analysis
+        if (include_basic_analysis) :
+            basic_dict = NumericalComparisonStatistics.basic_analysis(diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.data,
+                                                                      valid_in_both)
+            self.rms_diff      = basic_dict['rms_diff']
+            self.std_diff      = basic_dict['std_diff']
+            self.mean_diff     = basic_dict['mean_diff']
+            self.median_diff   = basic_dict['median_diff']
+            self.max_diff      = basic_dict['max_diff']
+            self.temp_analysis = basic_dict
+    def dictionary_form(self) :
+        """
+        get a dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'correlation':                   self.correlation,
+                    'r-squared correlation':         self.r_squared_correlation,
+                    'diff_outside_epsilon_count':    self.diff_outside_epsilon_count,
+                    'diff_outside_epsilon_fraction': self.diff_outside_epsilon_fraction,
+                    'perfect_match_count':           self.perfect_match_count,
+                    'perfect_match_fraction':        self.perfect_match_fraction,
+                     'trouble_points_count':         self.trouble_points_count, 
+                     'trouble_points_fraction':      self.trouble_points_fraction
+                    }
+        toReturn.update(self.temp_analysis)
+        return toReturn
+    # TODO, replace the giant doc dictionary with use of this method
+    def doc_strings(self) :
+        """
+        get documentation strings that match the
+        dictionary form of the statistics
+        """
+        toReturn = {
+                    'correlation': "Pearson correlation r-coefficient (0.0-1.0) for finite values of A and B",
+                    'diff_outside_epsilon_count': "number of finite differences falling outside acceptable epsilon definitions; " +
+                                            "note: this value includes data excluded by both epsilon and epsilon_percent if " +
+                                            "both have been defined",
+                    'diff_outside_epsilon_fraction': "fraction of finite differences falling outside acceptable epsilon " +
+                                            "definitions (out of common_finite_count)",
+                    'max_diff': "Maximum difference of finite values",
+                    'mean_diff': "mean difference of finite values",
+                    'median_diff': "median difference of finite values",
+                    'perfect_match_count': "number of perfectly matched finite data points between A and B",
+                    'perfect_match_fraction': "fraction of finite values perfectly matching between A and B (out of common_finite_count)",
+                    'rms_diff': "root mean square (RMS) difference of finite values",
+                    'r-squared correlation': "the square of the r correlation (see correlation)",
+                    'std_diff': "standard deviation of difference of finite values",
+                    'trouble_points_count': 'number of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
+                                            ' or are unacceptable when compared according to the current epsilon definitions',
+                    'trouble_points_fraction': 'fraction of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
+                                            ' or are unacceptable when compared according to the current epsilon definitions',
+                    }
+        return toReturn
+    @staticmethod
+    def basic_analysis(diffData, valid_mask):
+        """
+        do some very minimal analysis of the differences
+        """
+        # if all the data is invalid,
+        # we can't do any of these forms of statistical analysis
+        if np.sum(valid_mask) <= 0 :
+            return { }
+        # calculate our statistics
+        absDiffData = abs(diffData)
+        root_mean_square_value = delta.calculate_root_mean_square(diffData, valid_mask)
+        return {    'rms_diff':                root_mean_square_value, 
+                    'std_diff':       np.std(absDiffData[valid_mask]), 
+                    'mean_diff':     np.mean(absDiffData[valid_mask]), 
+                    'median_diff': np.median(absDiffData[valid_mask]),
+                    'max_diff':       np.max(absDiffData[valid_mask])
+                    }
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_num_perfect(aData, bData, goodMask=None):
+        """
+        get the number of data points where
+        the value in A perfectly matches the value in B
+        """
+        numPerfect = 0
+        if not (goodMask is None) :
+            numPerfect = np.sum(aData[goodMask] == bData[goodMask])
+        else :
+            numPerfect = np.sum(aData == bData)
+        return numPerfect
+# --------------------- general statistics methods ------------------
 def summarize(a, b, epsilon=0.,
               (a_missing_value, b_missing_value)=(None,None),
@@ -92,187 +579,22 @@ def summarize(a, b, epsilon=0.,
     bDataObject = dataobj.DataObject(b, fillValue=b_missing_value, ignoreMask=ignoreInBMask)
     diffInfo = dataobj.DiffInfoObject(aDataObject, bDataObject,
                                       epsilonValue=epsilon, epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent) 
-    #TODO, for the moment, unpack these values into local variables
-    diffData = diffInfo.diff_data_object.data
-    finite_mask    = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    finite_a_mask = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    finite_b_mask = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    trouble = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask
-    outside_epsilon = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.outside_epsilon_mask
-    anfin = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
-    bnfin = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
-    amis   = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.missing_mask
-    bmis   = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.missing_mask
-    ignoreInAMask = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.ignore_mask
-    ignoreInBMask = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.ignore_mask
-    general_stats = _get_general_data_stats(a, b, a_missing_value, b_missing_value, epsilon, 
-                                            ignoreInAMask, ignoreInBMask, ~finite_a_mask, ~finite_b_mask) 
-    additional_statistics = stats(diffData, finite_mask) #*nfo) # grab some additional comparison statistics 
-    comparison_stats = _get_numerical_data_stats(a, b, diffData, finite_mask, outside_epsilon, trouble, additional_statistics) 
-    nan_stats = _get_nan_stats(anfin, bnfin)
-    missing_stats = _get_missing_value_stats(amis, bmis)
-    finite_stats = _get_finite_data_stats(finite_a_mask, finite_b_mask, (ignoreInAMask | ignoreInBMask)) 
+    general_stats    = GeneralStatistics(diffInfo)
+    comparison_stats = NumericalComparisonStatistics(diffInfo)
+    nan_stats        = NotANumberStatistics(diffInfo)
+    missing_stats    = MissingValueStatistics(diffInfo)
+    finite_stats     = FiniteDataStatistics(diffInfo)
     out = {}
-    out['NaN Statistics'] = nan_stats
-    out['Missing Value Statistics'] = missing_stats
-    out['Finite Data Statistics'] = finite_stats
-    out['Numerical Comparison Statistics'] = comparison_stats
-    out['General Statistics'] = general_stats
+    out[nan_stats.title]        = nan_stats.dictionary_form()
+    out[missing_stats.title]    = missing_stats.dictionary_form()
+    out[finite_stats.title]     = finite_stats.dictionary_form()
+    out[comparison_stats.title] = comparison_stats.dictionary_form()
+    out[general_stats.title]    = general_stats.dictionary_form()
     return out
-def stats(diffData, mask, *etc):
-    # if there are no values after the mask,
-    # we can't do any of these forms of
-    # statistical analysis
-    if np.sum(mask) <= 0 :
-        return { }
-    absDiffData = abs(diffData)
-    root_mean_square_value = delta.calculate_root_mean_square(diffData, mask)
-    return {    'rms_diff': root_mean_square_value, 
-                'std_diff':       np.std(absDiffData[mask]), 
-                'mean_diff':     np.mean(absDiffData[mask]), 
-                'median_diff': np.median(absDiffData[mask]),
-                'max_diff':       np.max(absDiffData[mask])
-                }
-def _get_num_perfect(a, b, ignoreMask=None):
-    numPerfect = 0
-    if not (ignoreMask is None) :
-        numPerfect = np.sum(a[~ignoreMask] == b[~ignoreMask])
-    else :
-        numPerfect = np.sum(a == b)
-    return numPerfect
-def _get_numerical_data_stats(a, b, diff_data,  data_is_finite_mask,
-                              outside_epsilon_mask, trouble_mask,
-                              additional_statistics={}) : 
-    """
-    Get a list of numerical comparison related statistics about a and b,
-    given a and b and some other information about them.
-    the return value will be a dictionary of statistics
-    """
-    # calculate our various statistics
-    num_finite_values_too_different = np.sum(outside_epsilon_mask)
-    num_perfect = _get_num_perfect(a, b, ~data_is_finite_mask)
-    r_corr = delta.compute_correlation(a, b, data_is_finite_mask)
-    num_trouble = np.sum(trouble_mask)
-    # we actually want the total number of _finite_ values rather than all the data
-    total_num_finite_values = np.sum(data_is_finite_mask)
-    # no dividing by 0!
-    fraction_too_different = 0.0
-    fraction_perfect = 0.0
-    if total_num_finite_values > 0 :
-        fraction_too_different = num_finite_values_too_different / float(total_num_finite_values)
-        fraction_perfect = num_perfect / float(total_num_finite_values)
-    comparison = {  'correlation': r_corr,
-                    'r-squared correlation': r_corr * r_corr,
-                    'diff_outside_epsilon_count': num_finite_values_too_different,
-                    'diff_outside_epsilon_fraction': fraction_too_different,
-                    'perfect_match_count': num_perfect,
-                    'perfect_match_fraction': fraction_perfect,
-                     'trouble_points_count': num_trouble, 
-                     'trouble_points_fraction': float(num_trouble) / float(a.size)
-                    }
-    comparison.update(additional_statistics)
-    return comparison
-def _get_general_data_stats(a, b,
-                            a_missing_value, b_missing_value,
-                            epsilon, 
-                            spatial_ignore_in_a_mask, spatial_ignore_in_b_mask,
-                            bad_in_a, bad_in_b
-                            ) :
-    """
-    Get a list of general statistics about a and b, given a and b and some other information
-    about them.
-    the return value will be a dictionary of statistics
-    """
-    # figure out how much spatial trouble we had
-    num_ignored_in_a = np.sum(spatial_ignore_in_a_mask)
-    num_ignored_in_b = np.sum(spatial_ignore_in_b_mask)
-    # get the number of data points
-    total_num_values = a.size
-    general_stats = {'a_missing_value': a_missing_value,
-                     'b_missing_value': b_missing_value,
-                     'epsilon': epsilon,
-                     'max_a': delta.max_with_mask(a, ~bad_in_a),
-                     'max_b': delta.max_with_mask(b, ~bad_in_b),
-                     'min_a': delta.min_with_mask(a, ~bad_in_a),
-                     'min_b': delta.min_with_mask(b, ~bad_in_b),
-                     'num_data_points': total_num_values,
-                     'shape': a.shape,
-                     'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a': num_ignored_in_a,
-                     'spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b': num_ignored_in_b
-                     }
-    return general_stats
-def _get_finite_data_stats(a_is_finite_mask, b_is_finite_mask, common_ignore_mask) :
-    """
-    Get a list of statistics about finite data values in data sets a and b,
-    given masks describing the positions of the finite data in each file (such masks
-    can be gotten from the diff function),
-    the return value will be a dictionary of statistics
-    """
-    # calculate information about the finite data
-    num_a_finite = np.sum(a_is_finite_mask)
-    num_b_finite = np.sum(b_is_finite_mask)
-    num_common_finite = np.sum(a_is_finite_mask & b_is_finite_mask)
-    num_finite_in_only_one = np.sum((a_is_finite_mask ^ b_is_finite_mask) & (~ common_ignore_mask)) # use an exclusive OR
-    # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a's mask
-    total_num_values = a_is_finite_mask.size
-    finite_value_stats = {'a_finite_count': num_a_finite,
-                          'a_finite_fraction': (float(num_a_finite) / float(total_num_values)),
-                          'b_finite_count': num_b_finite,
-                          'b_finite_fraction': (float(num_b_finite) / float(total_num_values)),
-                          'common_finite_count': num_common_finite,
-                          'common_finite_fraction': (float(num_common_finite) / float(total_num_values)),
-                          'finite_in_only_one_count': num_finite_in_only_one,
-                          'finite_in_only_one_fraction': (float(num_finite_in_only_one) / float(total_num_values)),
-                          }
-    return finite_value_stats
-def _get_nan_stats(a_nan_mask, b_nan_mask) :
-    """
-    Get a list of statistics about non-numerical values in data sets a and b,
-    the return value will be a dictionary of statistics
-    """
-    # find the nan values in the data
-    num_a_nans = np.sum(a_nan_mask)
-    num_b_nans = np.sum(b_nan_mask)
-    num_common_nans = np.sum(a_nan_mask & b_nan_mask)
-    # make the assumption that a and b are the same size and only use the size of a
-    total_num_values = a_nan_mask.size
-    nan_stats = {'a_nan_count': num_a_nans,
-                 'a_nan_fraction': (float(num_a_nans) / float(total_num_values)),
-                 'b_nan_count': num_b_nans,
-                 'b_nan_fraction': (float(num_b_nans) / float(total_num_values)),
-                 'common_nan_count': num_common_nans,
-                 'common_nan_fraction': (float(num_common_nans) / float(total_num_values))
-                 }
-    return nan_stats
 # -------------------------- documentation -----------------------------
 STATISTICS_DOC = {  'general': "Finite values are non-missing and finite (not NaN or +-Inf); fractions are out of all data, " +
@@ -282,6 +604,7 @@ STATISTICS_DOC = {  'general': "Finite values are non-missing and finite (not Na
                     'a_missing_value': 'the value that is considered \"missing\" data when it is found in A',
                     'b_missing_value': 'the value that is considered \"missing\" data when it is found in B',
                     'epsilon': 'amount of difference between matching data points in A and B that is considered acceptable',
+                    'epsilon_percent': 'the percentage of difference (of A\'s value) that is acceptable between A and B (optional)',
                     'max_a': 'the maximum finite, non-missing value found in A',
                     'max_b': 'the maximum finite, non-missing value found in B',
                     'min_a': 'the minimum finite, non-missing value found in A',
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/variablereport.txt b/pyglance/glance/variablereport.txt
index 360209da3143730c587ed93641a822e05638ebb8..f244599970c76d188ec0fb1bbc68dc320d861d6d 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/variablereport.txt
+++ b/pyglance/glance/variablereport.txt
@@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
         ## display the epsilon
         epsilon value: ${runInfo['epsilon']} <br>
+        ## if there is an epsilon percent, also show that
+        % if ('epsilon_percent' in runInfo) and (runInfo['epsilon_percent'] is not None) :
+            epsilon percent: ${runInfo['epsilon_percent']}% <br>
+        % endif
         ## display the missing value
         % if ('missing_value_alt_in_b' in runInfo) and (not (runInfo['missing_value_alt_in_b'] is runInfo['missing_value'])) :
             "missing" data value in A: ${str(runInfo['missing_value'])}<br>