diff --git a/pyglance/glance/compare.py b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
index 66864289e331220697b9e27fb3484d693a29448f..7ff94c944dc584ab36b08bd9084c5a7c0f374438 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/compare.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
@@ -1161,28 +1161,35 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
                 plotFunctionGenerationObjects = [ ]
-                # if the data is the same size, we can always make our basic statistical comparison plots
-                if (aData.shape == bData.shape) :
-                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory())
+                # if the bin and tuple are defined, try to analyze the data as complex
+                # multidimentional information requiring careful sampling
+                if ('binIndex' in varRunInfo) and ('tupleIndex' in varRunInfo) :
+                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory())
-                # if it's vector data with longitude and latitude, quiver plot it on the Earth
-                if isVectorData and (not do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
-                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory())
-                # if the data is one dimensional we can plot it as lines
-                elif   (len(aData.shape) is 1) : 
-                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.LinePlotsFunctionFactory())
+                else :
-                # if the data is 2D we have some options based on the type of data
-                elif (len(aData.shape) is 2) :
+                    # if the data is the same size, we can always make our basic statistical comparison plots
+                    if (aData.shape == bData.shape) :
+                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory())
+                    # if it's vector data with longitude and latitude, quiver plot it on the Earth
+                    if isVectorData and (not do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
+                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory())
-                    # if the data is not mapped to a longitude and latitude, just show it as an image
-                    if (do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
-                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.IMShowPlotFunctionFactory())
+                    # if the data is one dimensional we can plot it as lines
+                    elif   (len(aData.shape) is 1) : 
+                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.LinePlotsFunctionFactory())
-                    # if it's 2D and mapped to the Earth, contour plot it on the earth
-                    else :
-                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory())
+                    # if the data is 2D we have some options based on the type of data
+                    elif (len(aData.shape) is 2) :
+                        # if the data is not mapped to a longitude and latitude, just show it as an image
+                        if (do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
+                            plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.IMShowPlotFunctionFactory())
+                        # if it's 2D and mapped to the Earth, contour plot it on the earth
+                        else :
+                            plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory())
                 # if there's magnitude and direction data, figure out the u and v, otherwise these will be None
                 aUData, aVData = _get_UV_info_from_magnitude_direction_info (aFile,
@@ -1216,7 +1223,11 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
                              doPlotSettingsDict = varRunInfo,
                              aUData=aUData, aVData=aVData,
-                             bUData=bUData, bVData=bVData,)
+                             bUData=bUData, bVData=bVData,
+                             binIndex=  varRunInfo['binIndex']   if 'binIndex'   in varRunInfo else None,
+                             tupleIndex=varRunInfo['tupleIndex'] if 'tupleIndex' in varRunInfo else None,
+                             binName=   varRunInfo['binName']    if 'binName'    in varRunInfo else 'bin',
+                             tupleName= varRunInfo['tupleName']  if 'tupleName'  in varRunInfo else 'tuple')
                 print("\tfinished creating figures for: " + explanationName)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/delta.py b/pyglance/glance/delta.py
index 38e5e2c26ff9f9b115a1686304bd3563e4abc260..4bf2cea2d46286b7f925b4a0e7442e4b81fbe068 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/delta.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/delta.py
@@ -188,131 +188,88 @@ def convert_mag_dir_to_U_V_vector(magnitude_data, direction_data, invalidMask=No
     if invalidMask is None :
         invalidMask = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=bool)
+    new_direction_data = direction_data[:] + 180
+    print ("direction data: " + str(new_direction_data[~invalidMask]))
     uData = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=float)
     uData[invalidMask]  = nan
-    uData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * cos (direction_data[~invalidMask])
+    uData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * np.sin (deg2rad(new_direction_data[~invalidMask]))
     vData = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=float)
     vData[invalidMask]  = nan
-    vData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * sin (direction_data[~invalidMask])
+    vData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * np.cos (deg2rad(new_direction_data[~invalidMask]))
     return uData, vData
-def calculate_root_mean_square (data, goodMask=None) :
+# a method to make a list of index numbers for reordering a multi-dimensional array
+def _make_new_index_list(numberOfIndexes, firstIndexNumber=0, lastIndexNumber=None) :
-    calculate the root mean square of the data,
-    possibly selecting only the points in the given
-    goodMask, if no mask is given, all points will
-    be used
+    the first and last index numbers represent the dimensions you want to be first and last (respectively)
+    when the list is reordered; any other indexes will retain their relative ordering
+    newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(numIndexes, binIndex, tupleIndex)
-    if goodMask is None:
-        goodMask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
-    rootMeanSquare = sqrt( sum( data[goodMask] ** 2 ) / sum( goodMask ) )
+    if lastIndexNumber is None:
+        lastIndexNumber = numberOfIndexes - 1
-    return rootMeanSquare
+    newIndexList = range(numberOfIndexes)
+    maxSpecial   = max(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
+    minSpecial   = min(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
+    del(newIndexList[maxSpecial])
+    del(newIndexList[minSpecial])
+    newIndexList = [firstIndexNumber] + newIndexList + [lastIndexNumber]
+    return newIndexList
-def organize_dimensions_and_produce_rms_info(dataA, dataB, binDimensionIndexNum, tupleDimensionIndexNum,
-                                             epsilon=0., (a_missing_value, b_missing_value)=(None, None),
-                                             (ignore_mask_a, ignore_mask_b)=(None, None)) :
+def reorder_for_bin_tuple (data, binIndexNumber, tupleIndexNumber) :
-    reorganize the dimensions in the given data sets in order to put the bin dimension first
-    and the tuple dimension last
-    collapse all other dimensions into a single "case" dimension, but preserve information on their
-    previous shape so that the coresponding index of a given case can be recovered
-    once the data is reshaped to the desired ordering with the appopriate set of cases, diff the
-    data and calculate the rms on a per case basis
+    reorder the data given so that the bin index is first, the tuple index is last,
+    and any additional dimensions are flattened into a middle "case" index
-    return reshaped original and diffrence data sets, masks as corresponding to the output of diff and
-    matching the shape of the reshaped data, and information on the shape of the collapsed case dimensions
-    TODO, this method has not yet been tested or integrated with the rest of glance
+    the reordered data and the shape of flattened case indexes will be returned
+    (note if the original data was only 2 dimensional, None will be returned for the
+    shape of the flattened case indexes, since there were no other dimensions to flatten)
-    # make sure we meet the minimal requirement for compatable shapes/index sizes
-    assert(dataA.shape is dataB.shape)
-    assert(binDimensionIndexNum   < len(dataA.shape))
-    assert(tupleDimensionIndexNum < len(dataA.shape))
-    assert(tupleDimensionIndexNum is not binDimensionIndexNum)
-    # figure out the order to put the index we want first
-    new_index_order = range(len(dataA.shape))
-    smaller = tupleDimensionIndexNum
-    larger  = binDimensionIndexNum
-    if (tupleDimensionIndexNum > binDimensionIndexNum) :
-        larger  = tupleDimensionIndexNum
-        smaller = binDimensionIndexNum
-    del(new_index_order[larger])
-    del(new_index_order[smaller])
-    new_index_order = [binDimensionIndexNum] + new_index_order + [tupleDimensionIndexNum]
-    # copy our data, then put the indexes into the new order
-    new_a_data = dataA.copy()
-    new_a_data = new_a_data.transpose(new_index_order)
-    new_b_data = dataB.copy()
-    new_b_data = new_b_data.transpose(new_index_order)
-    # if our masks need to be reordered, do that
-    new_a_missing_mask = a_missing_mask
-    if new_a_missing_mask is not None :
-        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.copy()
-        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
-    new_b_missing_mask = b_missing_mask
-    if new_b_missing_mask is not None :
-        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.copy()
-        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
-    new_a_ignore_mask = ignore_mask_a
-    if new_a_ignore_mask is not None :
-        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.copy()
-        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
-    new_b_ignore_mask = ignore_mask_b
-    if new_b_ignore_mask is not None :
-        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.copy()
-        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
+    # put the bin and tuple dimensions in the correct places
+    newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(len(data.shape), binIndexNumber, tupleIndexNumber)
+    newData = data.transpose(newIndexList)
     # get the shape information on the internal dimensions we're going to combine
-    case_dimension_original_shape = new_b_data.shape[1:-1]
+    caseOriginalShape = newData.shape[1:-1]
     # combine the internal dimensions, to figure out what shape things
     # will be with the flattened cases
-    numDimensionsToFlatten = len(case_dimension_original_shape)
-    sizeAfterFlattened = np.multiply.accumulate(case_dimension_original_shape)[-1]
-    newShape = (new_a_data.shape[0], sizeAfterFlattened, new_a_data.shape[-1])
+    numDimensionsToFlatten = len(caseOriginalShape)
+    sizeAfterFlattened = np.multiply.accumulate(caseOriginalShape)[-1]
+    newShape = (newData.shape[0], sizeAfterFlattened, newData.shape[-1])
     # flatten the case dimensions
-    new_a_data = new_a_data.reshape(newShape)
-    new_b_data = new_b_data.reshape(newShape)
-    if new_a_missing_mask is not None :
-        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.reshape(newShape)
-    if new_b_missing_mask is not None :
-        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.reshape(newShape)
-    if new_a_ignore_mask is not None :
-        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.reshape(newShape)
-    if new_b_ignore_mask is not None :
-        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.reshape(newShape)
-    # diff our data
-    rawDiffData, goodInBothMask, (goodInAMask, goodInBMask), troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask, \
-        (aNotFiniteMask, bNotFiniteMask), (aMissingMask, bMissingMask), (finalAIgnoreMask, finalBIgnoreMask) = diffOutput = \
-            diff(new_a_data, new_b_data, epsilon, (new_a_missing_mask, new_b_missing_mask), (new_a_ignore_mask, new_b_ignore_mask))
-    # calculate the rms diffs for all the cases
-    caseRMSInfo = np.zeros(rawDiffData.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float64)
-    # TODO, how to do this without a loop?
-    for caseNum in range(sizeAfterFlattened) :
-        caseRMSInfo[caseNum] = calculate_root_mean_square(rawDiffData[caseNum], goodMask=goodInBothMask[caseNum])
-    # return the reshaped original data,
-    # information on the original shape of the case dimension that was flattened,
-    # the rms diff info,
-    # and then the full set of info that came out of the diff between the reshaped a and b data
-    return (new_a_data, new_b_data), case_dimension_original_shape, caseRMSInfo, diffOutput
-    """
-    diffOutput is in the form:
+    newData = newData.reshape(newShape)
-        rawDiffData, goodInBothMask, (goodInAMask, goodInBMask), troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask, \
-        (aNotFiniteMask, bNotFiniteMask), (aMissingMask, bMissingMask), (finalAIgnoreMask, finalBIgnoreMask)
+    # TODO, remove once this is tested
+    #print ('original data shape: ' + str(data.shape))
+    #print ('original case shape: ' + str(caseOriginalShape))
+    #print ('new data shape:      ' + str(newData.shape))
+    return newData, caseOriginalShape
+def calculate_root_mean_square (data, goodMask=None) :
+    calculate the root mean square of the data,
+    possibly selecting only the points in the given
+    goodMask, if no mask is given, all points will
+    be used
+    """
+    if goodMask is None:
+        goodMask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
+    rootMeanSquare = sqrt( sum( data[goodMask] ** 2 ) / sum( goodMask ) )
+    return rootMeanSquare
 def _get_num_perfect(a, b, ignoreMask=None):
     numPerfect = 0
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/figures.py b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
index 896cb1fd9c8144fc3684290fb283e1d074382907..f9d129c4da2eb7bf1c793ec3879572961038d30b 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/figures.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
     if (len(dataList) > 1) or plottedTagData :
         # make a key to explain our plot
         # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
-        #axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work # TODO, turn back on?
+        axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work 
     # and some informational stuff
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/io.py b/pyglance/glance/io.py
index cdc1c6ece2d3734708dc6a9da7a63f3da16aa8dd..a8bb79526e4f1f7b56872a0e55bb0794b9f87979 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/io.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/io.py
@@ -116,7 +116,28 @@ class hdf(SD):
         return to_return
+    def create_new_variable(self, variablename, missingvalue=None, data=None, variabletocopyattributesfrom=None):
+        """
+        create a new variable with the given name
+        optionally set the missing value (fill value) and data to those given
+        the created variable will be returned, or None if a variable could not
+        be created
+        """
+        # TODO
+        return None
+    def add_attribute_data_to_variable(self, variableName, newAttributeName, newAttributeValue) :
+        """
+        if the attribute exists for the given variable, set it to the new value
+        if the attribute does not exist for the given variable, create it and set it to the new value
+        """
+        # TODO
+        return
 class nc(CDF):
     """wrapper for NetCDF3/4/opendap dataset for comparison
@@ -190,7 +211,6 @@ class nc(CDF):
         return to_return
-    # TODO, this method only exists for nc files at the moment, make the others at some point
     def create_new_variable(self, variablename, missingvalue=None, data=None, variabletocopyattributesfrom=None):
         create a new variable with the given name
@@ -371,7 +391,28 @@ class h5(object):
             toReturn = temp
         return toReturn
+    def create_new_variable(self, variablename, missingvalue=None, data=None, variabletocopyattributesfrom=None):
+        """
+        create a new variable with the given name
+        optionally set the missing value (fill value) and data to those given
+        the created variable will be returned, or None if a variable could not
+        be created
+        """
+        # TODO
+        return None
+    def add_attribute_data_to_variable(self, variableName, newAttributeName, newAttributeValue) :
+        """
+        if the attribute exists for the given variable, set it to the new value
+        if the attribute does not exist for the given variable, create it and set it to the new value
+        """
+        # TODO
+        return
 def open(pathname, allowWrite=False):
     cls = globals()[os.path.splitext(pathname)[1][1:]]
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plot.py b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
index 1acbc3fda43c90cee39426273ad7146399c8d018..08eac02ab5b2d1d423a0d0af79f766406e165423 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plot.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                      doPlotSettingsDict={ },
                                      aUData=None, aVData=None,
                                      bUData=None, bVData=None,
-                                     binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None) :
+                                     binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                     binName='bin', tupleName='tuple') :
     Plot images for a set of figures based on the data sets and settings
     passed in. The images will be saved to disk according to the settings.
@@ -282,8 +283,9 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                        aUData=aUData, aVData=aVData,
                                        bUData=bUData, bVData=bVData,
-                                       # only used for line plots TODO
-                                       binIndex=0, tupleIndex=1 # TODO, temporary binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                       # only used for line plots 
+                                       binIndex=binIndex, tupleIndex=tupleIndex,
+                                       binName=binName, tupleName=tupleName
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
index fa6996efb2b46278a95904fa3ad2ce6ead0ddb72..6d3f6ffda23cc97e1855a77ace3e32f8849624c8 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
 from PIL import Image
 import os, sys, logging
+import random as random
 import numpy as np
 from numpy import ma 
@@ -144,29 +145,6 @@ def _make_axis_and_basemap(lonLatDataDict, goodInAMask, goodInBMask, shouldUseSh
     return fullAxis, baseMapInstance, sharedRange
-# a method to make a list of index numbers for reordering a multi-dimensional array
-def _make_new_index_list(numberOfIndexes, firstIndexNumber=0, lastIndexNumber=None) :
-    """
-    the first and last index numbers represent the dimensions you want to be first and last (respectively)
-    when the list is reordered; any other indexes will retain their relative ordering
-    newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(numIndexes, binIndex, tupleIndex)
-    TODO, move this to delta?
-    """
-    if lastIndexNumber is None:
-        lastIndexNumber = numberOfIndexes - 1
-    newIndexList = range(numberOfIndexes)
-    maxSpecial   = max(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
-    minSpecial   = min(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
-    del(newIndexList[maxSpecial])
-    del(newIndexList[minSpecial])
-    newIndexList = [firstIndexNumber] + newIndexList + [lastIndexNumber]
-    return newIndexList
 # ********************* Section of public classes ***********************
@@ -208,7 +186,8 @@ class PlottingFunctionFactory :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) : _abstract
@@ -248,7 +227,8 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) :
         functionsToReturn = { }
@@ -320,7 +300,8 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) :
         # the default for plotting geolocated data
@@ -484,7 +465,8 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) :
         # the default for plotting geolocated data
@@ -655,7 +637,8 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) :
         This method generates line plotting functions for one dimensional data
@@ -667,98 +650,17 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         assert(aData is not None)
         assert(bData is not None)
-        # TODO, assert about more of the data
-        if len(aData.shape) > 1 :
-            assert(binIndex   is not None)
-            assert(tupleIndex is not None)
-            assert(binIndex   is not tupleIndex)
-            numIndexes   = len(aData.shape)
-            assert(binIndex   < numIndexes)
-            assert(tupleIndex < numIndexes)
-        # TODO, the rest of this function is not totally refactored but should be functional for now
-        # TODO, temporary
-        aList       = [ ]
-        bList       = [ ]
-        singleAList = [ ]
-        singleBList = [ ]
-        absDiffList = [ ]
-        subDiffList = [ ]
-        troubleSingleList = [ ]
-        troubleFullList   = [ ]
-        if len(aData.shape) > 1 :
-            newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(numIndexes, binIndex, tupleIndex)
-            aData              =              aData.transpose(newIndexList)
-            bData              =              bData.transpose(newIndexList)
-            goodInAMask        =        goodInAMask.transpose(newIndexList)
-            goodInBMask        =        goodInBMask.transpose(newIndexList)
-            absDiffData        =        absDiffData.transpose(newIndexList)
-            rawDiffData        =        rawDiffData.transpose(newIndexList)
-            goodInBothMask     =     goodInBothMask.transpose(newIndexList)
-            troubleMask        =        troubleMask.transpose(newIndexList)
-            outsideEpsilonMask = outsideEpsilonMask.transpose(newIndexList)
-            for firstIndexValue in range(aData.shape[0]) :
-                # get the a and b data with it's masks
-                aSlice           = filters.collapse_to_index(aData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-                bSlice           = filters.collapse_to_index(bData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-                goodInAMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInAMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-                goodInBMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-                # add to the plain a and b lists
-                aList.append((aSlice, ~goodInAMaskSlice, 'r', 'A data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
-                bList.append((bSlice, ~goodInBMaskSlice, 'b', 'B data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
-                # deal with the trouble data and it's list
-                troubleMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(troubleMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-                troubleFullList.append((aSlice, ~goodInAMaskSlice, 'r', 'A data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), troubleMaskSlice))
-                troubleFullList.append((bSlice, ~goodInBMaskSlice, 'b', 'B data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), troubleMaskSlice))
-                # get the diff data with it's masks
-                absDiffDataSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(absDiffData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-                rawDiffDataSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(rawDiffData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-                goodMaskSlice    = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBothMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-                # add to the diff data lists
-                absDiffList.append((absDiffDataSlice, ~goodMaskSlice, '', 'abs. diff. data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
-                subDiffList.append((rawDiffDataSlice, ~goodMaskSlice, '', 'sub. diff. data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
-            # also collapse the masks
-            troubleMask        = filters.collapse_to_index(troubleMask,        numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-            #outsideEpsilonMask = filters.collapse_to_index(outsideEpsilonMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-            #goodInBothMask     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBothMask,     numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-            # make some averages
-            aDataAvg           = filters.collapse_to_index(aData,       numIndexes, missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-            bDataAvg           = filters.collapse_to_index(bData,       numIndexes, missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
-            goodInAMaskAvg     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInAMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-            goodInBMaskAvg     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
-            # make our averaged sets
-            singleAList       = [(aDataAvg, ~goodInAMaskAvg, 'r', 'A data', None)]
-            singleBList       = [(bDataAvg, ~goodInBMaskAvg, 'b', 'B data', None)]
-            troubleSingleList = [(aDataAvg, ~goodInAMaskAvg, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
-                                 (bDataAvg, ~goodInBMaskAvg, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
-        else :
-            aList = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', None)]
-            bList = [(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', None)]
-            absDiffList = [(absDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'abs. diff. data', None)]
-            subDiffList = [(rawDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'sub. diff. data', None)]
-            singleAList = aList
-            singleBList = bList
-            troubleFullList   = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
-                                 (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
-            troubleSingleList = troubleFullList
-        # make a list of both the A and B values together
-        allList       = aList       + bList
-        allSingleList = singleAList + singleBList
+        assert(len(aData.shape) is 1)
+        assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
+        # make all our data sets for plotting ahead of time for simplicity
+        aList = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', None)]
+        bList = [(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', None)]
+        absDiffList = [(absDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'abs. diff. data', None)]
+        subDiffList = [(rawDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'sub. diff. data', None)]
+        troubleList   = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
+                             (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
         functionsToReturn = { }
@@ -766,7 +668,7 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         if ('do_plot_originals' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_originals']) :
-            functionsToReturn['original'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(allList,
+            functionsToReturn['original'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure((aList + bList),
                                                                                variableDisplayName + "\nin Both Files")),
                                              variableDisplayName + " in both files",
                                              "AB.png", original_fig_list)
@@ -778,20 +680,6 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                 variableDisplayName + "\nin File B")),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file b",
                                               "B.png",  original_fig_list)
-            if len(allSingleList) < len(allList) :
-                functionsToReturn['originalS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(allSingleList,
-                                                                                    variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in Both Files")),
-                                                  variableDisplayName + " avg. in both files",
-                                                  "ABsingle.png", original_fig_list)
-                functionsToReturn['originalAS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(singleAList,
-                                                                                     variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in File A")),
-                                                   variableDisplayName + " avg. in file a",
-                                                   "Asingle.png",  original_fig_list)
-                functionsToReturn['originalBS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(singleBList,
-                                                                                     variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in File B")),
-                                                   variableDisplayName + " avg. in file b",
-                                                   "Bsingle.png",  original_fig_list)
         # make the absolute value difference plot
         if ('do_plot_abs_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_abs_diff']) :
@@ -808,15 +696,164 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         # make the trouble data plot
         if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
-            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleFullList,
+            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleList,
                                                                                "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
                                               "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
-            if len(troubleSingleList) < len(troubleFullList) :
-                functionsToReturn['troubleAvg']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleSingleList,
-                                                                                       "Avg. areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
-                                                     "avg. trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
-                                                     "TroubleAvg.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
+                                   ) :
+        """
+        This method generates histogram and sample line plot functions for complex three dimensional data
+        and returns them in a dictionary of tupples, where each tupple is in the form:
+            returnDictionary['descriptive name'] = (function, title, file_name, list_this_figure_should_go_into)
+        The file name is only the name of the file, not the full path.
+        """
+        # confirm that our a and b data are minimally ok
+        assert(aData is not None)
+        assert(bData is not None)
+        assert(len(aData.shape) >= 2)
+        assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
+        # confirm that our bin and tuple indexes are valid
+        assert(binIndex   is not None)
+        assert(tupleIndex is not None)
+        assert(binIndex   is not tupleIndex)
+        assert(binIndex   < len(aData.shape))
+        assert(tupleIndex < len(aData.shape))
+        # reorder and reshape our data into the [bin][case][tuple] form
+        aData,              caseInfo1 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(aData,              binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        bData,              caseInfo2 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(bData,              binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        goodInAMask,        caseInfo3 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInAMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        goodInBMask,        caseInfo4 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        absDiffData,        caseInfo5 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(absDiffData,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        rawDiffData,        caseInfo6 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(rawDiffData,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        goodInBothMask,     caseInfo7 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBothMask,     binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        troubleMask,        caseInfo8 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(troubleMask,        binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        outsideEpsilonMask, caseInfo9 = delta.reorder_for_bin_tuple(outsideEpsilonMask, binIndex, tupleIndex)
+        # assert that all our case dimensions were originally the same
+        # TODO, should I have just compared the shape of all the data before modifying it?
+        assert(caseInfo1 == caseInfo2)
+        assert(caseInfo2 == caseInfo3)
+        assert(caseInfo3 == caseInfo4)
+        assert(caseInfo4 == caseInfo5)
+        assert(caseInfo5 == caseInfo6)
+        assert(caseInfo6 == caseInfo7)
+        assert(caseInfo7 == caseInfo8)
+        assert(caseInfo8 == caseInfo9)
+        # our list of functions that will later create the plots
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        # for each of the bins, make the rms histogram data
+        numHistogramSections = 7 # TODO at some point make this controlable via the doPlotSettingsDict
+        for binNumber in range(rawDiffData.shape[0]) :
+            # figure out all the rms diff values for the various cases
+            rmsDiffValues = np.zeros(rawDiffData.shape[1])
+            for caseNumber in range(rawDiffData.shape[1]) :
+                rmsDiffValues[caseNumber] = delta.calculate_root_mean_square(rawDiffData[binNumber][caseNumber],
+                                                                             goodInBothMask[binNumber][caseNumber])
+            # make the basic histogram for this binNumber
+            dataForHistogram = rmsDiffValues[isfinite(rmsDiffValues)] # remove any invalid data "nan" values
+            if ('do_plot_histogram' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_histogram']) :
+                def make_histogram(binNumber=binNumber, dataForHistogram=dataForHistogram):
+                    return figures.create_histogram(dataForHistogram, numHistogramSections,
+                                                                             ("RMS Diff. in " + variableDisplayName +
+                                                                              "\nfor " + binName + " # " + str(binNumber + 1)),
+                                                                             ('RMS Difference across ' + tupleName + ' dimension'),
+                                                                             ('Number of Cases with a Given RMS Diff.'),
+                                                                             True)
+                functionsToReturn[str(binNumber + 1) + 'histogram'] = (make_histogram,
+                                                  "histogram of rms differences in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                  str(binNumber + 1) + "Hist.png", compared_fig_list)
+            # we will need to be able to mask out the non-finite data
+            tempFiniteMap = np.isfinite(rmsDiffValues)
+            # figure out the min/max rms diff values
+            minRMSDiff = min(rmsDiffValues[tempFiniteMap])
+            maxRMSDiff = max(rmsDiffValues[tempFiniteMap])
+            # sort the cases by their rms diff values
+            counts = np.zeros(numHistogramSections)
+            histogramSections = { }
+            histogramSectionLimits = np.linspace(minRMSDiff, maxRMSDiff, numHistogramSections + 1)
+            histogramSectionLimits[0] = histogramSectionLimits[0] - 0.00000001
+            print ('*** section limits *** : ' + str(histogramSectionLimits))
+            for caseNumber in range(rmsDiffValues.size) :
+                # check each of the sections to see which one it falls in
+                for limitIndex in range(histogramSectionLimits.size - 1) :
+                    # if it falls in this section, add it's case number index to the list for this section
+                    if ( (rmsDiffValues[caseNumber] > histogramSectionLimits[limitIndex]) and
+                         (rmsDiffValues[caseNumber] <= histogramSectionLimits[limitIndex + 1]) ) :
+                        if limitIndex not in histogramSections :
+                            histogramSections[limitIndex] = [ ]
+                        histogramSections[limitIndex].append(caseNumber)
+            # select example cases for the histogram
+            random.seed('test') # TODO, seed with something else?
+            for section in sorted(histogramSections.keys()) :
+                listOfCases = histogramSections[section]
+                caseNumber  = listOfCases[random.randint(0, len(listOfCases) - 1)]
+                # TODO, make lineplot functions for the example cases
+                dataList = [(aData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInAMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'r', 'A case', None),
+                            (bData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInBMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'b', 'B case', None)]
+                def make_lineplot(data=dataList, binNumber=binNumber, caseNumber=caseNumber):
+                    return figures.create_line_plot_figure(data,
+                                                           variableDisplayName + " in both files" + "\n" + "for "
+                                                           + binName + " # " + str(binNumber + 1) + " and case # "
+                                                           + str(caseNumber))
+                functionsToReturn[str(binNumber + 1) + 'sample' + str(section + 1) + '.AB.png'] = (make_lineplot,
+                                                                                           variableDisplayName + " sample in both files",
+                                                                                           str(binNumber + 1) + 'sample' + str(section + 1) + '.AB.png',
+                                                                                           compared_fig_list)
         return functionsToReturn
@@ -855,7 +892,8 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    bUData=None, bVData=None,
                                    # only used for line plots
-                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+                                   binName=None,  tupleName=None
                                    ) :
         This method generates imshow plotting functions for two dimensional data