diff --git a/pyglance/glance/compare.py b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
index 9c357aa3c342d1ddbc7f40ccbd9ac3c4a5c83a5e..ea3775f4634b128560d4a713acd4f9a8eed1e444 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/compare.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/compare.py
@@ -598,12 +598,10 @@ def inspect_library_call (a_path, var_list=None,
                 # we are always going to want to draw a basic histogram of the data values to tell which
                 # occur most frequently
                 # if it's vector data with longitude and latitude, quiver plot it on the Earth
                 if isVectorData and (not do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
-                    # TODO replace this at some point
-                    #plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory())
-                    pass
+                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.InspectMappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory())
                 # if the data is one dimensional we can plot it as lines
                 elif   (len(aData.shape) == 1) :
@@ -864,8 +862,7 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=None,
             do_not_test_with_lon_lat = (not include_images_for_this_variable) or (len(lon_lat_data) <= 0)
             # handle vector data
-            isVectorData = ( (MAGNITUDE_VAR_NAME_KEY   in varRunInfo) and (DIRECTION_VAR_NAME_KEY   in varRunInfo) and
-                             (MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY in varRunInfo) and (DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY in varRunInfo) )
+            isVectorData = (MAGNITUDE_VAR_NAME_KEY in varRunInfo) and (DIRECTION_VAR_NAME_KEY in varRunInfo)
             # check if this data can be displayed but
             # don't compare lon/lat sizes if we won't be plotting
@@ -943,8 +940,8 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=None,
                                                                                 if (A_FILE_KEY in lon_lat_data) and (INVALID_MASK_KEY in lon_lat_data[A_FILE_KEY]) else None)
                     bUData, bVData = get_UV_info_from_magnitude_direction_info (bFile.file_object,
-                                                                                varRunInfo[MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else None,
-                                                                                varRunInfo[DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else None,
+                                                                                varRunInfo[MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (MAGNITUDE_B_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else varRunInfo[MAGNITUDE_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (MAGNITUDE_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else None,
+                                                                                varRunInfo[DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (DIRECTION_B_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else varRunInfo[DIRECTION_VAR_NAME_KEY] if (DIRECTION_VAR_NAME_KEY) in varRunInfo else None,
                                                                                 if (B_FILE_KEY in lon_lat_data) and (INVALID_MASK_KEY in lon_lat_data[B_FILE_KEY]) else None)
@@ -958,7 +955,7 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=None,
                     else : # if it's not bin/tuple, there are lots of other posibilities
                         # if it's vector data with longitude and latitude, quiver plot it on the Earth
                         if isVectorData and (not do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/figures.py b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
index edd0237d16d2096c11dc42f71364d4d7378af3c8..b42d91efffa107c779aae10cd8a184f7494e7627 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/figures.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/figures.py
@@ -660,16 +660,15 @@ def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, in_projection, out_projectio
     return figure_obj
-# create a figure including a quiver plot of our vector data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat
-# given, the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn.
-# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
-# set on the existing image
-# TODO, this method has not been throughly tested
-# TODO, this method needs an input colormap so the mismatch plot can be the right color
 def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, in_projection, out_projection, boundingAxes, title_str,
-                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None, units=None,  **kwargs) :
+                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None, units=None, colorMap=None,  **kwargs) :
+    """create a figure including a quiver plot of our vector data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat
-    if (data is None) or (data.size <= 1) or (invalidMask is not None and data[~invalidMask].size <= 1):
+    if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays set on the existing image
+    """
+    if (data is None) or (data.size < 1) or (invalidMask is not None and data[~invalidMask].size < 1):
         LOG.debug("Not enough data to make a meaningful quiver mapped figure.")
         return None
@@ -691,22 +690,21 @@ def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, in_projection, out_pr
     # build the plot
     figure_obj = plt.figure()
     axes_obj = figure_obj.add_subplot(111, projection=out_projection,)
     # draw our data placed on a map
     maps.draw_basic_features(in_projection, axes_obj, boundingAxes, )
-    img_temp = maps.quiver_plot_on_map(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, axes_obj, in_projection, uDataClean, vDataClean, colordata=colorData, )
+    img_temp = maps.quiver_plot_on_map(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, axes_obj, in_projection, uDataClean, vDataClean,
+                                       colorMap=colorMap, colordata=colorData, )
     # show the title
     # make a color bar if we have color data
-    """ todo, currently this crashes glance because of an error in matplot lib
     if colorData is not None :
         cbar = plt.colorbar(img_temp, format='%.3g')
         # add the units to the colorbar
         if (str.lower(str(units)) != "none") and (str.lower(str(units)) != "1") :
-    """
     numMismatchPoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(axes_obj, in_projection, tagDataClean, longitudeClean, latitudeClean, )
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/graphics.py b/pyglance/glance/graphics.py
index 078cd03b29bfb3ce11193079ac2e43946615b752..e5c34eb947170bc447a39e3eb066465125868b77 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/graphics.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/graphics.py
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ def contourf_on_map(lon, lat, data, axes_object, in_projection, levelsToUse=None
     return img_temp
-def quiver_plot_on_map(lon, lat, axes_object, in_projection, uData=None, vData=None, colordata=None, **kwargs) :
+def quiver_plot_on_map(lon, lat, axes_object, in_projection, uData=None, vData=None, colordata=None, colorMap=None, **kwargs) :
     Show a quiver plot of the given vector data at the given longitude and latitude
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ def quiver_plot_on_map(lon, lat, axes_object, in_projection, uData=None, vData=N
     if (uData is not None) and (vData is not None):
         if colordata is None:
-            img_temp = axes_object.quiver(lon, lat, uData, vData,            transform=in_projection, **kwargs)
+            img_temp = axes_object.quiver(lon, lat, uData, vData,            transform=in_projection, cmap=colorMap, **kwargs)
-            img_temp = axes_object.quiver(lon, lat, uData, vData, colordata, transform=in_projection, **kwargs)
+            img_temp = axes_object.quiver(lon, lat, uData, vData, colordata, transform=in_projection, cmap=colorMap, **kwargs)
     return img_temp
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
index 92698f186a8e032c1e98fd0d976b35c08703ff3c..97f561c2e4390b9b928b20989bd2e395ed331843 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
+++ b/pyglance/glance/plotcreatefns.py
@@ -1488,6 +1488,103 @@ class InspectMappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
         return functionsToReturn
+class InspectMappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory(PlottingFunctionFactory):
+    """
+    This class creates quiver plots for a single file mapped onto a region of the earth.
+    Note: the plotting function requires u and v data.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        LOG.debug("Creating InspectMappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory object.")
+    def create_plotting_functions(
+            self,
+            # the most basic data set needed
+            aData, bData, # bData will not be used
+            variableDisplayName,
+            epsilon,
+            doPlotSettingsDict,
+            # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+            original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+            # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+            lonLatDataDict=None,
+            # not used in this method (for contour plots)
+            dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+            shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+            # not used in this method (for comparison plots)
+            differences=None,
+            # only used for plotting quiver data
+            aUData=None, aVData=None,
+            bUData=None, bVData=None, # b versions will not be used
+            # not used in this method (only used for line plots)
+            binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None,
+            binName=None, tupleName=None,
+            # not used in this method (the optional epsilon for comparison of a percent of A)
+            epsilonPercent=None,
+            # the optional units for display
+            units_a=None, units_b=None, # units_b will not be used
+            # not used in this method (an optional range for a histogram)
+            histRange=None
+    ):
+        # FUTURE, for the moment, unpack these values into local variables; FUTURE use the objects directly and as needed
+        goodInAMask = aData.masks.valid_mask
+        aData = aData.data
+        # the default for plotting geolocated data
+        mappedPlottingFunction = figures.create_quiver_mapped_figure
+        functionsToReturn = {}
+        assert (aUData is not None)
+        assert (aVData is not None)
+        assert (lonLatDataDict is not None)
+        assert (goodInAMask is not None)
+        # figure out where we're going to be plotting and using which projections
+        temp_lonlat =   {
+                            A_FILE_KEY:     lonLatDataDict,
+                        }
+        fullAxis, in_proj, out_proj = _get_extents_and_projections(temp_lonlat,
+                                                                   goodInAMask, None,
+                                                                   variableDisplayName)
+        # make the plotting functions
+        # make the original data plots
+        if (DO_PLOT_ORIGINALS_KEY not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict[DO_PLOT_ORIGINALS_KEY]):
+            assert (LAT_KEY in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert (LON_KEY in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert (lonLatDataDict[LAT_KEY].shape == lonLatDataDict[LON_KEY].shape)
+            functionsToReturn[ORIG_A_FUNCTION_KEY] = \
+                ((lambda: mappedPlottingFunction(aData,
+                                                 lonLatDataDict[LAT_KEY],
+                                                 lonLatDataDict[LON_KEY],
+                                                 in_proj, out_proj, fullAxis,
+                                                 (variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"),
+                                                 invalidMask=(~goodInAMask),
+                                                 uData=aUData, vData=aVData,
+                                                 units=units_a)),
+                 variableDisplayName + " in file a",
+                 "A.png", original_fig_list)
+            # FUTURE, any additional figures of the original data?
+        return functionsToReturn
 if __name__=='__main__':
     import doctest