diff --git a/pyglance/glance/gui_statsprovider.py b/pyglance/glance/gui_statsprovider.py
index 9a2da939adcddea9598d259acd51474cbfced698..8de8f0f02989c83b7072b795d6bad9f81818ffae 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/gui_statsprovider.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/gui_statsprovider.py
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class GlanceGUIStats (object) :
     def sendStatsInfo (self) :
-        our data listeners should be sent statistics information for a comparison
-        of the currently selected variables (if possible)
+        our data listeners should be sent statistics information 
+        for the currently selected variable or variables (if possible)
         may raise an IncompatableDataObjects exception if it is impossible to compare the given data
@@ -73,7 +73,23 @@ class GlanceGUIStats (object) :
         # get Data objects
         aDataObject = self.dataModel.getVariableData(A_CONST, aVarName)
         bDataObject = self.dataModel.getVariableData(B_CONST, bVarName)
+        if aDataObject is None and bDataObject is not None:
+            aDataObject, bDataObject = bDataObject, aDataObject
+        if aDataObject is not None and bDataObject is None:
+            return self.sendStatsInfoSingle(aVarName, aDataObject)
+        return self.sendStatsInfoPair(aVarName, bVarName, aDataObject, bDataObject)
+    def sendStatsInfoPair(self, aVarName, bVarName, aDataObject, bDataObject):
+        """
+        send data listeners statistics information 
+        for the currently selected variables
+        may raise an IncompatableDataObjects exception if it is impossible to compare the given data
+        """
         # check the minimum validity of our data; this call can raise an IncompatableDataObjects exception
         dataobjects.DiffInfoObject.verifyDataCompatability(aDataObject, bDataObject, aVarName, bVarName)
@@ -97,6 +113,31 @@ class GlanceGUIStats (object) :
         # tell my listeners to show the stats data we've collected
         for listener in self.statsListeners :
                 listener.displayStatsData(aVarName, bVarName, renderedText)
+    def sendStatsInfoSingle(self, aVarName, aDataObject):
+        """
+        send data listeners statistics information 
+        for the currently selected variable
+        """
+        LOG.info ("Constructing statistics for one variable")
+        # do the statistical analysis and collect the data that will be needed to render it nicely
+        tempAnalysis = stats.StatisticalInspectionAnalysis.withDataObjects(aDataObject)
+        # TODO, these constants should be moved into the gui_constants
+        tempInfo = { 'variable_name': aVarName }
+        kwargs   = { 'runInfo':    tempInfo,
+                     'statGroups': tempAnalysis.dictionary_form() }
+        # use a mako template to render an html verion of the stats for display
+        templateLookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[resource_filename(__name__, ".")])
+        guiTemplate    = Template(resource_string(__name__, "guistatsreport.txt"), lookup=templateLookup)
+        renderedText = guiTemplate.render(**kwargs)
+        # tell my listeners to show the stats data we've collected
+        for listener in self.statsListeners :
+                listener.displayStatsData(aVarName, None, renderedText)
     def sendRawData (self, fileID) :