diff --git a/examples/config-files/vectors.py b/examples/config-files/vectors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4d816bd222d532a4e6293c7401630742f26d680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/config-files/vectors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+An example config file for plotting winds vectors using vector plots.
+Created by Eva Schiffer July 2021.
+Copyright (c) 2021 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
+# you will need to import the glance.constants to get the standard names
+import glance.constants as constants
+# various general settings to control how reports are created
+settings = {}
+# whether or not images should be generated and shown in the report
+settings[constants.DO_MAKE_IMAGES_KEY]        = True
+settings[constants.USE_SHARED_ORIG_RANGE_KEY] = True
+# the names of the latitude and longitude variables that will be used
+lat_lon_info = {}
+lat_lon_info[constants.LONGITUDE_NAME_KEY] = 'lon'# the name of the longitude variable
+lat_lon_info [constants.LATITUDE_NAME_KEY] = 'lat' # the name of the latitude variable
+# how similar the longitude and latitude must be to be considered matching
+lat_lon_info[constants.LON_LAT_EPSILON_KEY] = 0.0001
+# per variable defaults
+# note: if all your plots are vector plots you can define your magnitude and direction here instead
+defaultValues = { }
+# a list of all the variables to analyze
+setOfVariables = { }
+setOfVariables['Wind Vectors, colored by Air Pressure'] = {
+                                    # when making vector plots, the arrows will be colored using the data you're nominally comparing
+                                    constants.VARIABLE_TECH_NAME_KEY: 'pressure',
+                                    constants.MAGNITUDE_VAR_NAME_KEY:     'wind_speed',
+                                    constants.DIRECTION_VAR_NAME_KEY:     'wind_direction',
+                                    # if the magnitude and direction have a different name in the second file, use these
+                                    # Note: if you are using Glance 0.5.0 or earlier you must define all four of these for
+                                    # a comparison report, even if the B File has the same variable names as the A file.
+                                    #constants.MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY:   'speed',
+                                    #constants.DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY:   'direction',
+                                  }