diff --git a/pyglance/glance/figures.py b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
index 835fc637ff8c84919936c91482dc6f86f37a60a1..865738c85bae9d296284af669fb69704e90fe830 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/figures.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ def _make_range(data_a, valid_a_mask, num_intervals, offset_to_range=0.0, data_b
         minVal = min(delta.min_with_mask(data_b, valid_b_mask), minVal)
         maxVal = max(delta.max_with_mask(data_b, valid_b_mask), maxVal)
-    minVal = minVal - offset_to_range
-    maxVal = maxVal + offset_to_range
+    minVal -= offset_to_range
+    maxVal += offset_to_range
     return np.linspace(minVal, maxVal, num_intervals)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/io.py b/pyglance/glance/io.py
index 0d580f19eaf13af19e5ee38ef4bb1badba75436a..0652a86124813491b18767adfa1c5d39289c003d 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/io.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/io.py
@@ -420,11 +420,9 @@ class nc (object):
         # get our raw data and scaling info
         variable_object = self.get_variable_object(name)
-        #print ("*** opened variable: " + name)
+        """ # This scaling code is no longer required because the library automatically handles scaling
         raw_data_copy = variable_object[:]
         # load the scale factor and add offset
         temp = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attributes(name)
         if SCALE_FACTOR_STR in temp.keys() :
             scale_factor = temp[SCALE_FACTOR_STR]
@@ -443,8 +441,11 @@ class nc (object):
         # create the scaled version of the data
         scaled_data_copy = np.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
         scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] = (scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] * scale_factor) + add_offset #TODO, type truncation issues?
+        """
-        return scaled_data_copy 
+        scaled_data_copy = np.array(variable_object[:], dtype=data_type)
+        return scaled_data_copy
     # TODO, this hasn't been supported in other file types
     def close (self) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plot.py b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
index d65f9de08aa9b7cb9d84c992c43c7417c0bacee6..71d7fb523f4f67c54d048463fd7c5a041dc1be60 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plot.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
@@ -329,10 +329,14 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
         # only plot the compared images if we aren't short circuiting them
         if (outputInfoList is not compared_images) or (not shortCircuitComparisons) :
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed(figLongDesc, childPids, figFunction, outputPath, figFileName,
-                                          makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads, fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
-            # if we made an attempt to make the file, hang onto the name
-            outputInfoList.append(figFileName)
+            try :
+                _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed(figLongDesc, childPids, figFunction, outputPath, figFileName,
+                                              makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads, fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
+                # if we made an attempt to make the file, hang onto the name
+                outputInfoList.append(figFileName)
+            except ValueError, ve :
+                LOG.warn("Unable to create " + figDesc + " figure for " + variableDisplayName + ": " + str(ve))
     # now we need to wait for all of our child processes to terminate before returning
     if (isParent) : # just in case