diff --git a/pyglance/glance/compare.py b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
index fd149dd1f004a923f199b906cd83056ff21679bc..01669a602b34f4e9712772fbf8f3684cf619434d 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/compare.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
@@ -1189,9 +1189,15 @@ def stats_library_call(afn, bfn, var_list=None,
             LOG.warn(name + " is of a type that cannot be loaded using current file handling libraries included with Glance." +
                     " Skipping " + name + ".")
-        aData = aFile[name]
-        bData = bFile[name]
+        try :
+            aData = aFile[name]
+            bData = bFile[name]
+        except io.IONonnumericalTypeError as bad_data_error :
+            LOG.error("Skipping variable %s because it is of a non-numerical type "
+                      "(may indicate array of variable-length strings): %s" % (name, repr(bad_data_error)))
+            continue
         if missing is None:
             amiss = aFile.missing_value(name)
             bmiss = bFile.missing_value(name)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/gui_controller.py b/pyglance/glance/gui_controller.py
index afb6345742a751dabf85b24da6c0068e4f7c21c7..2c4ab36de66216e534c6ef211dad0a24f81f356a 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/gui_controller.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/gui_controller.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import glance.gui_figuremanager as gui_figs
 from glance.gui_constants import A_CONST, B_CONST
 from glance.data          import IncompatableDataObjects
+from glance.io            import IONonnumericalTypeError
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ class GlanceGUIController (object) :
         try :
             self.model.loadNewFile(file_prefix, new_file_path)
-        except (gui_model.UnableToReadFile, ValueError) as utrf :
-            self.handleWarning(str(utrf))
+        except (gui_model.UnableToReadFile, ValueError, IONonnumericalTypeError) as bad :
+            self.handleWarning(str(bad))
     def userSelectedVariable (self, file_prefix, newSelection) :
@@ -95,8 +96,8 @@ class GlanceGUIController (object) :
         try :
             self.model.updateFileDataSelection(file_prefix, newVariableText=newSelection)
-        except ValueError as ve :
-            self.handleWarning(str(ve))
+        except (ValueError, IONonnumericalTypeError) as bad :
+            self.handleWarning(str(bad))
     def userChangedOverload (self, file_prefix, new_override_value) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/gui_model.py b/pyglance/glance/gui_model.py
index 281eb061390ecfbef33e9709455e742ea3e08bcc..7afbc283057dbc362a4e159fa5ee8deeab554aca 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/gui_model.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/gui_model.py
@@ -162,7 +162,39 @@ class GlanceGUIModel (object) :
         # that the user should know about
         # these people can register and will get error related messages
         self.errorHandlers  = [ ]
+    def _pick_variable_to_load_on_file_load (self, all_variable_names, other_file_variable_name,
+                                             avoid_prefixes=_AVOID_LOADING_VARIABLES_PREFIXES,) :
+        """
+        When we load a new file, select our best guess at a variable to load by default.
+        This logic will try to select the same variable as the file that is already loaded if possible.
+        """
+        # start out by sorting our variables, and pick a matching one if we have one to match
+        variable_list = sorted(all_variable_names)
+        selected_var = None
+        found_ok_one = False
+        if other_file_variable_name in set(variable_list) :
+            found_ok_one = True
+            selected_var = other_file_variable_name
+        # if we don't have a candidate, try to look for one
+        temp_index = -1
+        while not found_ok_one :
+            if selected_var is not None :
+                found_ok_one = True # tentatively assume this one is ok
+                # check to see if it has any of the prefixes we don't want
+                for prefix in avoid_prefixes :
+                    if selected_var.find(prefix) >= 0 :
+                        found_ok_one = False
+            if not found_ok_one :
+                temp_index += 1
+                selected_var = str(variable_list[temp_index])
+        return  selected_var
     def loadNewFile (self, filePrefix, newFilePath) :
         load up a new file based on the prefix and path given
@@ -187,52 +219,66 @@ class GlanceGUIModel (object) :
         # get the list of variables, and pick one
         variableList = sorted(newFile.file_object()) # gets a list of all the variables in the file
-        tempVariable = str(variableList[0])
-        tempIndex = 0
-        # don't automatically select the nwp variables if possible
-        while (tempVariable.find("nwp_") >= 0) :
-            tempIndex    = tempIndex + 1
-            tempVariable = variableList[tempIndex]
-        # if we have a variable selected in the other slot, try to match
-        temp_to_match = None
-        if ( (filePrefix == A_CONST) & (self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None) ) :
-            temp_to_match = self.fileData[B_CONST].variable
-        if ( (filePrefix == B_CONST) & (self.fileData[A_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None) ) :
-            temp_to_match = self.fileData[A_CONST].variable
-        if temp_to_match is not None :
-            if temp_to_match in variableList :
-                tempVariable = temp_to_match
+        other_file_var_name = None
+        if ((filePrefix == A_CONST) & (self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None)):
+            other_file_var_name = self.fileData[B_CONST].variable
+        if ((filePrefix == B_CONST) & (self.fileData[A_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None)):
+            other_file_var_name = self.fileData[A_CONST].variable
+        tempVariable = self._pick_variable_to_load_on_file_load(variableList, other_file_var_name,)
         LOG.debug ("selected variable: " + str(tempVariable))
-        # save all of the data related to this file for later use
-        self.fileData[filePrefix].file          = newFile
-        self.fileData[filePrefix].variable      = tempVariable
-        self.fileData[filePrefix].ALL_VARIABLES = variableList
-        # set the longitude and latitude names, using the defaults if they exist
-        self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude      = tempVariable
-        self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude     = tempVariable
-        if DEFAULT_LATITUDE  in variableList :
-            self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude  = DEFAULT_LATITUDE
-        if DEFAULT_LONGITUDE in variableList :
-            self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude = DEFAULT_LONGITUDE
-        # make sure the longitude and latitude are loaded into our local cache
-        # TODO, it would be good to background this task at some point
-        _ = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude)
-        _ = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude) 
-        # load info on the current variable
-        tempDataObj = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, tempVariable)
-        # get the variable's attributes
-        tempAttrs = self._load_variable_attributes (filePrefix, tempVariable)
+        # try to load up our variable, and pick a different one if we can't
+        no_var_loaded = True
+        temp_vars_set = set(variableList)
+        io_error = None
+        while no_var_loaded :
+            try :
+                # save all of the data related to this file for later use
+                self.fileData[filePrefix].file          = newFile
+                self.fileData[filePrefix].variable      = tempVariable
+                self.fileData[filePrefix].ALL_VARIABLES = variableList
+                # set the longitude and latitude names, using the defaults if they exist
+                self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude      = tempVariable
+                self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude     = tempVariable
+                if DEFAULT_LATITUDE  in variableList :
+                    self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude  = DEFAULT_LATITUDE
+                if DEFAULT_LONGITUDE in variableList :
+                    self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude = DEFAULT_LONGITUDE
+                # make sure the longitude and latitude are loaded into our local cache
+                # TODO, it would be good to background this task at some point
+                _ = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, self.fileData[filePrefix].latitude)
+                _ = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, self.fileData[filePrefix].longitude)
+                # load info on the current variable
+                tempDataObj = self._load_variable_data(filePrefix, tempVariable)
+                # get the variable's attributes
+                tempAttrs = self._load_variable_attributes (filePrefix, tempVariable)
+                # if we get here then we loaded the variable ok
+                no_var_loaded = False
+            except io.IONonnumericalTypeError as ex :
+                LOG.warn("Unable to load automatically selected variable. Details: " + str(ex))
+                io_error = ex
+            if no_var_loaded :
+                # try to pick a different variable removing the one we tried from our potential list
+                temp_vars_set -= set(tempVariable)
+                if len(temp_vars_set) <= 0 :
+                    LOG.error("Could not load any variables.")
+                    raise io_error
+                tempVariable = self._pick_variable_to_load_on_file_load(list(temp_vars_set), None,)
+                io_error = None
         # Now tell our data listeners that the file data changed
         for dataListener in self.dataListeners :
             LOG.debug("Sending update for file " + filePrefix + " with loaded data.")
-            dataListener.fileDataUpdate(filePrefix, newFile.path, tempVariable, tempDataObj.override_fill_value,
-                                        self._select_fill_value(filePrefix), tempDataObj.describe_shape(),
+            dataListener.fileDataUpdate(filePrefix, newFile.path, tempVariable,
+                                        tempDataObj.override_fill_value,
+                                        self._select_fill_value(filePrefix),
+                                        tempDataObj.describe_shape(),
                                         variable_list=variableList, attribute_list=tempAttrs)
@@ -338,27 +384,33 @@ class GlanceGUIModel (object) :
         newBVar   = None        # None if we don't need to update the B variable to match the A variable, or a variable name if we do
         # update the variable selection if needed
+        io_error = None
         if (newVariableText is not None) and (newVariableText != self.fileData[file_prefix].variable) :
             if newVariableText in self.fileData[file_prefix].ALL_VARIABLES :
-                # figure out if we need to update the B file variable selection to match the A file variable selection
-                # Note: we will only do this if the user already had the same variable selected for both files and
-                # file B has the new selection available
-                previous_variable = self.fileData[file_prefix].variable
-                if ( (file_prefix == A_CONST) & (self.fileData[B_CONST].variable == previous_variable) &
-                     (self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None) ) :
-                    if (newVariableText in self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES) :
-                        newBVar = newVariableText
-                LOG.debug("Setting file " + file_prefix + " variable selection to: " + newVariableText)
-                self.fileData[file_prefix].variable = str(newVariableText)
-                didUpdate = True
-                # load the data for this new variable
-                self._load_variable_data(file_prefix, str(newVariableText))
-                # get the variable's attributes
-                self._load_variable_attributes (file_prefix, str(newVariableText))
+                try :
+                    # load the data for this new variable
+                    self._load_variable_data(file_prefix, str(newVariableText))
+                except io.IONonnumericalTypeError as nne :
+                    LOG.debug("Unable to load requested variable, reverting to previous variable.")
+                    io_error = nne
+                if io_error is None :
+                    # figure out if we need to update the B file variable selection to match the A file variable selection
+                    # Note: we will only do this if the user already had the same variable selected for both files and
+                    # file B has the new selection available
+                    previous_variable = self.fileData[file_prefix].variable
+                    if ( (file_prefix == A_CONST) & (self.fileData[B_CONST].variable == previous_variable) &
+                         (self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES is not None) ) :
+                        if (newVariableText in self.fileData[B_CONST].ALL_VARIABLES) :
+                            newBVar = newVariableText
+                    LOG.debug("Setting file " + file_prefix + " variable selection to: " + newVariableText)
+                    self.fileData[file_prefix].variable = str(newVariableText)
+                    didUpdate = True
+                    # get the variable's attributes
+                    self._load_variable_attributes (file_prefix, str(newVariableText))
         # for convenience hang on to this
         tempVariableName = self.fileData[file_prefix].variable
@@ -376,7 +428,7 @@ class GlanceGUIModel (object) :
             didUpdate = True
         # let our data listeners know about any changes
-        if didUpdate :
+        if didUpdate or io_error is not None :
             tempDataObject = self.fileData[file_prefix].var_data_cache[tempVariableName]
             tempAttrsList  = self.fileData[file_prefix].var_attrs_cache[tempVariableName]
             for listener in self.dataListeners :
@@ -388,6 +440,10 @@ class GlanceGUIModel (object) :
         if newBVar is not None :
             LOG.debug("Syncing file " + B_CONST + " variable selection to: " + newVariableText)
             self.updateFileDataSelection(B_CONST, newVariableText=newVariableText)
+        # if we had an io issue, raise that
+        if io_error is not None :
+            raise io_error
     def _select_fill_value (self, file_prefix) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/io.py b/pyglance/glance/io.py
index 26b94535000cd06bf203dcbfd95a5afe212947ac..47853dd37357352a2bad52f438c0fdb40d30deef 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/io.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/io.py
@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ class IOUnimplimentedError(Exception):
     def __str__(self):
         return self.msg
+class IONonnumericalTypeError(Exception):
+    """
+    A type was encountered that numpy doesn't know how to deal with - e.g. netCDF variable-length string arrays
+    """
+    pass
 class CaseInsensitiveAttributeCache (object) :
     A cache of attributes for a single file and all of it's variables.
@@ -468,6 +474,18 @@ class nc (object):
         variable_object.set_auto_maskandscale(False)  # for now just do the darn calculations ourselves
         temp_input_data = variable_object[:]
         LOG.debug("Native input dtype: " + str(temp_input_data.dtype))
+        # if this is object data, stop because we can't run our regular analysis on that kind
+        if temp_input_data.dtype == object :
+            LOG.warn("Variable '" + name + "' has a data type of 'object'. This type of data cannot be analyzed by Glance. "
+                     "This variable will not be analyzed.")
+            raise IONonnumericalTypeError("Variable '" + name + "' is of data type 'object'. "
+                                          "This program can't analyze non-numerical data.")
+        """
+            Note to self, if we ever do want to access data in a numpy array with dtype=object, for some
+            reason this library is packing that into a a zero dimensional tuple or something similar.
+            I was able to unpack the data using a construction like: temp_input_data = temp_input_data[()]
+            After that the array can be indexed into as normal for a numpy array.
+        """
         dtype_to_use = _get_data_uptype(temp_input_data.dtype)
         LOG.debug("Choosing dtype " + str(dtype_to_use) + " for our internal representation of this data.")
         scaled_data_copy = numpy.array(temp_input_data, dtype=dtype_to_use,)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
index 97f561c2e4390b9b928b20989bd2e395ed331843..9856b4dc81ec3bbbc8dd6ff25a86812ab72f69b0 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
@@ -103,7 +103,9 @@ class PlottingFunctionFactory :
     def __init__(self) :
-        LOG.error("Someone has instantiated PlottingFunctionFactory. This class is NOT meant to be instantiated.")
+        #LOG.error("Someone has instantiated PlottingFunctionFactory. This class is NOT meant to be instantiated.")
+        # note: somewhere in the transition to python 3 the internals started calling this method for child classes too
+        pass
     def create_plotting_functions (