diff --git a/pyglance/glance/compare.py b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
index 9f534a17133cd92b977d67f7367fa9beb6e96b92..5fbcb307608e3d8f94918475981667ccf53005fe 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/compare.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ def _check_lon_lat_equality(longitudeADataObject, latitudeADataObject,
     latitudeDiffInfo  = dataobj.DiffInfoObject(latitudeADataObject,  latitudeBDataObject,  epsilonValue=llepsilon)
     # how much difference is there between the two sets?
-    lon_lat_not_equal_mask = longitudeDiffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask | latitudeDiffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask
+    lon_lat_not_equal_mask = longitudeDiffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask | latitudeDiffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask
     lon_lat_not_equal_points_count = sum(lon_lat_not_equal_mask)
     lon_lat_not_equal_points_percent = (float(lon_lat_not_equal_points_count) / float(lon_lat_not_equal_mask.size)) * 100.0
@@ -491,23 +491,23 @@ def _check_lon_lat_equality(longitudeADataObject, latitudeADataObject,
             if ((len(longitudeADataObject.data[~longitudeADataObject.masks.ignore_mask]) > 0) and
                 (len( latitudeADataObject.data[~ latitudeADataObject.masks.ignore_mask]) > 0)) :
-                plot.plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitudeADataObject, latitudeADataObject,
+                plot.plot_and_save_spacial_mismatch(longitudeADataObject, latitudeADataObject,
                                                    "A", "Lon./Lat. Points Mismatched between A and B\n" +
                                                    "(Shown in A)",
                                                    outputPath, True,
-                                                   fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
+                                                   fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI, units="degrees")
             if ((len(longitudeBDataObject.data[~longitudeBDataObject.masks.ignore_mask]) > 0) and
                 (len( latitudeBDataObject.data[~ latitudeBDataObject.masks.ignore_mask]) > 0)) :
-                plot.plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitudeBDataObject, latitudeBDataObject,
+                plot.plot_and_save_spacial_mismatch(longitudeBDataObject, latitudeBDataObject,
                                                    "B", "Lon./Lat. Points Mismatched between A and B\n" +
                                                    "(Shown in B)",
                                                    outputPath, True,
-                                                   fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
+                                                   fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI, units="degrees")
     # setup our return data
     returnInfo = {}
@@ -560,22 +560,22 @@ def _compare_spatial_invalidity(longitude_a_object, longitude_b_object,
         if ((spatial_info['file A']['numInvPts'] > 0) and (do_include_images) and
             (len(longitude_a_object.data[~invalid_in_a_mask]) > 0) and
             (len( latitude_a_object.data[~invalid_in_a_mask]) > 0)) :
-            plot.plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitude_a_object, latitude_a_object,
+            plot.plot_and_save_spacial_mismatch(longitude_a_object, latitude_a_object,
                                                "A", "Points only valid in\nFile A\'s longitude & latitude",
                                                output_path, True,
-                                               fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
+                                               fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI, units="degrees")
         if ((spatial_info['file B']['numInvPts'] > 0) and (do_include_images) and
             (len(longitude_b_object.data[~invalid_in_b_mask]) > 0) and
             (len( latitude_b_object.data[~invalid_in_b_mask]) > 0)
             ) :
-            plot.plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitude_b_object, latitude_b_object,
+            plot.plot_and_save_spacial_mismatch(longitude_b_object, latitude_b_object,
                                                "B", "Points only valid in\nFile B\'s longitude & latitude",
                                                output_path, True,
-                                               fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI)
+                                               fullDPI=fullDPI, thumbDPI=thumbDPI, units="degrees")
     return invalid_in_common_mask, spatial_info, longitude_common, latitude_common
@@ -1471,7 +1471,9 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
                              tupleName=     varRunInfo['tupleName']       if 'tupleName'       in varRunInfo else 'tuple',
                              epsilonPercent=varRunInfo['epsilon_percent'] if 'epsilon_percent' in varRunInfo else None,
                              fullDPI=       runInfo['detail_DPI'],
-                             thumbDPI=      runInfo['thumb_DPI'])
+                             thumbDPI=      runInfo['thumb_DPI'],
+                             units_a=       varRunInfo['units_a']         if 'units_a'         in varRunInfo else None,
+                             units_b=       varRunInfo['units_b']         if 'units_b'         in varRunInfo else None)
                 print("\tfinished creating figures for: " + explanationName)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/data.py b/pyglance/glance/data.py
index 74015cbf27231756b9a9ab1cde96f392016a19ce..4f9f0adca19830088378e280b0e89f851ae95837 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/data.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/data.py
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ class DiffMaskSetObject (BasicMaskSetObject) :
     masks are used to capture information about where data should be
     ignored/valid/non-finite in the compared data.
-    Additionally, masks describing trouble points and points outside
+    Additionally, masks describing mismatch points and points outside
     of the epsilon analysis tolerances are included.
-    trouble_mask - a mask of data points which may indicate issues in the data
+    mismatch_mask - a mask of data points which may indicate issues in the data
     outside_epsilon_mask - a mask of points which did not pass the epsilon
                            tolerance testing
-    def __init__(self, ignoreMask, validInBothMask, troubleMask, epsilonMask) :
+    def __init__(self, ignoreMask, validInBothMask, mismatchMask, epsilonMask) :
         create a more complex mask, including additional difference information
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class DiffMaskSetObject (BasicMaskSetObject) :
         self.ignore_mask          = ignoreMask
         self.valid_mask           = validInBothMask
-        self.trouble_mask         = troubleMask
+        self.mismatch_mask        = mismatchMask
         self.outside_epsilon_mask = epsilonMask
 class DataObject (object) :
@@ -265,15 +265,15 @@ class DiffInfoObject (object) :
         if (epsilonPercent is not None) :
             outside_epsilon_mask |= (abs(raw_diff) > abs(aDataObject.data * (float(epsilonPercent) / 100.0))) & valid_in_both
-        # trouble points = mismatched nans, mismatched missing-values, differences that are too large 
-        trouble_pt_mask = ( (aDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask ^ bDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask) |
+        # mismatch points = mismatched nans, mismatched missing-values, differences that are too large 
+        mismatch_pt_mask = ( (aDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask ^ bDataObject.masks.non_finite_mask) |
                             (aDataObject.masks.missing_mask    ^ bDataObject.masks.missing_mask)    |
                             outside_epsilon_mask )
         # make our diff data object
         diff_data_object = DataObject(raw_diff, fillValue=fill_data_value)
         diff_data_object.masks = DiffMaskSetObject(ignore_in_both, valid_in_both,
-                                                   trouble_pt_mask, outside_epsilon_mask)
+                                                   mismatch_pt_mask, outside_epsilon_mask)
         return diff_data_object
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/exconfig.py b/pyglance/glance/exconfig.py
index 8aaf2d8b12ac4628b96cac2b584081f4b14ef5b6..22a930383893324d8fe3a67b03ee8407bcfb1ae5 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/exconfig.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/exconfig.py
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ setOfVariables['Total Precipitable Water, Low'] = {
                                   'do_plot_scatter':   True,
                                   # should the histogram be plotted?
                                   'do_plot_histogram': True,
-                                  # should the trouble plot be plotted?
-                                  'do_plot_trouble':   True
+                                  # should the mismatch plot be plotted?
+                                  'do_plot_mismatch':  True
 setOfVariables['Total Precipitable Water, Mid'] = {
                                   'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_precipitable_water_mid',
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/figures.py b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
index 715eecefa9ce451c2c20ce93bbeb011ddc1e028f..93f6eefdab4b2f5a95b23b36d1045a365e57a18f 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/figures.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
@@ -80,21 +80,21 @@ def _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData) :
     -1 if no valid tagData was given.
-    numTroublePoints = -1
+    numMismatchPoints = -1
     # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
     if not (tagData is None) :
-        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
+        numMismatchPoints = sum(tagData)
-        # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
-        if numTroublePoints > 0:
+        # if we have mismatch points, we need to show them
+        if numMismatchPoints > 0:
             # figure out how many bad points there are
             totalNumPoints = tagData.size # the number of points
-            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
-            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
+            percentBad = (float(numMismatchPoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
+            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber  of mismatch points: ' + str(numMismatchPoints))
+            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of mismatch points: ' + str(percentBad))
             new_kwargs = {}
             new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ def _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData) :
             p = contourf(cleanTagData, **new_kwargs)
             # TODO, need to incorporate plot for small numbers of pts
-        # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
-        troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
+        # display the number of mismatch points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
+        mismatchPtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numMismatchPoints) + ' Mismatch Points'
         # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
-        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
-            troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
-        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+        if numMismatchPoints > 0 :
+            mismatchPtString = mismatchPtString + ' in Green'
+        plt.xlabel(mismatchPtString)
-    return numTroublePoints
+    return numMismatchPoints
 def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
     The return will be the number of points plotted or
     -1 if no valid tagData was given.
-    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
+    numMismatchPoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
-    numTroublePoints = -1
+    numMismatchPoints = -1
     # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
     if (tagData is not None) and (tagData.size > 0) :
-        # look at how many trouble points we have
-        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
+        # look at how many mismatch points we have
+        numMismatchPoints = sum(tagData)
         neededHighlighting = False
-        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
+        if numMismatchPoints > 0 :
             # pick out the cooridinates of the points we want to plot
             newX = np.array(x[tagData])
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
             # figure out how many bad points there are
             totalNumPoints = x.size # the number of points
-            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
-            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
+            percentBad = (float(numMismatchPoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
+            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber  of mismatch points: ' + str(numMismatchPoints))
+            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of mismatch points: ' + str(percentBad))
             # if there are very few points, make them easier to notice
             # by plotting some colored circles underneath them
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
                 neededHighlighting = True
                 p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=3)
-            # if there are way too many trouble points, we can't use plot for this
-            if (numTroublePoints > 1000000) :
+            # if there are way too many mismatch points, we can't use plot for this
+            if (numMismatchPoints > 1000000) :
                 new_kwargs = {}
                 new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
                 p = maps.show_x_y_data(x, y, bMap, data=tagData, **new_kwargs)
@@ -165,21 +165,21 @@ def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
                 p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, '.', color='#00FF00', markersize=1)
         if addExplinationLabel :
-            # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
+            # display the number of mismatch points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
             # I'm not thrilled with this solution for getting it below the labels drawn by the basemap
             # but I don't think there's a better one at the moment given matplotlib's workings
-            troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
+            mismatchPtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numMismatchPoints) + ' Mismatch Points'
             # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
-            if numTroublePoints > 0 :
-                troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
+            if numMismatchPoints > 0 :
+                mismatchPtString = mismatchPtString + ' in Green'
                 if neededHighlighting :
-                    troublePtString = troublePtString + '\nwith Purple Circles for Visual Clarity'
-            plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+                    mismatchPtString = mismatchPtString + '\nwith Purple Circles for Visual Clarity'
+            plt.xlabel(mismatchPtString)
-    return numTroublePoints
+    return numMismatchPoints
 # build a scatter plot of the x,y points
-def create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsilon=None) :
+def create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsilon=None, units_x=None, units_y=None) :
     build a scatter plot of the data
     if a bad mask is given the points selected by that mask will be plotted in a different color
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ def create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsil
     return create_complex_scatter_plot ([(dataX, dataY, badMask,
                                           'b', 'r',
                                           'within\nepsilon', 'outside\nepsilon')],
-                                        title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=epsilon)
+                                        title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=epsilon, units_x=units_x, units_y=units_y)
-def create_complex_scatter_plot(dataList, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
+def create_complex_scatter_plot(dataList, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None, units_x=None, units_y=None) :
     build a scatter plot with multiple data sets in different colors
     the dataList parameter should be in the form:
@@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ def create_complex_scatter_plot(dataList, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
         axes.plot(dataX, dataY, ',', color=goodColor, label=goodLabel)
         # plot the bad data
-        numTroublePts = 0
+        numMismatchPts = 0
         if (badX is not None) and (badY is not None) and (badMask is not None) :
-            numTroublePts = badX.size
-            LOG.debug('\t\tplotting ' + str(numTroublePts) + ' trouble points in scatter plot.' )
-            if numTroublePts > 0 :
+            numMismatchPts = badX.size
+            LOG.debug('\t\tplotting ' + str(numMismatchPts) + ' mismatch points in scatter plot.' )
+            if numMismatchPts > 0 :
                 axes.plot(badX, badY, ',', color=badColor, label=badLabel)
     # draw some extra informational lines
@@ -245,10 +245,18 @@ def create_complex_scatter_plot(dataList, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
     # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
     axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work
+    # add the units to the x and y labels
+    tempXLabel = xLabel
+    tempYLabel = yLabel
+    if str.lower(str(units_x)) != "none" :
+        tempXLabel = tempXLabel + " in " + units_x
+    if str.lower(str(units_y)) != "none" :
+        tempYLabel = tempYLabel + " in " + units_y
     # and some informational stuff
-    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
-    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+    plt.xlabel(tempXLabel)
+    plt.ylabel(tempYLabel)
     # format our axes so they display gracefully
     yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
@@ -259,12 +267,17 @@ def create_complex_scatter_plot(dataList, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
     return figure
 # build a hexbin plot of the x,y points and show the density of the point distribution
-def create_hexbin_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
+def create_hexbin_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None, units_x=None, units_y=None) :
     # make the figure
     figure = plt.figure()
     axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # for some reason, if you give the hexplot a data set that's all the same number it dies horribly
+    if ( ((dataX is None) or (len(dataX) <= 0)) or ((dataY is None) or (len(dataY) <= 0)) or
+         ((dataX.max() == dataX.min()) and (dataY.max() == dataY.min())) ):
+        return figure
     # the hexbin plot of the good data 
     plt.hexbin(dataX, dataY, bins='log', cmap=cm.jet)
     plt.axis([dataX.min(), dataX.max(), dataY.min(), dataY.max()])
@@ -276,10 +289,18 @@ def create_hexbin_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, epsilon=None) :
     # draw some extra informational lines
     _draw_x_equals_y_line(axes, color='w', epsilon=epsilon, epsilonColor='k')
+    # add the units to the x and y labels
+    tempXLabel = xLabel
+    tempYLabel = yLabel
+    if str.lower(str(units_x)) != "none" :
+        tempXLabel = tempXLabel + " in " + units_x
+    if str.lower(str(units_y)) != "none" :
+        tempYLabel = tempYLabel + " in " + units_y
     # and some informational stuff
-    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
-    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+    plt.xlabel(tempXLabel)
+    plt.ylabel(tempYLabel)
     # format our axes so they display gracefully
     yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
@@ -320,7 +341,7 @@ def _draw_x_equals_y_line(axes, color='k', style='--', epsilon=None, epsilonColo
 # build a histogram figure of the given data with the given title and number of bins
-def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
+def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False, units=None) :
     # make the figure
     figure = plt.figure()
@@ -330,7 +351,7 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
         return figure
     # the histogram of the data
-    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins)
+    n, outBins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins)
     # format our axes so they display gracefully
     yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%3.3g")
@@ -338,9 +359,14 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
     xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%.4g")
+    # add the units to the x and y labels
+    tempXLabel = xLabel
+    if str.lower(str(units)) != "none" :
+        tempXLabel = tempXLabel + " in " + units
     # and some informational stuff
-    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
+    plt.xlabel(tempXLabel)
     # if stats were passed in, put some of the information on the graph
@@ -356,7 +382,7 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
         # info on the display of our statistics
         xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
-        numBinsToUse = len(bins)
+        numBinsToUse = bins
         xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
         binSize = xrange / float(numBinsToUse)
@@ -365,8 +391,8 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
         statText = statText + '\n' + 'mean: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(meanVal)
         statText = statText + '\n' + 'median: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(medianVal)
         statText = statText + '\n' + 'std: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(stdVal)
-        statText = statText + '\n\n' + 'bins: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(numBinsToUse)
-        statText = statText + '\n' + 'bin size ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(binSize)
+        statText = statText + '\n\n' + 'intervals: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(numBinsToUse)
+        statText = statText + '\n' + 'interval size ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(binSize)
         # figure out where to place the text and put it on the figure
         centerOfDisplay = xbounds[0] + (float(xrange) / 2.0)
@@ -384,7 +410,7 @@ def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
 # set on the existing image
 def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
                           invalidMask=None, colorMap=None, tagData=None,
-                          dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataRangeColors=None, **kwargs) :
+                          dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataRangeColors=None, units=None, **kwargs) :
     # make a clean version of our lon/lat
     latitudeClean  = ma.array(latitude,  mask=~invalidMask)
@@ -422,7 +448,7 @@ def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxe
     # show a generic color bar
     doLabelRanges = False
-    if not (data is None) :
+    if data is not None :
         cbar = colorbar(format='%.3g')
         # if there are specific requested labels, add them
         if not (dataRangeNames is None) :
@@ -434,12 +460,16 @@ def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxe
             else : # we will want to label the ranges themselves
                 cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(dataRangeNames) # todo, this line is temporary
                 doLabelRanges = True
+        else :
+            # add the units to the colorbar
+            if str.lower(str(units)) != "none" :
+                cbar.set_label(units)
-    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
+    numMismatchPoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
-    print ('number of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
+    LOG.debug ('number of mismatch points: ' + str(numMismatchPoints))
-    # if we still need to label the ranges, do it now that our fake axis won't mess the trouble points up
+    # if we still need to label the ranges, do it now that our fake axis won't mess the mismatch points up
     if doLabelRanges :
         """ TODO get this working properly
         fakeAx = plt.axes ([0.77, 0.05, 0.2, 0.9], frameon=False)
@@ -457,8 +487,9 @@ def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxe
 # if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
 # set on the existing image
 # TODO, this method has not been throughly tested
+# TODO, this method needs an input colormap so the mismatch plot can be the right color
 def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
-                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None,  **kwargs) :
+                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None, units=None,  **kwargs) :
     # make a clean version of our lon/lat/data
     latitudeClean  =  latitude[~invalidMask]
@@ -486,14 +517,23 @@ def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boun
     # show the title
-    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagDataClean, x, y)
+    # make a color bar if we have color data
+    """ todo, currently this crashes glance because of an error in matplot lib
+    if colorData is not None :
+        cbar = plt.colorbar(format='%.3g')
+        # add the units to the colorbar
+        if str.lower(str(units)) != "none" :
+            cbar.set_label(units)
+    """
+    numMismatchPoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagDataClean, x, y)
     return figure
-def create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colorMap=None, colorbarLimits=None) :
+def create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colorMap=None, colorbarLimits=None, units=None) :
     create a simple figure showing the data given masked by the invalid mask
-    any tagData passed in will be interpreted as trouble points on the image and plotted as a
+    any tagData passed in will be interpreted as mismatch points on the image and plotted as a
     filled contour overlay in green on the image
     if a colorMap is given it will be used to plot the data,
     if not the default colorMap for imshow will be used
@@ -521,11 +561,14 @@ def create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colo
             clim(vmin=colorbarLimits[0], vmax=colorbarLimits[-1])
         # make a color bar
         cbar = colorbar(format='%.3g')
+        # add the units to the colorbar
+        if str.lower(str(units)) != "none" :
+            cbar.set_label(units)
     # and some informational stuff
-    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData)
+    numMismatchPoints = _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData)
     return figure
@@ -535,7 +578,7 @@ def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
     if tagData is given, under-label those points with green circles
     Each entry in the dataList should be a tupple containing:
-            (data, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData)
+            (data, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData, units)
     The color string describes a color for plotting in matplotlib.
     The label names will be used for the legend, which will be shown if there is
@@ -544,6 +587,8 @@ def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
     will be masked and a default label of "data#" (where # is an arbitrary
     unique counter) will be used.
     tagData may also be passed as None if tagging is not desired in the output.
+    units describes the units used to measure the data (such as mm or degrees)
+    and will be used to label the plot. units may be passed as None.
     # build the plot
@@ -555,7 +600,7 @@ def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
     minTagPts  = -1
     maxTagPts  = -1
     plottedTagData = False
-    for dataSet, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData in dataList :
+    for dataSet, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData, units in dataList :
         # if we don't have these, set them to defaults
         if invalidMask is None :
@@ -579,34 +624,37 @@ def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
             if tagData is not None :
                 plottedTagData = True
-                numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
-                LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-                if numTroublePoints < minTagPts:
-                    minTagPts = numTroublePoints
-                if numTroublePoints > maxTagPts :
-                    maxTagPts = numTroublePoints
+                numMismatchPoints = sum(tagData)
+                LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of mismatch points: ' + str(numMismatchPoints))
+                if numMismatchPoints < minTagPts:
+                    minTagPts = numMismatchPoints
+                if numMismatchPoints > maxTagPts :
+                    maxTagPts = numMismatchPoints
-                # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
-                if numTroublePoints > 0:
+                # if we have mismatch points, we need to show them
+                if numMismatchPoints > 0:
                     cleanTagData = ma.array(dataSet, mask=~tagData | invalidMask)
-                    axes.plot(indexData, cleanTagData, 'yo', label='trouble point')
+                    axes.plot(indexData, cleanTagData, 'yo', label='mismatch point')
+            if str.lower(str(units)) !="none" :
+                labelName = labelName + " in " + units
             axes.plot(indexData, cleanData, '-' + colorString, label=labelName)
-    # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed
+    # display the number of mismatch points on the report if we were passed
     # a set of tag data and we were able to compare it to some actual data
     if (plottedTagData and (minTagPts >= 0) and (maxTagPts >=0)) :
-        troublePtString = '\nMarking '
+        mismatchPtString = '\nMarking '
         if (minTagPts == maxTagPts) :
-            troublePtString = troublePtString + str(minTagPts) + ' Trouble Points with Yellow Circles'
+            mismatchPtString = mismatchPtString + str(minTagPts) + ' Mismatch Points with Yellow Circles'
         else :
-            troublePtString = (troublePtString + 'between ' + str(minTagPts) + ' and ' + str(maxTagPts) + ' Trouble Points'
+            mismatchPtString = (mismatchPtString + 'between ' + str(minTagPts) + ' and ' + str(maxTagPts) + ' Mismatch Points'
                                + '\non the various data sets (using Yellow Circles)')
-        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+        plt.xlabel(mismatchPtString)
     if (len(dataList) > 1) or plottedTagData :
         # make a key to explain our plot
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt b/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
index 0354923ac1cc5da773d2f724a44fd93688811e66..199505e9415df15e09700be0f0dc7f4c67dc8e69 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
+++ b/pyglance/glance/mainreport.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
     import glance.report as report
-<title>Spacial File Comparison</title>
+<title>File Comparison</title>
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plot.py b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
index 8248a2764c9b722cf6bf48ea02aa6c21ae39c259..42a02b7b636b61f33fc7a76241bbe7b67f13d8a3 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plot.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plot.py
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ def _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed (imageDescription, childPids,
-def plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitudeObject, latitudeObject, spacialTroubleMask,
+def plot_and_save_spacial_mismatch(longitudeObject, latitudeObject, spacialMismatchMask,
                                   fileNameDiscriminator, title, fileBaseName, outputPath, makeSmall=False,
-                                  fullDPI=fullSizeDPI, thumbDPI=thumbSizeDPI) :
+                                  fullDPI=fullSizeDPI, thumbDPI=thumbSizeDPI, units=None) :
-    given information on spatially placed trouble points in A and B, plot only those points in a very obvious way
+    given information on spatially placed mismatch points in A and B, plot only those points in a very obvious way
     on top of a background plot of a's data shown in grayscale, save this plot to the output path given
     if makeSmall is passed as true a smaller version of the image will also be saved
@@ -118,27 +118,28 @@ def plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitudeObject, latitudeObject, spacialTroubl
     # get the bounding axis and make a basemap
     boundingAxes = plotfns.get_visible_axes(longitudeObject.data, latitudeObject.data, ~spaciallyInvalidMask)
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes for lon/lat trouble figure  are: " + str(boundingAxes))
+    LOG.debug("Visible axes for lon/lat mismatch figure  are: " + str(boundingAxes))
     baseMapInstance, boundingAxes = maps.create_basemap(longitudeObject.data, latitudeObject.data,
                                                         boundingAxes, plotfns.select_projection(boundingAxes))
     # make the figure
-    LOG.info("Creating spatial trouble image")
-    spatialTroubleFig = figures.create_mapped_figure(None, latitudeObject.data, longitudeObject.data, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes,
-                                                    title, invalidMask=spaciallyInvalidMask, tagData=spacialTroubleMask)
+    LOG.info("Creating spatial mismatch image")
+    spatialMismatchFig = figures.create_mapped_figure(None, latitudeObject.data, longitudeObject.data, baseMapInstance,
+                                                      boundingAxes, title, invalidMask=spaciallyInvalidMask,
+                                                      tagData=spacialMismatchMask, units=units)
     # save the figure
-    LOG.info("Saving spatial trouble image")
-    spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".png", dpi=fullDPI) 
+    LOG.info("Saving spatial mismatch image")
+    spatialMismatchFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".png", dpi=fullDPI) 
     # we may also save a smaller versions of the figure
     if (makeSmall) :
-        spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".small.png", dpi=thumbDPI)
+        spatialMismatchFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".small.png", dpi=thumbDPI)
     # get rid of the figure
-    spatialTroubleFig.clf()
-    plt.close(spatialTroubleFig)
-    del(spatialTroubleFig)
+    spatialMismatchFig.clf()
+    plt.close(spatialMismatchFig)
+    del(spatialMismatchFig)
@@ -164,7 +165,8 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                      binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
                                      binName='bin', tupleName='tuple',
-                                     fullDPI=None, thumbDPI=None) :
+                                     fullDPI=None, thumbDPI=None,
+                                     units_a=None, units_b=None) :
     Plot images for a set of figures based on the data sets and settings
     passed in. The images will be saved to disk according to the settings.
@@ -239,16 +241,16 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
         spaciallyInvalidMaskA = lonLatDataDict['a']['inv_mask']
         spaciallyInvalidMaskB = lonLatDataDict['b']['inv_mask']
-    # compare the two data sets to get our difference data and trouble info
+    # compare the two data sets to get our difference data and mismatch info
     aDataObject = dataobj.DataObject(aData, fillValue=missingValue,       ignoreMask=spaciallyInvalidMaskA)
     bDataObject = dataobj.DataObject(bData, fillValue=missingValueAltInB, ignoreMask=spaciallyInvalidMaskB)
     diffInfo = dataobj.DiffInfoObject(aDataObject, bDataObject, epsilonValue=epsilon, epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent)
     #TODO, for the moment, unpack these values into local variables
-    rawDiffData = diffInfo.diff_data_object.data
-    goodMask    = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    goodInAMask = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    goodInBMask = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.valid_mask
-    troubleMask = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask
+    rawDiffData    = diffInfo.diff_data_object.data
+    goodMask       = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+    goodInAMask    = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+    goodInBMask    = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.valid_mask
+    mismatchMask   = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask
     outsideEpsilonMask = diffInfo.diff_data_object.masks.outside_epsilon_mask
     aNotFiniteMask = diffInfo.a_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
     bNotFiniteMask = diffInfo.b_data_object.masks.non_finite_mask
@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                        # point by point
                                        absDiffData=absDiffData, rawDiffData=rawDiffData,
-                                       troubleMask=troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask=outsideEpsilonMask,
+                                       mismatchMask=mismatchMask, outsideEpsilonMask=outsideEpsilonMask,
                                        # only used for plotting quiver data
                                        aUData=aUData, aVData=aVData,
@@ -301,7 +303,10 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                        # only used for line plots 
                                        binIndex=binIndex, tupleIndex=tupleIndex,
                                        binName=binName, tupleName=tupleName,
-                                       epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent
+                                       epsilonPercent=epsilonPercent,
+                                       # used for display in several types of plots
+                                       units_a=units_a, units_b=units_b
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
index 2d9367e7bcfd5e8175423d1075a1fa2bd6aaf63e..d421a8fbbed8f59dcb4dfea21bfaa47b4a0697d0 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class PlottingFunctionFactory :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ class PlottingFunctionFactory :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) : _abstract
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -237,7 +239,9 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                          ("Difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
                                                                          ('Value of (Data File B - Data File A) at a Data Point'),
                                                                          ('Number of Data Points with a Given Difference'),
-                                                                         True)),
+                                                                         True, units=units_a)),
                                               "histogram of the amount of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Hist.png", compared_fig_list)
         # make the scatter plot
@@ -270,7 +274,7 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                             "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
                                                                             "File A Value", "File B Value",
-                                                                            epsilon)),
+                                                                            epsilon, units_x=units_a, units_y=units_b)),
                                               "scatter plot of file a values vs file b values for " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Scatter.png", compared_fig_list)
@@ -282,7 +286,8 @@ class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             functionsToReturn['scatterD']  = ((lambda : figures.create_hexbin_plot(aData[goodInBothMask], bData[goodInBothMask],
                                                                                    "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
-                                                                                   "File A Value", "File B Value", epsilon)),
+                                                                                   "File A Value", "File B Value", epsilon,
+                                                                                   units_x=units_a, units_y=units_b)),
                                               "density of file a values vs file b values for " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Hex.png", compared_fig_list)
@@ -316,7 +321,7 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -327,7 +332,9 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -366,7 +373,8 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                dataRanges=dataRanges or sharedRange,
-                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors)),
+                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors,
+                                                                               units=units_a)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file a",
                                               "A.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -383,7 +391,8 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                dataRanges=dataRanges or sharedRange,
-                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors)),
+                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors,
+                                                                               units=units_b)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file b",
                                               "B.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -403,7 +412,8 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
                                                                                ("Absolute value of difference in\n"
                                                                                 + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask))),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask),
+                                                                               units=units_a)),
                                               "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
         # make the subtractive difference plot
@@ -422,11 +432,12 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
                                                                                ("Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n"
                                                                                 + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask))),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask),
+                                                                               units=units_a)),
                                               "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
-        # make the trouble data plot
-        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+        # make the mismatch data plot
+        if ('do_plot_mismatch' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_mismatch']) :
             assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
             assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
@@ -441,17 +452,18 @@ class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             bDataCopy = bData[:]
             tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
             bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
-            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
+            functionsToReturn['mismatch']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
                                                                                baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                               ("Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                               ("Areas of mismatch data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
                                                                                invalidMask=(~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask)),
-                                                                               colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=troubleMask,
+                                                                               colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=mismatchMask,
-                                                                               dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames)), # TODO, does this need modification?
-                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
-                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+                                                                               dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
+                                                                               units=units_a)), # TODO, does this need modification?
+                                              "mismatch data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Mismatch.png", compared_fig_list)
         return functionsToReturn
@@ -488,7 +500,7 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -499,7 +511,9 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -537,7 +551,8 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
                                                                                (variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"),
-                                                                               uData=aUData, vData=aVData)),
+                                                                               uData=aUData, vData=aVData,
+                                                                               units=units_a)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file a",
                                               "A.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -552,7 +567,8 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
                                                                                (variableDisplayName + "\nin File B"),
                                                                                invalidMask=(~ goodInBMask),
-                                                                               uData=bUData, vData=bVData)),
+                                                                               uData=bUData, vData=bVData,
+                                                                               units=units_b)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file b",
                                               "B.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -582,7 +598,8 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                    ("Absolute value of difference in\n"
                                                                                     + variableDisplayName),
                                                                                    invalidMask=(~ goodInBothMask),
-                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData)),
+                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData,
+                                                                                   units=units_a)),
                                                   "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                                   "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
             # make the subtractive difference plot
@@ -602,11 +619,12 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                                    ("Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n"
                                                                                     + variableDisplayName),
                                                                                    invalidMask=(~ goodInBothMask),
-                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData)),
+                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData,
+                                                                                   units=units_a)),
                                                   "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                                   "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
-            # make the trouble data plot
-            if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+            # make the mismatch data plot
+            if ('do_plot_mismatch' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_mismatch']) :
                 assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
                 assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
@@ -621,19 +639,20 @@ class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                 bDataCopy = bData[:]
                 tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
                 bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
-                functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
+                functionsToReturn['mismatch']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
                                                                                    baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                                   ("Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                                   ("Areas of mismatch data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
                                                                                    invalidMask=(~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask)),
-                                                                                   colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=troubleMask,
+                                                                                   colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=mismatchMask,
                                                                                    # TODO, does this need modification?
-                                                                                   uData=bUData, vData=bVData)), 
-                                                  "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
-                                                  "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+                                                                                   uData=bUData, vData=bVData,
+                                                                                   units=units_a)), 
+                                                  "mismatch data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                  "Mismatch.png", compared_fig_list)
         return functionsToReturn
@@ -666,7 +685,7 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -677,7 +696,9 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -694,13 +715,13 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
         # make all our data sets for plotting ahead of time for simplicity
-        aList = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', None)]
-        bList = [(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', None)]
-        absDiffList = [(absDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'abs. diff. data', None)]
-        subDiffList = [(rawDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'sub. diff. data', None)]
+        aList = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', None, units_a)]
+        bList = [(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', None, units_b)]
+        absDiffList = [(absDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'abs. diff. data', None, units_a)] # todo, should this be a units?
+        subDiffList = [(rawDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'sub. diff. data', None, units_a)] # todo, should this be a units?
-        troubleList   = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
-                             (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
+        mismatchList   = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', mismatchMask, units_a),
+                          (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', mismatchMask, units_b)]
         functionsToReturn = { }
@@ -730,16 +751,17 @@ class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         # make the subtractive difference plot
         if ('do_plot_sub_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_sub_diff']) :
             functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(subDiffList,
-                                                                               "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                                                               "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n"
+                                                                               + variableDisplayName)),
                                               "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
-        # make the trouble data plot
-        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
-            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleList,
-                                                                               "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
-                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
-                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+        # make the mismatch data plot
+        if ('do_plot_mismatch' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_mismatch']) :
+            functionsToReturn['mismatch']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(mismatchList,
+                                                                               "Areas of mismatch data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                              "mismatch data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Mismatch.png", compared_fig_list)
         return functionsToReturn
@@ -768,7 +790,7 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -779,7 +801,9 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -815,7 +839,7 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         absDiffData        = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(absDiffData)
         rawDiffData        = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(rawDiffData)
         goodInBothMask     = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(goodInBothMask)
-        troubleMask        = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(troubleMask)
+        mismatchMask       = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(mismatchMask)
         outsideEpsilonMask = reorderMapObject.reorder_for_bin_tuple(outsideEpsilonMask)
         # our list of functions that will later create the plots
@@ -835,7 +859,7 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         functionsToReturn['multi-scatter'] = ((lambda : figures.create_complex_scatter_plot(scatterPlotList,
                                                                         "Value in File A vs Value in File B, Colored by Bin",
                                                                         "File A Value", "File B Value",
-                                                                        epsilon)),
+                                                                        epsilon, units_x=units_a, units_y=units_b)),
                                           "scatter plot of file a values vs file b values for " + variableDisplayName + " by bin",
                                           "MultiScatter.png", compared_fig_list)
@@ -861,7 +885,7 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                                               "\nfor " + binName + " # " + str(binNumber + 1)),
                                                                              ('RMS Difference across ' + tupleName + ' dimension'),
                                                                              ('Number of Cases with a Given RMS Diff.'),
-                                                                             True)
+                                                                             True, units=units_a)
                 functionsToReturn[str(binNumber + 1) + 'histogram'] = (make_histogram,
                                                   "histogram of rms differences in " + variableDisplayName,
                                                   str(binNumber + 1) + "Hist.png", new_list)
@@ -903,8 +927,8 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                 caseNumText = ''
                 for caseIndex in caseIndexes :
                     caseNumText = caseNumText + str(caseIndex)
-                dataList = [(aData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInAMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'r', 'A case', None),
-                            (bData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInBMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'b', 'B case', None)]
+                dataList = [(aData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInAMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'r', 'A case', None, units_a),
+                            (bData[binNumber][caseNumber], ~goodInBMask[binNumber][caseNumber], 'b', 'B case', None, units_b)]
                 def make_lineplot(data=dataList, binNumber=binNumber, caseNumberText=caseNumText):
                     return figures.create_line_plot_figure(data,
                                                            variableDisplayName + " in both files" + "\n" + "for "
@@ -912,8 +936,8 @@ class BinTupleAnalysisFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                                            + caseNumberText)
                 dataDiff = aData[binNumber][caseNumber] - bData[binNumber][caseNumber]
                 maskDiff = ~goodInAMask[binNumber][caseNumber] | ~goodInBMask[binNumber][caseNumber]
-                def make_diffplot(data=dataDiff, badMask=maskDiff, binNumber=binNumber, caseNumberText=caseNumText):
-                    return figures.create_line_plot_figure([(data, badMask, 'm', 'A - B', None)],
+                def make_diffplot(data=dataDiff, badMask=maskDiff, binNumber=binNumber, caseNumberText=caseNumText, units=units_a):
+                    return figures.create_line_plot_figure([(data, badMask, 'm', 'A - B', None, units)],
                                                            "Value of " + variableDisplayName + " in File A - the value in File B\n" +
                                                            "for " + binName + " # " + str(binNumber + 1) + " and case # " + caseNumberText)
@@ -956,7 +980,7 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    # point by point
                                    absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
-                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   mismatchMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
                                    # only used for plotting quiver data
                                    aUData=None, aVData=None,
@@ -967,7 +991,9 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
                                    binName=None,  tupleName=None,
                                    # the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A
-                                   epsilonPercent=None
+                                   epsilonPercent=None,
+                                   # the optional units for display
+                                   units_a=None, units_b=None
                                    ) :
@@ -995,7 +1021,8 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             assert(aData.shape == goodInAMask.shape)
             functionsToReturn['originalA'] = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(aData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File A",
-                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInAMask, colorbarLimits=sharedRange)),
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInAMask, colorbarLimits=sharedRange, 
+                                                                            units=units_a)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file a",
                                               "A.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -1003,7 +1030,8 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             assert(bData.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
             functionsToReturn['originalB'] = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(bData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File B",
-                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBMask, colorbarLimits=sharedRange)),
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBMask, colorbarLimits=sharedRange, 
+                                                                            units=units_b)),
                                               variableDisplayName + " in file b",
                                               "B.png",  original_fig_list)
@@ -1016,7 +1044,7 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             functionsToReturn['diffAbs']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(absDiffData,
                                                                             "Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask)),
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask, units=units_a)),
                                               "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
         # make the subtractive difference plot
@@ -1028,19 +1056,19 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(rawDiffData,
                                                                             "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask)),
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask, units=units_a)),
                                               "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
                                               "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
-        # make the trouble data plot
-        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+        # make the mismatch data plot
+        if ('do_plot_mismatch' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_mismatch']) :
             assert(goodInAMask is not None)
             assert(goodInBMask is not None)
             assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
             assert(aData.shape       == bData.shape)
             assert(aData.shape       == goodInAMask.shape)
-            assert(troubleMask is not None)
-            assert(troubleMask.shape == aData.shape)
+            assert(mismatchMask is not None)
+            assert(mismatchMask.shape == aData.shape)
             # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
@@ -1048,11 +1076,11 @@ class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
             bDataCopy = bData[:]
             tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
             bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
-            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(bDataCopy, "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                            invalidMask=~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask), tagData=troubleMask,
-                                                                            colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap)),
-                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
-                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+            functionsToReturn['mismatch']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(bDataCopy, "Areas of mismatch data in\n" + variableDisplayName,
+                                                                            invalidMask=~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask), tagData=mismatchMask,
+                                                                            colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, units=units_a)),
+                                              "mismatch data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Mismatch.png", compared_fig_list)
         return functionsToReturn
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/stats.py b/pyglance/glance/stats.py
index d75921ac5fa7ffaf18aedb59f080392082f7cea8..4d72ecaa56cdb74bde6717c4e6d9c03ad34aedc1 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/stats.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/stats.py
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
     diff_outside_epsilon_fraction - the fraction of points that fall outside the acceptable epsilon settings
     perfect_match_count           - the number   of points that match perfectly between the sets
     perfect_match_fraction        - the fraction of points that match perfectly between the sets
-    trouble_points_count          - the number   of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
-    trouble_points_fraction       - the fraction of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
+    mismatch_points_count         - the number   of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
+    mismatch_points_fraction      - the fraction of points that have possible issues according to the current analysis
     It may also contain additional statistics. This is indicated by the does_include_simple boolean.
     The possible additional statistics include:
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
                     'rms_diff': "root mean square (RMS) difference of finite values",
                     'r-squared correlation': "the square of the r correlation (see correlation)",
                     'std_diff': "standard deviation of difference of finite values",
-                    'trouble_points_count': 'number of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
+                    'mismatch_points_count': 'number of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
                                             ' or are unacceptable when compared according to the current epsilon definitions',
-                    'trouble_points_fraction': 'fraction of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
+                    'mismatch_points_fraction': 'fraction of points that differ in finite/missing status between the input data sets A and B,' +
                                             ' or are unacceptable when compared according to the current epsilon definitions',
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@ class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
         # pull out some info we will use later
         valid_in_both        = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.valid_mask
         outside_epsilon_mask = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.outside_epsilon_mask
-        trouble_mask         = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.trouble_mask
+        mismatch_mask        = diffInfoObject.diff_data_object.masks.mismatch_mask
         aData                = diffInfoObject.a_data_object.data
         bData                = diffInfoObject.b_data_object.data
         assert (valid_in_both.shape        == outside_epsilon_mask.shape)
-        assert (outside_epsilon_mask.shape == trouble_mask.shape)
-        assert (trouble_mask.shape         == aData.shape)
+        assert (outside_epsilon_mask.shape == mismatch_mask.shape)
+        assert (mismatch_mask.shape        == aData.shape)
         assert (aData.shape                == bData.shape)
         # fill in some simple statistics
@@ -476,13 +476,13 @@ class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
         self.correlation                = delta.compute_correlation(aData, bData, valid_in_both)
         self.r_squared_correlation      = self.correlation * self.correlation
-        self.trouble_points_count       = np.sum(trouble_mask)
+        self.mismatch_points_count      = np.sum(mismatch_mask)
         # we actually want the total number of _finite_ values rather than all the data
         total_num_finite_values = np.sum(valid_in_both)
         # calculate some more complex statistics
-        self.trouble_points_fraction = float(self.trouble_points_count) / float(aData.size)
+        self.mismatch_points_fraction = float(self.mismatch_points_count) / float(aData.size)
         # be careful not to divide by zero if we don't have finite data
         if total_num_finite_values > 0 :
             self.diff_outside_epsilon_fraction = float(self.diff_outside_epsilon_count) / float(total_num_finite_values)
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ class NumericalComparisonStatistics (StatisticalData) :
                     'diff_outside_epsilon_fraction': self.diff_outside_epsilon_fraction,
                     'perfect_match_count':           self.perfect_match_count,
                     'perfect_match_fraction':        self.perfect_match_fraction,
-                     'trouble_points_count':         self.trouble_points_count, 
-                     'trouble_points_fraction':      self.trouble_points_fraction
+                    'mismatch_points_count':         self.mismatch_points_count, 
+                    'mismatch_points_fraction':      self.mismatch_points_fraction