diff --git a/pyglance/glance/io.py b/pyglance/glance/io.py
index 2156385cb3e2b5315fef57ecc5f1b3cbef19569b..b8a9118bfd2f1f724fc5cec43ec5c5a5c59b7ab6 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/io.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/io.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
 import os, logging
-import numpy as np
+import numpy
 from functools import reduce
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ SCALE_METHOD_STR = 'scaling_method'
 UNSIGNED_ATTR_STR = "_unsigned"
-                                np.dtype(np.int8):   np.dtype(np.uint8),
-                                np.dtype(np.int16):   np.dtype(np.uint16),
-                                np.dtype(np.int32):   np.dtype(np.uint32),
-                                np.dtype(np.int64):   np.dtype(np.uint64),
+                                numpy.dtype(numpy.int8):    numpy.dtype(numpy.uint8),
+                                numpy.dtype(numpy.int16):   numpy.dtype(numpy.uint16),
+                                numpy.dtype(numpy.int32):   numpy.dtype(numpy.uint32),
+                                numpy.dtype(numpy.int64):   numpy.dtype(numpy.uint64),
 class IOUnimplimentedError(Exception):
@@ -193,6 +193,27 @@ class CaseInsensitiveAttributeCache (object) :
         # TODO, are there any bad types for these files?
         return True
+def _get_data_uptype (input_dtype) :
+    """
+    Given an input data type, figure out what type we need to upcast it to.
+    Note: Glance expects all it's data to get upcast into floats for the purposes of it's
+    later math manipulations.
+    """
+    default_uptype = numpy.float32
+    default_finfo  = numpy.finfo(default_uptype)
+    input_info     = numpy.finfo(input_dtype) if  numpy.issubdtype(input_dtype, numpy.floating,) else numpy.iinfo(input_dtype)
+    # if our input won't fit into the default, pick a bigger type
+    if ( (default_finfo.min > input_info.min) or (default_finfo.max < input_info.max) ) :
+        LOG.debug("Input data will not fit in default float32 data type, using larger type.")
+        default_uptype = numpy.float64
+    # FUTURE, if we reach a point where a float64 isn't big enough, this will need to be revisited
+    return default_uptype
 class hdf (object):
     """wrapper for HDF4 dataset for comparison
     __call__ yields sequence of variable names
@@ -240,10 +261,10 @@ class hdf (object):
             temp = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attributes(name)
             if ADD_OFFSET_STR in temp :
                 add_offset = temp[ADD_OFFSET_STR]
-                data_type = np.dtype(type(add_offset))
+                data_type = numpy.dtype(type(add_offset))
             if SCALE_FACTOR_STR in temp :
                 scale_factor = temp[SCALE_FACTOR_STR]
-                data_type = np.dtype(type(scale_factor))
+                data_type = numpy.dtype(type(scale_factor))
             if SCALE_METHOD_STR in temp :
                 scaling_method = temp[SCALE_METHOD_STR]
@@ -271,12 +292,12 @@ class hdf (object):
         # get information about where the data is the missing value
         missing_val = self.missing_value(name)
-        missing_mask = np.zeros(raw_data_copy.shape, dtype=np.bool)
+        missing_mask = numpy.zeros(raw_data_copy.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
         if missing_val is not None :
             missing_mask[raw_data_copy == missing_val] = True
         # create the scaled version of the data
-        scaled_data_copy                = np.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
+        scaled_data_copy                = numpy.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
         scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] = (scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] * scale_factor) + add_offset #TODO, type truncation issues?
         return scaled_data_copy 
@@ -429,23 +450,26 @@ class nc (object):
         type found in the original file)
-        # defaults
-        data_type = np.float32 # TODO temporary this avoids type truncation issues, but is not a general solution
+        LOG.debug("loading variable data for: " + name)
         # get the variable object and use it to
         # get our raw data and scaling info
         variable_object = self.get_variable_object(name)
         # get our data, save the dtype, and make sure it's a more flexible dtype for now
         variable_object.set_auto_maskandscale(False)  # for now just do the darn calculations ourselves
-        scaled_data_copy = np.array(variable_object[:], dtype=data_type)
+        temp_input_data = variable_object[:]
+        LOG.debug("Native input dtype: " + str(temp_input_data.dtype))
+        dtype_to_use = _get_data_uptype(temp_input_data.dtype)
+        LOG.debug("Choosing dtype " + str(dtype_to_use) + " for our internal representation of this data.")
+        scaled_data_copy = numpy.array(temp_input_data, dtype=dtype_to_use,)
         # get the attribute cache so we can check on loading related attributes
         temp = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attributes(name)
         # get information about where the data is the missing value
         missing_val = self.missing_value(name)
-        missing_mask = np.zeros(scaled_data_copy.shape, dtype=np.bool)
+        missing_mask = numpy.zeros(scaled_data_copy.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
         if missing_val is not None:
             missing_mask[scaled_data_copy == missing_val] = True
@@ -455,7 +479,7 @@ class nc (object):
         if UNSIGNED_ATTR_STR in temp and str(temp[UNSIGNED_ATTR_STR]).lower() == ("true"):
             LOG.debug("Correcting for unsigned values in variable data.")
             where_temp = (scaled_data_copy < 0.0) & ~missing_mask # where we have negative but not missing data
-            scaled_data_copy[where_temp] += (np.iinfo(np.uint16).max + 1.0) # add the 2's complement
+            scaled_data_copy[where_temp] += (numpy.iinfo(numpy.uint16).max + 1.0) # add the 2's complement
         #***** end of handling the unsigned attribute
@@ -497,14 +521,14 @@ class nc (object):
             # get the missing value and figure out the dtype of the original data
             missing_val  = self.missing_value(name)
-            orig_dtype   = np.array([missing_val,]).dtype
+            orig_dtype   = numpy.array([missing_val,]).dtype
             needed_dtype = SIGNED_TO_UNSIGNED_DTYPES[orig_dtype] if orig_dtype in SIGNED_TO_UNSIGNED_DTYPES else None
             if needed_dtype is not None :
                 # now figure out where all the corrupted values are, and shift them up to be positive
                 needs_fix_mask = (scaled_data_copy < add_offset) & (scaled_data_copy != missing_val)
                 # we are adding the 2's complement, but first we're scaling it appropriately
-                scaled_data_copy[needs_fix_mask] += ((np.iinfo(np.uint16).max + 1.0) * scale_factor)
+                scaled_data_copy[needs_fix_mask] += ((numpy.iinfo(numpy.uint16).max + 1.0) * scale_factor)
         return scaled_data_copy
@@ -557,15 +581,15 @@ class nc (object):
             return None
         dataType = None
-        if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, int) :
-            dataType = np.int
+        if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, int) :
+            dataType = numpy.int
             #print("Picked INT")
         # TODO, at the moment the fill type is forcing me to use a double, when sometimes I want a float
-        #elif np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.float32) :
-        #    dataType = np.float
+        #elif numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.float32) :
+        #    dataType = numpy.float
         #    print("Picked FLOAT")
-        elif np.issubdtype(data.dtype, float) :
-            dataType = np.float64
+        elif numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, float) :
+            dataType = numpy.float64
             #print("Picked DOUBLE")
         # what do we do if it's some other type?
@@ -753,13 +777,15 @@ class h5(object):
         # defaults
         scale_factor = 1.0
         add_offset = 0.0
-        data_type = np.float32 # TODO temporary
         # get the variable object and use it to
         # get our raw data and scaling info
         variable_object = self.get_variable_object(name)
         raw_data_copy = variable_object[:]
+        # pick a data type to use internally
+        data_type = _get_data_uptype(raw_data_copy.dtype)
         #print ('*************************')
         #print (dir (variable_object.id)) # TODO, is there a way to get the scale and offset through this?
         #print ('*************************')
@@ -778,12 +804,12 @@ class h5(object):
         # get information about where the data is the missing value
         missing_val = self.missing_value(name)
-        missing_mask = np.zeros(raw_data_copy.shape, dtype=np.bool)
+        missing_mask = numpy.zeros(raw_data_copy.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
         if missing_val is not None:
             missing_mask[raw_data_copy == missing_val] = True
         # create the scaled version of the data
-        scaled_data_copy = np.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
+        scaled_data_copy = numpy.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
         scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] = (scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] * scale_factor) + add_offset #TODO, type truncation issues?
         return scaled_data_copy
@@ -800,7 +826,7 @@ class h5(object):
         pListObj = variableObject.id.get_create_plist()
         fillValueStatus = pListObj.fill_value_defined()
         if (h5d.FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT is fillValueStatus) or (h5d.FILL_VALUE_USER_DEFINED is fillValueStatus) :
-            temp = np.array((1), dtype=variableObject.dtype)
+            temp = numpy.array((1), dtype=variableObject.dtype)
             toReturn = temp
@@ -946,10 +972,10 @@ class aeri(object):
         if name in self._vectors:
             vid = self._vectors[name]
             vdata = [ fp.vectorDepValues(rec, vid) for rec in recrange ]
-            return np.array(vdata)
+            return numpy.array(vdata)
         elif name in self._scalars:
             vdata = fp.metaValueMatrix(recrange, [self._scalars[name]])
-            return np.array(vdata)
+            return numpy.array(vdata)
             raise LookupError('cannot find variable %s' % name)
@@ -1299,8 +1325,8 @@ class jpss_adl(object):
         field = getattr(self._blob, name)
         if not hasattr(field,'_length_'): # FUTURE: is this rigorous? 
             LOG.info('creating numpy array out of singleton value for %s' % name)
-            return np.array([field])
-        return np.array(field)
+            return numpy.array([field])
+        return numpy.array(field)
     def get_variable_object(self,name):
         return None